In a sad, generic meeting room, five prisoners sit in their faded orange jumpsuits, rough characters all. In this California federal prison, they are mostly Latino. A fellow prisoner strides in with heavy energy and a shredded face. His imposing size adds to a sense of his own gravity. He is Placidio, their Director, and he is the big dog in this pack—not to be messed with! They, the prisoners, are in a theater group. What else is there to do—it’s prison!

Placidio unnecessarily silences the already silent group.


                    Okay, motherfuckers, shut the hell up!


                    Now I want to congratulate you all on

                    an excellent production of Steamboat last

                    Friday. The reviews are in: you’re the hit

                    of the whole prison, but before you get

                    swell heads, I want to tell you your prize:

                    you have to take on Shakespeare!! The

                    immortal Bard! Every prisoner’s challenge:

                    the language, the passions, the intellect!

No reaction from the assembled. They’re not sure how to take this. Some smell a challenge. No one high-fives.

                                  PLACIDIO (CONT’D)

                    Now, before you go high-fiving, because

                    you were all so great in the last production,

                    I’m going to let you pick which play

                    you get to do.


                    Uhhh, any Shakespeare play?


                    Any one at all. The challenge of a

                    lifetime…you lifers!


                    Well, I guess it’s hard to choose. There’s

                    so many…

Suddenly, in the back of the room, ROBERT speaks up. Robert is a white-collar criminal, only here due to spillover at the “country club” prison up the road


                    Placidio has issued us a challenge. I have

                    not been the most vocal of inmates, but if

                    you’ll allow me to speak as a used-to-be

                    patron of the arts, I’d say, if I had to vote,

                    I’d vote for…Shakespeare in the Park.

The other prisoners aren’t sure about Robert, but we can see his suggestion has an immediate attraction to them.


                    Sounds good to me.


                    Yeah, I like that one best.

There is general agreement all around, but before this wildfire can catch wind, Placidio wants to clarify his intent


                    Okay, well, maybe you don’t understand

                    the question so good, but which of the

                    great Shakespeare’s plays would you

                    choose to do?


                    I understood you perfectly—I am a

                    great aficionado of the Bard, and I would

                    propose we take on In the Park. That one.

                    Its full name is Shakespeare in the Park.

The other prisoners, who’ve never given a second look to Robert, are suddenly on his side in a big way. Their energy gathers in a restless mummering, but they silence when Placidio puts up his hand


                    Wait, motherfuckers, wait! There’s no

                    such thing, man. I don’t think…


                    Uh, indeed there is. I saw it many years

                    ago. More than once. It was great. They

                    performed it outside, just as Shakespeare


Rafalio, no friend of Robert’s (he tried to kill Robert once…a day, for the past four years), is suddenly on his enemy’s side


                    Yeah, I’ve heard of it. The best play ol’

                    Bill Shakespeare ever wrote.


                    I know it, too! Shakespeare in the Park!

                    They do it every year in my hometown.

                    New York.

Placidio hesitates, he is not on firm footing here


                    Okay, slow down, look…you mean, you

                    saw a Shakespeare play, like Othello, or

                    Richard the Third, or Hamlet…IN THE

                    PARK. Right? Yeah?


                    I don’t know about that…it was just

                    called Shakespeare in the Park when

                    I saw it.

Charlie, thirty-four and obese, with fine features and extensive facial tattoos, completely out of his league, suddenly butts in


                    (growing more sure of himself as he speaks)

                    Yeah, me too…I saw that play, too. Yeah.

                    I loved it. I love Shakespeare, all of him,

                    but this one…yes, is his best.


                    Yeah, man, it had everything.


                    Like what, then? What happens in it?


                    Well, this kid slept with his mother, the



                    That’s Hamlet


                    Oh, yeah, and then this Dad-King killed

                    his sons…


                    Richard the Third


                    …then at the end, the sprite from the

                    Garden told them all the moral!


                    Well, that’s Midsummer Night’s Dream,

                    man! You got it wrong—


                    No, YOU got it wrong—it’s

                    Shakespeare’s greatest play: In the Park!

                    It’s what we want and we won’t settle for

                    anything less…right, guys?!

All the prisoners start pounding on their desks


                    In the Park…In the Park…In the Park!

The Director, scarier than the rest of the inmates, begins to back off—a riot is about to begin! Suddenly the door opens and a GUARD and WARDEN DANIELS enter.

                                  WARDEN DANIELS

                    What the hell? Quiet down! All of you!

The Guard waves his gun and the prisoners quiet down.

                                  WARDEN DANIELS (CONT’D)

                    The heck is going on in here, Placidio?


                    These motherfuckers, they can’t decide which

                    play they want to do for the next round.


                    We did decide! We want to do

                    SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK!

The prisoners cheer, but the Warden is skeptical, until


                    Placidio said it was our choice and we

                    choose Shakespeare in the Park—what’s

                    wrong with that? I love that play, it’s

                     dear to me, it’s dear to all of us, it’s got

                    everything: romance, betrayal, fresh air,

                    sunlight! It’s the Bard’s most rewarding

                    entertainment yet!

Warden Daniels takes this in, then remembers he doesn’t give a shit.

                                  WARDEN DANIELS

                    Oh…well, go ahead. It’s one of my


The prisoners cheer and hug each other!

                                  WARDEN DANIELS (CONT’D)

                    But I’m warning you! It’s not taking

                    place in some fake park here in the

                    prison; if we do it, we do it in a real

                    park, outside! Theater is already so

                    fakey, it makes me sick. I want to feel

                    something—you got me?! Make me see


The prisoners nod…hell, yeah. As they celebrate, Placidio throws his hands up in the air—what has he wrought? And we hear the narrator answer his query

                                  NARRATOR (V.O.)

                    All of Cell Block Three escaped

                    during the first on-site rehearsal of the



                    But their understudies from Cell Block

                    Five went on in their place and made

                    theater history.