
Chapter 1

Fig. 1 The Abdication of Charles V, engraving, Frans Hogenberg, ca. 1558.

Fig. 2 Surrender of Francis I from the Battle of Pavia tapestry series. Bernaert van Orley, ca. 1528–31.

Fig. 3 The Seignorial Life: Embroidery, ca. 1520.

Fig. 4 Diego Velázquez. Las hilanderas, ca. 1655–60.

Chapter 3

Fig. 1 William Hogarth. Country Inn Yard, 1747.

Fig. 2 Antonio Pereda. Allegory of Vanitas (Allegory of Fleeting Time), ca. 1634.

Fig. 3 Antonio Pereda. The Knight’s Dream [Sueño del Caballero], 1655.

Fig. 4 Titian. Danaë, 1553–4.

Fig. 5 Marcantonio Raimondi. Death of Lucretia, ca. 1510–11.

Chapter 11

Fig. 1 Title page of the mid-sixteenth-century Portuguese translation of the Oración de la Emparedada.

Chapter 13

Fig. 1 Titian. Bacchus and Ariadne, 1520–3.