Tectia Extensions to Server Configuration Files

In Chapter 5, we described the server configuration files in detail, including OpenSSH's sshd_config and Tectia's sshd2_config. Tectia provides several levels of configuration not found in OpenSSH, called metaconfiguration and subconfiguration, and also some unusual rules for quoted values. We now cover them in detail.

Tectia recognizes specially structured comments at the beginning of configuration files. These lines determine the syntax rules for the rest of the file, and are therefore called metaconfiguration information.

Configuration files distributed with Tectia all start with lines of the form:

    ## REGEX-SYNTAX egrep
    ## end of metaconfig
    ## (leave above lines intact!)

The first line specifies the syntax version number, and defines the start of the metaconfiguration information. Increasing syntax version numbers allow the syntax rules to be extended, possibly in incompatible ways. As long as older configuration files explicitly specify their syntax versions, they can still be correctly understood by newer versions of the Tectia server.

The default syntax version (used if there is no metaconfiguration information) is 1.0. This refers to the "traditional" syntax rules understood by Tectia versions before Version 3.0.0 (when the metaconfiguration information syntax was introduced). The latest syntax version at press time is 1.1.

Syntax rules are further refined by lines that immediately follow the syntax version. These lines contain pairs of metaconfiguration parameter names and values, and look similar to the keyword lines in the rest of the configuration file, with two important differences:

  • The pairs occur within comment lines.

  • The metaconfiguration parameter names must always be uppercase.

Syntax Version 1.1 adds support for the REGEX-SYNTAX parameter, which determines how regular expressions are interpreted. The three standards are:

These values are case-insensitive, unlike the parameter names. Full syntax rules are described in Appendix B.

Metaconfiguration information ends when an unrecognized comment line (or a standard, uncommented keyword line) is encountered. It's a good idea to mark the end with an ordinary comment line (like "end of metaconfig" as shown earlier) that does not look like a metaconfiguration parameter, to prevent possible misinterpretation of adjacent comment lines and to enhance readability. Use of ## instead of # is just a stylistic convention to allow the metaconfiguration information to be more easily distinguished from unrelated comments.

It is sometimes useful to customize the SSH server configuration depending on the type of connection or session. For example, a system administrator might want to impose stronger authentication requirements if a connection originates from a client outside of a firewall, or to record more detailed logging information about the activities of special-purpose guest accounts.

Tectia servers support these kinds of conditional configuration modifications with host-and user-specific configuration files, which are known collectively as subconfiguration files . The subconfiguration files use the same syntax as the main configuration file, except as noted later. Each file starts with its own, independent metaconfiguration information.

The HostSpecificConfig keyword is used to update the configuration based on the client host:

    # Tectia with zsh_fileglob or traditional regex syntax
    HostSpecificConfig *.example.com    /etc/ssh2/subconfig/ourhosts

    # Tectia with egrep regex syntax
    HostSpecificConfig .*\.example\.com /etc/ssh2/subconfig/ourhosts

The first value is a pattern that matches hostnames or addresses, as described for the AllowHosts keyword. [5.5.3] For example, if all of the machines inside a firewall are assigned to a range of addresses, it might be convenient to use a netmask for the pattern:

    # Tectia
    HostSpecificConfig \m10.1.1.0/24 /etc/ssh2/subconfig/insiders

The second value is the filename containing the host-specific configuration.

Similarly, the UserSpecificConfig keyword specifies a pattern describing user accounts, and the filename with user-specific configuration settings that apply to those accounts. In the simplest case, the pattern matches usernames or numerical user IDs, as for the AllowUsers keyword: [5.5.1]

    # Tectia with zsh_fileglob or traditional regex syntax
    UserSpecificConfig guest[[:digit:]]## /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests

    # Tectia with egrep regex syntax
    UserSpecificConfig guest[[:digit:]]+  /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests

    # Tectia
    UserSpecificConfig 12[3-6][[:digit:]] /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests

More generally, patterns have the form user[%group][@host]. The optional group matches either group names or numerical group IDs, as for the AllowGroup keyword: [5.5.2]

    # Tectia with zsh_fileglob or traditional regex syntax
    UserSpecificConfig *%[x-z]guests /etc/ssh2/subconfig/xyz-guests

    UserSpecificConfig *%800[[:digit:]] /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests-8k

    # Tectia with egrep regex syntax
    UserSpecificConfig .*%[x-z]guests /etc/ssh2/subconfig/xyz-guests
    UserSpecificConfig .*%800[[:digit:]] /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests-8k

Users can (and often do) belong to multiple groups: they are all checked.

The optional host matches the client hostname or address, as for the AllowHosts keyword [5.5.3] or HostSpecificConfig:

    # Tectia with zsh_fileglob or traditional regex syntax
    UserSpecificConfig guest@*.friendly.org /etc/ssh2/subconfig/friends
    UserSpecificConfig *%trusted@\m10.1.1.0/24 /etc/ssh2/subconfig/trusted-insiders

    # Tectia with egrep regex syntax
    UserSpecificConfig guest@.*\.friendly\.org /etc/ssh2/subconfig/friends
    UserSpecificConfig .*%trusted@\m10.1.1.0/24 /etc/ssh2/subconfig/trusted-insiders

The user cannot be omitted from the pattern. If the pattern has two or more components (user, group, or host), then all of them must match for the user-specific configuration to be read.

The Tectia server starts by reading the main configuration file, and sets up the default configuration, which can include references to the subconfiguration files, and an associated pattern for each. When a connection is accepted from a client host, the server forks, and the child process that handles the session inherits its own private copy of the configuration. This private configuration is discarded when the child process exits at the end of the session, so the private configuration can be modified without affecting the default configuration that is used as the starting point for other sessions.[153]

Immediately after the server accepts a new connection, but before any conversation ensues with the client, the server uses the client hostname or address to check the patterns for all HostSpecificConfig keywords, in the order that they were specified in the main configuration file. The server reads each host-specific configuration file for patterns that match, and modifies its private configuration as it does so.

Later, when the username has been specified by the client (and group memberships have been determined by the server for the user), the server checks the patterns for all UserSpecificConfig keywords, again in the order indicated by the main configuration file, and reads user-specific configuration files for matching patterns to further customize the configuration.

The order for reading the configuration files is important because it determines how keywords apply to the final configuration that is used for each session. Keywords that are read later either override or append to the values for earlier keywords—this principle applies whether the keywords appear multiple times in a single file, or in separate files.

For example, suppose our main configuration file contains:[154]

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config
    PasswordGuesses 1

    UserSpecificConfig guest[[:digit:]]+     /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests
    UserSpecificConfig        .*%[x-z]guests /etc/ssh2/subconfig/xyz-guests

    HostSpecificConfig      .*\.example\.com /etc/ssh2/subconfig/ourhosts
    HostSpecificConfig .*\.foo\.example\.com /etc/ssh2/subconfig/foohosts

    PasswordGuesses 2

When the server starts, it reads this main configuration file, and sets the value for the PasswordGuesses keyword first to 1, and then to 2. The server also records the filenames and patterns for the subconfiguration files.

Later, the server checks the patterns for the host-specific configuration files, in order. If a connection is accepted from laptop.foo.example.com, then both host patterns match. So, if the files contain:

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/subconfig/ourhosts
    PasswordGuesses 3

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/subconfig/foohosts
    PasswordGuesses 4

then the value for the PasswordGuesses keyword is overridden to 3, and subsequently to 4.

Finally, the server checks the patterns for the user-specific configuration files, again in order. If the client specifies the username as guest33, and the server determines that this user belongs to the group yguests, then both user patterns match. So, if the files contain:

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests

    PasswordGuesses 5

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/subconfig/xyz-guests
    PasswordGuesses 6

then the value for the PasswordGuesses keyword is overridden to 5, and eventually to 6, which is the value that is actually used for authentication.

The order for reading keywords is determined primarily by the order for reading files, and secondarily by the order of occurrence of the individual keywords within each file. In our example, even though the last PasswordGuesses keyword in the main configuration file appears after the subconfiguration keywords, the settings in the subconfiguration files still override the default configuration. Similarly, even though UserSpecificConfig keywords appear before HostSpecificConfig keywords in the main configuration file, the server always reads host-specific configuration files before user-specific configuration files.

It's therefore a good idea to order the keywords in the main configuration file to reflect the order imposed by reading subconfiguration files, with default settings first, followed by HostSpecificConfig and UserSpecificConfig keywords at the end. Our example would be more clearly written as:[155]

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config
    PasswordGuesses 2

    HostSpecificConfig      .*\.example\.com /etc/ssh2/subconfig/ourhosts
    HostSpecificConfig .*\.foo\.example\.com /etc/ssh2/subconfig/foohosts

    UserSpecificConfig guest[[:digit:]]+     /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests
    UserSpecificConfig        .*%[x-z]guests /etc/ssh2/subconfig/xyz-guests

Because host- and user-specific configuration files are read in the order specified in the main configuration file, the patterns should be listed starting with general patterns first, followed by increasingly specific patterns.[156] Patterns can be carefully constructed and ordered to encode arbitrarily complicated logic for customizing almost any aspect of the configuration based on the client host, users, or groups: a very powerful feature.

Subconfiguration files can be further divided into sections , which are marked by even more specific patterns, each followed by a colon, on separate lines.[157] The keywords in each section are used only if the pattern for the section matches. Sections end when a new pattern line is encountered, or at the end of the subconfiguration file. The section patterns in host- and user-specific configuration files are interpreted in the same way as the patterns for the HostSpecificConfig and UserSpecificConfig keywords, in the main configuration file, respectively.

Sections are a useful alternative to separate subconfiguration files. We might choose to combine the host-specific configuration files from our original example as:

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/subconfig/ourhosts
    PasswordGuesses 3
    # ... other general keywords for all hosts in example.com

      PasswordGuesses 4
      # ... other more specific keywords for foo.example.com

      PasswordGuesses 8
      # ... other more specific keywords for bar.example.com

      PasswordGuesses 9
      # ... other more specific keywords for baz.example.com

This is especially convenient if there are many general keywords for the primary domain, but only a few, more specific keywords for each subdomain. It's also handy if there are lots of subdomains, because we can add or remove subdomains without modifying the main configuration file.

Sections for user-specific configuration files work similarly. We can override settings for specific users:

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/subconfig/guests
    PasswordGuesses 5
    # ... other general keywords for all guest usernames

      PasswordGuesses 10
      # ... other more specific keywords for guest usernames with [0-4] digits


      PasswordGuesses 12
      # ... other more specific keywords for guest usernames with [5-9] digits

or for specific groups:

    # Tectia: /etc/ssh2/subconfig/xyz-guests
    PasswordGuesses 6
    # ... other general keywords for all [x-z]guests groups

      PasswordGuesses 15
      # ... other more specific keywords for the xguests group

      PasswordGuesses 16
      # ... other more specific keywords for the yguests group

      PasswordGuesses 17
      # ... other more specific keywords for the zguests group

Several other important aspects of server behavior follow directly as consequences of the order and timing for reading the configuration files. The server normally reads its main configuration file only when it starts, and must be signaled to reread the configuration later, if changes are made. [5.2.4] In contrast, subconfiguration files are reread for each connection, so no signaling is necessary if the files are modified. In fact, a "match anything" pattern can be used to store frequently changed keywords in a subconfiguration file, to avoid the need for frequent signaling:

    # Tectia with zsh_fileglob or traditional regex syntax
    HostSpecificConfig  * /etc/ssh2/subconfig/volatile

    # Tectia with egrep regex syntax
    HostSpecificConfig .* /etc/ssh2/subconfig/volatile

If an error is detected while reading the main configuration file, then the server exits. Errors within host-specific configuration files cause the connection to be terminated. For user-specific configuration files, errors result in denial of access.

Some keywords cannot be specified in subconfiguration files. In some cases, the keywords control server behavior that happens before the subconfiguration files are read. For example, it doesn't make sense to specify the Port keyword [] in subconfiguration files, because the port (or ports) must be chosen to listen for incoming connections before any connections can be accepted. Certain other keywords are forbidden in subconfiguration files because they would be too confusing. For example, the HostSpecificConfig and UserSpecificConfig keywords are restricted to main configuration files: imagine trying to understand the pretzel logic resulting from nested subconfiguration files! Tables 11-1, 11-2, and 11-3 list the keywords permitted in each kind of configuration file.

Tectia removes double quotes from values. The following lines are all valid:[158]

    # Tectia
    PermitEmptyPasswords "no"
    PermitEmptyPasswords "y"es

In most cases, there is no reason to use quotes, but they are handy in a few, rare situations. If a value ends with a colon (:) character, it will be misinterpreted as a section pattern: [5.2.1]

    # Tectia: misinterpreted as a section pattern!
    AuthKbdInt.Plugin /usr/local/sbin/kiplugin --prompt color:

This is a particularly insidious error if it occurs in a configuration file that supports sections (e.g., subconfiguration files), because the section pattern will probably never match, so the rest of the configuration file is silently ignored![159]

To prevent this, enclose the value in quotes:

    # Tectia
    AuthKbdInt.Plugin "/usr/local/sbin/kiplugin --prompt  color:"

This works because the recognition of section pattern lines occurs before quotes are removed. Since the quoted line doesn't end in a colon, it isn't considered a section pattern line. Equivalently, you can also enclose only part of the value in quotes, as long as the quoted part includes the final colon:

    # Tectia
    AuthKbdInt.Plugin  /usr/local/sbin/kiplugin --prompt "color:"
    AuthKbdInt.Plugin  /usr/local/sbin/kiplugin --prompt  color":"

To include a literal quote character in a value, precede it with a backslash. For example, to construct a shell command that uses (shell) quotes to protect a command-line argument with embedded whitespace from being split:

    # Tectia
    AuthKbdInt.Plugin /usr/local/sbin/kiplugin --prompt \"Enter your favorite color:\"

When configuration files are read, the whitespace between the keyword and value is discarded, and any trailing whitespace at the end of each line is removed from the value.[160] Quotes can be used to retain this whitespace as part of the value. As a devious example, you can hide user configurations in a temporary directory named as a single space character:

    # Tectia
    UserConfigDirectory /tmp/" "

[153] If debugging options [5.9] prevent forking, then the single server process exits after handling a single session, so only a single copy of the configuration is needed.

[154] We'll use egrep regex syntax exclusively in this running example for simplicity, but of course other regex syntaxes could be used as well.

[155] We have removed the first PasswordGuesses keyword, since it is always overridden by the second occurrence anyway.

[156] The order for reading files can also be viewed as a consistent progression from general settings in the main configuration file to increasingly specific settings for hosts and users in the subconfiguration files.

[157] The Tectia documentation also refers to sections as configuration blocks, or stanzas. Subconfiguration sections have the same structure as those used in client configuration files [7.1.2], except for the interpretation of the patterns.

[158] Single quotes have no special significance.

[159] The server does warn about section patterns in configuration files that should not have them, like the main configuration file, which makes the error easier to detect.

[160] Keywords that use multiple values separated by whitespace also discard the whitespace between those values. Otherwise, whitespace that is embedded within a single value is left unchanged.