See Introduction to 1 Chronicles.
Below is an outline of 2 Chronicles. For an outline of both 1 and 2 Chronicles, see Introduction to 1 Chronicles: Outline.
IV. The Reign of Solomon and the Construction of the Temple (2 Chr 1:1—9:31)
A. Solomon’s Wisdom, Wealth, and Power (1:1–17)
B. Construction and Dedication of the Jerusalem Temple (2:1—7:22)
C. Solomon’s Other Activities (8:1–18)
D. The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon (9:1–12)
E. Solomon’s Splendor (9:13–28)
F. Solomon’s Death (9:29–31)
V. The Divided Monarchy (10:1—36:19)
A. The Reign of Rehoboam and the Division of the Kingdom (10:1—12:16)
B. Abijah King of Judah (13:1—14:1)
C. Asa King of Judah (14:2—16:14)
D. Jehoshaphat King of Judah (17:1—21:3)
E. Jehoram King of Judah (21:4–20)
F. Ahaziah King of Judah (22:1–9)
G. The Coup and Rule of Queen Athaliah (22:10—23:21)
H. Joash King of Judah (24:1–27)
I. Amaziah King of Judah (25:1–28)
J. Uzziah King of Judah (26:1–23)
K. Jotham King of Judah (27:1–9)
L. Ahaz King of Judah (28:1–27)
M. The Reign of Hezekiah (29:1—32:33)
1. Hezekiah Purifies the Temple (29:1–36)
2. Hezekiah Celebrates the Passover (30:1—31:1)
3. Contributions for Worship (31:2–21)
4. Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem (32:1–23)
5. Hezekiah’s Pride, Success, and Death (32:24–33)
N. Manasseh King of Judah (33:1–20)
O. Amon King of Judah (33:21–25)
P. The Reign of Josiah (34:1—36:1)
1. Josiah’s Reforms and the Discovery of the Book of the Law (34:1–33)
2. Josiah Celebrates the Passover (35:1–19)
3. Josiah’s Confrontation With Pharaoh Necho and Death (35:20—36:1)
Q. Jehoahaz King of Judah (36:2–4)
R. Jehoiakim King of Judah (36:5–8)
S. Jehoiachin King of Judah (36:9–10)
T. The Reign of Zedekiah and the Fall of Jerusalem (36:11–19)
VI. The Exilic Period (36:20–21)
VII. The Decree of Cyrus (36:22–23)