Annotations for 2 Timothy
1:1–18 Greeting and Reasons for Writing. Though “chained like a criminal” (2:9), Paul writes calmly and warmly to connect with his faithful co-worker, stir up his passion for pastoral labor (1:6), and admonish him to steadfastness and diligence (1:13–14).
1:1–2 Greeting. This is how letters started in NT times. The language—terms like “apostle,” “Christ Jesus,” “grace,” and “peace”—help mark this letter as apostolic in origin and revelatory in substance. Another important factor is the identity of the author using this language. Paul had met Christ (Acts 9:1–19; 22:1–21; 26:9–23), been granted access to heavenly glories (2 Cor 12:1–7), and suffered extensively for Christ’s sake (e.g., 2 Cor 11:16–33), which he will mention later in this letter (e.g., v. 8; 2:3; 3:12). His experience lends gravity to his words, just as his ties to Timothy (see Introduction: Purpose and Recipient) would have helped the greeting convey warmth.
1:1 the promise of life. May have been vivid to Paul as he faced death (4:6).
1:2 Paul’s words are identical to 1 Tim 1:2, except there Paul calls Timothy not “my dear son” but rather “my true son in the faith.” Paul refers to Timothy’s “sincere faith” in v. 5.
1:3–5 Thanksgiving. Like the greeting, this is a literary convention. Paul reminds Timothy of his family heritage in the faith along with Paul’s affection as a personal friend and co-worker.
1:3 ancestors. Paul refers to his Jewish heritage. Yet as an “apostle to the Gentiles” (Rom 11:13; Gal 2:8), he is aware that those who receive Christ become “children of Abraham” by faith (Gal 3:7). They become part of the family, or household, of God (1 Tim 3:15).
1:4 tears. An unknown event. Word may have reached Paul of grief or other calamity in Timothy’s life. joy. Paul frequently mentions joy in his other letters but only here in the Pastoral Letters.
1:5 sincere. Occurs four times in Paul’s letters, referring to faith (here and 1 Tim 1:5) or love (Rom 12:9; 2 Cor 6:6). grandmother . . . mother. Timothy’s father was apparently not a believer, though his mother (of Jewish descent) was (Acts 16:1). Timothy’s faith could be traced to his grandmother and mother (3:15).
1:6–14 Appeal for Loyalty to Paul and the Gospel. Paul must have received word that Timothy was facing steep challenges. He writes to urge Timothy to stand his ground.
1:6 fan into flame the gift of God. Either the Holy Spirit himself or the spiritual gifts he bestows (see 1 Tim 4:14 and note). Timothy needs this to overcome timidity (v. 7) and join Paul in suffering (v. 8). The Spirit enables for ministry, but his gifts call for reception and intentional response (Eph 5:18; 1 Thess 5:19). laying on of my hands. In the OT this was a sign of dedication to the Lord’s service (e.g., Num 8:10; 27:18).
1:7 Only the Spirit can equip Timothy with these essential qualities. timid. Using a related Greek word, Jesus rebuked his disciples for cowardice (Matt 8:26; Mark 4:40; see Rev 21:8). The fruit of the Spirit includes love (Gal 5:22), which displaces fear (1 John 4:18), and self-control (Gal 5:23). God’s presence bestows courage (Prov 28:1; Acts 4:31).
1:8 testimony. Most likely the particulars of the gospel message. me his prisoner. To support Paul might bring unwanted attention to Timothy. Paul had been imprisoned frequently over the years (Acts 16:25; 23:18; 2 Cor 11:23) and wrote four other letters while in chains (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon). suffering. Since ministering involves suffering, it is tempting to be slack. power of God. An effect of the Spirit (v. 7).
1:9 to a holy life. Could also be translated “with a holy calling.” God’s call (Rom 8:30) is saving, life-changing, and undeserved. grace. Salvation is by grace through faith (Eph 2:8–9; see Titus 2:11 and note) and not a reward for good works (Rom 3:28; Titus 3:5). before . . . time. Prior to birth (Gal 1:15) and even creation itself (Eph 1:4; 1 Pet 1:20; Rev 13:8). God is at work long before we are aware.
1:10 appearing. See note on 1 Tim 6:14. our Savior. Often refers to God (see 1 Tim 1:1 and note), but Christ Jesus fills the same role (Titus 1:4; 3:6). destroyed death. See 1 Cor 15:26, 54–57; Heb 2:14–15. through the gospel. Recalls Rom 1:16–17, where the gospel, the power of God, reveals God’s righteousness through faith with life-changing effect. Here God’s “grace” (v. 9) is “revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who . . . brought life and immortality . . . through the gospel.”
1:11 Though Timothy was not an “apostle” like Paul, his duties were similar as a pastoral teacher (4:2) and an “evangelist” (4:5). Paul is trying to rally Timothy to Paul’s level of courage and fidelity.
1:12 suffering. Paul’s gospel ministry (v. 11) drew opposition, just as it did for his followers (3:12; Phil 1:29; 1 Thess 2:4; 2 Thess 1:5). I know whom. Paul’s knowledge of God was not just a concept or theory but interpersonal communion. able to guard. Paul is convinced of God’s faithfulness (2 Thess 3:3). entrusted. Could be either what Paul has placed in God’s hands (his daily existence and eternal destiny) or what God has entrusted to Paul (the gospel message, especially to the Gentiles). that day. See v. 18; see also notes on 4:8; Amos 2:16. God will vindicate Paul at the final judgment (1 Cor 3:13; 2 Cor 5:10), whatever opposition to him the gospel message may spawn.
1:13 What you heard from me. Timothy had been Paul’s ministry partner for over a decade. pattern of sound teaching. See Rom 6:17. This is more than information; it is enlivened “with faith and love in Christ Jesus,” which could describe either how Timothy should “keep” Paul’s teaching or how he had heard and received it over the years.
1:14 Guard. The same word is used of God’s protection in v. 12 (see note). the good deposit. The gospel message he received. entrusted. See 2:2; 1 Tim 6:20. with the help of. The Spirit is the decisive agent in what Timothy cannot accomplish on his own. Spirit who lives in us. In the same way that faith (see v. 5) and the word about Christ (Col 3:16) are alive in believers, God himself by the Spirit indwells his people. He is “in” each one personally and connects them corporately to Christ, making the many into one (1 Cor 12:13–14).
1:15–18 Examples of Disloyalty and Loyalty. After seeking to rally Timothy in the previous section, Paul concedes that he faces challenges, too. Yet there are consolations like Onesiphorus, for whom Paul expresses praise and asks God’s mercy.
1:15 everyone. Paul likely overstates to express his sorrow over the apparent loss of support for Christ. province of Asia. Not the Far East but the region around Ephesus, in the western part of modern Turkey (see map). deserted me. Ministers today may recast or abandon the core gospel message because of various pressures, but this is nothing new: many in Paul’s own lifetime “deserted” or at least despised him and the other apostles (1 Cor 4:9–13; 2 Cor 4:7–12; 1 John 2:19).
1:16 Roman prisoners relied on help from relatives or friends. Onesiphorus. He rose to the occasion despite Paul’s “chains.” For Paul as a prisoner, see 1:8 and note.
1:17 searched hard. Onesiphorus was determined to find the obscure site where Paul was confined.
1:18 that day. See note on v. 12. he helped me. May refer to Onesiphorus’s help during Paul’s three-year ministry in Ephesus (Acts 19–20).
2:1—3:9 Priorities for Timothy. Paul has known and worked with Timothy for some 15 years. He is able to put his finger on issues most pertinent and constructive for Timothy’s continued growth in ministry.
2:1–13 The Appeal Renewed. Paul resumes the theme of exhortation. He draws on practical examples (vv. 3–6), on the suffering of Jesus and Paul (vv. 8–10), and on a saying that had become popular by that time in the early church (vv. 11–13).
2:1 You then. See note on 3:10. be strong. Could refer to the strengthening effect of the Spirit (1:7, 14), who bestows God’s “grace . . . in Christ Jesus” (see note on Titus 2:11).
2:2 things. Elements of the gospel Paul taught and preached. many witnesses. Paul’s ministry was bold and public, not timid (cf. 1:7) and concealed. Timothy should stand tall. entrust . . . teach. Echoes Jesus’ directives in Matt 28:18–20 that his followers be disciples in order to make disciples. reliable. The Greek word (pistois) conveys the idea of integrity in matters of faith and Christian obedience. will also be qualified. Future tense; they must first receive instruction.
2:3 Join with me in suffering. Repeats 1:8; see also 2:9; 4:5. Following Christ exposes believers to persecution (3:12). good soldier. One who is loyal and ready to lay down his life; like a disciple. Verses 4–6 give practical examples of hardship (a soldier, an athlete, a farmer).
2:4 his commanding officer. Christ. Paul calls on Timothy to shun distractions and pay intense attention to Christ.
2:5 anyone who competes as an athlete. Paul depicts the Christian life for “anyone” as being not a leisure or spectator activity but as fierce competition. Rigorous training is necessary; the “victor’s crown” is the goal. Timothy cannot be content with a casual approach to serving Christ. For Paul’s example in pursuing the “crown,” see 1 Cor 9:24–27. the rules. One who follows Christ must be willing to suffer. Without that Timothy will not obtain the goal set for believers (4:8).
2:6 The hardworking farmer. He reaps a harvest; so too the long-suffering and unselfish believer realizes the blessing of suffering for Jesus’ sake. Some see other benefits in view, like salvation or God’s material provision or a harvest of converts.
2:7 the Lord will give you insight. Timothy must ponder prayerfully to benefit from the wisdom of what Paul has written and to be strong in “the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (v. 1).
2:8 Remember Jesus Christ. Death did not defeat Jesus, so his follower Timothy need not fear. Jesus Christ. Used by Paul six times in the Pastoral Letters (here; 1 Tim 6:3, 14; Titus 1:1; 2:13; 3:6). More commonly (two dozen times) he uses “Christ Jesus.” Christ. The meaning (“anointed one”) connects Jesus with David, Israel’s ancient anointed king, mentioned later in the verse. raised. Christ’s resurrection declares his deity (Rom 1:4). descended from David. David was a regal and powerful conquering warrior and king. Victory is in Jesus’ earthly bloodline, despite the suffering that ended his life. As ruler over all, including death, Christ receives the kingdom promised to his forebear (2 Sam 7:1–16) and administers its benefits to all nations.
2:9 I am suffering. Paul is not asking Timothy (v. 3) to do something that Paul does not do himself. criminal. The same Greek word occurs elsewhere in the NT only in Luke’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion as he hung between two “criminals” (Luke 23:32, 33, 39). God’s word is not chained. It remains mobile, spreading “rapidly” (2 Thess 3:1) and enduring forever (1 Pet 1:23–25).
2:10 endure everything. For a list of what Paul faced and overcame, see 2 Cor 11:23—12:10. for the sake of the elect. The vindication of the gospel fulfills God’s promises to all his people in all times. The fact that God “elects” (chooses) those who believe (Deut 7:6; Jer 3:14; John 15:16; Rom 9:11; 11:7; 2 Pet 1:10) works together with the offer of salvation to all (John 3:16; Rom 9:33; 1 Pet 2:6).
2:11 trustworthy saying. See note on 1 Tim 1:15. Paul continues to urge Timothy to remember Jesus (v. 8) so he will be enabled to suffer if necessary (v. 3). died with him. See Gal 2:20. God united with Christ on the cross all who did or would believe in him (Rom 6:6). live with him. May refer to future glory in the wake of present suffering (Rom 8:17–18). It also serves to encourage Timothy in bearing suffering in this life.
2:12 reign with him. Enjoy fellowship with Christ in the age to come (Rev 5:10; 22:5). he will also disown us. God knows and keeps his own (v. 19). But those who show by their beliefs and actions that Christ is not their Lord cannot expect God’s approval, in this age or the next (Matt 7:21–23).
2:13 he remains faithful. Paul could speak from the experience of opposing Christ but then receiving God’s grace, faith, and love (1 Tim 1:13–14). See Deut 7:9; Ps 31:5; 1 Cor 1:9; 10:13; 2 Cor 1:18. Human unbelief does not nullify God’s utter and eternal faithfulness (Rom 3:3–4). cannot disown himself. God’s character is unchanging (Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8). This may be a warning for Timothy not to weaken. Or it may be a reminder of God’s abundant grace and love toward any who turn to him in repentance and faith (1 John 1:9).
2:14—3:9 Dealing With False Teachers. Thus far Paul has been reminding Timothy of his calling and resources. Now the spotlight swings to Timothy’s mandate of “reminding God’s people” (v. 14) of these matters in the face of false teachers and the havoc they cause.
2:14 before God. Indicates the gravity of Timothy’s responsibility. God is observing Timothy’s leadership and people’s response. quarreling about words. See 1 Tim 6:4. Paul warns against meaningless argument. Yet there are times when it is right and necessary to assert exactly what words do and do not mean (Matt 22:31–32). Sometimes disobedience to God must be honestly opposed (Gal 2:11). Debate and decision regarding matters of faith and practice have always been unavoidable in the life of the church (Acts 15:1–21).
2:15 Do your best. Exercise utmost effort without delay (4:9, 21; Titus 3:12). correctly handles. Interprets in a straightforward way, not in a way that is shifty or shady. word of truth. Scripture and the teaching it upholds. truth. See note on Titus 1:14.
2:16 godless chatter. See 1 Tim 6:20. indulge. Some delight in devious disputation.
2:17 gangrene. The Greek word could refer to various spreading diseases and underscores the repulsive nature of this particular “godless chatter” (v. 16). Substandard teaching is an infectious pox. In contrast, true teaching is “sound” (1:13; 4:3; 1 Tim 1:10; Titus 1:9; 2:1), a word from the medical field meaning “healthy.” Hymenaeus. See 1 Tim 1:20; apparently earlier disciplinary measures were unsuccessful.
2:18 truth. See note on Titus 1:14. the resurrection. Christ’s resurrection has already occurred (v. 8), with great benefit to believers, but believers still await a final and glorious bodily resurrection in the age to come (1 Cor 15:51–57). The false teachers viewed “resurrection” as a new spiritual awareness or state of the soul that had already taken place. They did not think Christians would receive new bodies after death like Jesus did. This contradicted the teachings of both Jesus (Matt 22:23–33) and Paul (1 Cor 15).
2:19 God is in control even amid deviation from his ways. foundation. May refer to the church, consisting of all whom “the Lord knows” (Num 16:5; Nah 1:7; John 10:14, 17) and who accordingly “turn away from wickedness,” implying a radical departure from it. Or the “foundation” could be God (or Christ) himself, his promises, and his saving works (1 Cor 3:11; Eph 2:20).
2:20 large house. Paul uses a metaphor to describe how people should conduct themselves in the church, “God’s household” (1 Tim 3:15). gold . . . silver . . . wood . . . clay. There is diversity in the body of Christ (1 Cor 12).
2:21 cleanse themselves. Those who follow Christ and “turn away from wickedness” (v. 19) are “made holy.” They are primed for action “useful to the Master.” Master. Refers to God in his total control and oversight (Luke 2:29; Acts 4:24; 2 Pet 2:1; Jude 4; Rev 6:10). The same word is used for slave-masters (e.g., 1 Tim 6:1–2; Titus 2:9).
2:22 Flee . . . pursue. Christ liberates from evil (Rom 6:18) and substitutes pursuit of “righteousness, faith, love and peace,” and other qualities instead (Phil 4:8–9). evil desires of youth. Could include lust but may also refer to immature timidity (1:7), self-dependence rather than trust in the Spirit (1:14), and willingness to engage in fruitless debate (2:14, 16). along with. Forsaking evil and seeking good is not a solitary mission but a project in which believers uphold each other.
2:23 Vain disputation leading to quarrels is to be shunned (cf. vv. 14, 16).
2:24 servant. Greek doulos, the word for “slave.” Paul calls himself a “servant of God” (Titus 1:1). All believers are called to be servants of God and “slaves to righteousness” (Rom 6:19), but here the term may refer to Timothy’s pastoral responsibility. As an example of the “flee . . . pursue” command in v. 22, Timothy must flee the urge to be “quarrelsome” and instead exercise pastoral care that is kind, instructive, and not resentful even in the face of provocations.
2:25 repentance leading . . . to a knowledge of the truth. Without repentance, which only God can grant, saving knowledge will be blocked. truth. See note on Titus 1:14.
2:26 escape. They are presently ensnared. captive. Captured alive. his will. Satan is a being who seeks to recruit support for his agenda. In contrast, believers daily pray and desire, “your will be done” (Matt 6:10).
3:1 last days. Not only future times, when things will worsen (Matt 24:21–31), but also the present. These “days,” also called “later times” (1 Tim 4:1 and note), began with Christ’s coming (Heb 1:1–2), intensified with Christ’s resurrection and the Spirit’s powerful arrival (Acts 2:17), and continue until his return.
3:2–5 Paul lists some 19 qualities of the evildoers whose presence bears out that “terrible times” (v. 1) are at hand. For similar lists of evil deeds, see 1 Tim 1:8–11; Matt 15:17–20; Rom 1:29–31; 1 Cor 5:9–11; 1 Pet 4:3–4; Rev 21:8; 22:15. English cannot convey fully the colorful, artful, and finally, harrowing word picture Paul paints.
3:4 lovers of pleasure. Partially summarizes their wickedness. Whereas God calls people to love him and “have no other gods before [him]” (Exod 20:3), these evildoers enthrone their own warped self-gratification.
3:5 a form. Their “godliness” is in reality a sham. Have nothing to do with. Likely means exclusion from the congregation’s activities. such people. “Opponents” are targets of correction, and Timothy should seek their repentance (2:25). But in the case of those whose behavior remains mired in the pattern described in 3:2–4, action is necessary for the sake of the integrity of the church’s witness and the protection of its members and message.
3:6–7 Subverting “homes” destabilizes the entire church. loaded down . . . swayed . . . always learning. Describes the women, not those who victimize them. To learn is a mark of a disciple (a word that means “learner”) of Jesus, but falsity always distances one from God’s “truth” (see note on Titus 1:14). This is why Titus (like 1-2 Timothy) stresses sound (healthy, true) teaching.
3:8 Jannes and Jambres. Two of Pharaoh’s sorcerer-priests who opposed Moses (Exod 7:11–12), according to Jewish tradition (their names do not appear in the OT). As they opposed God’s saving work then, Timothy’s opponents “oppose the truth” now. truth. See note on Titus 1:14.
3:9 Paul urges confidence, perhaps based on God’s victory over Pharaoh through Moses, perhaps based on Christ’s supremacy (1:12).
3:10—4:22 Concluding Reminders, Instructions, and Greetings. In eloquent and often poignant appeals, Paul exhorts and instructs Timothy, urging him to visit Paul soon (4:21). Paul’s death could be imminent (4:6), yet “the lion’s mouth” (4:17) pales compared with Paul’s unshakable conviction that God will bring him “safely to his heavenly kingdom” (4:18).
3:10—4:8 A Final Charge to Timothy. Paul now reminds Timothy that what the gospel minister stands for has unimpeachable validity, particularly in the form of the Scriptures (3:10–17). On that basis, he admonishes Timothy (4:1–5). Calling to mind his often embattled life of service, Paul assures Timothy that the bruising life of honest ministry is well worth it in the end (4:6–8).
3:10 You. Emphatic; occurs when Paul seeks to rivet Timothy’s attention (v. 14; 2:1; 4:5; see 1 Tim 6:11; Titus 2:1). Timothy should not be intimidated by the opponents and problems mentioned in previous verses. He should rather ponder and pursue Paul’s teaching and example.
3:11 Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. See Acts 13:13—14:23, which describes when the gospel came to the region of Timothy’s upbringing, resulting in his eventual enlistment as Paul’s co-worker (Acts 16:1–5). the Lord rescued me. This does not mean deliverance from all harm, for Paul was stoned and left for dead (Acts 14:19–20) and experienced much opposition during this time. It means rather that the Lord kept him from death and empowered him for continued ministry. As God upholds Paul, he can likewise strengthen Timothy in his demanding situation.
3:12 everyone . . . will be persecuted. Echoes Jesus’ promise that following him means taking up one’s cross (Matt 10:38; 16:24). See also Paul’s conclusion from over a decade earlier (Acts 14:22), perhaps uttered in Timothy’s hearing. Christian living in Paul’s time attracted opposition resulting in persecution. Physical suffering may lessen when a society accepts the Bible’s values. But in much of the world through most of history, Jesus’ promises of persecution (John 15:18–21; 16:33; cf. 2 Tim 2:3) have found fulfillment. These words currently are verified daily in many locations of the church.
3:13 evildoers and imposters. They will prosper with seeming impunity (a situation already foreshadowed in OT times: Job 12:6; Pss 37:1, 7; 92:7; Hab 1:13; Mal 3:15; see Job 21:7–15; Ps 73:3–12). Paul is conceding that things may seem grim if not hopeless to Timothy.
3:14 But as for you. See note on v. 10. those from whom you learned it. Not just Paul but also home influences (1:5) and doubtless others in the church. We also learn from others’ trials in the faith, so that God can enable us to survive and even thrive.
3:15 from infancy. Timothy had a godly upbringing (see 1:5 and note) and would have learned the OT writings both at home and in the synagogue from about age five (see commands to teach children in Deut 6:7; Pss 71:17; 78:5–6). able to make you wise for salvation. Scripture works powerfully in the heart when combined with “faith in Christ Jesus.”
3:16 All Scripture. In Paul’s time the OT, but also the NT as it was being composed. The Bible both contains and is, in whole and in part, God’s Word. God-breathed. Sometimes translated “inspired.” The Greek word means given by the work of God’s Spirit (see 2 Pet 1:20–21 and note). “The Holy Spirit spoke” in the writings of OT leaders and writers like David (Acts 1:16; see Acts 4:25). By extension this applies to NT writings as well (see 2 Pet 3:15–16 and note on 3:16). God has chosen to reveal himself not only in nature (Ps 8:1, 3; Rom 1:20) and human moral awareness (Rom 2:15) but also supremely by spoken and written human language. This is the doctrine of inspiration. This doctrine does not downplay human action in Scripture’s authorship but affirms Scripture’s ultimate origin in God, who gave it. This makes it “useful for teaching” and related pastoral purposes, because it provides coherent, consistent, and reliable testimony to Christ (Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:39–40; 1 Cor 15:3–4).
3:17 servant of God. Or “man of God” (see 1 Tim 6:11 and note, the only other place in the NT the Greek term appears). The phrase is used over 60 times in the Septuagint (the pre-Christian Greek translation of the OT) to refer to figures including Moses, Samuel, Shemaiah, Elijah, Elisha, several unnamed prophets, and David. Like Timothy, these men were called to leadership through prophetic gifting (1:6; 1 Tim 1:18; 4:14). The expression would be meaningful to Timothy with his OT knowledge (v. 15), though it has application to all who know Christ (v. 15) and recognize the God who gives Scripture (v. 16). thoroughly equipped. Effective and faithful service thrives on secure Scriptural equipping.
4:1 appearing. See note on 1 Tim 6:14. The return of Christ is an important incentive for godly living. his kingdom. Both his present and his coming reign. charge. The Greek word is used only four times in Paul’s letters (here; 2:14 [“warn”]; 1 Tim 5:21; 1 Thess 4:6 [“warned”]), always connoting strong warning. The gravity of Paul’s urging is clear also in his calling as witnesses both God and Christ Jesus.
4:2 in season and out of season. At all times, when it is easy and productive and when it is not. Timothy may have been tempted to be silent in the face of opposition. Paul’s directives describe the main activities of his own ministry. In reminding Timothy to “correct” and to give “careful instruction,” Paul affirms two main roles of pastoral responsibility (see note on 1 Tim 2:12).
4:3 the time. As in 3:1 (see note), Paul speaks of a future that in some respects has already arrived and is still with us today. not put up with. People will resist what they need most. sound doctrine. See note on 2:17. own desires. See 3:4 (“lovers of pleasure”). Raw self-gratification replaces finding gratification in God.
4:4 turn their ears away from the truth. This is fatal when salvation comes through hearing (Deut 6:4; Rom 10:17; Gal 3:2, 5; 1 Thess 2:13). Jesus insists that “whoever has ears” had better hear (Matt 11:15; Mark 4:9; Luke 14:35b; see Mark 4:23), not shop for a more favorable message elsewhere. In the OT, prophets who pleased their listeners were usually false prophets (Jer 6:14; 8:11; Ezek 13:10, 16; Mic 3:5). truth. See note on Titus 1:14.
4:5 But you. See note on 3:10. keep your head. Stay focused and sober at times others might sleep or fall idle. Paul exhorts with the same Greek word, translated “sober,” in 1 Thess 5:6, 8.
4:6 drink offering. Paul likens his life to a sacrifice (Rom 12:1) poured out in dedication to the Lord (Phil 2:17). These offerings were part of both OT (Num 15:1–12; 28:7) and Greco-Roman religious observance. As he passes from the scene, it is vital that co-workers like Timothy be in place to carry on what Paul and other apostles have begun (2:2).
4:7 Paul’s example can guide Timothy. Whereas the English word order stresses “I,” the original Greek stresses “the good fight . . . the race . . . [and] the faith.” fought. Like the soldier mentioned earlier (2:3–4), Paul has battled for Christ’s cause. He has matched the intensity of athletes in competition (2:5). kept the faith. See note on 1 Tim 3:9. Paul has not allowed the “deposit” (1:14; see note) of Christian truth to be watered down or adulterated.
4:8 crown of righteousness. A wreath (Greek stephanos, not the kingly diadēma) was awarded for first place in a race (v. 7), like a gold medal today. This crown may be understood in three ways: (1) the reward for a righteous life, (2) a reward consisting of righteousness, or (3) a reward bestowed justly by “the righteous Judge.” award to me. See 1 Cor 3:14; Col 3:24. It “will last forever” (1 Cor 9:25). that day. A time of final reckoning, for good or ill. See 1:12, 18; see also note on 1:12. Jesus spoke of “that day” over a dozen times, both as judgment (Luke 21:34) and as a joyful time of reward (Luke 6:23) and reunion with Christ (Matt 26:29). also to all. Victors’ crowns are not only for apostles but also for Timothy and all other believers. appearing. See note on 1 Tim 6:14; it serves as a primary motivator and goal.
4:9–18 Personal Remarks. In addition to asking Timothy to come soon, Paul shares news about associates whom they have in common (vv. 9–15). He also comments on his trial process underway (vv. 16–18).
4:9 come. See also v. 13. Paul needs supplies and companionship as many have abandoned him (v. 16; 1:15).
4:10 Demas. Only a few years before, he was a loyal co-worker (Col 4:14; Phlm 24). world. Could be translated “the present age,” in contrast to the age or world to come, of which Paul is acutely aware (vv. 6–8). Crescens. Mentioned only here in Scripture. Titus. He (2 Cor 7:6, 13; 8:6, 16–17, 23; 12:18; Gal 2:1; Titus 1:4) and Paul had worked together in other settings but are currently separated.
4:11 Luke. Paul’s co-worker and a physician (Col 4:14). Mark. He and Paul have reconciled after a falling out years earlier (Acts 15:37–39).
4:12 Tychicus. Long a co-worker of Paul (Titus 3:12) and courier of two earlier letters—Ephesians (Eph 6:21) and Colossians (Col 4:7)—Paul wrote while in prison (see note on 1:8).
4:13 When you come. Timothy would pass through Troas in traveling from Ephesus to Rome. cloak. A heavy garment like a blanket with a hole in it to fit over the head. Paul needed it with winter coming (v. 21). Carpus. A Roman name; he is likely a Gentile convert. scrolls . . . parchments. Could be Paul’s own notes and records. They could also include portions of OT Scriptures and what later would become NT Scriptures. Paul remained a reader and thinker devoted to the ministry of the Word until the end.
4:14 Alexander. Perhaps mentioned also in 1 Tim 1:20 and therefore someone probably expelled from the church (see note on 1 Tim 1:20). Alexander may have lived in Troas (v. 13) and posed a threat to Timothy when he stopped by there, as he had done “a great deal of harm” to Paul.
4:15 opposed. The same word used of Jannes and Jambres and false teachers in 3:8.
4:16 first defense. Perhaps a pretrial arraignment. Since Paul is still captive, the outcome must have been unfavorable. Like Jesus in his extremity (Luke 23:34), Paul forgives those whose support flagged under pressure. To stand alongside a man accused of a capital offense might have been risky; Paul understands this reluctance. He still counted friends around him (v. 21).
4:17 When people proved fickle, “the Lord stood” with Paul so he could uphold the “message.”
4:18 The Lord will rescue me. To the end, Paul is confident of the Lord’s rescue (see note on 3:11) and entrance into the “heavenly kingdom.” This leads him to ascribe eternal glory to God. Amen. Confirms Paul’s assurance and invites Timothy to join him in praise.
4:19–22 Final Greetings. Paul passes along greetings from himself and others. He underscores his need for Timothy to visit him soon and concludes with final blessings.
4:19 Priscilla and Aquila. Longtime co-workers of Paul apparently serving with or near Timothy. Onesiphorus. See 1:16.
4:20 Erastus. A co-worker of Paul (Acts 19:22) who held public office in Corinth (Rom 16:23). Trophimus. An Ephesian who worked with Paul earlier (Acts 20:4; 21:29).
4:21 get here. See v. 9. Paul’s strong faith in God did not reduce his sense of dependence on fellow believers. before winter. Sea lanes were closed from around early November until early March due to storms. If Timothy did not arrive soon, Paul might not survive long enough to see him. Eubulus . . . Pudens, Linus, Claudia. None of these names is mentioned elsewhere in the NT. Why these friends did not support Paul at his trial (v. 16) is unclear.
4:22 your. Singular, referring to Timothy. you all. Plural, evidently addressing Timothy’s fellow leaders or perhaps his congregation (see 1 Tim 6:21 and note). Paul’s final word to Timothy confirms that Timothy does not stand before God or his congregation alone but as a member of the body of Christ.