Ge 6:9 Noah was a r man,

18:23 “Will you sweep away the r

Nu 23:10 Let me die the death of the r,

Ne 9:8 your promise because you are r.

9:33 to us, you have remained r;

Job 36:7 He does not take his eyes off the r;

Ps 1:5 sinners in the assembly of the r.

5:12 Surely, LORD, you bless the r;

9:4 sitting enthroned as the r judge.

11:7 For the LORD is r, he loves

15:2 who does what is r, who speaks

34:15 eyes of the LORD are on the r,

37:6 will make your r reward shine like

37:16 that the r have than the wealth

37:21 repay, but the r give generously;

37:25 yet I have never seen the r forsaken

37:30 The mouths of the r utter wisdom,

55:22 he will never let the r be shaken.

64:10 The r will rejoice in the LORD

65:5 us with awesome and r deeds,

68:3 But may the r be glad and rejoice

71:15 My mouth will tell of your r deeds,

112:4 gracious and compassionate and r.

118:19 Open for me the gates of the r;

118:20 through which the r may enter.

119:7 upright heart as I learn your r laws.

119:137 You are r, LORD, and your laws

119:144 Your statutes are always r;

140:13 the r will praise your name,

143:2 no one living is r before you.

145:17 The LORD is r in all his ways

Pr 3:33 but he blesses the home of the r.

4:18 of the r is like the morning sun,

10:7 The name of the r is used

10:11 The mouth of the r is a fountain

10:16 The wages of the r is life,

10:20 The tongue of the r is choice silver,

10:24 what the r desire will be granted.

10:28 The prospect of the r is joy,

10:32 lips of the r know what finds favor,

11:23 The desire of the r ends only

11:30 The fruit of the r is a tree of life,

12:10 The r care for the needs of their

12:21 No harm overtakes the r,

13:9 The light of the r shines brightly,

15:28 heart of the r weighs its answers,

15:29 but he hears the prayer of the r.

18:10 the r run to it and are safe.

20:7 The r lead blameless lives;

21:15 it brings joy to the r but terror

23:24 father of a r child has great joy;

28:1 but the r are as bold as a lion.

29:6 but the r shout for joy and are glad.

29:7 The r care about justice

29:27 The r detest the dishonest;

Ecc 7:20 there is no one on earth who is r,

Isa 5:16 will be proved holy by his r acts.

26:7 The path of the r is level;

41:10 uphold you with my r right hand.

45:21 from me, a r God and a Savior;

53:11 by his knowledge my r servant will

64:6 all our r acts are like filthy rags;

Jer 23:5 I will raise up for David a r Branch,

23:6 The LORD Our R Savior.

Eze 3:20 when a r person turns from their

18:5 “Suppose there is a r man who

18:20 of the r will be credited to them,

33:12 ‘If someone who is r disobeys,

Da 9:18 requests of you because we are r,

Hab 2:4 but the r person will live by his

Zec 9:9 comes to you, r and victorious,

Mal 3:18 see the distinction between the r

Mt 5:45 and sends rain on the r

9:13 For I have not come to call the r,

10:41 will receive a r person’s reward.

13:43 the r will shine like the sun

13:49 and separate the wicked from the r

25:37 “Then the r will answer him, ‘Lord,

25:46 but the r to eternal life.”

Ac 24:15 will be a resurrection of both the r

Ro 1:17 “The r will live by faith.”

2:5 his r judgment will be revealed.

2:13 the law who will be declared r.

3:10 “There is no one r, not even one;

3:20 Therefore no one will be declared r

5:18 one r act resulted in justification

5:19 one man the many will be made r.

Gal 3:11 because “the r will live by faith.”

1Ti 1:9 that the law is made not for the r

2Ti 4:8 which the Lord, the r Judge,

Titus 3:5 because of r things we had done,

Heb 10:38 “But my r one will live by faith.

Jas 2:24 is considered r by what they do

5:16 prayer of a r person is powerful

1Pe 3:12 the eyes of the Lord are on the r

3:18 for sins, the r for the unrighteous,

4:18 “If it is hard for the r to be saved,

1Jn 2:1 Jesus Christ, the R One.

3:7 The one who does what is right is r, just as he is r.

Rev 19:8 (Fine linen stands for the r acts


Isa 33:15 Those who walk r and speak what

Jer 11:20 who judge r and test the heart


Ge 15:6 and he credited it to him as r.

Dt 9:4 of this land because of my r.”

1Sa 26:23 rewards everyone for their r

1Ki 10:9 you king to maintain justice and r.”

Job 37:23 in his justice and great r, he does

Ps 7:17 to the LORD because of his r;

9:8 He rules the world in r and judges

33:5 The LORD loves r and justice;

35:28 My tongue will proclaim your r,

36:6 Your r is like the highest

45:7 You love r and hate wickedness;

48:10 your right hand is filled with r.

71:2 In your r, rescue me and deliver

71:19 Your r, God,

85:10 r and peace kiss each other.

89:14 R and justice are the foundation

96:13 He will judge the world in r

98:9 He will judge the world in r

103:6 The LORD works r and justice

103:17 his r with their children’s children

106:31 to him as r for endless generations

111:3 deeds, and his r endures forever.

132:9 your priests be clothed with your r;

145:7 and joyfully sing of your r.

Pr 11:5 The r of the blameless makes their

11:18 the one who sows r reaps a sure

13:6 R guards the person of integrity,

14:34 R exalts a nation, but sin

16:8 Better a little with r than much

16:12 a throne is established through r.

16:31 it is attained in the way of r.

21:21 Whoever pursues r and love finds

Isa 9:7 with justice and r from that time

11:4 but with r he will judge the needy,

16:5 justice and speeds the cause of r.

26:9 the people of the world learn r.

32:17 The fruit of that r will be peace;

42:6 the LORD, have called you in r;

42:21 sake of his r to make his law great

45:8 heavens above, rain down my r;

51:1 you who pursue r and who seek

51:6 last forever, my r will never fail.

51:8 But my r will last forever,

58:8 then your r will go before you,

59:17 He put on r as his breastplate,

61:10 and arrayed me in a robe of his r,

Jer 9:24 justice and r on earth, for in these I

Eze 3:20 righteous person turns from their r

14:20 save only themselves by their r.

18:20 The r of the righteous will be

33:12 that person’s former r will count

Da 9:24 to bring in everlasting r, to seal

12:3 and those who lead many to r,

Hos 10:12 Sow r for yourselves, reap the fruit

Am 5:24 river, r like a never-failing stream!

Mic 7:9 out into the light; I will see his r.

Zep 2:3 Seek r, seek humility;

Mal 4:2 the sun of r will rise with healing

Mt 5:6 those who hunger and thirst for r,

5:10 who are persecuted because of r,

5:20 you that unless your r surpasses

6:1 not to practice your r in front

6:33 seek first his kingdom and his r,

Jn 16:8 to be in the wrong about sin and r

Ac 24:25 As Paul talked about r,

Ro 1:17 gospel the r of God is revealed—

3:5 brings out God’s r more clearly,

3:22 This r is given through faith

3:25 He did this to demonstrate his r,

3:26 he did it to demonstrate his r at

4:3 and it was credited to him as r.”

4:5 ungodly, their faith is credited as r.

4:6 to whom God credits r apart

4:9 faith was credited to him as r.

4:13 through the r that comes by faith.

4:22 why “it was credited to him as r.”

6:13 to him as an instrument of r.

6:16 or to obedience, which leads to r?

6:18 sin and have become slaves to r.

6:19 yourselves as slaves to r leading

8:10 the Spirit gives life because of r.

9:30 obtained it, a r that is by faith;

10:3 they did not submit to God’s r.

14:17 but of r, peace and joy in the Holy

1Co 1:30 is, our r, holiness and redemption.

2Co 3:9 is the ministry that brings r!

5:21 we might become the r of God.

6:7 with weapons of r in the right hand

6:14 For what do r and wickedness have

9:9 their r endures forever.”

Gal 2:21 r could be gained through the law,

3:6 and it was credited to him as r.”

3:21 r would certainly have come

Eph 4:24 created to be like God in true r

5:9 in all goodness, r and truth)

6:14 with the breastplate of r in place,

Php 1:11 the fruit of r that comes through

3:6 for r based on the law, faultless.

3:9 the r that comes from God

1Ti 6:11 all this, and pursue r, godliness,

2Ti 2:22 evil desires of youth and pursue r,

3:16 correcting and training in r,

4:8 is in store for me the crown of r,

Heb 5:13 with the teaching about r.

7:2 Melchizedek means “king of r”;

11:7 and became heir of the r that is

12:11 it produces a harvest of r and peace

Jas 2:23 and it was credited to him as r,”

3:18 sow in peace reap a harvest of r.

1Pe 2:24 we might die to sins and live for r;

2Pe 2:21 not to have known the way of r,

3:13 and a new earth, where r dwells.


Pr 31:8 for the r of all who are destitute.

Isa 10:2 to deprive the poor of their r

La 3:35 deny people their r before the Most

1Co 9:18 so not make full use of my r as


Pr 11:22 Like a gold r in a pig’s snout is

Lk 15:22 Put a r on his finger and sandals


2Co 6:5 in beatings, imprisonments and r;


Joel 3:13 the sickle, for the harvest is r.

Am 8:1 a basket of r fruit.

Jn 4:35 at the fields! They are r for harvest.

Rev 14:15 for the harvest of the earth is r.”


Nu 24:17 a scepter will r out of Israel.

Isa 26:19 their bodies will r—let those who

Mal 4:2 of righteousness will r with healing

Mt 27:63 ‘After three days I will r again.’

Mk 8:31 killed and after three days r again.

Lk 18:33 On the third day he will r again.”

Jn 5:29 who have done what is good will r

5:29 who have done what is evil will r

20:9 that Jesus had to r from the dead.)

Ac 17:3 had to suffer and r from the dead.

1Th 4:16 and the dead in Christ will r first.


Mt 28:6 is not here; he has r, just as he said.

Mk 16:6 He has r! He is not here.

Lk 24:34 The Lord has r and has appeared


Ps 46:4 There is a r whose streams make

Isa 66:12 “I will extend peace to her like a r,

Eze 47:12 will grow on both banks of the r.

Rev 22:1 the angel showed me the r


Ps 137:1 By the r of Babylon we sat

Jn 7:38 r of living water will flow


Mt 7:13 gate and broad is the r that leads


Lk 3:5 The crooked r shall become


1Pe 5:8 prowls around like a r lion looking


Mal 3:8 “Will a mere mortal r God?


Jer 7:11 Name, become a den of r to you?

Lk 19:46 you have made it ‘a den of r.’ ”

Jn 10:8 come before me are thieves and r,


Isa 61:8 I hate r and wrongdoing.


Ge 37:3 and he made an ornate r for him.

Isa 6:1 the train of his r filled the temple.

61:10 me in a r of his righteousness,

Rev 6:11 each of them was given a white r,


Ps 93:1 the LORD is r in majesty

Isa 63:1 Who is this, r in splendor,


Ps 45:8 All your r are fragrant with myrrh

Rev 7:13 asked me, “These in white r


Pr 19:26 Whoever r their father and drives

28:24 Whoever r their father or mother


Ge 49:24 of the Shepherd, the R of Israel,

Ex 17:6 Strike the r, and water will come

Nu 20:8 Speak to that r before their eyes

Dt 32:4 He is the R, his works are perfect,

32:13 him with honey from the r,

2Sa 22:2 “The LORD is my r, my fortress

Ps 18:2 The LORD is my r, my fortress

19:14 LORD, my R and my Redeemer.

40:2 he set my feet on a r and gave me

61:2 me to the r that is higher than I.

92:15 he is my R, and there is no

Isa 26:4 LORD himself, is the R eternal.

51:1 Look to the r from which you were

Da 2:34 you were watching, a r was cut out,

Mt 7:24 man who built his house on the r.

16:18 on this r I will build my church,

Ro 9:33 and a r that makes them fall,

1Co 10:4 them, and that r was Christ.

1Pe 2:8 and a r that makes them fall.”


2Sa 7:14 I will punish him with a r wielded

Ps 2:9 will break them with a r of iron;

23:4 your r and your staff, they comfort

Pr 13:24 Whoever spares the r hates their

22:15 the r of discipline will drive it far

23:13 if you punish them with the r,

29:15 A r and a reprimand impart

Isa 11:4 the earth with the r of his mouth;


2Co 11:25 Three times I was beaten with r,


Mk 16:3 “Who will r the stone away


Lk 24:2 They found the stone r away


Ac 16:37 even though we are R citizens,

22:25 to flog a R citizen who hasn’t even


Pr 21:9 a corner of the r than share a house


Mt 10:27 in your ear, proclaim from the r.


Mt 6:6 go into your r, close the door

Mk 14:15 He will show you a large r upstairs,

Lk 2:7 there was no guest r available

Jn 8:37 you have no r for my word.

21:25 the whole world would not have r

2Co 7:2 Make r for us in your hearts.


Ge 6:14 ark of cypress wood; make r in it

Jn 14:2 My Father’s house has many r;


Mt 26:34 before the r crows, you will disown


Isa 11:10 day the R of Jesse will stand as

53:2 and like a r out of dry ground.

Mt 3:10 ax is already at the r of the trees,

13:21 But since they have no r, they last

Ro 11:16 if the r is holy, so are the branches.

15:12 “The R of Jesse will spring up,

1Ti 6:10 the love of money is a r of all kinds

Rev 5:5 the tribe of Judah, the R of David,

22:16 I am the R and the Offspring


Eph 3:17 being r and established in love,

Col 2:7 r and built up in him, strengthened


Isa 11:1 from his r a Branch will bear fruit.


SS 2:1 I am a r of Sharon, a lily

Mt 2:2 We saw his star when it r and have

1Th 4:14 believe that Jesus died and r again,


Pr 14:30 to the body, but envy r the bones.


Isa 42:16 and make the r places smooth.

Lk 3:5 straight, the r ways smooth.


Ecc 1:6 r and r it goes, ever returning on


Ps 45:9 right hand is the r bride in gold

Da 1:8 to defile himself with the r food

Jas 2:8 If you really keep the r law found

1Pe 2:9 are a chosen people, a r priesthood,


Job 28:18 the price of wisdom is beyond r.

Pr 3:15 She is more precious than r;

8:11 wisdom is more precious than r,

31:10 She is worth far more than r.


Jas 3:4 by a very small r wherever the pilot


SS 5:10 My beloved is radiant and r,


Pr 10:8 but a chattering fool comes to r.

10:10 and a chattering fool comes to r.

10:14 but the mouth of a fool invites r.

10:29 but it is the r of those who do evil.

11:17 the cruel bring r on themselves.

11:29 Whoever brings r on their family

15:27 The greedy bring r to their

18:24 unreliable friends soon comes to r,

19:3 person’s own folly leads to their r,

19:13 A foolish child is a father’s r,

26:28 and a flattering mouth works r.

Ecc 4:5 fold their hands and r themselves.

SS 2:15 the little foxes that r the vineyards,

Eze 21:27 A r! A r! I will make it a r!

1Ti 6:9 desires that plunge people into r


Isa 6:5 “I am r! For I am a man of unclean

Mt 9:17 out and the wineskins will be r.

12:25 divided against itself will be r,


2Ti 2:14 value, and only r those who listen.


Ge 1:26 so that they may r over the fish

3:16 husband, and he will r over you.”

4:7 have you, but you must r over it.”

Jdg 8:22 said to Gideon, “R over us—

1Sa 12:12 ‘No, we want a king to r over us’—

Ps 67:4 for you r the peoples with equity

119:133 to your word; let no sin r over me.

Pr 17:2 A prudent servant will r over

Isa 28:10 do that, a r for this, a r for that;

Zec 6:13 and will sit and r on his throne.

9:10 His r will extend from sea to sea

Ro 15:12 who will arise to r over the nations;

1Co 7:17 This is the r I lay down in all

Gal 6:16 mercy to all who follow this r

Eph 1:21 far above all r and authority,

Col 3:15 peace of Christ r in your hearts,

2Th 3:10 were with you, we gave you this r:

Rev 2:27 that one ‘will r them with an iron

12:5 who “will r all the nations

19:15 “He will r them with an iron


1Sa 10:1 the LORD anointed you r over his

13:14 and appointed him r of his people,

Pr 19:6 Many curry favor with a r,

23:1 When you sit to dine with a r,

25:15 Through patience a r can be

29:26 Many seek an audience with a r,

Isa 60:17 governor and well-being your r.

Da 9:25 the Anointed One, the r, comes,

Mic 5:2 me one who will be r over Israel,

Mt 2:6 will come a r who will shepherd

Eph 2:2 of the r of the kingdom of the air,

1Ti 6:15 the blessed and only R, the King

Rev 1:5 and the r of the kings of the earth.


Ps 2:2 and the r band together against

8:6 You made them r over the works

119:161 R persecute me without cause,

Isa 40:23 and reduces the r of this world

Da 7:27 and all r will worship and obey

Mt 20:25 the r of the Gentiles lord it over

Ac 13:27 and their r did not recognize Jesus,

Ro 13:3 For r hold no terror for those who

1Co 2:6 of this age or of the r of this age,

Eph 3:10 should be made known to the r

6:12 blood, but against the r,

Col 1:16 or powers or r or authorities;


Nu 15:15 is to have the same r for you

2Sa 23:3 when he r in the fear of God,

Ps 22:28 LORD and he r over the nations.

66:7 He r forever by his power, his eyes

103:19 heaven, and his kingdom r over all.

Isa 29:13 on merely human r they have been

40:10 power, and he r with a mighty arm.

Mt 15:9 teachings are merely human r.’ ”

Lk 22:26 and the one who r like the one who

2Ti 2:5 by competing according to the r.


Ex 15:25 There the LORD issued a r

Pr 25:11 settings of silver is a r rightly given.


Jer 51:46 or be afraid when r are heard

Mt 24:6 You will hear of wars and r of wars,


Ps 19:5 champion rejoicing to r his course.

Pr 4:12 when you r, you will not stumble.

18:10 the righteous r to it and are safe.

Isa 10:3 To whom will you r for help?

40:31 they will r and not grow weary,

Joel 3:18 ravines of Judah will r with water.

Hab 2:2 so that a herald may r with it.

1Co 9:24 R in such a way as to get the prize.

Php 2:16 on the day of Christ that I did not r

Heb 12:1 let us r with perseverance the race


1Co 9:24 know that in a race all the r run,


Ps 133:2 on the head, r down on the beard,

Lk 17:23 Do not go r off after them.

1Co 9:26 not run like someone r aimlessly;

Gal 2:2 had not been r my race in vain.

5:7 You were r a good race. Who cut


Jn 10:12 he abandons the sheep and r away.


Pr 1:16 for their feet r into evil, they are

6:18 feet that are quick to r into evil,

Isa 59:7 Their feet r into sin; they are swift


Pr 26:17 by the ears is someone who r


Pr 18:4 fountain of wisdom is a r stream.


Moabitess; widow who went to Bethlehem with mother-in-law Naomi (Ru 1). Gleaned in field of Boaz; shown favor (Ru 2). Proposed marriage to Boaz (Ru 3). Married (Ru 4:1–12); bore Obed, ancestor of David (Ru 4:13–22), Jesus (Mt 1:5).


Pr 11:16 honor, but r men gain only wealth.



Ex 20:8 “Remember the S day by keeping it

31:14 “ ‘Observe the S, because it is

Lev 25:2 the land itself must observe a s

Dt 5:12 “Observe the S day by keeping it

Isa 56:2 keeps the S without desecrating

56:6 keep the S without desecrating

58:13 if you call the S a delight

Jer 17:21 not to carry a load on the S day

Mt 12:1 through the grainfields on the S.

Lk 13:10 On a S Jesus was teaching in one

Col 2:16 New Moon celebration or a S day.


Heb 4:9 then, a S for the people of God;


2Ch 2:4 morning and evening and on the S,

Eze 20:12 I gave them my S as a sign between


Ps 30:11 you removed my s and clothed me

Da 9:3 in fasting, and in s and ashes.

Mt 11:21 would have repented long ago in s


Ge 1:14 as signs to mark s times, and days

Lev 23:2 you are to proclaim as s assemblies.

Ps 15:1 who may dwell in your s tent?

Mt 7:6 “Do not give dogs what is s;

Ro 14:5 one day more s than another;

1Co 3:17 for God’s temple is s, and you

2Pe 1:18 were with him on the s mountain.

2:21 turn their backs on the s command


Ge 22:2 S him there as a burnt offering

Ex 12:27 ‘It is the Passover s to the LORD,

1Sa 15:22 To obey is better than s, and to

1Ki 18:38 the LORD fell and burned up the s,

1Ch 21:24 or s a burnt offering that costs me

Ps 40:6 S and offering you did not desire—

50:14S thank offerings to God,

51:16 You do not delight in s, or I would

51:17 My s, O God, is a broken spirit;

54:6 I will s a freewill offering to you;

107:22 Let them s thank offerings and tell

141:2 of my hands be like the evening s.

Pr 15:8 The LORD detests the s

21:3 acceptable to the LORD than s.

Da 9:27 of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to s

12:11 time that the daily s is abolished

Hos 6:6 not s, and acknowledgment of God

Mt 9:13 ‘I desire mercy, not s.’

Ro 3:25 God presented Christ as a s

12:1 to offer your bodies as a living s,

Eph 5:2 as a fragrant offering and s to God.

Php 4:18 an acceptable s, pleasing to God.

Heb 9:26 away with sin by the s of himself.

10:5S and offering you did not desire,

10:10 have been made holy through the s

10:14 one s he has made perfect forever

10:18 s for sin is no longer necessary.

13:15 offer to God a s of praise—

1Jn 2:2 He is the atoning s for our sins,

4:10 sent his Son as an atoning s for our


Ac 15:29 are to abstain from food s to idols,

1Co 5:7 our Passover lamb, has been s.

8:1 Now about food s to idols:

Heb 7:27 He s for their sins once for all

9:28 so Christ was s once to take away


Mk 12:33 than all burnt offerings and s.”

Heb 9:23 with better s than these.

13:16 for with such s God is pleased.

1Pe 2:5 offering spiritual s acceptable


Lk 18:23 he became very s, because he was


Mt 16:6 the yeast of the Pharisees and S.”

Mk 12:18 Then the S, who say there is no

Ac 23:8 (The S say that there is no


Ps 27:5 of trouble he will keep me s in his

37:3 in the land and enjoy s pasture.

Pr 18:10 the righteous run to it and are s.

28:26 who walk in wisdom are kept s.

29:25 trusts in the LORD is kept s.

Jer 12:5 If you stumble in s country,

Jn 17:12 kept them s by that name you gave

1Jn 5:18 was born of God keeps them s,


Ps 4:8 alone, LORD, make me dwell in s.

Hos 2:18 land, so that all may lie down in s.

1Th 5:3 “Peace and s,” destruction will


1Sa 12:22 the s of his great name the LORD

Ps 23:3 the right paths for his name’s s.

44:22 your s we face death all day long;

106:8 Yet he saved them for his name’s s,

Isa 42:21 for the s of his righteousness

43:25 for my own s, and remembers your

48:9 my own name’s s I delay my wrath;

48:11 For my own s, for my own s, I do

Jer 14:7 LORD, for the s of your name.

14:21 the s of your name do not despise

Eze 20:9 But for the s of my name, I brought

20:14 the s of my name I did what would

20:22 the s of my name I did what would

36:22 but for the s of my holy name,

Da 9:17 For your s, Lord, look with favor

Mt 10:39 loses their life for my s will find

19:29 my s will receive a hundred times

1Co 9:23 I do all this for the s of the gospel,

2Co 8:9 yet for your s he became poor,

12:10 is why, for Christ’s s, I delight

Php 3:7 consider loss for the s of Christ.

Heb 11:26 disgrace for the s of Christ as

1Pe 2:13 for the Lord’s s to every human

3Jn 7 It was for the s of the Name


Ge 14:18 Melchizedek king of S brought

Heb 7:2 “king of S” means “king of peace.”


Ge 19:26 back, and she became a pillar of s.

Nu 18:19 covenant of s before the LORD

Mt 5:13 “You are the s of the earth.

5:13 But if the s loses its saltiness,

Col 4:6 seasoned with s, so that you may

Jas 3:11 s water flow from the same spring?


Ex 15:2 he has become my s.

2Sa 22:3 my shield and the horn of my s.

23:5 he would not bring to fruition my s

1Ch 16:23 proclaim his s day after day.

2Ch 6:41 clothed with s, may your faithful

Ps 9:14 Zion, and there rejoice in your s.

13:5 my heart rejoices in your s.

14:7 that s for Israel would come

18:2 my shield and the horn of my s,

27:1 The LORD is my light and my s

28:8 a fortress of s for his anointed one.

35:3 Say to me, “I am your s.”

35:9 in the LORD and delight in his s.

37:39 The s of the righteous comes

50:23 to the blameless I will show my s.”

51:12 Restore to me the joy of your s

53:6 that s for Israel would come

Ps 62:1 rest in God; my s comes from him.

62:2 Truly he is my rock and my s;

62:6 Truly he is my rock and my s;

62:7 s and my honor depend on God;

67:2 on earth, your s among all nations.

69:13 God, answer me with your sure s.

69:27 do not let them share in your s.

69:29 may your s, God, protect me.

74:12 he brings s on the earth.

85:7 love, LORD, and grant us your s.

85:9 Surely his s is near those who fear

91:16 satisfy him and show him my s.”

95:1 shout aloud to the Rock of our s.

96:2 proclaim his s day after day.

98:1 holy arm have worked s for him.

98:2 The LORD has made his s known

98:3 of the earth have seen the s of our

116:13 I will lift up the cup of s and call

118:14 he has become my s.

118:21 you have become my s.

119:41 your s, according to your promise;

119:81 soul faints with longing for your s,

119:123 looking for your s, looking for your

119:155 S is far from the wicked, for they

119:166 I wait for your s, LORD, and I

119:174 I long for your s, LORD, and your

132:16 I will clothe her priests with s,

Isa 12:2 Surely God is my s; I will trust

12:2 he has become my s.”

12:3 will draw water from the wells of s.

25:9 let us rejoice and be glad in his s.”

26:1 God makes s its walls and

26:18 We have not brought s to the earth,

30:15 “In repentance and rest is your s,

33:2 morning, our s in time of distress.

33:6 a rich store of s and wisdom

45:8 earth open wide, let s spring up,

45:17 the LORD with an everlasting s;

46:13 and my s will not be delayed.

46:13 I will grant s to Zion, my splendor

49:6 that my s may reach to the ends

49:8 and in the day of s I will help you;

51:5 near speedily, my s is on the way,

51:6 But my s will last forever,

51:8 my s through all generations.”

52:7 who proclaim s, who say to Zion,

52:10 the earth will see the s of our God.

56:1 for my s is close at hand and my

59:16 so his own arm achieved s for him,

59:17 and the helmet of s on his head;

60:18 you will call your walls S and your

61:10 has clothed me with garments of s

62:1 the dawn, her s like a blazing torch.

63:5 so my own arm achieved s for me,

Jer 3:23 in the LORD our God is the s

La 3:26 wait quietly for the s of the LORD.

Jnh 2:9S comes from the LORD.’ ”

Lk 1:69 He has raised up a horn of s for us

1:71 s from our enemies

1:77 of s through the forgiveness of

2:30 For my eyes have seen your s,

3:6 all people will see God’s s.’ ”

19:9 “Today s has come to this house,

Jn 4:22 we do know, for s is from the Jews.

Ac 4:12 S is found in no one else, for there

13:26 this message of s has been sent.

13:47 that you may bring s to the ends

28:28 know that God’s s has been sent

Ro 1:16 brings s to everyone who believes:

11:11 s has come to the Gentiles to make

13:11 because our s is nearer now than

2Co 1:6 it is for your comfort and s;

6:2 and in the day of s I helped you.”

6:2 God’s favor, now is the day of s.

7:10 brings repentance that leads to s

Eph 1:13 of truth, the gospel of your s.

6:17 Take the helmet of s and the sword

Php 2:12 to work out your s with fear

1Th 5:8 and the hope of s as a helmet.

5:9 to receive s through our Lord Jesus

2Ti 2:10 they too may obtain the s that is

3:15 make you wise for s through faith

Titus 2:11 appeared that offers s to all people.

Heb 1:14 to serve those who will inherit s?

2:3 we escape if we ignore so great a s?

Heb 2:3 This s, which was first announced

2:10 of their s perfect through what he

5:9 of eternal s for all who obey him

6:9 the things that have to do with s.

9:28 to bring s to those who are waiting

1Pe 1:5 the coming of the s that is ready

1:9 of your faith, the s of your souls.

1:10 Concerning this s, the prophets,

2:2 by it you may grow up in your s,

2Pe 3:15 that our Lord’s patience means s,

Jude 3 write to you about the s we share,

Rev 7:10S belongs to our God, who sits

12:10 “Now have come the s

19:1 S and glory and power belong to


1Ki 16:24 bought the hill of S from Shemer

2Ki 17:6 the king of Assyria captured S

Jn 4:4 Now he had to go through S.

4:5 came to a town in S called Sychar,


Lk 10:33 But a S, as he traveled, came where

17:16 and thanked him—and he was a S.

Jn 4:7 When a S woman came to draw

Ac 8:25 the gospel in many S villages.


Danite judge. Birth promised (Jdg 13). Married to Philistine, but wife given away (Jdg 14). Vengeance on Philistines (Jdg 15). Betrayed by Delilah (Jdg 16:1–22). Death (Jdg 16:23–31). Feats of strength: killed lion (Jdg 14:6), 30 Philistines (Jdg 14:19), 1,000 Philistines with jawbone (Jdg 15:13–17), carried off gates of Gaza (Jdg 16:3), pushed down temple of Dagon (Jdg 16:25–30).


Ephraimite judge and prophet (Heb 11:32). Birth prayed for (1Sa 1:10–18). Dedicated to temple by Hannah (1Sa 1:21–28). Raised by Eli (1Sa 2:11, 18–26). Called as prophet (1Sa 3). Led Israel to victory over Philistines (1Sa 7). Asked by Israel for a king (1Sa 8). Anointed Saul as king (1Sa 9–10). Farewell speech (1Sa 12). Rebuked Saul for sacrifice (1Sa 13). Announced rejection of Saul (1Sa 15). Anointed David as king (1Sa 16). Protected David from Saul (1Sa 19:18–24). Death (1Sa 25:1). Returned from dead to condemn Saul (1Sa 28).


Led opposition to Nehemiah’s rebuilding of Jerusalem (Ne 2:10, 19; 4; 6).


Jn 17:19 that they too may be truly s.

Ac 20:32 among all those who are s.

26:18 a place among those who are s

Ro 15:16 to God, s by the Holy Spirit.

1Co 1:2 to those s in Christ Jesus and called

6:11 you were s, you were justified

7:14 husband has been s through his

7:14 wife has been s through her

1Th 4:3 It is God’s will that you should be s:

Heb 10:29 blood of the covenant that s them,


Jn 17:17 S them by the truth; your word is

17:19 For them I s myself, that they too

1Th 5:23 peace, s you through and through.

Heb 9:13 are ceremonially unclean s them so


2Th 2:13 be saved through the s work

1Pe 1:2 through the s work of the Spirit,


Ex 25:8 “Then have them make a s for me,

Lev 10:13 Eat it in the s area, because it is

19:30 and have reverence for my s.

Ps 63:2 I have seen you in the s and beheld

68:24 of my God and King into the s.

68:35 You, God, are awesome in your s;

73:17 till I entered the s of God;

102:19 looked down from his s on high,

134:2 Lift up your hands in the s

150:1 Praise God in his s; praise him

Eze 37:26 will put my s among them forever.

Da 9:26 will destroy the city and the s.

Heb 6:19 the inner s behind the curtain,

Heb 8:2 and who serves in the s, the true

8:5 They serve at a s that is a copy

9:24 Christ did not enter a s made


Ge 22:17 sky and as the s on the seashore.

Mt 7:26 man who built his house on s.


Ru 4:7 one party took off his s and gave it


Ex 3:5 “Take off your s, for the place

Dt 25:9 take off one of his s, spit in his face

Jos 5:15 “Take off your s, for the place

Mt 3:11 whose s I am not worthy to carry.


Ex 15:1 and the Israelites s this song

15:21 Miriam s to them:

Nu 21:17 Then Israel s this song:

Jdg 5:1 Barak son of Abinoam s this song:

1Sa 18:7 As they danced, they s:

2Sa 22:1 David s to the LORD the words

2Ch 5:13 in praise to the LORD and s:

29:30 So they s praises with gladness

Ezr 3:11 thanksgiving they s to the LORD:

Job 38:7 while the morning stars s together

Ps 106:12 his promises and s his praise.

Rev 5:9 And they s a new song, saying:

14:3 s a new song before the throne

15:3 s the song of God’s servant Moses


Ro 11:17 nourishing s from the olive root,


Ac 5:1 together with his wife S, also sold


Wife of Abraham, originally named Sarai; barren (Ge 11:29–31; 1Pe 3:6). Taken by Pharaoh as Abraham’s sister; returned (Ge 12:10–20). Gave Hagar to Abraham; sent her away in pregnancy (Ge 16). Name changed; Isaac promised (Ge 17:15–21; 18:10–15; Heb 11:11). Taken by Abimelek as Abraham’s sister; returned (Ge 20). Isaac born; Hagar and Ishmael sent away (Ge 21:1–21; Gal 4:21–31). Death (Ge 23).


Rev 3:1 the angel of the church in S write:


Rev 1:13 with a golden s around his chest.


Rev 15:6 wore golden s around their chests.


Ps 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon we s

Mk 16:19 he s at the right hand of God.

Lk 10:39 who s at the Lord’s feet listening

Heb 1:3 he s down at the right hand

8:1 who s down at the right hand

10:12 s down at the right hand of God,

12:2 and s down at the right hand


Job 1:6 and S also came with them.

Zec 3:2 The LORD said to S, “The LORD rebuke you, S!

Mt 12:26 If S drives out S, he is divided

16:23 said to Peter, “Get behind me, S!

Mk 4:15 S comes and takes away the word

Lk 10:18 “I saw S fall like lightning

22:3 Then S entered Judas,

Ro 16:20 will soon crush S under your feet.

1Co 5:5 hand this man over to S

2Co 11:14 S himself masquerades as an angel

12:7 a messenger of S, to torment me.

1Ti 1:20 I have handed over to S to be

Rev 12:9 or S, who leads the whole world

20:2 S, and bound him for a thousand

20:7 S will be released from his prison


Ps 17:15 will be s with seeing your likeness.

22:26 The poor will eat and be s;

63:5 I will be fully s as with the richest

104:28 hand, they are s with good things.

Pr 13:4 desires of the diligent are fully s.

30:15 are three things that are never s,

Ecc 5:10 whoever loves wealth is never s

Isa 53:11 he will see the light of life and be s;

Mt 14:20 They all ate and were s,

Lk 6:21 who hunger now, for you will be s.


Ps 103:5 s your desires with good things

107:9 for he s the thirsty and fills

147:14 and s you with the finest of wheat.


Ps 90:14 S us in the morning with your

145:16 s the desires of every living thing.

Pr 5:19 may her breasts s you always,

Isa 55:2 and your labor on what does not s?

58:10 and s the needs of the oppressed,


1. Benjamite; anointed by Samuel as first king of Israel (1Sa 9–10). Defeated Ammonites (1Sa 11). Rebuked for offering sacrifice (1Sa 13:1–15). Defeated Philistines (1Sa 14). Rejected as king for failing to annihilate Amalekites (1Sa 15). Soothed from evil spirit by David (1Sa 16:14–23). Sent David against Goliath (1Sa 17). Jealousy and attempted murder of David (1Sa 18:1–11). Gave David Michal as wife (1Sa 18:12–30). Second attempt to kill David (1Sa 19). Anger at Jonathan (1Sa 20:26–34). Pursued David: killed priests at Nob (1Sa 22), went to Keilah and Ziph (1Sa 23), life spared by David at En Gedi (1Sa 24) and in his tent (1Sa 26). Rebuked by Samuel’s spirit for consulting witch at Endor (1Sa 28). Wounded by Philistines; took his own life (1Sa 31; 1Ch 10). Lamented by David (2Sa 1:17–27). Children (1Sa 14:49–51; 1Ch 8).

2. See PAUL


Ac 20:29 s wolves will come in among you


Ge 45:5 because it was to s lives that God

1Ch 16:35 Cry out, “S us, God our Savior;

Job 40:14 your own right hand can s you.

Ps 17:7 who s by your right hand those

18:27 You s the humble but bring low

28:9 S your people and bless your

31:16 s me in your unfailing love.

69:35 for God will s Zion and rebuild

71:2 turn your ear to me and s me.

72:13 needy and s the needy from death.

91:3 Surely he will s you

109:31 to s their lives from those who

146:3 in human beings, who cannot s.

Pr 2:16 Wisdom will s you

Isa 35:4 retribution he will come to s you.”

38:20 The LORD will s me, and we will

46:7 cannot s them from their troubles.

59:1 of the LORD is not too short to s,

63:1 proclaiming victory, mighty to s.”

Jer 17:14 s me and I will be saved, for you

Eze 3:18 evil ways in order to s their life,

14:14 it, they could s only themselves

34:22 I will s my flock, and they will no

Hos 1:7 the LORD their God, will s them.”

Zep 1:18 nor their gold will be able to s

Zec 8:7 “I will s my people

Mt 1:21 because he will s his people

16:25 wants to s their life will lose it,

Lk 19:10 came to seek and to s the lost.”

Jn 3:17 but to s the world through him.

12:47 judge the world, but to s the world.

Ro 11:14 people to envy and s some of them.

1Co 7:16 whether you will s your husband?

7:16 whether you will s your wife?

1Ti 1:15 came into the world to s sinners—

Heb 7:25 to s completely those who come

Jas 5:20 of their way will s them from death

Jude 23 s others by snatching them


Ps 22:5 To you they cried out and were s;

33:16 No king is s by the size of his army;

34:6 he s him out of all his troubles.

106:21 They forgot the God who s them,

116:6 when I was brought low, he s me.

Isa 25:9 we trusted in him, and he s us.

45:22 “Turn to me and be s, all you ends

Isa 64:5 How then can we be s?

Jer 4:14 the evil from your heart and be s.

8:20 has ended, and we are not s.”

Eze 3:19 but you will have s yourself.

33:5 they would have s themselves.

Joel 2:32 the name of the LORD will be s;

Mt 10:22 stands firm to the end will be s.

24:13 stands firm to the end will be s.

Mk 13:13 stands firm to the end will be s.

16:16 believes and is baptized will be s,

Jn 10:9 enters through me will be s.

Ac 2:21 on the name of the Lord will be s.’

2:47 daily those who were being s.

4:12 mankind by which we must be s.”

15:11 of our Lord Jesus that we are s,

16:30 “Sirs, what must I do to be s?”

Ro 5:9 how much more shall we be s

9:27 the sea, only the remnant will be s.

10:1 the Israelites is that they may be s.

10:9 him from the dead, you will be s.

10:13 on the name of the Lord will be s.”

11:26 and in this way all Israel will be s.

1Co 1:18 us who are being s it is the power

3:15 will suffer loss but yet will be s

5:5 that his spirit may be s on the day

10:33 of many, so that they may be s.

15:2 By this gospel you are s, if you hold

Eph 2:5 it is by grace you have been s.

2:8 For it is by grace you have been s,

2Th 2:13 be s through the sanctifying work

1Ti 2:4 who wants all people to be s

2:15 will be s through childbearing—

2Ti 1:9 He has s us and called us to a holy

Titus 3:5 He s us through the washing

Heb 10:39 to those who have faith and are s.


Ps 7:10 High, who s the upright in heart.

68:20 Our God is a God who s;

145:19 he hears their cry and s them.

Pr 11:30 the one who is wise s lives.

Zep 3:17 you, the Mighty Warrior who s.

1Pe 3:21 s you by the resurrection of Jesus


Dt 32:15 them and rejected the Rock their S.

2Sa 22:3 stronghold, my refuge and my s

22:47 be my God, the Rock, my S!

1Ch 16:35 Cry out, “Save us, God our S;

Ps 18:46 to my Rock! Exalted be God my S!

24:5 and vindication from God their S.

25:5 you are God my S, and my hope

27:9 reject me or forsake me, God my S.

38:22 to help me, my Lord and my S.

42:5 yet praise him, my S and my God.

42:11 yet praise him, my S and my God.

43:5 yet praise him, my S and my God.

51:14 you who are God my S, and my

65:5 God our S, the hope of all the ends

68:19 to God our S, who daily bears our

79:9 us, God our S, for the glory of your

85:4 God our S, and put away your

89:26 Father, my God, the Rock my S.’

Isa 17:10 You have forgotten God your S;

19:20 he will send them a s and defender,

43:3 the Holy One of Israel, your S;

43:11 and apart from me there is no s.

45:15 himself, the God and S of Israel.

45:21 from me, a righteous God and a S;

49:26 am your S, your Redeemer,

60:16 am your S, your Redeemer,

62:11 Daughter Zion, ‘See, your S comes!

63:8 and so he became their S.

Jer 14:8 of Israel, its S in times of distress,

23:6 The LORD Our Righteous S.

33:16 The LORD Our Righteous S.’

Hos 13:4 no God but me, no S except me.

Mic 7:7 the LORD, I wait for God my S;

Hab 3:18 I will be joyful in God my S.

Lk 1:47 and my spirit rejoices in God my S,

2:11 town of David a S has been born

Jn 4:42 that this man really is the S

Ac 5:31 and S that he might bring Israel

13:23 has brought to Israel the S Jesus,

Eph 5:23 his body, of which he is the S.

Php 3:20 we eagerly await a S from there,

1Ti 1:1 by the command of God our S

1Ti 2:3 is good, and pleases God our S,

4:10 God, who is the S of all people,

2Ti 1:10 through the appearing of our S,

Titus 1:3 me by the command of God our S,

1:4 the Father and Christ Jesus our S.

2:10 about God our S attractive.

2:13 the glory of our great God and S,

3:4 and love of God our S appeared,

3:6 through Jesus Christ our S,

2Pe 1:1 S Jesus Christ have received a faith

1:11 of our Lord and S Jesus Christ.

2:20 our Lord and S Jesus Christ and

3:2 Lord and S through your apostles.

3:18 of our Lord and S Jesus Christ.

1Jn 4:14 his Son to be the S of the world.

Jude 25 to the only God our S be glory,


Ps 18:29 with my God I can s a wall.


Lev 11:9 may eat any that have fins and s.

19:36 Use honest s and honest weights,

Pr 11:1 The LORD detests dishonest s,

Da 5:27 You have been weighed on the s

Rev 6:5 Its rider was holding a pair of s


Lev 16:10 it into the wilderness as a s.


Jer 10:5 Like a s in a cucumber field,


Jos 2:21 she tied the s cord in the window.

Isa 1:18 “Though your sins are like s,

Mt 27:28 him and put a s robe on him,


Dt 4:27 The LORD will s you among

Ne 1:8 I will s you among the nations,

Jer 9:16 I will s them among nations

30:11 the nations among which I s you,

Zec 10:9 I s them among the peoples,


Isa 11:12 he will assemble the s people

Jer 31:10 ‘He who s Israel will gather them

Zec 2:6 “for I have s you to the four winds

13:7 and the sheep will be s, and I will

Mt 26:31 and the sheep of the flock will be s.’

Jn 11:52 but also for the s children of God,

Ac 8:4 who had been s preached the word

Jas 1:1 To the twelve tribes s among

1Pe 1:1 exiles s throughout the provinces


Mt 12:30 does not gather with me s.


Ge 49:10 The s will not depart from Judah,

Nu 24:17 a s will rise out of Israel.

Ps 45:6 a s of justice will be the s of your

Heb 1:8 a s of justice will be the s of your

Rev 2:27 one ‘will rule them with an iron s

12:5 rule all the nations with an iron s.”

19:15 “He will rule them with an iron s.”


Pr 6:18 a heart that devises wicked s,

10:23 A fool finds pleasure in wicked s,

12:2 those who devise wicked s.

14:17 the one who devises evil s is hated.

24:9 The s of folly are sin, and people

2Co 2:11 For we are not unaware of his s.

Eph 6:11 your stand against the devil’s s.


2Pe 3:3 that in the last days s will come,


Ps 69:7 For I endure s for your sake,

69:20 S has broken my heart and has left

89:41 he has become the s of his

109:25 I am an object of s to my accusers;

119:22 Remove from me their s

Mic 6:16 you will bear the s of the nations.”


Ps 22:6 and not a man, s by everyone,


Heb 12:2 he endured the cross, s its shame,


Pr 13:13 Whoever s instruction will pay

30:17 that s an aged mother, will be


Lk 11:12 asks for an egg, will give him a s?

Rev 9:5 of the sting of a s when it strikes.


1Sa 2:12 Eli’s sons were s; they had no


Jn 2:22 they believed the s and the words

7:42 Does not S say that the Messiah

10:35 and S cannot be set aside—

Ac 8:32 of S the eunuch was reading:

1Ti 4:13 yourself to the public reading of S,

2Ti 3:16 All S is God-breathed and is useful

2Pe 1:20 that no prophecy of S came


Mt 22:29 because you do not know the S

Lk 24:27 in all the S concerning himself.

24:45 so they could understand the S.

Jn 5:39 You study the S diligently because

Ac 17:11 examined the S every day to see

2Ti 3:15 you have known the Holy S,

2Pe 3:16 as they do the other S, to their own


Ps 40:7 it is written about me in the s.

Isa 34:4 and the heavens rolled up like a s;

Eze 3:1 eat what is before you, eat this s;

Heb 10:7 it is written about me in the s

Rev 6:14 receded like a s being rolled up,

10:8 the s that lies open in the hand

22:18 the words of the prophecy of this s:


Pr 20:30 Blows and wounds s away evil,


1Co 4:13 We have become the s of the earth,


Ex 14:16 the Israelites can go through the s

Dt 30:13 Nor is it beyond the s, so that you

1Ki 7:23 He made the S of cast metal,

Job 11:9 the earth and wider than the s.

Ps 93:4 mightier than the breakers of the s

95:5 The s is his, for he made it, and his

Ecc 1:7 All streams flow into the s, yet the s is never full.

11:1 Ship your grain across the s;

Isa 57:20 the wicked are like the tossing s,

Jnh 1:4 LORD sent a great wind on the s,

Mic 7:19 iniquities into the depths of the s.

Hab 2:14 LORD as the waters cover the s.

Zec 9:10 His rule will extend from s to s

Mt 18:6 be drowned in the depths of the s.

1Co 10:1 that they all passed through the s.

Jas 1:6 who doubts is like a wave of the s,

Jude 13 They are wild waves of the s,

Rev 10:2 He planted his right foot on the s

13:1 I saw a beast coming out of the s.

20:13 The s gave up the dead that were

21:1 and there was no longer any s.


Ps 40:9 I do not s my lips, LORD, as you

SS 8:6 Place me like a s over your heart,

Eze 28:12 “ ‘You were the s of perfection,

Da 12:4 s the words of the scroll until

Jn 6:27 God the Father has placed his s

1Co 9:2 For you are the s of my apostleship

2Co 1:22 set his s of ownership on us,

Eph 1:13 you were marked in him with a s,

Rev 6:3 the Lamb opened the second s,

6:5 the Lamb opened the third s,

6:7 the Lamb opened the fourth s,

6:9 When he opened the fifth s, I saw

6:12 I watched as he opened the sixth s.

8:1 When he opened the seventh s,

9:4 people who did not have the s

22:10 me, “Do not s up the words


Eph 4:30 with whom you were s for the day

2Ti 2:19 stands firm, s with this inscription:

Rev 5:1 both sides and s with seven seals.


Rev 5:2 “Who is worthy to break the s

6:1 opened the first of the seven s.


Jn 19:23 This garment was s, woven in one


Ps 4:4 beds, s your hearts and be silent.

139:23 S me, God, and know my heart;

Pr 2:4 and s for it as for hidden treasure,

25:2 to s out a matter is the glory

25:27 nor is it honorable to s out matters

SS 3:2 I will s for the one my heart loves.

Jer 17:10 “I the LORD s the heart

Eze 34:11 I myself will s for my sheep

34:16 I will s for the lost and bring back

Lk 15:8 and s carefully until she finds it?


Ps 139:1 You have s me, LORD, and you

Ecc 12:10 The Teacher s to find just the right

1Pe 1:10 s intently and with the greatest care


1Ch 28:9 for the LORD s every heart

Job 39:8 pasture and s for any green thing.

Pr 11:27 evil comes to one who s for it.

Ro 8:27 who s our hearts knows the mind

1Co 2:10 The Spirit s all things, even the

Rev 2:23 know that I am he who s hearts


Jdg 5:15 Reuben there was much s of heart.

Am 8:12 east, s for the word of the LORD,


1Ti 4:2 whose consciences have been s as


Jos 11:4 as numerous as the sand on the s.

1Ki 4:29 as measureless as the sand on the s.


Lev 26:4 I will send you rain in its s,

Ps 1:3 which yields its fruit in s and

2Ti 4:2 be prepared in s and out of s;


Col 4:6 be always full of grace, s with salt,


Gal 4:10 days and months and s and years!


Pr 31:23 he takes his s among the elders

Da 7:9 and the Ancient of Days took his s.

Lk 14:9 to you, ‘Give this person your s.’

2Co 5:10 all appear before the judgment s


Ps 47:8 God is s on his holy throne.

Isa 6:1 high and exalted, s on a throne;

Lk 22:69 of Man will be s at the right hand

Eph 1:20 and s him at his right hand

2:6 and s us with him in the heavenly

Col 3:1 is, s at the right hand of God.

Rev 14:14 s on the cloud was one like a son

20:11 throne and him who was s on it.


Lk 11:43 you love the most important s


Lk 1:24 and for five months remained in s.


Dt 29:29 The s things belong to the LORD

Jdg 16:6 “Tell me the s of your great

Ps 90:8 you, our s sins in the light of your

139:15 when I was made in the s place,

Pr 11:13 but a trustworthy person keeps a s.

21:14 A gift given in s soothes anger,

Jer 23:24 Who can hide in s places so that I

Mt 6:4 so that your giving may be in s.

6:18 who sees what is done in s,

Mk 4:11 “The s of the kingdom of God has

2Co 4:2 we have renounced s and shameful

Eph 5:12 what the disobedient do in s.

Php 4:12 have learned the s of being content


2Pe 2:1 They will s introduce destructive

Jude 4 long ago have s slipped in among


Ps 44:21 since he knows the s of the heart?

Ro 2:16 judges people’s s through Jesus

1Co 14:25 as the s of their hearts are laid bare.

Rev 2:24 learned Satan’s so-called deep s,


Dt 33:12 beloved of the LORD rest s in him,

2Sa 22:33 with strength and keeps my way s.

Ps 16:5 and my cup; you make my lot s.

16:9 my body also will rest s,

18:32 with strength and keeps my way s.

93:1 the world is established, firm and s.

112:8 Their hearts are s, they will have

Pr 14:26 fears the LORD has a s fortress,

Heb 6:19 an anchor for the soul, firm and s.

2Pe 3:17 and fall from your s position.


Job 31:24 or said to pure gold, ‘You are my s,’


Ge 1:11 the land that bear fruit with s in it,

Isa 55:10 so that it yields s for the sower

Mt 13:3 “A farmer went out to sow his s.

13:31 of heaven is like a mustard s,

17:20 have faith as small as a mustard s,

Lk 8:11 The s is the word of God.

1Co 3:6 I planted the s, Apollos watered it,

2Co 9:10 he who supplies s to the sower

Gal 3:29 you are Abraham’s s, and heirs

1Pe 1:23 again, not of perishable s,

1Jn 3:9 because God’s s remains in them;


Jn 12:24 But if it dies, it produces many s.

Gal 3:16 Scripture does not say “and to s,”


Ge 8:22 as the earth endures, s and harvest,


Lev 19:18 “ ‘Do not s revenge or bear

Dt 4:29 there you s the LORD your God,

4:29 you will find him if you s him

1Ki 22:5 of Israel, “First s the counsel

1Ch 28:9 If you s him, he will be found

2Ch 7:14 pray and s my face and turn

15:2 If you s him, he will be found

Ps 34:10 but those who s the LORD lack no

105:3 of those who s the LORD rejoice.

105:4 and his strength; s his face always.

119:2 and s him with all their heart—

119:10 I s you with all my heart; do not let

119:176 S your servant, for I have not

Pr 8:17 me, and those who s me find me.

18:15 for the ears of the wise s it out.

28:5 those who s the LORD understand

Isa 55:6 S the LORD while he may be

65:1 found by those who did not s me.

Jer 29:13 You will s me and find me

Hos 10:12 for it is time to s the LORD,

Am 5:4 says to Israel: “S me and live;

Zep 2:3 S the LORD, all you humble

2:3 S righteousness, s humility;

Mt 6:33 But s first his kingdom and his

7:7 given to you; s and you will find;

Lk 12:31 But s his kingdom, and these

19:10 For the Son of Man came to s

Jn 5:30 for I s not to please myself but him

5:44 do not s the glory that comes

Ro 10:20 found by those who did not s me;

1Co 7:27 Do not s to be released.

10:24 No one should s their own good,

Heb 11:6 rewards those who earnestly s him.

1Pe 3:11 they must s peace and pursue it.


2Ch 30:19 who sets their heart on s God—

Pr 20:18 Plans are established by s advice;

Mal 3:1 the Lord you are s will come to his

Jn 8:50 I am not s glory for myself;

1Co 10:33 For I am not s my own good


Pr 11:27 Whoever s good finds favor,

Mt 7:8 the one who s finds; and to the one

Jn 4:23 the kind of worshipers the Father s.

Ro 3:11 there is no one who s God.


1Sa 9:9 of today used to be called a s.)


Pr 16:32 with s than one who takes a city.

25:28 through is a person who lacks s.

Ac 24:25 s and the judgment to come,

1Co 7:5 you because of your lack of s.

Gal 5:23 gentleness and s.

2Ti 3:3 slanderous, without s, brutal,

2Pe 1:6 to knowledge, s; and to s, perseverance;


1Ti 3:2 his wife, temperate, s, respectable,

Titus 1:8 what is good, who is s, upright,

2:2 worthy of respect, s, and sound

2:5 to be s and pure, to be busy

2:6 encourage the young men to be s.

2:12 to live s, upright and godly lives


Ps 132:1 remember David and all his s.


2Ti 1:7 but gives us power, love and s.


Mt 23:25 inside they are full of greed and s.

Jas 5:5 have lived on earth in luxury and s.


Ps 119:36 statutes and not toward s gain.

Pr 18:1 unfriendly person pursues s ends

2Co 12:20 s ambition, slander, gossip,

Gal 5:20 fits of rage, s ambition, dissensions,

Php 1:17 preach Christ out of s ambition,

2:3 Do nothing out of s ambition

Jas 3:14 envy and s ambition in your hearts,

3:16 you have envy and s ambition,


Ro 2:8 for those who are s and who reject

1Co 13:5 it is not s, it is not easily angered,


Ge 25:31 “First s me your birthright.”

Mk 10:21 s everything you have and give

Rev 13:17 buy or s unless they had the mark,


Lk 17:28 buying and s, planting and


Pr 31:24 makes linen garments and s them,


Ps 43:3 S me your light and your faithful

Isa 6:8 And I said, “Here am I. S me!”

Mal 3:1 “I will s my messenger, who will

Mt 9:38 to s out workers into his harvest

24:31 And he will s his angels with a loud

Mk 1:2 “I will s my messenger ahead

1:17 I will s you out to fish for people.”

6:7 he began to s them out two by two

Lk 20:13 I will s my son, whom I love;

Jn 3:17 God did not s his Son into the

16:7 but if I go, I will s him to you.

1Co 1:17 For Christ did not s me to baptize,


Mt 10:16 “I am s you out like sheep among

Jn 20:21 the Father has sent me, I am s you.”

Ro 8:3 God did by s his own Son


Ps 57:3 He s from heaven and saves me,


Assyrian king whose siege of Jerusalem was overthrown by the LORD following prayer of Hezekiah and Isaiah (2Ki 18:1319:37; 2Ch 32:1–21; Isa 36–37).


Pr 6:32 who commits adultery has no s;

10:21 many, but fools die for lack of s.

11:12 derides their neighbor has no s,

12:11 who chase fantasies have no s.

15:21 brings joy to one who has no s,

17:18 One who has no s shakes hands

24:30 vineyard of someone who has no s;


Lk 15:17 “When he came to his s, he said,

1Co 15:34 Come back to your s as you ought,

2Ti 2:26 that they will come to their s


Eph 4:19 Having lost all s, they have given


Col 2:23 value in restraining s indulgence.

1Ti 5:11 when their s desires overcome


Eph 4:19 given themselves over to s so as


Ex 3:14 ‘I AM has s me to you.’ ”

Isa 55:11 achieve the purpose for which I s

61:1 He has s me to bind

Jer 28:9 will be recognized as one truly s

Mt 10:40 me welcomes the one who s me.

Lk 4:18 He has s me to proclaim freedom

9:2 and he s them out to proclaim

10:16 rejects me rejects him who s me.”

Jn 1:6 There was a man s from God

4:34 “is to do the will of him who s me

5:24 believes him who s me has eternal

8:16 I stand with the Father, who s me.

9:4 do the works of him who s me.

16:5 now I am going to him who s me.

17:3 and Jesus Christ, whom you have s.

17:18 As you s me into the world, I have s them

20:21 As the Father has s me, I am

Ro 10:15 anyone preach unless they are s?

Gal 4:4 had fully come, God s his Son,

1Jn 4:10 s his Son as an atoning sacrifice


2Co 1:9 we felt we had received the s


Mt 19:6 has joined together, let no one s.”

Ro 8:35 Who shall s us from the love

1Co 7:10 A wife must not s from her

2Co 6:17 “Come out from them and be s,

Eph 2:12 that time you were s from Christ,


Isa 59:2 your iniquities have s you from

Eph 4:18 s from the life of God because


Ru 1:17 if even death s you and me.”

Pr 16:28 and a gossip s close friends.

17:9 repeats the matter s close friends.

Mt 25:32 another as a shepherd s the sheep


Isa 6:2 Above him were s, each with six

6:6 of the s flew to me with a live coal


Titus 2:7 In your teaching show integrity,


Ge 3:1 the s was more crafty than any

Isa 27:1 Leviathan the gliding s,

Rev 12:9 that ancient s called the devil,

20:2 that ancient s, who is the devil,


2Co 11:3 Eve was deceived by the s cunning,


Ex 14:31 trust in him and in Moses his s.

21:2 “If you buy a Hebrew s, he is

1Sa 3:10 “Speak, for your s is listening.”

2Sa 7:19 the future of the house of your s

1Ki 20:40 While your s was busy here

Job 1:8 “Have you considered my s Job?

Ps 19:11 By them your s is warned;

19:13 Keep your s also from willful sins;

31:16 Let your face shine on your s;

89:3 one, I have sworn to David my s,

Pr 14:35 A king delights in a wise s,

17:2 A prudent s will rule over

Isa 41:8 Israel, my s, Jacob, whom I have

49:3 said to me, “You are my s, Israel,

53:11 my righteous s will justify many,

Zec 3:8 I am going to bring my s,

Mt 8:13 his s was healed at that moment.

20:26 great among you must be your s,

24:45 then is the faithful and wise s,

25:21 ‘Well done, good and faithful s!

Lk 1:38 “I am the Lord’s s,”

Jn 12:26 and where I am, my s also will be.

Ro 1:1 Paul, a s of Christ Jesus, called

13:4 authority is God’s s for your good.

Php 2:7 by taking the very nature of a s,

Col 1:23 of which I, Paul, have become a s.

2Ti 2:24 And the Lord’s s must not be

3:17 the s of God may be thoroughly


Lev 25:55 the Israelites belong to me as s.

1Sa 2:9 guard the feet of his faithful s,

2Ki 17:13 to you through my s the prophets.”

Ezr 5:11 “We are the s of the God of heaven

Ps 34:22 The LORD will rescue his s;

103:21 hosts, you his s who do his will.

104:4 his messengers, flames of fire his s.

Pr 31:15 and portions for her female s.

Isa 44:26 who carries out the words of his s

65:8 so will I do in behalf of my s;

65:13 my s will rejoice, but you will be

Lk 17:10 do, should say, ‘We are unworthy s;

Jn 15:15 I no longer call you s,

Ro 13:6 for the authorities are God’s s,

1Co 3:5 Only s, through whom you came

Heb 1:7 spirits, and his s flames of fire.”


Dt 10:12 to s the LORD your God with all

11:13 and to s him with all your heart

13:4 s him and hold fast to him.

28:47 you did not s the LORD your God

Jos 22:5 and to s him with all your heart

24:15 household, we will s the LORD.”

24:18 We too will s the LORD,

1Sa 7:3 to the LORD and s him only,

12:20 s the LORD with all your heart.

12:24 s him faithfully with all your heart;

2Ch 19:9 “You must s faithfully

Job 36:11 If they obey and s him, they will

Ps 2:11 S the LORD with fear

Da 3:17 the God we s is able to deliver us

Mt 4:10 Lord your God, and s him only.’ ”

6:24 “No one can s two masters.

6:24 You cannot s both God and money.

20:28 but to s, and to give his life as

Ro 12:7 if it is serving, then s; if it is

Gal 5:13 s one another humbly in love.

Eph 6:7 S wholeheartedly, as if you were

1Ti 6:2 they should s them even better

Heb 9:14 so that we may s the living God!

1Pe 4:10 gift you have received to s others,

5:2 dishonest gain, but eager to s;

Rev 5:10 kingdom and priests to s our God,


Mt 20:28 Son of Man did not come to be s,

Jn 12:2 Martha s, while Lazarus was

Ac 17:25 And he is not s by human hands,

Ro 1:25 and s created things rather than

1Ti 3:13 Those who have s well gain


Lk 22:26 one who rules like the one who s.

22:27 But I am among you as one who s.

Jn 12:26 Whoever s me must follow me;

12:26 will honor the one who s me.

Ro 14:18 because anyone who s Christ in

1Pe 4:11 If anyone s, they should do so


Lk 9:62 and looks back is fit for s

12:35 “Be dressed ready for s and keep

Ro 15:17 in Christ Jesus in my s to God.

1Co 12:5 There are different kinds of s,

16:15 to the s of the Lord’s people.

2Co 9:12 This s that you perform is not only

Eph 4:12 to equip his people for works of s,

Rev 2:19 and faith, your s and perseverance,


Jos 24:15 if s the LORD seems undesirable

2Ch 12:8 learn the difference between s me

Pr 15:17 Better a small s of vegetables

Ro 12:7 if it is s, then serve;

12:11 your spiritual fervor, s the Lord.

16:18 people are not s our Lord Christ,

Eph 6:7 as if you were s the Lord,

Col 3:24 It is the Lord Christ you are s.

2Ti 2:4 No one s as a soldier gets entangled


Ge 4:25 birth to a son and named him S,


Isa 1:18 “Come now, let us s the matter,”

Mt 5:25S matters quickly with your

2Th 3:12 in the Lord Jesus Christ to s down


Ge 7:2 Take with you s pairs of every kind

Jos 6:4 march around the city s times,

1Ki 19:18 Yet I reserve s thousand in Israel—

Pr 6:16 hates, s that are detestable to him:

24:16 though the righteous fall s times,

Isa 4:1 that day s women will take hold

Da 9:25 comes, there will be s ‘sevens,’

Mt 18:21 sins against me? Up to s times?”

Lk 11:26 takes s other spirits more wicked

Ro 11:4 for myself s thousand who have

Rev 1:4 To the s churches in the province

1:4 from the s spirits before his throne,

6:1 opened the first of the s seals.

8:2 I saw the s angels who stand before

8:2 and s trumpets were given to them.

10:4 And when the s thunders spoke,

15:7 to the s angels s golden bowls filled


Da 9:24 “Seventy ‘s’ are decreed for your

9:25 will be seven ‘s,’ and sixty-two ‘s.’

9:26 the sixty-two ‘s,’ the Anointed


Ge 2:2 s day God had finished the work

2:2 so on the s day he rested from all

Ex 20:10 the s day is a sabbath to the LORD

23:11 during the s year let the land lie

23:12 but on the s day do not work,

Heb 4:4 “On the s day God rested from all


Ge 3:16 your pains in childbearing very s;

2Co 8:2 In the midst of a very s trial,

1Th 1:6 midst of s suffering with the joy


Ge 3:7 so they s fig leaves together


Mt 9:16 “No one s a patch of unshrunk


Ge 19:5 so that we can have s with them.’ ’

Jdg 19:22 so we can have s with him.’ ’

1Co 6:9 nor men who have s with men


Ex 22:19 “Anyone who has s relations

Lev 18:6 close relative to have s relations.

18:7 your father by having s relations

18:20 “ ‘Do not have s relations

Mt 15:19 adultery, s immorality, theft,

Ac 15:20 from s immorality, from the meat

1Co 5:1 there is s immorality among you,

6:13 is not meant for s immorality

6:18 Flee from s immorality.

10:8 should not commit s immorality,

2Co 12:21 s sin and debauchery in which they

Gal 5:19 s immorality,

Eph 5:3 not be even a hint of s immorality,

Col 3:5 s immorality, impurity, lust,

1Th 4:3 that you should avoid s immorality;


1Co 5:9 to associate with s immoral people

6:9 the s immoral nor idolaters

6:18 but whoever sins s, sins against

Heb 12:16 See that no one is s immoral, or is

13:4 the adulterer and all the s immoral.

Rev 21:8 the murderers, the s immoral,


Ps 121:5 the LORD is your s at your right

Isa 25:4 the storm and a s from the heat.


Ps 17:8 hide me in the s of your wings

36:7 take refuge in the s of your wings.

91:1 will rest in the s of the Almighty.

Isa 51:16 covered you with the s of my hand

Col 2:17 These are a s of the things that

Heb 8:5 a copy and s of what is in heaven.

10:1 The law is only a s of the good


Hebrew exiled to Babylon; name changed from Hananiah (Da 1:6–7). Refused defilement by food (Da 1:8–20). Refused to worship idol (Da 3:1–18); saved from furnace (Da 3:19–30).


Ps 10:6 himself, “Nothing will ever s me.”

64:8 all who see them will s their heads

99:1 the cherubim, let the earth s.

Hag 2:6 I will once more s the heavens

Heb 12:26 “Once more I will s not only


Ps 16:8 at my right hand, I will not be s.

30:6 I said, “I will never be s.”

55:22 he will never let the righteous be s.

62:2 he is my fortress, I will never be s.

112:6 the righteous will never be s;

Isa 54:10 you will not be s nor my covenant

Mt 24:29 and the heavenly bodies will be s.’

Lk 6:38 down, s together and running over,

Ac 2:25 is at my right hand, I will not be s.

Heb 12:27 that what cannot be s may remain.


Ps 22:7 they hurl insults, s their heads.

Mt 27:39 hurled insults at him, s their heads

Mk 15:29 at him, s their heads and saying,


King of Israel (2Ki 15:10–16).


Ps 22:5 they trusted and were not put to s.

25:3 hopes in you will ever be put to s,

34:5 faces are never covered with s.

69:6 seek you not be put to s because

Pr 13:18 discipline comes to poverty and s,

18:13 that is folly and s.

Jer 8:9 The wise will be put to s;

8:12 No, they have no s at all;

Ro 5:5 And hope does not put us to s,

9:33 in him will never be put to s.”

10:11 in him will never be put to s.”

1Co 1:27 things of the world to s the wise;

Heb 12:2 scorning its s, and sat down


Jer 10:14 every goldsmith is s by his idols.

Joel 2:26 never again will my people be s.


Ro 1:27 Men committed s acts with other

2Co 4:2 have renounced secret and s ways;

Rev 21:27 nor will anyone who does what is s


Judge; killed 600 Philistines (Jdg 3:31; 5:6).


Job 38:14 The earth takes s like clay under


Isa 44:10 Who s a god and casts an idol,


Jer 18:4 pot, s it as seemed best to him.


Ge 21:10 that woman’s son will never s

Lev 19:17 neighbor frankly so you will not s

Dt 10:9 That is why the Levites have no s

1Sa 30:24 to the battle. All will s alike.”

Pr 22:9 they s their food with the poor.

Eze 18:20 The child will not s the guilt

18:20 nor will the parent s the guilt

Mt 25:21 and s your master’s happiness!’

Lk 3:11 who has two shirts should s

Ro 8:17 if indeed we s in his sufferings

8:17 that we may also s in his glory.

12:13 S with the Lord’s people who are

1Co 10:17 body, for we all s the one loaf.

2Co 1:7 just as you s in our sufferings,

1:7 so also you s in our comfort.

Gal 4:30 the slave woman’s son will never s

6:6 the word should s all good things

Eph 4:28 they may have something to s

Col 1:12 who has qualified you to s

2Th 2:14 that you might s in the glory of our

1Ti 5:22 and do not s in the sins of others.

6:18 to be generous and willing to s.

2Ti 2:6 the first to receive a s of the crops.

Heb 12:10 order that we may s in his holiness.

13:16 to do good and to s with others,

Rev 22:19 that person any s in the tree of life


Ps 41:9 I trusted, one who s my bread,

Jn 13:18 ‘He who s my bread has turned

Ac 4:32 but they s everything they had.

Heb 2:14 he too s in their humanity so


Eph 3:6 s together in the promise in Christ


1Co 9:10 so in the hope of s in the harvest.

2Co 9:13 for your generosity in s with them

Php 2:1 if any common s in the Spirit,


SS 2:1 I am a rose of S, a lily


Pr 5:4 as gall, s as a double-edged sword.

Isa 5:28 Their arrows are s, all their bows

Rev 1:16 coming out of his mouth was a s,

19:15 out of his mouth is a s sword


Eze 21:9 sword, a sword, s and polished—


Pr 27:17 As iron s iron, so one person s another.


Heb 4:12 S than any double-edged sword,


Jer 51:20 with you I s nations, with you I


Job 16:12 All was well with me, but he s me;

17:11 days have passed, my plans are s.

Ecc 12:6 before the pitcher is s at the spring,


Ps 46:9 He breaks the bow and s the spear;


Jdg 16:17 If my head were s, my strength

1Co 11:5 it is the same as having her head s.


Lev 23:11 wave the s before the LORD so it


Ac 8:32 and as a lamb before its s is silent,


Isa 53:7 and as a sheep before its s is silent,


Ge 37:7 while your s gathered around mine

Ps 126:6 songs of joy, carrying s with them.


1. Benjamite who rebelled against David (2Sa 20).

2. See QUEEN.


1. Raped Jacob’s daughter Dinah; killed by Simeon and Levi (Ge 34).

2. City where Joshua renewed the covenant (Jos 24).


Ge 9:6 by humans shall their blood be s;

Pr 6:17 hands that s innocent blood,

Ro 3:15 “Their feet are swift to s blood;

Col 1:20 through his blood, s on the cross.


Heb 9:22 without the s of blood there is no


Ge 9:6 “Whoever s human blood,

Pr 20:27 of the LORD that s light on one’s


Nu 27:17 not be like s without a shepherd.”

Dt 17:1 an ox or a s that has any defect

1Sa 15:14 is this bleating of s in my ears?

Ps 44:22 we are considered as s to be

78:52 he led them like s through

100:3 are his people, the s of his pasture.

119:176 I have strayed like a lost s.

SS 4:2 teeth are like a flock of s just shorn,

Isa 53:6 We all, like s, have gone astray,

53:7 as a s before its shearers is silent,

Jer 50:6 “My people have been lost s;

Eze 34:11 I myself will search for my s

Zec 13:7 and the s will be scattered, and I

Mt 9:36 helpless, like s without a shepherd.

10:16 you out like s among wolves.

12:11 “If any of you has a s and it falls

18:13 one s than about the ninety-nine

25:32 as a shepherd separates the s

Jn 10:1 who does not enter the s pen

10:3 He calls his own s by name

10:7 I tell you, I am the gate for the s.

10:15 and I lay down my life for the s.

10:27 My s listen to my voice;

21:17 Jesus said, “Feed my s.

1Pe 2:25 For “you were like s going astray,”


Mt 7:15 They come to you in s clothing,


Heb 11:37 went about in s and goatskins,


Ex 30:13 This half s is an offering


Ps 27:5 hide me in the s of his sacred tent

31:20 In the s of your presence you hide

55:8 I would hurry to my place of s,

61:4 take refuge in the s of your wings.

91:1 in the s of the Most High will rest

Ecc 7:12 Wisdom is a s as money is a s,

Isa 4:6 It will be a s and shade

25:4 a s from the storm and a shade

32:2 Each one will be like a s

58:7 provide the poor wanderer with s


Son of Noah (Ge 5:32; 6:10). Blessed (Ge 9:26). Descendants (Ge 10:21–31; 11:10–32).


Ge 48:15 God who has been my s all my life

49:24 because of the S, the Rock of Israel,

Nu 27:17 will not be like sheep without a s.”

2Sa 7:7 commanded to s my people Israel,

1Ki 22:17 on the hills like sheep without a s,

Ps 23:1 The LORD is my s, I lack nothing.

28:9 be their s and carry them forever.

80:1 Hear us, S of Israel, you who lead

Isa 40:11 He tends his flock like a s:

Jer 31:10 will watch over his flock like a s.’

Eze 34:5 scattered because there was no s,

34:12 As a s looks after his scattered

Zec 11:4S the flock marked for slaughter.

11:9 and said, “I will not be your s.

11:17 “Woe to the worthless s,

13:7 “Strike the s, and the sheep will

Mt 2:6 come a ruler who will s my people

9:36 helpless, like sheep without a s.

26:31 will strike the s, and the sheep

Jn 10:11 “I am the good s. The good s lays

10:14 “I am the good s; I know my sheep

10:16 there shall be one flock and one s.

Heb 13:20 Jesus, that great S of the sheep,

1Pe 5:4 And when the Chief S appears,

Rev 7:17 center of the throne will be their s;