Job 36:15 But those who s he delivers in their

Isa 53:10 to crush him and cause him to s,

Mk 8:31 Son of Man must s many things

Lk 24:26 the Messiah have to s these things

24:46 The Messiah will s and rise

2Co 1:6 of the same sufferings we s.

Php 1:29 in him, but also to s for him,

Heb 9:26 to s many times since the creation

1Pe 3:17 to s for doing good than for doing

4:16 if you s as a Christian, do not be


Isa 53:11 After he has s, he will see the light

Heb 2:9 and honor because he s death,

2:10 perfect through what he s.

2:18 Because he himself s when he was

10:34 You s along with those in prison

1Pe 2:21 called, because Christ s for you,

3:18 For Christ also s once for sins,

4:1 since Christ s in his body,


Job 36:15 who suffer he delivers in their s;

Ps 22:24 scorned the s of the afflicted one;

Isa 53:3 a man of s, and familiar with pain.

La 1:12 Is any s like my s that was inflicted

Ac 5:41 been counted worthy of s disgrace

Ro 5:3 that s produces perseverance;

2Ti 1:8 join with me in s for the gospel,

2:3 Join with me in s, like a good

Heb 13:3 as if you yourselves were s.


Ro 5:3 but we also glory in our s,

8:17 if indeed we share in his s in order

8:18 that our present s are not worth

2Co 1:5 share abundantly in the s of Christ,

Php 3:10 and participation in his s,

1Pe 4:13 you participate in the s of Christ,

5:9 is undergoing the same kind of s.


Pr 13:20 for a companion of fools s harm.

1Co 12:26 If one part s, every part s with it;


2Co 12:9 said to me, “My grace is s for you,


Ge 2:18 I will make a helper s for him.”


Ro 13:9 be, are s up in this one command:


Ps 50:1 s the earth from the rising of the

Isa 45:3 God of Israel, who s you by name.


Mt 7:12 to you, for this s up the Law


Jos 10:13 So the s stood still, and the moon

Jdg 5:31 may all who love you be like the s

Ps 84:11 For the LORD God is a s

121:6 the s will not harm you by day,

136:8 the s to govern the day,

Pr 4:18 the righteous is like the morning s,

Ecc 1:9 there is nothing new under the s.

Isa 60:19 The s will no more be your light

Mal 4:2 the s of righteousness will rise

Mt 5:45 He causes his s to rise on the evil

13:43 the righteous will shine like the s

17:2 His face shone like the s, and his

Lk 23:45 for the s stopped shining.

Eph 4:26 Do not let the s go down while you

Rev 1:16 His face was like the s shining in

21:23 The city does not need the s


Mt 26:30 When they had s a hymn, they


2Sa 23:4 light of morning at s on a cloudless

Hab 3:4 His splendor was like the s;


Ro 11:18 do not consider yourself to be s to

Heb 1:4 as the name he has inherited is s

8:6 ministry Jesus has received is as s


Lk 22:20 after the s he took the cup, saying,

1Co 11:25 way, after s he took the cup, saying,

Rev 19:9 to the wedding s of the Lamb!”


Ac 20:34 of mine have s my own needs

Php 4:18 I am amply s, now that I have


2Co 8:14 your plenty will s what they need,

1Th 3:10 and s what is lacking in your faith.


2Co 9:12 you perform is not only s the needs


Ps 18:18 disaster, but the LORD was my s.

Ro 11:18 You do not s the root, but the root

1Co 9:12 have this right of s from you,


Ps 94:18 your unfailing love, LORD, s me.

Col 2:19 s and held together by its ligaments


Eph 4:16 held together by every s ligament,


Ro 1:18 s the truth by their wickedness,


Col 1:18 in everything he might have the s.


Nu 28:31 s the animals are without defect.

32:23 you may be s that your sin will find

Dt 6:17 Be s to keep the commands

14:22 Be s to set aside a tenth of all

29:18 make s there is no root among you

Jos 23:13 you may be s that the LORD your

1Sa 12:24 But be s to fear the LORD

Ps 132:11 David, a s oath he will not revoke:

Pr 27:23 Be s you know the condition

Isa 28:16 cornerstone for a s foundation;

Eph 5:5 For of this you can be s:


Pr 31:29 noble things, but you s them all.”


Jn 1:15 me has s me because he was before

1:30 me has s me because he was before


Ps 138:2 solemn decree that it s your fame.

Pr 8:19 what I yield s choice silver.

Mt 5:20 that unless your righteousness s

Eph 3:19 know this love that s knowledge—


Ps 150:2 praise him for his s greatness.

2Co 3:10 in comparison with the s glory.

9:14 of the s grace God has given you.

Php 3:8 a loss because of the s worth


1Th 5:4 this day should s you like a thief.


1Pe 4:4 are s that you do not join them

4:12 do not be s at the fiery ordeal

1Jn 3:13 not be s, my brothers and sisters,


Ps 5:12 you s them with your favor as

32:7 and s me with songs of deliverance.

89:7 more awesome than all who s him.

125:2 As the mountains s Jerusalem,


Heb 12:1 since we are s by such a great cloud


Ps 32:10 LORD’s unfailing love s the one

89:8 and your faithfulness s you.

125:2 so the LORD s his people both


Ezr 4:9 and Babylon, the Elamites of S,

Ne 1:1 year, while I was in the citadel of S,


Job 26:7 he s the earth over nothing.


1Ti 6:4 in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil s


Ps 55:22 on the LORD and he will s you;

Isa 46:4 will s you and I will rescue you.


Heb 1:3 s all things by his powerful word.


Ps 18:35 shield, and your right hand s me;

146:9 the foreigner and s the fatherless

147:6 The LORD s the humble but casts

Isa 50:4 to know the word that s the weary.


Isa 25:8 he will s up death forever.

Jnh 1:17 provided a huge fish to s Jonah,

Mt 23:24 You strain out a gnat but s a camel.


1Co 15:54 “Death has been s up in victory.”

2Co 5:4 so that what is mortal may be s


Mt 11:7 A reed s by the wind?

22:16 You aren’t s by others, because you

2Ti 3:6 are s by all kinds of evil desires,


Lev 19:12 “ ‘Do not s falsely by my name

Ps 24:4 trust in an idol or s by a false god.

Isa 45:23 by me every tongue will s.

Mt 5:34 I tell you, do not s an oath at all:

Jas 5:12 my brothers and sisters, do not s


Ge 3:19 the s of your brow you will eat

Lk 22:44 his s was like drops of blood falling


Job 20:12 “Though evil is s in his mouth

119:103 How s are your words to my taste,

Pr 9:17 “Stolen water is s; food eaten

13:19 A longing fulfilled is s to the soul,

16:24 s to the soul and healing

20:17 Food gained by fraud tastes s,

Ecc 5:12 The sleep of a laborer is s,

Isa 5:20 who put bitter for s and s for bitter.

Eze 3:3 tasted as s as honey in my mouth.

Rev 10:10 tasted as s as honey in my mouth,


Ps 19:10 they are s than honey, than honey

119:103 taste, s than honey to my mouth!


SS 4:11 Your lips drop s as the honeycomb,

5:16 His mouth is s itself;


Mt 12:44 s clean and put in order.


Pr 1:16 into evil, they are s to shed blood.

Ecc 9:11 The race is not to the s or the battle

Isa 59:7 they are s to shed innocent blood.

Ro 3:15 “Their feet are s to shed blood;

2Pe 2:1 bringing s destruction


1Co 5:11 or slanderer, a drunkard or s.


1Co 5:10 or the greedy and s, or idolaters.

6:10 nor slanderers nor s will inherit


Ge 3:24 and a flaming s flashing back

Dt 32:41 when I sharpen my flashing s

Jos 5:13 of him with a drawn s in his hand.

1Sa 17:45 “You come against me with s

17:47 here will know that it is not by s

31:4 Saul took his own s and fell on it.

2Sa 12:10 the s will never depart from your

Ps 44:6 my s does not bring me victory;

45:3 Gird your s on your side,

Isa 2:4 will not take up s against nation,

Mic 4:3 will not take up s against nation,

Mt 10:34 not come to bring peace, but a s.

26:52 all who draw the s will die by the s.

Lk 2:35 a s will pierce your own soul too.”

Ro 13:4 for rulers do not bear the s for no

Eph 6:17 of salvation and the s of the Spirit,

Heb 4:12 Sharper than any double-edged s,

Rev 1:16 was a sharp, double-edged s.

19:15 of his mouth is a sharp s


Ps 64:3 They sharpen their tongues like s

Pr 12:18 words of the reckless pierce like s,

Isa 2:4 They will beat their s

Joel 3:10 Beat your plowshares into s


Heb 6:13 him to swear by, he s by himself,


Ps 110:4 The LORD has s and will not

Eze 20:42 the land I had s with uplifted hand

Heb 7:21 “The Lord has s and will not


Am 7:14 and I also took care of s trees.

Lk 19:4 and climbed a s tree to see him,


Nu 6:9 the hair that s their dedication,

6:18 off the hair that s their dedication.

6:19 off the hair that s their dedication,

1Pe 3:21 this water s baptism that now saves


1Pe 3:8 like-minded, be s, love one another


Ps 69:20 I looked for s, but there was none,


Lk 4:16 the Sabbath day he went into the s,

Ac 17:2 Paul went into the s, and on three



Ex 40:34 the glory of the LORD filled the t.

Heb 8:2 the true t set up by the Lord,

9:11 more perfect t that is not made

9:21 sprinkled with the blood both the t

Rev 15:5 that is, the t of the covenant law—


Lev 23:34 the LORD’s Festival of T begins,

Dt 16:16 of Weeks and the Festival of T.

Zec 14:16 and to celebrate the Festival of T.


Ex 25:23 “Make a t of acacia wood—

Ps 23:5 You prepare a t before me


Jn 2:15 changers and overturned their t.

Ac 6:2 word of God in order to wait on t.


Pr 3:3 write them on the t of your heart.

7:3 write them on the t of your heart.

Isa 30:8 Go now, write it on a t for them,

Lk 1:63 He asked for a writing t, and


Ex 31:18 Mount Sinai, he gave him the two t

31:18 t of stone inscribed by the finger

Dt 10:5 put the t in the ark I had made,

2Co 3:3 not on t of stone but on t of human


Ge 15:7 give you this land to t possession

22:17 Your descendants will t possession

Ex 3:5T off your sandals, for the place

21:23 injury, you are to t life for life,

22:22 “Do not t advantage of the widow

Lev 10:17 to you to t away the guilt

25:14 do not t advantage of each other.

Nu 13:30 go up and t possession of the land,

Dt 1:8 t possession of the land the LORD

12:32 do not add to it or t away from it.

31:26T this Book of the Law and place

1Sa 8:11 He will t your sons and make them

1Ch 17:13 I will never t my love away

Job 23:10 But he knows the way that I t;

Ps 2:12 Blessed are all who t refuge in him.

25:18 my distress and t away all my sins.

27:14 be strong and t heart and wait

31:24 Be strong and t heart, all you who

36:7 People t refuge in the shadow

49:17 for they will t nothing with them

51:11 or t your Holy Spirit from me.

73:24 afterward you will t me into glory.

118:8 It is better to t refuge in the LORD

Pr 22:23 for the LORD will t up their case

25:9 If you t your neighbor to court,

Isa 62:4 for the LORD will t delight in you,

Eze 3:10 t to heart all the words I speak

33:11 I t no pleasure in the death

Mt 10:38 Whoever does not t up their cross

11:29 T my yoke upon you and learn

16:24 themselves and t up their cross

26:26 to his disciples, saying, “T and eat;

Mk 14:36 T this cup from me.

1Ti 6:12 T hold of the eternal life


Ge 2:23 for she was t out of man.”

Lev 6:4 they have stolen or t by extortion,

Nu 8:16 I have t them as my own in place

19:3 it is to be t outside the camp

Ecc 3:14 added to it and nothing t from it.

Isa 6:7 your guilt is t away and your sin

Zec 3:4 “See, I have t away your sin, and I

Mt 13:12 even what they have will be t

24:40 one will be t and the other left.

Mt 26:39 may this cup be t from me.

Mk 16:19 he was t up into heaven

Ac 1:9 he was t up before their very eyes,

1Ti 3:16 on in the world, was t up in glory.


1Ki 20:11 not boast like one who t it off.’ ”

Ps 34:8 blessed is the one who t refuge

Lk 6:30 if anyone t what belongs to you,

Jn 1:29 who t away the sin of the world!

10:18 No one t it from me, but I lay it

Rev 22:19 if anyone t words away from this


Php 2:7 made himself nothing by t the very


1Ti 4:7 godless myths and old wives’ t;


1Ch 11:23 an Egyptian who was five cubits t.


1. Wife of Judah’s sons Er and Onan (Ge 38:1–10). Tricked Judah into fathering children when he refused her his third son (Ge 38:11–30).

2. Daughter of David, raped by Amnon (2Sa 13).


Jas 3:8 no human being can t the tongue.


Jas 3:7 creatures are being t and have been t by mankind,


Jnh 1:3 and sailed for T to flee


Ac 9:11 ask for a man from T named Saul,


1Ch 29:1 The t is great, because this palatial

Mk 13:34 each with their assigned t, and tells

Ac 20:24 complete the t the Lord Jesus has

1Co 3:5 the Lord has assigned to each his t.

2Co 2:16 And who is equal to such a t?

1Ti 3:1 to be an overseer desires a noble t.


Pr 31:17 her arms are strong for her t.


Ps 34:8 T and see that the LORD is good;

119:103 How sweet are your words to my t,

Pr 24:13 from the comb is sweet to your t.

SS 2:3 and his fruit is sweet to my t.

Col 2:21 Do not t! Do not touch!”?

Heb 2:9 God he might t death for everyone.


Eze 3:3 it t as sweet as honey in my mouth.

1Pe 2:3 you have t that the Lord is good.

Rev 10:10 It t as sweet as honey in my mouth,


Ge 27:4 Prepare me the kind of t food I like


Lev 19:28 dead or put t marks on yourselves.


2Ki 17:28 t them how to worship the LORD.

2Ch 17:9 They t throughout Judah,

119:102 laws, for you yourself have t me.

Pr 4:4 Then he t me, and he said to me,

31:1 utterance his mother t him.

Isa 29:13 human rules they have been t.

Mt 7:29 because he t as one who had

Ac 20:20 to you but have t you publicly

1Co 2:13 but in words t by the Spirit,

Gal 1:12 it from any man, nor was I t it;

1Ti 1:20 to Satan to be t not to blaspheme.

1Jn 2:27 just as it has t you, remain in him.


Mt 11:19 a friend of t collectors and sinners.’

17:24 your teacher pay the temple t?”

22:17 to pay the imperial t to Caesar


Ro 13:7 you owe them: If you owe t, pay t;


Ex 4:12 speak and will t you what to say.”

Ex 18:20 T them his decrees and

33:13 t me your ways so I may know you

Lev 10:11 and so you can t the Israelites all

Dt 4:9 T them to your children and to

6:1 your God directed me to t you

8:3 to t you that man does not live

11:19 T them to your children,

1Sa 12:23 I will t you the way that is good

1Ki 8:36 T them the right way to live,

Job 12:7 and they will t you, or the birds

Ps 32:8 t you in the way you should go;

34:11 I will t you the fear of the LORD.

51:13 I will t transgressors your ways,

78:5 our ancestors to t their children,

90:12 T us to number our days, that we

119:33 T me, LORD, the way of your

143:10 T me to do your will, for you are

Pr 9:9 t the righteous and they will add

Jer 31:34 longer will they t their neighbor,

Mic 4:2 He will t us his ways, so that we

Lk 11:1 “Lord, t us to pray, just as John

12:12 for the Holy Spirit will t you

Jn 14:26 t you all things and will remind

Ro 2:21 then, who t others, do you not t

15:4 in the past was written to t us,

1Ti 2:12 I do not permit a woman to t

3:2 respectable, hospitable, able to t,

2Ti 2:2 will also be qualified to t others.

2:24 to everyone, able to t, not resentful.

Titus 2:1 t what is appropriate to sound

2:15 then, are the things you should t.

Heb 8:11 longer will they t their neighbor,

Jas 3:1 that we who t will be judged more

1Jn 2:27 you do not need anyone to t you.


Ecc 1:1 The words of the T, son of David,

Mt 10:24 “The student is not above the t,

13:52 “Therefore every t of the law who

23:8 for you have one T, and you are all

Lk 6:40 The student is not above the t,

Jn 3:2 that you are a t who has come

13:14 Lord and T, have washed your

1Co 1:20 Where is the t of the law?


Ps 119:99 I have more insight than all my t,

Pr 5:13 I would not obey my t or turn my

Lk 20:46 “Beware of the t of the law.

1Co 12:28 prophets, third t, then miracles,

Eph 4:11 the evangelists, the pastors and t,

2Ti 4:3 around them a great number of t

Heb 5:12 by this time you ought to be t,

Jas 3:1 Not many of you should become t,

2Pe 2:1 as there will be false t among you.


Ps 25:9 in what is right and t them his way.

94:10 Does he who t mankind lack

Isa 48:17 who t you what is best for you,

Mt 5:19 and t these commands will be

1Ti 6:3 If anyone t otherwise and does not

Titus 2:12 It t us to say “No” to ungodliness

1Jn 2:27 But as his anointing t you about all


Ezr 7:10 to t its decrees and laws in Israel.

Pr 1:8 and do not forsake your mother’s t.

3:1 son, do not forget my t, but keep

6:23 command is a lamp, this t is a light,

Mt 28:20 t them to obey everything I have

Lk 4:15 He was t in their synagogues,

Jn 7:17 out whether my t comes from God

8:31 “If you hold to my t, you are really

14:23 who loves me will obey my t.

Ac 2:42 themselves to the apostles’ t

Ro 12:7 if it is t, then teach;

Eph 4:14 there by every wind of t

2Th 3:6 live according to the t you received

1Ti 4:13 of Scripture, to preaching and to t.

5:17 whose work is preaching and t.

6:3 Lord Jesus Christ and to godly t,

2Ti 3:16 is God-breathed and is useful for t,

Titus 1:11 by t things they ought not to teach

2:7 In your t show integrity,

Heb 5:13 with the t about righteousness.

2Jn 9 in the t has both the Father


Pr 7:2 my t as the apple of your eye.

2Th 2:15 hold fast to the t we passed

Heb 6:1 us move beyond the elementary t


Rev 7:17 God will wipe away every t

21:4 ‘He will wipe every t from their


2Co 10:8 you up rather than t you down,


Ps 126:5 Those who sow with t will reap

Isa 25:8 LORD will wipe away the t

Jer 31:16 weeping and your eyes from t,

50:4 Judah together will go in t to seek

Lk 7:38 she began to wet his feet with her t.

2Co 2:4 anguish of heart and with many t,

Php 3:18 and now tell you again even with t,


Job 19:20 escaped only by the skin of my t.

Ps 35:16 they gnashed their t at me.

Jer 31:29 and the children’s t are set on edge.’

Mt 8:12 will be weeping and gnashing of t.”


1Sa 20:7 if he loses his t, you can be sure



1Ti 3:2 reproach, faithful to his wife, t,

3:11 not malicious talkers but t

Titus 2:2 Teach the older men to be t,


Ps 50:3 him, and around him a t rages.

55:8 shelter, far from the t and storm.”


1Ki 6:1 began to build the t of the LORD.

6:38 the t was finished in all its details

8:10 the cloud filled the t of the LORD.

8:27 How much less this t I have built!

2Ch 36:19 They set fire to God’s t and broke

36:23 appointed me to build a t for him

Ezr 6:14 finished building the t according

Ps 27:4 the LORD and to seek him in his t.

Isa 6:1 the train of his robe filled the t.

Eze 10:4 moved to the threshold of the t.

43:4 LORD entered the t through

Hab 2:20 The LORD is in his holy t;

Mt 12:6 greater than the t is here.

26:61 ‘I am able to destroy the t of God

27:51 the curtain of the t was torn

Lk 21:5 about how the t was adorned

Jn 2:14 the t courts he found people selling

1Co 3:16 that you yourselves are God’s t

2Co 6:16 For we are the t of the living God.

Rev 21:22 Almighty and the Lamb are its t.


Ac 17:24 does not live in t built by human

1Co 6:19 your bodies are t of the Holy Spirit,


2Co 4:18 since what is seen is t, but what is


1Co 7:5 Satan will not t you because of

Jas 1:13 by evil, nor does he t anyone;


Mt 6:13 lead us not into t, but deliver us

26:41 pray so that you will not fall into t.

Mk 14:38 pray so that you will not fall into t.

Lk 11:4 And lead us not into t.’ ”

22:40 “Pray that you will not fall into t.”

22:46 pray so that you will not fall into t.”

1Co 10:13 No t has overtaken you except

1Ti 6:9 who want to get rich fall into t


Mt 4:1 the wilderness to be t by the devil.

Mk 1:13 forty days, being t by Satan.

Lk 4:2 for forty days he was t by the devil.

1Co 10:13 not let you be t beyond what you

10:13 But when you are t, he will

Gal 6:1 yourselves, or you also may be t.

1Th 3:5 in some way the tempter had t you

Heb 2:18 he himself suffered when he was t,

Heb 2:18 able to help those who are being t.

4:15 but we have one who has been t

Jas 1:13 When t, no one should say, “God

1:13 For God cannot be t by evil,

1:14 but each person is t when they are


Mt 4:3 The t came to him and said, “If you

1Th 3:5 in some way the t had tempted you


Lk 4:13 the devil had finished all this t,

Jas 1:13 no one should say, “God is t me.”


Ex 34:28 the T Commandments.

Lev 26:8 of you will chase t thousand,

Dt 4:13 covenant, the T Commandments,

10:4 the T Commandments he had

Ps 91:7 side, t thousand at your right hand,

Da 7:24 The t horns are t kings who will

Mt 25:1 will be like t virgins who took their

25:28 give it to the one who has t bags.

Lk 15:8 suppose a woman has t silver coins

Rev 12:3 with seven heads and t horns


Mt 21:34 servants to the t to collect his fruit.


Jer 23:2 to the shepherds who t my people:

Eze 34:14 I will t them in a good pasture,


Isa 63:15 t and compassion are withheld

Php 2:1 the Spirit, if any t and compassion,


Ex 27:21 In the t of meeting,

40:2 up the tabernacle, the t of meeting,

Isa 54:2 “Enlarge the place of your t,

2Co 5:1 that if the earthly t we live in is

2Pe 1:13 long as I live in the t of this body,


Ge 14:20 Abram gave him a t of everything.

Nu 18:26 you must present a t of that tithe as

Dt 14:22 Be sure to set aside a t of all

1Sa 8:15 He will take a t of your grain

Lk 11:42 because you give God a t of your

18:12 a week and give a t of all I get.’

Heb 7:4 patriarch Abraham gave him a t


Ac 18:3 because he was a t as they were,


Ge 13:12 and pitched his t near Sodom.

Ps 84:10 than dwell in the t of the wicked.


Ge 11:31 T took his son Abram, his


2Ti 3:1 There will be t times in the last


Dt 7:21 Do not be t by them, for the LORD

20:3 do not panic or be t by them.

Ps 90:7 anger and t by your indignation.

Mt 14:26 walking on the lake, they were t.

17:6 they fell facedown to the ground, t.

27:54 they were t, and exclaimed,

Mk 4:41 They were t and asked each other,


Heb 12:21 The sight was so t that Moses said,


2Co 10:16 already done in someone else’s t.


Dt 2:25 very day I will begin to put the t

28:67 of the t that will fill your hearts

Job 9:34 his t would frighten me no more.

Ps 91:5 You will not fear the t of night,

Pr 21:15 to the righteous but t to evildoers.

Isa 13:8 T will seize them, pain and anguish

24:17 T and pit and snare await you,

51:13 live in constant t every day because

54:14 T will be far removed; it will not

Lk 21:26 People will faint from t,

Ro 13:3 rulers hold no t for those who do


Dt 6:16 your God to the t as you did

Jdg 3:1 to t all those Israelites who had not

1Ki 10:1 she came to t Solomon with hard

1Ch 29:17 that you t the heart and are pleased

Ps 26:2 T me, LORD, and try me,

78:18 to the t by demanding the food

106:14 wilderness they put God to the t.

139:23 t me and know my anxious

Jer 11:20 judge righteously and t the heart

Lk 4:12 put the Lord your God to the t.’ ”

Ac 5:9 could you conspire to t the Spirit

Ro 12:2 you will be able to t and approve

1Co 3:13 the fire will t the quality of each

10:9 We should not t Christ, as some

2Co 13:5 you are in the faith; t yourselves.

1Th 5:21 but t them all; hold on to what is

Jas 1:12 having stood the t, that person will

1Pe 4:12 that has come on you to t you,

1Jn 4:1 t the spirits to see whether they are


Ge 22:1 Some time later God t Abraham.

Job 23:10 when he has t me, I will come forth

34:36 that Job might be t to the utmost

Ps 66:10 For you, God, t us; you refined us

Pr 27:21 but people are t by their praise.

Isa 28:16 I lay a stone in Zion, a t stone,

48:10 I have t you in the furnace

1Ti 3:10 They must first be t;

Heb 11:17 when God t him, offered Isaac as


Jn 5:32 There is another who t in my favor,

Ro 8:16 The Spirit himself t with our spirit


Pr 24:28 Do not t against your neighbor

Jn 1:7 came as a witness to t concerning

1:34 I t that this is God’s Chosen One.”

5:39 These are the very Scriptures that t

7:7 hates me because I t that its works

15:26 the Father—he will t about me.

Ac 4:33 power the apostles continued to t

10:43 All the prophets t about him

1Jn 4:14 t that the Father has sent his Son

5:7 For there are three that t:


Ex 20:16 shall not give false t against your

Nu 35:30 only on the t of witnesses.

Dt 19:18 a liar, giving false t against a fellow

Isa 8:20 instruction and the t of warning.

Mt 15:19 immorality, theft, false t, slander.

24:14 whole world as a t to all nations,

Lk 18:20 you shall not give false t,

Jn 2:25 He did not need any t

21:24 We know that his t is true.

2Ti 1:8 be ashamed of the t about our Lord

1Jn 5:9 We accept human t, but God’s t is

Rev 12:11 Lamb and by the word of their t;


Lk 8:13 but in the time of t they fall away.

Heb 3:8 rebellion, during the time of t

Jas 1:3 that the t of your faith produces


Pr 17:3 for gold, but the LORD t the heart.

1Th 2:4 people but God, who t our hearts.


Apostle (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18); probably also known as Judas son of James (Lk 6:16; Ac 1:13).


Php 1:3 I t my God every time I remember

1Th 3:9 How can we t God enough for you


Col 3:15 you were called to peace. And be t.

4:2 to prayer, being watchful and t.

Heb 12:28 let us be t, and so worship God


Lev 7:12 they offer it as an expression of t,

1Co 10:30 If I take part in the meal with t,

Col 2:7 taught, and overflowing with t.


Ne 12:31 assigned two large choirs to give t.

Ps 7:17 will give t to the LORD because

9:1 give t to you, LORD, with all

35:18 I will give you t in the great

Ps 100:4 give t to him and praise his name.

107:1 Give t to the LORD, for he is

136:1 Give t to the LORD, for he is

Ro 1:21 glorified him as God nor gave t

1Co 11:24 when he had given t, he broke it

15:57 But t be to God! He gives us

2Co 2:14 But t be to God, who always leads

9:15 T be to God for his indescribable

1Th 5:18 give t in all circumstances;

Rev 4:9 and t to him who sits on the throne


Ps 95:2 Let us come before him with t

100:4 Enter his gates with t and his

1Co 10:16 Is not the cup of t for which we

Php 4:6 t, present your requests to God.

1Ti 4:3 to be received with t by those who


Mt 15:19 adultery, sexual immorality, t,


Rev 9:21 their sexual immorality or their t.


Ps 22:25 From you comes the t of my praise

45:1 by a noble t as I recite my verses

119:54 Your decrees are the t of my song


Pr 6:30 do not despise a t if he steals

Lk 12:39 at what hour the t was coming,

1Th 5:2 of the Lord will come like a t

1Pe 4:15 it should not be as a murderer or t

Rev 16:15 “Look, I come like a t!


Mt 6:19 and where t break in and steal.

Jn 10:8 All who have come before me are t

1Co 6:10 nor t nor the greedy nor drunkards


Ps 63:6 I t of you through the watches

Isa 44:19 No one stops to t, no one has

Mt 22:42 “What do you t about the Messiah?

Ro 12:3 Do not t of yourself more highly

Php 4:8 t about such things.


Pr 23:7 of person who is always t

1Co 14:20 be infants, but in your t be adults.

2Pe 3:1 to stimulate you to wholesome t.


Ps 69:21 food and gave me vinegar for my t.

Mt 5:6 hunger and t for righteousness,

Jn 4:14 the water I give them will never t.

2Co 11:27 I have known hunger and t and

Rev 7:16 never again will they t.


Ps 42:2 My soul t for God, for the living


Ps 107:9 for he satisfies the t and fills

Pr 25:21 if he is t, give him water to drink.

Isa 55:1 all you who are t,

Mt 25:35 I was t and you gave me something

Jn 7:37 “Let anyone who is t come to me

Ro 12:20 if he is t, give him something

Rev 21:6 the t I will give water without cost

22:17 Let the one who is t come;


Apostle (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6:15; Jn 11:16; 14:5; 21:2; Ac 1:13). Doubted resurrection (Jn 20:24–28).


2Co 12:7 I was given a t in my flesh,


Lk 6:44 People do not pick figs from t,


Ge 3:18 It will produce t and thistles for

Nu 33:55 in your eyes and t in your sides.

Mt 13:7 seed fell among t, which grew

27:29 twisted together a crown of t and

Heb 6:8 land that produces t and thistles is


1Ch 28:9 every desire and every t.

Pr 4:26 Give careful t to the paths for your

14:15 the prudent give t to their steps.

21:29 but the upright give t to their ways.

1Co 13:11 I talked like a child, I t like a child,


Ps 139:23 test me and know my anxious t.

Isa 55:8 “For my t are not your t,

Mt 15:19 For out of the heart come evil t

1Co 2:11 knows a person’s t except their own

Heb 4:12 it judges the t and attitudes


Isa 38:14 I am being t; Lord, come to my


Ge 6:10 Noah had t sons: Shem,

Ex 23:14T times a year you are to celebrate

Dt 19:15 the testimony of two or t witnesses.

2Sa 23:8 a Tahkemonite, was chief of the T;

Pr 30:15 “There are t things that are never

30:18 “There are t things that are too

30:21 “Under t things the earth trembles,

30:29 “There are t things that are stately

Ecc 4:12 of t strands is not quickly broken.

Da 3:24 “Weren’t there t men that we tied

Am 1:3 “For t sins of Damascus,

Jnh 1:17 was in the belly of the fish t days

Mt 12:40 as Jonah was t days and t nights

12:40 so the Son of Man will be t days

17:4 If you wish, I will put up t shelters

18:20 where two or t gather in my name,

26:34 you will disown me t times.”

26:75 you will disown me t times.”

27:63 said, ‘After t days I will rise again.’

Mk 8:31 be killed and after t days rise again.

9:5 Let us put up t shelters—

14:30 yourself will disown me t times.”

Jn 2:19 and I will raise it again in t days.”

1Co 13:13 And now these t remain:

14:27 or at the most t—should speak,

2Co 13:1 testimony of two or t witnesses.”

1Jn 5:7 For there are t that testify:


1Co 9:10 whoever plows and t should be


Ru 3:6 So she went down to the t floor

2Sa 24:18 altar to the LORD on the t floor

Lk 3:17 in his hand to clear his t floor


Da 6:16 and t him into the lions’ den.

Jnh 1:15 took Jonah and t him overboard,


Pr 29:2 When the righteous t, the people


Ps 5:9 Their t is an open grave;

Pr 23:2 put a knife to your t if you are


Ro 3:13 “Their t are open graves;


Isa 60:5 your heart will t and swell with joy;


2Sa 7:16 your t will be established

1Ch 17:12 and I will establish his t forever.

Ps 11:4 the LORD is on his heavenly t.

45:6 Your t, O God, will last for ever

47:8 God is seated on his holy t.

89:14 justice are the foundation of your t;

Isa 6:1 high and exalted, seated on a t;

66:1 “Heaven is my t, and the earth is

Eze 28:2 I sit on the t of a god in the heart

Da 7:9 His t was flaming with fire, and its

Mt 19:28 Son of Man sits on his glorious t,

Ac 7:49 “ ‘Heaven is my t, and the earth is

Heb 1:8 the Son he says, “Your t, O God,

4:16 then approach God’s t of grace

12:2 at the right hand of the t of God.

Rev 3:21 the right to sit with me on my t,

3:21 sat down with my Father on his t.

4:2 there before me was a t in heaven

4:10 They lay their crowns before the t

20:11 I saw a great white t and him who

22:3 The t of God and of the Lamb will


Mt 19:28 me will also sit on twelve t,

Rev 4:4 throne were twenty-four other t,


Jn 8:7 the first to t a stone at her.”

Heb 10:35 So do not t away your confidence;

12:1 let us t off everything that hinders


Ps 93:4 Mightier than the t of the great

Mk 3:17 which means “sons of t”),


Job 37:5 God’s voice t in marvelous ways;

Ps 29:3 the God of glory t, the LORD t

Rev 10:3 the voices of the seven t spoke.


Isa 14:27 has purposed, and who can t him?


Job 42:2 no purpose of yours can be t.


Rev 2:18 the angel of the church in T write:


King of Israel (1Ki 16:21–22).


Isa 52:7 who bring good t, who proclaim


Hos 11:4 of human kindness, with t of love.

Mt 12:29 unless he first t up the strong man?


Jas 1:26 yet do not keep a t rein on their


Dt 15:7 not be hardhearted or t toward


Ps 150:4 praise him with t and dancing,


Est 4:14 royal position for such a t as this?”

Ecc 3:1 There is a t for everything,

8:5 wise heart will know the proper t

Da 7:25 hands for a t, times and half a t.

12:7 be for a t, times and half a t.

Hos 10:12 for it is t to seek the LORD,

Ro 9:9 “At the appointed t I will return,

13:11 this, understanding the present t:

1Co 7:29 and sisters, is that the t is short.

2Co 6:2 you, now is the t of God’s favor,

2Ti 1:9 Jesus before the beginning of t,

Titus 1:2 before the beginning of t,

Heb 9:28 and he will appear a second t,

10:12 had offered for all t one sacrifice

1Pe 4:17 For it is t for judgment to begin


Ps 9:9 a stronghold in t of trouble.

31:15 My t are in your hands;

62:8 Trust in him at all t, you people;

Pr 17:17 A friend loves at all t, and

Isa 46:10 ancient t, what is still to come.

Am 5:13 in such t, for the t are evil.

Mt 16:3 cannot interpret the signs of the t.

18:21 how many t shall I forgive my

18:21 sins against me? Up to seven t?”

Ac 1:7 “It is not for you to know the t

Rev 12:14 for a time, t and half a time,


2Ti 1:7 God gave us does not make us t,


Believer from Lystra (Ac 16:1). Joined Paul on second missionary journey (Ac 16–20). Sent to settle problems at Corinth (1Co 4:17; 16:10). Led church at Ephesus (1Ti 1:3). Co-writer with Paul (1Th 1:1; 2Th 1:1; Phm 1).


Job 33:2 words are on the t of my tongue.


2Th 3:13 never t of doing what is good.


Ex 17:12 When Moses’ hands grew t,

Isa 40:28 He will not grow t or weary, and


Lev 27:30 “ ‘A t of everything

Dt 12:17 your own towns the t of your grain

Mal 3:10 Bring the whole t


Nu 18:21 the Levites all the t in Israel as

Mal 3:8 “In t and offerings.


Gentile co-worker of Paul (Gal 2:1–3; 2Ti 4:10); sent to Corinth (2Co 2:13; 7–8; 12:18), Crete (Titus 1:4–5).


Ps 2:7 t I have become your father.

95:7 T, if only you would hear his voice,

Mt 6:11 Give us t our daily bread.

Lk 2:11 T in the town of David a Savior has

23:43 t you will be with me in paradise.”

Ac 13:33 t I have become your father.’

Heb 1:5 t I have become your Father”?

3:7T, if you hear his voice,

3:13 as long as it is called “T,”

5:5 t I have become your Father.”

13:8 Christ is the same yesterday and t


Ge 3:17 through painful t you will eat food

Ecc 5:19 their lot and be happy in their t


2Co 11:27 I have labored and t and have often


2Th 3:8 t so that we would not be a burden


Hab 1:13 you cannot t wrongdoing.

Rev 2:2 that you cannot t wicked people,


Mt 27:65 make the t as secure as you know

Lk 24:2 the stone rolled away from the t,


Pr 27:1 Do not boast about t, for you do

Isa 22:13 drink,” you say, “for t we die!”

Mt 6:34 Therefore do not worry about t, for t will worry

1Co 15:32 “Let us eat and drink, for t we die.”

Jas 4:13 “Today or t we will go to this


Ex 4:10 I am slow of speech and t.”

Job 33:2 my words are on the tip of my t.

Ps 34:13 keep your t from evil and your lips

39:1 my ways and keep my t from sin;

51:14 Savior, and my t will sing of your

52:4 harmful word, you deceitful t!

71:24 My t will tell of your righteous acts

119:172 May my t sing of your word, for all

137:6 my t cling to the roof of my mouth

139:4 Before a word is on my t you,

Pr 6:17 a lying t, hands that shed innocent

12:18 but the t of the wise brings healing.

15:4 The soothing t is a tree of life,

17:20 one whose t is perverse falls

25:15 and a gentle t can break a bone.

26:28 A lying t hates those it hurts,

28:23 than one who has a flattering t.

31:26 and faithful instruction is on her t.

SS 4:11 milk and honey are under your t.

Isa 32:4 and the stammering t will be fluent

45:23 by me every t will swear.

50:4 has given me a well-instructed t,

59:3 and your t mutters wicked things.

Lk 16:24 his finger in water and cool my t,

Ro 14:11 every t will acknowledge God.’ ”

1Co 14:2 who speaks in a t does not speak

14:4 speaks in a t edifies themselves,

14:9 intelligible words with your t,

14:13 one who speaks in a t should pray

14:19 than ten thousand words in a t.

14:26 revelation, a t or an interpretation.

14:27 If anyone speaks in a t, two—

Php 2:11 and every t acknowledge that Jesus

Jas 3:5 the t is a small part of the body,

3:8 no human being can tame the t.


Ps 5:9 with their t they tell lies.

12:4 who say, “By our t we will prevail;

37:30 and their t speak what is just.

126:2 laughter, our t with songs of joy.

Pr 10:19 words, but the prudent hold their t.

21:23 and their t keep themselves

Isa 28:11 strange t God will speak to this

Jer 23:31 the prophets who wag their own t

Mk 16:17 they will speak in new t;

Ac 2:3 saw what seemed to be t of fire

2:4 other t as the Spirit enabled them.

Ac 10:46 For they heard them speaking in t

19:6 they spoke in t and prophesied.

Ro 3:13 their t practice deceit.”

1Co 12:10 speaking in different kinds of t,

12:10 another the interpretation of t.

12:28 and of different kinds of t.

12:30 Do all speak in t? Do all interpret?

13:1 If I speak in the t of men

13:8 where there are t, they will be

14:5 than the one who speaks in t,

14:18 I speak in t more than all of you.

14:21 “With other t and through the lips

14:39 and do not forbid speaking in t.

Jas 1:26 rein on their t deceive themselves,


Ps 68:18 on high, you t many captives;

Isa 53:4 Surely he t up our pain and bore

Mt 8:17 “He t up our infirmities and bore

26:26 they were eating, Jesus t bread,

26:27 Then he t a cup, and when he had

1Co 11:23 the night he was betrayed, t bread,

11:25 after supper he t the cup, saying,

Eph 4:8 he t many captives and gave gifts

Php 3:12 which Christ Jesus t hold of me.


Ex 21:24 eye for eye, t for t, hand for hand,

Mt 5:38 was said, ‘Eye for eye, and t for t.’


Dt 28:13 you will always be at the t,

Isa 1:6 foot to the t of your head there is

Mt 27:51 was torn in two from t to bottom.


Lk 16:28 not also come to this place of t.’

2Co 12:7 a messenger of Satan, to t me.


Rev 20:10 They will be t day and night


Ps 137:3 our t demanded songs of joy;


Gal 4:15 you would have t out your eyes

Php 1:23 I am t between the two: I desire


Mt 18:34 him over to the jailers to be t,

Heb 11:35 There were others who were t,


Eph 4:14 t back and forth by the waves,

Jas 1:6 the sea, blown and t by the wind.


Isa 57:20 But the wicked are like the t sea,


Ge 3:3 and you must not t it, or you will

Ex 19:12 the mountain or t the foot of it.

Ps 105:15 “Do not t my anointed ones;

Mt 9:21 “If I only t his cloak, I will be

Lk 24:39 T me and see; a ghost does not

2Co 6:17 T no unclean thing, and I will

Col 2:21 Do not taste! Do not t!”?


1Sa 10:26 men whose hearts God had t.

Isa 6:7 With it he t my mouth and said,

Mt 14:36 cloak, and all who t it were healed.

Lk 8:45 “Who t me?” Jesus asked.

1Jn 1:1 looked at and our hands have t


Ex 19:12 Whoever t the mountain is to be

Zec 2:8 for whoever t you t the apple of his


Ge 11:4 a t that reaches to the heavens,

Pr 18:10 name of the LORD is a fortified t;


Mt 2:23 and lived in a t called Nazareth.

5:14 t built on a hill cannot be hidden.

13:57 without honor except in his own t


Nu 35:2 to give the Levites t to live in

35:15 These six t will be a place of refuge

Jer 11:13 have as many gods as you have t;

Mt 9:35 Jesus went through all the t


Ro 11:33 and his paths beyond t out!


Job 14:16 my steps but not keep t of my sin.


1Ti 1:10 for slave t and liars and perjurers—


1Ki 10:22 The king had a fleet of t ships at

Pr 31:18 She sees that her t is profitable,


Mt 15:2 “Why do your disciples break the t

15:6 word of God for the sake of your t.

Mk 7:13 your t that you have handed down.

Col 2:8 which depends on human t


Mk 7:8 and are holding on to human t.”

Gal 1:14 zealous for the t of my fathers.


1Ti 5:24 the sins of others t behind them.


Isa 2:4 nor will they t for war anymore.

6:1 the t of his robe filled the temple.

Mic 4:3 nor will they t for war anymore.

1Ti 4:7 rather, t yourself to be godly.


Lk 6:40 everyone who is fully t will be like

Ac 22:3 was thoroughly t in the law of our

Heb 5:14 by constant use have t themselves

12:11 for those who have been t by it.


1Co 9:25 in the games goes into strict t.

Eph 6:4 instead, bring them up in the t

1Ti 4:8 For physical t is of some value,

2Ti 3:16 correcting and t in righteousness,


Lk 6:16 and Judas Iscariot, who became a t.

Jn 18:5 Judas the t was standing there


Ps 59:5 show no mercy to wicked t.


Joel 3:13 Come, t the grapes,

Am 2:7 They t on the heads of the poor as

8:4 you who t the needy and do away

Mt 7:6 they may t them under their feet,

Lk 10:19 I have given you authority to t


Isa 63:6 I t the nations in my anger;

Lk 21:24 Jerusalem will be t

Heb 10:29 to be punished who has t the Son

Rev 14:20 They were t in the winepress


Ac 10:10 was being prepared, he fell into a t.

11:5 praying, and in a t I saw a vision.

22:17 praying at the temple, I fell into a t


Ecc 4:6 handful with t than two handfuls


Ru 4:7 method of legalizing t in Israel.)


Php 4:7 God, which t all understanding,


Mt 17:2 There he was t before them.

Mk 9:2 There he was t before them.


Php 3:21 will t our lowly bodies so that they


Ro 12:2 be t by the renewing of your mind.

2Co 3:18 are being t into his image


Ps 17:3 my mouth has not t.

Da 9:11 All Israel has t your law and turned


Ps 19:13 be blameless, innocent of great t.

Isa 53:8 t of my people he was punished.

Da 9:24 and your holy city to finish t,

Mic 1:5 All this is because of Jacob’s t,

1:5 What is Jacob’s t? Is it not Samaria?

3:8 to declare to Jacob his t, to Israel

6:7 Shall I offer my firstborn for my t,

7:18 forgives the t of the remnant of his

Ro 4:15 where there is no law there is no t.

11:11 because of their t, salvation has

11:12 their t means riches for the world,


Ps 32:1 is the one whose t are forgiven,

32:5 I said, “I will confess my t

39:8 Save me from all my t; do not

51:1 great compassion blot out my t.

51:3 For I know my t, and my sin is

65:3 by sins, you forgave our t.

103:12 far has he removed our t from us.

Isa 43:25 am he who blots out your t, for my

50:1 your t your mother was sent away.

53:5 But he was pierced for our t,

Mic 1:13 the t of Israel were found in you.

Ro 4:7 are those whose t are forgiven,

Gal 3:19 added because of t until the Seed

Eph 2:1 you were dead in your t and sins,

2:5 even when we were dead in t


Ps 51:13 Then I will teach t your ways,

Isa 53:12 and was numbered with the t.

53:12 and made intercession for the t.

Lk 22:37 ‘And he was numbered with the t’;


2Co 3:7 of its glory, t though it was,

3:11 And if what was t came with glory,


Ps 69:22 may it become retribution and a t.

Pr 20:25 is a t to dedicate something rashly

28:10 evil path will fall into their own t,

Isa 8:14 people of Jerusalem he will be a t

Mt 22:15 laid plans to t him in his words.

Lk 21:34 will close on you suddenly like a t.

Ro 11:9 their table become a snare and a t,

1Ti 3:7 into disgrace and into the devil’s t.

6:9 and a t and into many foolish

2Ti 2:26 and escape from the t of the devil,


Pr 6:2 you have been t by what you said,

12:13 Evildoers are t by their sinful talk,


Jos 23:13 will become snares and t for you,

La 4:20 life breath, was caught in their t.


Pr 4:15 Avoid it, do not t on it; turn from it

Mt 23:15 You t over land and sea to win


Job 31:32 my door was always open to the t

Jer 14:8 like a t who stays only a night?


Ps 25:3 on those who are t without cause.

Zep 3:4 unprincipled; they are t people.

2Ti 3:4 t, rash, conceited, lovers of


Isa 59:13 rebellion and t against the LORD,


Ps 91:13 will t on the lion and the cobra;


Dt 25:4 Do not muzzle an ox while it is t

1Co 9:9 “Do not muzzle an ox while it is t

1Ti 5:18 “Do not muzzle an ox while it is t


Rev 19:15 He t the winepress of the fury


Pr 2:4 and search for it as for hidden t,

Isa 33:6 of the LORD is the key to this t.

Mt 6:21 where your t is, there your heart

13:44 of heaven is like t hidden in a field.

Lk 12:33 a t in heaven that will never fail,

2Co 4:7 But we have this t in jars of clay

1Ti 6:19 In this way they will lay up t


Ex 19:5 you will be my t possession.

Dt 7:6 to be his people, his t possession.

14:2 chosen you to be his t possession.

26:18 his t possession as he promised,

Job 23:12 I have t the words of his mouth

Ps 135:4 own, Israel to be his t possession.

Isa 64:11 fire, and all that we t lies in ruins.

Mal 3:17 “they will be my t possession.

Lk 2:19 But Mary t up all these things

2:51 his mother t all these things in her


1Ch 29:3 my God I now give my personal t

Pr 10:2 Ill-gotten t have no lasting value,

Mt 6:19 store up for yourselves t on earth,

13:52 his storeroom new t as well as old.”

Col 2:3 in whom are hidden all the t

Heb 11:26 of greater value than the t of Egypt,


Mk 12:43 more into the t than all the others.


Lev 22:2 sons to t with respect the sacred

Ps 103:10 he does not t us as our sins deserve

Mt 18:17 t them as you would a pagan

18:35 how my heavenly Father will t each

Eph 6:9 t your slaves in the same way.

1Th 5:20 Do not t prophecies with contempt

1Ti 5:1 T younger men as brothers,

1Pe 3:7 t them with respect as the weaker


Lev 19:34 you must be t as your native-born.

25:40 They are to be t as hired workers

1Sa 24:17 “You have t me well, but I have t

Heb 10:29 who has t as an unholy thing


Ge 18:25 t the righteous and the wicked

Heb 12:7 God is t you as his children.


Col 2:23 and their harsh t of the body,


Ex 34:12 not to make a t with those who live

Dt 7:2 Make no t with them, and show

23:6 Do not seek a t of friendship


Ge 2:9 of the garden were the t of life

2:9 the t of the knowledge of good

2Sa 18:9 Absalom’s hair got caught in the t.

1Ki 14:23 hill and under every spreading t.

Ps 1:3 is like a t planted by streams

52:8 I am like an olive t flourishing

92:12 will flourish like a palm t,

Pr 3:18 She is a t of life to those who take

11:30 fruit of the righteous is a t of life,

27:18 who guards a fig t will eat its fruit,

Isa 65:22 For as the days of a t, so will be

Jer 17:8 They will be like a t planted

Eze 17:24 I the LORD bring down the tall t

17:24 and make the dry t flourish.

Da 4:10 and there before me stood a t

Mic 4:4 vine and under their own fig t,

Zec 3:10 to sit under your vine and fig t,’

Mt 3:10 every t that does not produce good

12:33 “Make a t good and its fruit will be

12:33 for a t is recognized by its fruit.

Lk 19:4 climbed a sycamore-fig t to see

Ro 11:24 an olive t that is wild by nature,

11:24 be grafted into their own olive t!

Jas 3:12 sisters, can a fig t bear olives,

Rev 2:7 the right to eat from the t of life,

22:2 side of the river stood the t of life,

22:2 leaves of the t are for the healing

22:14 may have the right to the t of life

22:19 person any share in the t of life


Jdg 9:8 One day the t went out to anoint

Ps 96:12 let all the t of the forest sing for joy.

Isa 55:12 all the t of the field will clap their

Mt 3:10 ax is already at the root of the t,

Mk 8:24 they look like t walking around.”

Jude 12 autumn t, without fruit


Ex 15:14 The nations will hear and t;

1Ch 16:30 T before him, all the earth!

Ps 114:7 T, earth, at the presence of the

Isa 66:2 in spirit, and who t at my word.

Jer 5:22 “Should you not t in my presence?

Eze 38:20 of the earth will t at my presence.

Joel 2:1 Let all who live in the land t,

Hab 3:6 he looked, and made the nations t.

Ro 11:20 Do not be arrogant, but t.


Ex 19:16 Everyone in the camp t.

20:18 in smoke, they t with fear.

2Sa 22:8 they t because he was angry.

Ac 7:32 Moses t with fear and did not dare


Ps 97:4 up the world; the earth sees and t.

104:32 it t, who touches the mountains,

Jer 10:10 When he is angry, the earth t;

Na 1:5 The earth t at his presence,


Ps 2:11 fear and celebrate his rule with t.

Da 10:10 me and set me t on my hands

Php 2:12 out your salvation with fear and t,

Heb 12:21 that Moses said, “I am t with fear.”


Ro 5:15 But the gift is not like the t.

5:15 many died by the t of the one man,

5:17 if, by the t of the one man,

5:18 just as one t resulted

5:20 in so that the t might increase.


Ro 5:16 but the gift followed many t


Ps 37:33 be condemned when brought to t.

Mal 3:5 “So I will come to put you on t.

Mk 13:11 you are arrested and brought to t,

2Co 8:2 In the midst of a very severe t,

Jas 1:12 who perseveres under t because,

Rev 3:10 you from the hour of t that is going


Dt 7:19 saw with your own eyes the great t,

29:3 own eyes you saw those great t,

Lk 22:28 who have stood by me in my t.

1Th 3:3 one would be unsettled by these t.

2Th 1:4 and t you are enduring.

Jas 1:2 whenever you face t of many kinds,

1Pe 1:6 had to suffer grief in all kinds of t.

2Pe 2:9 how to rescue the godly from t


Heb 7:13 that t has ever served at the altar.

Rev 5:5 the Lion of the t of Judah, the Root

5:9 for God persons from every t

11:9 days some from every people, t,

14:6 to every nation, t,


Ge 49:28 All these are the twelve t of Israel,

Mt 19:28 judging the twelve t of Israel.


Rev 7:14 who have come out of the great t;


Ac 13:10 are full of all kinds of deceit and t.

2Co 12:16 fellow that I am, I caught you by t!


Ps 73:16 When I t to understand all this,

95:9 they t me, though they had seen

Heb 3:9 your ancestors tested and t me,


Lk 17:33 Whoever t to keep their life will


Mt 25:7 virgins woke up and t their lamps.


Ps 25:2 nor let my enemies t over me.

54:7 and my eyes have looked in t on

112:8 the end they will look in t on their

118:7 I look in t on my enemies.

Pr 28:12 When the righteous t, there is great

Isa 42:13 cry and will t over his enemies.

Rev 17:14 the Lamb will t over them because


Isa 60:11 their kings led in t procession.

2Co 2:14 as captives in Christ’s t procession


Rev 5:5 of Judah, the Root of David, has t.

12:11 They t over him by the blood


Col 2:15 of them, t over them by the cross.


Jas 2:13 Mercy t over judgment.


Ge 41:51 God has made me forget all my t

Jos 7:25 The LORD will bring t on you

Job 2:10 accept good from God, and not t?”

5:7 to t as surely as sparks fly upward.

14:1 are of few days and full of t.

42:11 him over all the t the LORD had

Ps 7:14 is pregnant with evil conceives t

7:16 The t they cause recoils on them;

9:9 a stronghold in times of t.

10:14 you, God, see the t of the afflicted;

22:11 for t is near and there is no one

27:5 the day of t he will keep me safe

32:7 you will protect me from t

37:39 he is their stronghold in time of t.

41:1 LORD delivers them in times of t.

46:1 strength, an ever-present help in t.

50:15 and call on me in the day of t;

59:16 fortress, my refuge in times of t.

66:14 my mouth spoke when I was in t.

91:15 will be with him in t, I will deliver

107:6 cried out to the LORD in their t,

107:13 they cried to the LORD in their t,

119:143 T and distress have come upon me,

138:7 Though I walk in the midst of t,

143:11 righteousness, bring me out of t.

Pr 11:8 righteous person is rescued from t,

12:13 talk, and so the innocent escape t.

12:21 but the wicked have their fill of t.

19:23 one rests content, untouched by t.

24:10 If you falter in a time of t,

25:19 on the unfaithful in a time of t.

28:14 hardens their heart falls into t.

Jer 30:7 It will be a time of t for Jacob,

Na 1:7 is good, a refuge in times of t.

Zep 1:15 and anguish, a day of t and ruin,

Mt 6:34 Each day has enough t of its own.

13:21 When t or persecution comes

Jn 16:33 In this world you will have t.

Ro 8:35 Shall t or hardship or persecution

2Co 1:4 any t with the comfort we

2Th 1:6 He will pay back t to those who t

Jas 5:13 Is anyone among you in t?


Ge 6:6 earth, and his heart was deeply t.

Ps 38:18 I am t by my sin.

Mk 14:33 to be deeply distressed and t.

Jn 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be t.

14:27 Do not let your hearts be t and do

2Th 1:7 and give relief to you who are t,


Pr 6:12 A t and a villain, who goes about


Ps 34:6 he saved him out of all his t.

34:17 he delivers them from all their t.

34:19 righteous person may have many t,

40:12 t without number surround me;

54:7 have delivered me from all my t,

1Co 7:28 those who marry will face many t

2Co 1:4 who comforts us in all our t,

4:17 momentary t are achieving for us

6:4 in t, hardships and distresses;

7:4 all our t my joy knows no bounds.

Php 4:14 it was good of you to share in my t.


Nu 11:23 not what I say will come t for you.”

12:7 this is not t of my servant Moses;

Dt 18:22 does not take place or come t,

1Sa 9:6 and everything he says comes t.

1Ki 10:6 and your wisdom is t.

2Ch 6:17 your servant David come t.

15:3 time Israel was without the t God,

Ps 33:4 word of the LORD is right and t;

119:142 is everlasting and your law is t.

119:151 and all your commands are t.

119:160 All your words are t;

Pr 8:7 My mouth speaks what is t, for my

Isa 65:16 land will swear by the one t God.

Jer 10:10 But the LORD is the t God;

28:9 only if his prediction comes t.”

Eze 33:33 “When all this comes t

Lk 16:11 who will trust you with t riches?

Jn 1:9 The t light that gives light

Jn 4:23 the t worshipers will worship

6:32 Father who gives you the t bread

7:28 authority, but he who sent me is t.

15:1 “I am the t vine, and my Father is

17:3 the only t God, and Jesus Christ,

19:35 testimony, and his testimony is t.

21:24 We know that his testimony is t.

Ac 10:34 “I now realize how t it is that God

11:23 them all to remain t to the Lord

14:22 them to remain t to the faith.

17:11 day to see if what Paul said was t.

Ro 3:4 Let God be t, and every human

12:1 this is your t and proper worship.

Php 4:8 whatever is t, whatever is noble,

Col 1:5 have already heard in the t message

Titus 1:13 This saying is t. Therefore rebuke

1Jn 2:8 and the t light is already shining.

5:20 so that we may know him who is t.

5:20 He is the t God and eternal life.

Rev 19:9 “These are the t words of God.”

22:6 These words are trustworthy and t.


Mt 5:18 For t I tell you, until heaven

5:26 T I tell you, you will not get

6:2 T I tell you, they have received

6:5 T I tell you, they have received

6:16 T I tell you, they have received

8:10 those following him, “T I tell you,

10:15 T I tell you, it will be more

10:23 T I tell you, you will not finish

10:42 who is my disciple, t I tell you,

11:11 T I tell you, among those born

13:17 For t I tell you, many prophets

16:28T I tell you, some who are

17:20 T I tell you, if you have faith as

18:3T I tell you, unless you change

18:13 And if he finds it, t I tell you, he is

18:18T I tell you, whatever you bind

19:23 said to his disciples, “T I tell you,

19:28 Jesus said to them, “T I tell you,

21:21 Jesus replied, “T I tell you, if you

21:31 Jesus said to them, “T I tell you,

23:36 T I tell you, all this will come

24:2T I tell you, not one stone here

24:34 T I tell you, this generation will

24:47 T I tell you, he will put him

25:12 “But he replied, ‘T I tell you,

25:40 “The King will reply, ‘T I tell you,

25:45 “He will reply, ‘T I tell you,

26:13 T I tell you, wherever this gospel is

26:21 he said, “T I tell you, one of you

26:34T I tell you,” Jesus answered,

Mk 3:28 T I tell you, people can be forgiven

8:12 T I tell you, no sign will be given

9:1 And he said to them, “T I tell you,

9:41 T I tell you, anyone who gives you

10:15 T I tell you, anyone who will not

10:29T I tell you,” Jesus replied,

11:23T I tell you, if anyone says to this

12:43 Jesus said, “T I tell you, this poor

13:30 T I tell you, this generation will

14:9 T I tell you, wherever the gospel is

14:18 he said, “T I tell you, one of you

14:25T I tell you, I will not drink again

14:30T I tell you,” Jesus answered,

Lk 4:24T I tell you,” he continued,

9:27T I tell you, some who are

12:37 T I tell you, he will dress himself

12:44 T I tell you, he will put him

18:17 T I tell you, anyone who will not

18:29T I tell you,” Jesus said to them,

21:3T I tell you,” he said, “this poor

21:32T I tell you, this generation will

23:43 Jesus answered him, “T I tell you,

Jn 1:51 He then added, “Very t I tell you,

3:3 Jesus replied, “Very t I tell you,

3:5 Jesus answered, “Very t I tell you,

3:11 Very t I tell you, we speak of what

5:19 “Very t I tell you, the Son can do

5:24 “Very t I tell you, whoever hears

5:25 Very t I tell you, a time is coming

6:26 Jesus answered, “Very t I tell you,

6:32 said to them, “Very t I tell you, it is

6:47 Very t I tell you, the one who

6:53 said to them, “Very t I tell you,

Jn 8:34 Jesus replied, “Very t I tell you,

8:51 Very t I tell you, whoever obeys my

8:58 “Very t I tell you,” Jesus answered,

10:1 “Very t I tell you Pharisees,

10:7 Jesus said again, “Very t I tell you,

12:24 Very t I tell you, unless a kernel

13:16 Very t I tell you, no servant is

13:20 Very t I tell you, whoever accepts

13:21 and testified, “Very t I tell you,

13:38 Very t I tell you, before the rooster

14:12 Very t I tell you, whoever believes

16:7 But very t I tell you, it is for your

16:20 Very t I tell you, you will weep

16:23 Very t I tell you, my Father will

21:18 Very t I tell you, when you were

Col 1:6 it and t understood God’s grace.


Isa 27:13 in that day a great t will sound.

Eze 33:5 Since they heard the sound of the t

Zec 9:14 Sovereign LORD will sound the t;

Mt 24:31 send his angels with a loud t call,

1Co 14:8 if the t does not sound a clear call,

15:52 twinkling of an eye, at the last t.

1Th 4:16 and with the t call of God,

Rev 8:7 The first angel sounded his t,


Jdg 7:19 blew their t and broke the jars

Rev 8:2 and seven t were given to them.


Ex 14:31 the LORD and put their t in him

19:9 and will always put their t in you.”

Nu 20:12 “Because you did not t in me

Dt 1:32 you did not t in the LORD your

9:23 You did not t him or obey him.

28:52 walls in which you t fall down.

Jdg 11:20 did not t Israel to pass through his

2Ki 17:14 who did not t in the LORD their

18:30 not let Hezekiah persuade you to t

1Ch 9:22 to their positions of t by David

Job 4:18 If God places no t in his servants,

8:14 What they t in is fragile;

15:15 If God places no t in his holy ones,

31:24 “If I have put my t in gold or said

39:12 Can you t it to haul in your grain

Ps 4:5 the righteous and t in the LORD.

9:10 Those who know your name t

13:5 But I t in your unfailing love;

20:7 Some t in chariots and some

20:7 we t in the name of the LORD our

22:9 you made me t in you, even at

22:4 In you our ancestors put their t;

25:2 I t in you; do not let me be put

31:6 as for me, I t in the LORD.

31:14 But I t in you, LORD; I say,

33:21 rejoice, for we t in his holy name.

37:3 T in the LORD and do good;

37:5 t in him and he will do this:

40:3 the LORD and put their t in him.

44:6 I put no t in my bow, my sword

49:6 those who t in their wealth

49:13 fate of those who t in themselves,

52:8 I t in God’s unfailing love for ever

55:23 But as for me, I t in you.

56:3 I am afraid, I put my t in you.

56:4 in God I t and am not afraid.

56:11 in God I t and am not afraid.

62:8 T in him at all times, you people;

62:10 Do not t in extortion or put vain

78:7 they would put their t in God

78:22 in God or t in his deliverance.

91:2 my fortress, my God, in whom I t.”

115:8 and so will all who t in them.

115:9 All you Israelites, t in the LORD

115:10 House of Aaron, t in the LORD

115:11 who fear him, t in the LORD

118:8 in the LORD than to t in humans.

118:9 in the LORD than to t in princes.

119:42 taunts me, for I t in your word.

125:1 Those who t in the LORD are like

135:18 and so will all who t in them.

143:8 love, for I have put my t in you.

146:3 Do not put your t in princes,

Pr 3:5 T in the LORD with all your heart

Pr 11:28 who t in their riches will fall,

21:22 the stronghold in which they t.

22:19 So that your t may be

28:25 but those who t in the LORD will

28:26 Those who t in themselves are

Isa 8:17 I will put my t in him.

12:2 I will t and not be afraid.

26:3 are steadfast, because they t in you.

26:4 T in the LORD forever,

30:15 in quietness and t is your strength,

31:1 who t in the multitude of their

36:15 not let Hezekiah persuade you to t

42:17 But those who t in idols, who say

50:10 t in the name of the LORD

Jer 2:37 the LORD has rejected those you t;

5:17 the fortified cities in which you t.

7:4 not t in deceptive words and say,

7:14 temple you t in, the place I gave

9:4 do not t anyone in your clan.

12:6 Do not t them, though they speak

28:15 you have persuaded this nation to t

39:18 with your life, because you t in me,

48:7 Since you t in your deeds

49:4 you t in your riches and say,

Eze 33:13 then they t in their righteousness

Mic 7:5 Do not t a neighbor;

Na 1:7 He cares for those who t in him,

Zep 3:2 She does not t in the LORD,

3:12 remnant of Israel will t in the name

Lk 16:11 who will t you with true riches?

Ac 14:23 in whom they had put their t.

Ro 15:13 all joy and peace as you t in him,

1Co 4:2 been given a t must prove faithful.

9:17 discharging the t committed

2Co 13:6 I t that you will discover that we

Heb 2:13 again, “I will put my t in him.”


1Sa 27:12 Achish t David and said to himself,

2Ki 18:5 Hezekiah t in the LORD, the God

1Ch 5:20 prayers, because they t in him.

Job 12:20 He silences the lips of t advisers

Ps 5:9 a word from their mouth can be t;

22:4 they t and you delivered them.

22:5 in you they t and were not put

26:1 I have t in the LORD and have not

41:9 someone I t, one who shared my

52:7 stronghold but t in his great wealth

116:10 I t in the LORD when I said,

Pr 27:6 Wounds from a friend can be t,

Isa 20:5 Those who t in Cush and boasted

25:9 we t in him, and he saved us.

25:9 This is the LORD, we t in him;

47:10 You have t in your wickedness

Jer 13:25 forgotten me and t in false gods.

38:22 those t friends of yours.

48:13 ashamed when they t in Bethel.

Eze 16:15 “ ‘But you t in your beauty

Da 3:28 They t in him and defied the king’s

6:23 him, because he had t in his God.

Lk 11:22 away the armor in which the man t

16:10 “Whoever can be t with very little can also be t with much,

Ac 12:20 a t personal servant of the king,

Titus 2:10 but to show that they can be fully t,

3:8 those who have t in God may be


Pr 3:29 neighbor, who lives t near you.


Job 15:31 himself by t what is worthless,

Ps 112:7 hearts are steadfast, t in the LORD.

Isa 2:22 Stop t in mere humans, who have

Jer 7:8 you are t in deceptive words that


Ps 21:7 For the king t in the LORD;

22:8 “He t in the LORD,” they say,

28:7 heart t in him, and he helps me.

32:10 love surrounds the one who t

40:4 Blessed is the one who t

84:12 blessed is the one who t in you.

86:2 save your servant who t in you.

Pr 16:20 and blessed is the one who t

29:25 whoever t in the LORD is kept

Jer 17:5 “Cursed is the one who t in man,

17:7 “But blessed is the one who t

Hab 2:18 the one who makes it t in his own

Mt 27:43 He t in God. Let God rescue him

Ro 4:5 t God who justifies the ungodly,

1Co 13:7 protects, always t, always hopes,

1Pe 2:6 the one who t in him will never be


Ex 18:21 t men who hate dishonest gain—

2Sa 7:28 Your covenant is t, and you have

Ne 13:13 because they were considered t.

Ps 19:7 The statutes of the LORD are t,

111:7 all his precepts are t.

119:86 All your commands are t;

119:138 are righteous; they are fully t.

145:13 The LORD is t in all he promises

Pr 8:6 Listen, for I have t things to say;

11:13 but a t person keeps a secret.

12:22 but he delights in people who are t.

13:17 but a t envoy brings healing.

25:13 harvest time is a t messenger

Da 2:45 is true and its interpretation is t.”

6:4 he was t and neither corrupt

Lk 16:11 if you have not been t in handling

16:12 you have not been t with someone

19:17 ‘Because you have been t in a very

Jn 8:26 But he who sent me is t, and what I

1Co 7:25 one who by the Lord’s mercy is t.

1Ti 1:12 that he considered me t,

1:15 Here is a t saying that deserves full

3:1 Here is a t saying:

3:11 but temperate and t in everything.

4:9 This is a t saying that deserves full

2Ti 2:11 Here is a t saying: If we died

Titus 1:9 the t message as it has been taught,

3:8 This is a t saying. And I want you

Rev 21:5 for these words are t and true.”

22:6 to me, “These words are t and true.


Ge 42:16 tested to see if you are telling the t.

1Ki 17:24 LORD from your mouth is the t.”

22:16 the t in the name of the LORD?”

2Ch 18:15 the t in the name of the LORD?”

Job 42:7 have not spoken the t about me,

42:8 have not spoken the t about me,

Ps 15:2 who speaks the t from their heart;

25:5 Guide me in your t and teach me,

45:4 forth victoriously in the cause of t,

52:3 rather than speaking the t.

119:43 Never take your word of t from my

145:18 on him, to all who call on him in t.

Pr 12:17 An honest witness tells the t,

22:21 to be honest and to speak the t,

23:23 Buy the t and do not sell it—

Isa 45:19 I, the LORD, speak the t;

48:1 but not in t or righteousness—

59:14 t has stumbled in the streets,

59:15 T is nowhere to be found,

Jer 5:1 who deals honestly and seeks the t,

5:3 do not your eyes look for t?

7:28 T has perished; it has vanished

9:3 it is not by t that they triumph

9:5 friend, and no one speaks the t.

26:15 in t the LORD has sent me to you

Da 8:12 and t was thrown to the ground.

9:13 sins and giving attention to your t.

10:21 what is written in the Book of T.

11:2 “Now then, I tell you the t:

Am 5:10 and detest the one who tells the t.

Zec 8:16 Speak the t to each other, and

8:19 Therefore love t and peace.”

Mt 22:16 of God in accordance with the t.

Mk 5:33 with fear, told him the whole t.

12:14 of God in accordance with the t.

Lk 20:21 of God in accordance with the t.

Jn 1:14 from the Father, full of grace and t.

1:17 and t came through Jesus Christ.

3:21 whoever lives by the t comes

4:23 the Father in the Spirit and in t,

4:24 worship in the Spirit and in t.”

5:33 John and he has testified to the t.

7:18 the one who sent him is a man of t;

8:32 Then you will know the t, and the t

8:40 a man who has told you the t that I

8:44 not holding to the t, for there is no t in him.

8:45 Yet because I tell the t, you do not

Jn 8:46 If I am telling the t, why don’t you

9:24 glory to God by telling the t,”

14:6 am the way and the t and the life.

14:17 the Spirit of t. The world cannot

15:26 the Spirit of t who goes

16:13 when he, the Spirit of t, comes,

16:13 he will guide you into all the t.

17:17 Sanctify them by the t; your word is t.

18:23 But if I spoke the t, why did you

18:37 into the world is to testify to the t.

18:37 on the side of t listens to me.”

18:38 “What is t?” retorted Pilate.

19:35 He knows that he tells the t, and he

Ac 20:30 distort the t in order to draw away

21:24 everyone will know there is no t

21:34 could not get at the t because

24:8 learn the t about all these charges

28:25 “The Holy Spirit spoke the t

Ro 1:18 people, who suppress the t by their

1:25 They exchanged the t about God

2:2 who do such things is based on t.

2:8 who reject the t and follow evil,

2:20 embodiment of knowledge and t

9:1 I speak the t in Christ—I am not

15:8 of the Jews on behalf of God’s t,

1Co 5:8 bread of sincerity and t.

13:6 in evil but rejoices with the t.

2Co 4:2 by setting forth the t plainly we

11:10 As surely as the t of Christ is in me,

12:6 because I would be speaking the t.

13:8 we cannot do anything against the t, but only for the t.

Gal 2:5 so that the t of the gospel might be

2:14 in line with the t of the gospel,

4:16 your enemy by telling you the t?

5:7 to keep you from obeying the t?

Eph 1:13 when you heard the message of t,

4:15 Instead, speaking the t in love,

4:21 in accordance with the t that is

5:9 all goodness, righteousness and t)

6:14 belt of t buckled around your waist

2Th 2:10 because they refused to love the t

2:12 who have not believed the t

2:13 Spirit and through belief in the t.

1Ti 2:4 to come to a knowledge of the t.

2:7 I am telling the t, I am not lying—

3:15 the pillar and foundation of the t.

4:3 who believe and who know the t.

6:5 who have been robbed of the t

2Ti 2:15 correctly handles the word of t.

2:18 who have departed from the t.

2:25 them to a knowledge of the t,

3:7 to come to a knowledge of the t.

3:8 so also these teachers oppose the t.

4:4 will turn their ears away from the t

Titus 1:1 their knowledge of the t that leads

1:14 of those who reject the t.

Heb 10:26 received the knowledge of the t,

Jas 1:18 give us birth through the word of t,

3:14 do not boast about it or deny the t.

5:19 of you should wander from the t

1Pe 1:22 by obeying the t so that you have

2Pe 1:12 established in the t you now have.

2:2 and will bring the way of t

1Jn 1:6 we lie and do not live out the t.

1:8 ourselves and the t is not in us.

2:4 liar, and the t is not in that person.

2:8 its t is seen in him and in you,

2:20 One, and all of you know the t.

2:21 because you do not know the t,

2:21 because no lie comes from the t.

3:18 or speech but with actions and in t.

3:19 we know that we belong to the t

4:6 is how we recognize the Spirit of t

5:6 testifies, because the Spirit is the t.

2Jn 1 children, whom I love in the t

: 1 but also all who know the t

: 2 because of the t, which lives in us

: 3 Son, will be with us in t and love.

: 4 of your children walking in the t,

3Jn 1 friend Gaius, whom I love in the t.

: 3 about your faithfulness to the t,

: 4 my children are walking in the t.

: 8 we may work together for the t.

: 12 and even by the t itself.