- Palmerston, Lord 1
- pampano 1
- Panama Canal 1
- pandas 1
- Panmure, Lord 1
- ‘Parallax’ (pseudonym) 1
- Paramount, Mt. 1
- parrotfish 1, 2
- passenger pigeon 1
- Pasteur, Louis 1
- Payne, E. J. 1 n
- Pearl Harbor 1
- Penguin, HMS 1, 2, 3
- penguins, as fuel 1, 2
- Perec, Georges 1
- perfect pitch 1
- Permian extinctions 1
- Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) 1 n
- Peyssonnel, J-A. 1
- pheromones 1, 2 n, 3
- Phipps, William 1
- phosphorescence:
- photosynthesis 1, 2, 3
- phytoplankton 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Piccard, Auguste 1, 2
- pilgrimage 1, 2
- pistol shrimp 1
- pit viper 1
- plate tectonics 1, 2, 3
- Plato 1
- Plutarch 1, 2
- Podestà Is. 1
- pollution, of N. Sea 1
- of Pacific 1
- of research bases in Antarctica 1
- of space 1
- Porcupine, HMS 1
- Poseidon 1
- Power, Adm. Sir A. J. 1
- pressure, effects of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- pressure stocks 1
- prison islands 1, 2
- ‘prochronic’ theory 1
- Ptolemy 1, 2
- Puerto Galera 1
- Pyrrho 1