Chapter 4: Dungeons and Dragons
Chapter 5: The Spaces of the Mind
Chapter 9: Oh, What a Tangled Web
Chapter 13: Laying a Foundation
Chapter 16: Adjustments and Assumptions
Chapter 18: Dripping in Reality
Chapter 20: By Scale, Claw and Fang
Chapter 21: Groga Going Forward
Chapter 25: From the Depths of Denial
Chapter 30: Miles to Go Before I Sleep
Chapter 32: Digging Out and Digging In
Chapter 35: Like Shooting Swamp-Rats
Chapter 39: The Enemy Has Science Too
Chapter 42: The Cost of Redemption
The End of the Foundational Trilogy for The Dimensional Alliance series...Or is it?
Dedicated to Mimi and Grompi: They stepped up to the plate and raised two lost little girls and dared us to dream, to work, to be kind to others and to believe in ourselves.
Acknowledgements of help in this book wouldn’t be complete without my amazing cover artist, Richard McKenzie, who really knows how to bring my visions to life. Thank you, Richard and Dee McKenzie, his very supportive wife and a fan of the books.
And I couldn’t have done this without my beta reader’s group, including, Carolyn Hardy Greiner, Delia D. Michael, Jennifer Dillabough, Barbara Angst Gilbert, Jeremiah Maluse, George Samuel Dillabough, Luz Rives, Cindi Jones Erickson, Lynnette Dillabough, Maria Gurriere, Angela Bryner, Maureen Briscoe Burrows, and Cathryn Leow.
And most importantly, George C. Dillabough (Chief Bodyguard, hubby, sweetheart, cook, beta reader, and care-giver). Without whose love and support I wouldn’t even be alive to write these books. Thank you, Papa Bear, for being who you are, my true love and eternal companion.