1. The Delphic inscription from the sanctuary of Kineas, Ai Khanoum (chapter 2):1
- - - ε[ὐλόγει πάντας]
φιλόσοφ[ος γίνου - - -]
Ἀνδρῶν τοι σοφὰ ταῦτα παλαιοτέρων ἀνάκει[τα]ι
ῥήµατα ἀριγνώτων Πυθοῖ ἐν ἠγαθέαι·
ἔνθεν ταῦτ[α] Κλέαρχος ἐπιφραδέως ἀναγράψας
εἵσατο τηλαυγῆ Κινέου ἐν τεµένει.
Παίς ὢν κόσµιος γίνου,
ἡβῶν ἐγκρατής,
µέσος δίκαιος,
πρεσβύτης εὔβουλος,
τελευτῶν ἄλυπος.
. . . speak well of everyone; be a lover of wisdom. . . .
These wise sayings of men of old, the maxims of renowned men, are enshrined in the holy Pytho [i.e., at Delphi]. There Klearchos copied them conscientiously, and he set them up here in the sanctuary of Kineas, blazing them from afar.
As a child, be well behaved; as a young man, self-controlled; in middle age, be just; as an elder, be of good counsel; and when you come to the end, be without grief.
2. The Stele of Sōphytos, Old Kandahar (chapter 3, fig. 7):2
Σωφύτου στήλη |
Δ |
δηρόν ἐµῶγ κοκυῶν ἐριθηλέα ἐόντα |
Ι |
ἲς ἄµαχος Μοιρῶν ἐξόλεσεν τριάδος |
Α |
αὐτὰρ ἐγὼ, τυννὸς κοµιδῆι βιότοιό τε πατρῶν |
Σ |
Σώφυτος εὖνις ἐὼν οἰκτρὰ Ναρατιάδης, |
Ω |
ὡς ἀρετὴν Ἑκάτου Μουσέων τ᾽ ἤσχηκα σὺν ἐσθλῆι |
Φ |
φυρτὴν σωφροσύνηι, θῆµος ἐπεφρασάµην |
Υ |
ὑψώσαιµί κε πῶς µέγαρον πατρώϊον αὔθις |
Τ |
τεκνοφόρον δὲ λαβὼν ἄλλοθεν ἀργύριον, |
Ο |
οἴκοθεν ἐξέµολον µεµαὼς οὐ πρόσθ᾽ ἐπανελθεῖν |
Υ |
ὑψιστον κτᾶσθαι πρὶµ µ᾽ ἀγαθῶν ἄφενος |
Τ |
τοὔνεκ᾽ ἐπ᾽ ἐµπορίηισιν ἰὼν εἰς ἄστεα πολλὰ |
Ο |
ὄλβον ἀλωβήτος εὐρὺν ἐληισάµην. |
Υ |
ὑµηντὸς δὲ πέλων πάτρην ἐτέεσιν ἐσῖγµαι |
Ν |
νηρίθµοις τερπνός τ᾽ εὐµενέταις ἐφάνην |
Α |
ἀµφοτέρους δ᾽ οἶκόν τε σεσηπότα πάτριον εἶθαρ |
Ρ |
ῥέξας ἐκ καινῆς κρέσσονα συντέλεσα |
Α |
αἶάν τ᾽ ἒς τύµβου πεπτωκότος ἄλλον ἔτευξα, |
Τ |
τὴν καὶ ζῶν στήλην ἐν ὁδῶι ἐπέθηκα λάλον. |
Ο |
οὕτως οὖν ζηλωτὰ τάδ᾽ ἔργµατα συντελέσαντος |
Υ |
υἱέες υἱωνοί τ᾽ οἶκον ἔχοιεν ἐµοῦ. |
(Acrostic: Through Sōphytos the son of Naratos)
The irresistible force of the trio of Fates destroyed the house of my forefathers, which had flourished greatly for many years. But I, Sōphytos son of Naratos, pitiably bereft when quite small of my ancestral livelihood, after I had acquired the virtue of the Archer [i.e., Apollo] and the Muses, mixed with noble prudence, then did consider how I might raise up again my family house. Obtaining interest-bearing money from another source, I left home, keen not to return before I possessed wealth, the supreme good. Thus, by traveling to many cities for commerce, I acquired ample riches without reproach. Becoming celebrated, I returned to my homeland after countless years and showed myself, bringing pleasure to well-wishers. Straightaway I built afresh my paternal home, which was riddled with rot, making it better than before, and also, since the tomb had collapsed to the ground, I constructed another one and during my lifetime set upon it by the roadside this loquacious plaque. Thus may the sons and grandsons of myself, who completed this enviable work, possess my house.
3. The inscriptions of Paccius Maximus, Kalabsha, Lower Nubia (chapter 3):3
Μ |
µακάριον ὅτ’ ἔβην ἠρεµίης τόπον ἐσαθρῆσαι, |
Α |
ἀέρι τὸ ποθεινὸν ψυχῆς πνεῦµ’ ἐπανεῖναι, |
Ξ |
ξένα µοι βιοτὴ περὶ φρένα πάντοθεν ἐδονεῖτο, |
Ι |
ἵστορα κακίης ἐµαυτὸν οὐκ ἔχων ἔλεγχον, |
Μ |
µύστην τότε κίκλησκε φύσις πόνον γεωργεῖν· |
5 |
Ο |
ὁ σοφὸς τότ’ ἐγὼ ποικίλον ἥρµοζον ἀοιδήν, |
Σ |
σεµνὸν ἀπὸ θεῶν κωτίλον ἐπιτυχὼν νόηµα. |
Δ |
δῆλον ὅτε θεοῖς ἀρεστὸν ἠργάζετο Μοῦσα, |
Ε |
Ἑλίκωνι χλοῆς ἄνθεµον ἀπετίναξα κῶµον· |
Κ |
καὶ τότε µέ τις ὕπνου µυχὸς ἠρέθισε φέρεσθαι, |
10 |
Ο |
ὀλίγον ἐπίφοβον φαντασίης ὄναρ τραπῆναι· |
Υ |
ὕπνος δέ µε λέ<ξας ταχὺν ἀπεκόµισε φί[λην γ]ῆν· |
Ρ |
ῥείθροις ἐδόκουν γὰρ ποταµοῦ σῶµα ἀπο[λο]ύειν, |
Ι |
ἱκανοῖς ἀπὸ Νίλου γλυκεροῦ ὕδασι προσ[η]νῶς· |
Ω |
ᾠόµην δὲ σεµνὴν Μουσῶν Καλλιέπειαν |
15 |
Ν |
νυ̣[µ]φαῖς ἅµα πάσαις µέσ<σην κῶµον ἀείδειν· |
Ε |
Ἑλλάδος τι κἀγὼ βραχὺ λείψανον νοµίζων, |
Γ |
γραπτὸν ἀπὸ σοφῆς ἔπνευσα ψυχῆς µου νόηµα· |
Ρ |
ῥάβδῳ δέ τις οἷα κατὰ µέλος δέµας δονηθ̣ είς, |
Α |
ἀρµογὴν µέλει συνεργὸν ἐπεκάλουν χαράττειν̣, |
20 |
Ψ |
ψόγον ἀλλοτρίοις ἤθεσιν ἀπολιπὼν ἄδηλον. |
Α |
ἀρχὴ δέ µ’ ἔκλῃζεν τὸ σοφὸν πόηµα λέξαι· |
λαµπρὸς τότε Μάνδουλις ἔβη µέγας ἀπ’ Ὀλύµπου, |
θέλγων βαρβαρικὴν λέξιν ἀπ’ Αἰθιόπων, |
καὶ γλυκερὴν ἔσπευσεν ἐφ’ Ἑλλάδα µοῦσαν ἀεῖσαι, |
25 |
λαµπρὰ παρεῖα φέρων καὶ δεξιὸς Ἴσιδι βαίνων, |
Ῥωµαίων µεγέθει δόξαν ἀγαλλόµενος, |
µαντικὰ πυθιόων ἅτε δὴ θεὸς Οὐλύµποιο· |
ὡς βίος ἀνθρώποις προορώµενος ἐξέθεν αὐχεῖ, |
ὡς ἦµαρ καὶ νύξ σε σέβει, ὧραι δ’ ἅµα πᾶσαι, |
30 |
καὶ καλέουσί σε Βρειθ καὶ Μάνδουλιν συνοµαίµους, |
ἄστρα θεῶν ἐπ̣ίσηµα κατ’ οὐρανὸν ἀντέλλοντα. |
καὶ τάδε σοι στείχοντα χαράσσειν µ’ αὐτὸς ἔλεξας |
καὶ σοφὰ γράµµατα πᾶσιν ἀθωπεύτως ἐσορᾶσθαι. |
- - - |
35 |
[εἴκοσι] καὶ δυσ̣ὶ̣ τοῖς πρώτοις γράµµασι πειθόµενος. |
(Acrostic: [I,] Maximus, a decurion, wrote [it])
When I had come to gaze on this blessed place of peace,
And to let wander free in the air the inspiration desired by my soul,
a way of life strange to me stirred my mind from all sides.
As I could not convict myself of any evil,
my nature urged me to cultivate mystic toil.
In my wisdom I then composed a complex song,
having received from the gods a holy and expressive idea.
When it was clear that the Muse had accomplished something pleasing to the gods,
I shook out my festival song, like the flower of a green shoot on Helicon.
Then a cave enticed me to enter and sleep,
although I was a little afraid to yield to a dream of fantasy.
Sleep picked me up and swiftly bore me away to a dear land.
I seemed to be gently washing my body in the flowing streams of a river
with the bountiful waters of the sweet Nile.
I imagined that Calliope, a holy member of the Muses,
sang together with all the nymphs a sacred song.
Thinking there still remained a bit of Greece,
I set down in written form the idea that my wise soul had inspired in me.
Just as one moving his body in time to music beaten by a staff,
I summoned rhythm as a partner for the inscription of my song,
leaving those of a critical bent little reason for blame.
The leader urged me to speak my clever poem.
Then great Mandoulis, glorious, came down from Olympus.
He charmed away the barbaric speech of the Aithiopians
and urged me to sing in sweet Greek verse.
He came with brilliant cheeks on the right hand of Isis,
exulting in his greatness and the glory of the Romans,
and uttering Pythian oracles like an Olympian god.
You declared how because of you men can look forward to a livelihood,
how day and night and all the seasons revere you
and call you Breith and Mandoulis, fraternal gods,
stars who rise as a sign of the gods in heaven.
And you yourself told me to inscribe these clever words,
in order that they be viewed by all without flattery.
. . . trusting in the first twenty-two letters.
(Acrostic: Paccius) |
Π |
Πάντοτέ σε ὑµνήσω (Λα)το[ῦ](ς) (γ)όνε, Π(ύ)θι(ε) Ἄπολλον, |
Α |
ἀθανάτων προκαθάγελµα κα(ὶ) χρυσόχελ(υ) Παιάν. |
Κ |
Καὶ γὰρ ἐγὼ παρὰ σοῖς προθύροις ἧλθον. (ἐ)π(ί)νεθσον |
Κ |
κύριε, τὰς προκ[πά]ς µ᾽ ἐν στρατιῇ µεγάλα[ς]. |
Ι |
ἰ (γ)ὰρ µοι δοίης. κἀ(γ)ὼ λ(οι)βαῖς ἀποδὼσω |
5 |
Ο |
οἷα θεῷ µεγάλῳ καὶ Ἴσιδι τῇ βασιλίσσῇ. |
Σ |
Σπείσω πάντοτ᾽ ἐγὼ τοῖς δυσὶ τῶν προκοπῶν. |
Ἰ δεῖ (ἀνα)γνῶναι καὶ τοὔνοµα τοῦ γράψαντος |
δὶς τὰς διακοσίας ψή(φ)ισον ἴκο(σι) µίαν. |
Τὸ προσκύνηµα τοῦ γράψαντος |
καὶ τοῦ ἀναγνόντος σήµερον |
παρὰ θεῷ Μάνδουλι. |
(Acrostic: Paccius)
At all times I celebrate you, son of Leto, Pythian Apollo,
Guide of the immortals and Paean of the golden lyre.
For I have come before your gates. Give me,
Lord, great successes in the army.
For if you give me them, I will give you libations,
Such as those due to a great god and to Isis the queen.
I will always make libations to both for these successes.
To find out the name of the one who wrote this,
Count two times two hundred and twenty-one.
Act of dedication for the one who wrote it
And for the one who recognizes the sign
For the god Mandoulis.
4. A Greek document on skin, unprovenanced (chapters 1 and 4, fig. 4):
Βασιλεύοντο̣ςἈ̣ντι̣µι̣χο̣υ̣ ἔτους τ̣ρ̣ι̣α̣κ̣οστοῦ [µηνὸς - - - ]
ἐν Ἀ̣µφιπόλει τῆι πρὸς τῆι Κ̣ αρ̣ελ̣οτ̣η̣ι̣ εἰση̣γ̣εῖ̣τ̣α̣[ι - - - τῶν]
ξένω̣ν̣ µ̣α̣ν̣̣ ̣ηεοχ̣ολλ̣µ̣ηνο̣ν̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ τ̣ ῶν τεσσαρά̣ [κοντα - - -]
Σκυθῶν ἀργ̣υρίου ἐπισήµου δ̣ ρα̣ χµῶν ἑκατὸν̣ - - -
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣τοῦ ̣ ̣]̣ ε̣ ̣ ̣µενου πλήθους τ̣ οῦ ἀργυρίου̣ - - -
[.]αρ̣ ε̣ ̣[traces of ink]
In the reign of Antimachos in year 30 [month + day]
in Amphipolis near Ḳarelote has introduced [NN of the]
mercenaries[(?) to NN] of the for[ty - - -]
Scythians, of one hundred drachmas of coined silver - - -
[.] of [the above-mentioned(?)] sum of money [
1. See above, chapter 2 note 55.
2. See above, chapter 3 note 8.
3. See above, chapter 3 note 143.