chapter seven

Memory and
Cognitive Thought

Herbalism plays a starring role in therapies that strengthen cognition and memory, and research shows its efficacy in helping people with dementia recover their cognitive abilities and improve their quality of life—which is what true herbalism is all about: improving a person’s physical and mental function such that a person feels loved, capable, confident, productive, and independent—this is the true nature of using healing plants. In this chapter, we will focus on true mental processes and the illnesses that can affect cerebral function, memory, clarity of thought, and mental acuity. Some of the herbal actions required when dealing with these issues are:

Memory and Mental Clarity

Humans have long been fascinated with memory; how is it we can revisualize or recall something that happened in the past? Why do we remember certain events but not others? How can cultures have what scientists call “collective” memories, or what Carl Jung called the “collective unconscious”? How do memories affect our emotions, or even our physical health?

The study of memory is termed cognitive neuroscience, and it is a vast and complex interdisciplinary study of thought, emotion, society, and physics. Many scientists and psychologists look to the synapses between neural cells that carry electrical impulses, and they study the hippocampus and other prefrontal lobe structures of the brain. For herbalists, a holistic treatment will focus on the individual’s social needs, physical abilities, diet, and herbs that address blood flow to or inflammation in the brain. Sprinkled throughout this will be tonics that support, calm, or stimulate the various systems of the body—even seemingly unconnected systems such as the circulatory and the digestive.

Mental fog, memory loss, and mental disability (acute and chronic) can be brought on by any number of disparate factors in males and females of any age: menopause and hormone changes in both women and men; sports injury or other injury involving head trauma; stroke; ischemia (restriction of blood supply to a particular area of the body); drug overdose; and infection. A number of herbs are tier 2 Specifics for mental clarity, gaining clarity of thought during menopause when the brain feels “foggy,” or enhancing the well-being of the mind:

Herbalism for the Elderly

Since memory issues are often (but not always) associated with growing older, the healing arts practitioner will need to consider the age of the client. Dementia, of which Alzheimer’s disease is a type, can affect anyone beginning around the average age of sixty-five. (Dementia before this age is called “early onset dementia.”) Be sure, when working with elderly clients, to address their quality of life first: Are they enjoying their current relationships? Are they continuing to develop new relationships, new dynamics? Everyone, regardless of age, should be continually piquing their curiosity and expanding their awareness; otherwise life is dull and the mind cannot reach its highest imaginative and joyful potential.

Aging men and women typically experience changes (weakening) of the bones and skin; they develop gray hair, weakening eyesight, cardio issues (stiffening of arteries), and a lower bodily mineral content. But older people have qualities that younger people can envy: they possess incredible life skills that can only come from experience, they have passed through all the phases of life; and they can advise and counsel in politics, reform, business, health, and family. Herbal heritage celebrates aging and recognizes that our elderly men and women symbolize valuable qualities desperately needed by our contemporary cultures. This stage of life is, ideally, one of wonder, reflection, and sharing.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

There are a number of different types of dementia, which include Alzheimer’s disease and senility. Alzheimer’s disease typically develops beginning about age sixty-five and is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. After noticeable onset, complications cause physical deterioration so that life expectancy is eight years. 42 In Alzheimer’s, the brain produces plaques made of beta-amyloid, a normal protein “clipped” off from its parent protein that becomes problematic. The brain also produces tangles made of tau proteins that collapse and twist into tangled knots, destroying the normal pathways of neurons. The brain also shows inflammation, oxidative change, and (frequently) metal toxicity.

While genetics are strongly implicated (scientists have discovered a single gene (ApoE4) that greatly increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s), 43 there seem to be other causes as well: stroke, Parkinson’s disease, HIV/AIDS, Huntington’s disease, and traumatic brain injury can lead to the brain damage that causes dementia. Even being an alcoholic has been shown to increase the risk of developing dementia significantly, and emotional or cognitive states, such as depression, and physical diseases such as diabetes or thyroid dysfunction can impede memory loss and learning patterns. Certain medications can lead to memory impairment, such as sedatives and sleeping pills, painkillers, and a stomach medication called cimetidine, among others. Alarmingly, Alzheimer’s disease is increasingly being linked to diabetes.

Research published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology concluded that AD is actually type 3 diabetes that targets the brain. 44 We are beginning to understand the way the brain processes insulin and its role in dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s. Insulin is a peptide, a small protein, produced in the pancreas in response to glucose (the body and brain’s main fuel). Glucose needs insulin to be transported into cells. Just like other cells of the body, neurons need insulin to allow the glucose in so they can properly function (for muscle movement as well as memory, attention, and thinking). When insulin is not working properly, glucose cannot get into cells. It builds up outside the cells and stays in the blood and initiates “insulin resistance.” The brain realizes the cells aren’t getting glucose so it produces even more insulin. The pancreas can’t keep up with the amount of insulin the body thinks it needs; it goes into overdrive and quickly becomes deficient. Meanwhile, glucose builds up to dangerous levels in the blood. Over time, this leads to diabetes. Cellular starvation and high blood glucose levels lead to inflammation in the body—and possibly to beta-amyloid accumulation in the brain.

Herbal Therapy

Though herbal medicine does not have a long tradition treating Alzheimer’s disease, since it was only identified and named in 1906, we do have substantial experience supporting mental clarity and health and increasing cognitive awareness and cerebral function.

Interestingly, most of the risk factors that lead to cardiac illnesses are the same factors that lead to dementia; herbalists can use this information by understanding that the same strategies that keep the heart healthy will also be of great benefit in keeping the mind healthy. The cardiac guidelines in chapter four are relevant to cerebral health and mental clarity.

In addition to gotu kola and hawthorn, consider:

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease Formulas

A Formula for Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

A Formula for Dementia with Irritability

A Formula for Possible Dementia Prevention

The more we learn about the intricate processes of the brain, and especially how brain health is connected to other organs and systems of the body (such as the endocrine and the complex insulin-regulating systems), the more we will appreciate the contribution herbs have to offer. The use of herbs in formulas, in collaboration with other healing arts modalities, is full of promise.


40 McIntyre (2013).

41 Winston (2013).

42 Alzheimer’s Association (2016).

43 National Institute on Aging (2016).

44 Monte and Wands (2008).

45 Hui, Tang, and Liang W Go (2009).

46 Ibid.

47 Hui, Tang, and Liang W Go (2009).

48 Dierman, Marston, and Bravo (2009).

49 Thompson Healthcare Inc. (2007).

50 Frydman-Marom, Levin, and Farfara (2011).

51 Shrikant and Palanivelu (2008).

52 Zhang, et al. (2006).