chapter eight

The Immune System

Of all the body’s mysteries, the immune system seems to be one of the most recent to be examined with any real depth of understanding. Very complex and seemingly delicate, the immune system comprises a myriad of systems within the body organized to keep us healthy: the lymph system, the circulatory system, the skin (integumentary system), the liver (its own mystery), and to some degree the glandular system. All of these interact in a very precise and efficient way to keep out debris and foreign organisms, to kill invading parasites and pathogens, and to restore vitality after an illness.

A complete understanding of immunity will involve a detailed education in lymphocytes, immunological memory, autoimmunity, interferon production, inflammation, and even cancerous tumors, all of which are beyond the scope of this book. But plant remedies support the function of the immune system and also kill pathogens, and immune-support herbs feature in our formulas. The immune system consists of two basic parts: the innate system, which provides a general response to a new infection, and the adaptive system, which provides a specific response to a previously identified pathogen. The innate or general system uses phagocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells to accomplish its goals. The adaptive system uses antibodies and is the result of “acquired immunity.” In the adaptive system, various specialized proteins, cells, and organs detect other cells, proteins, and enzymes, and they distinguish these from “normal” inhabitants of the body, create a “memory” of this attacker, employ white cells to abolish the attacker, and send a letter of reference to the brain to record the memory and create “memory cells” so when this attacker comes again, the entire immune defense will immediately recognize it and act. But autoimmune diseases, such as AIDS, wreak havoc with this system by intercepting that letter to the brain and by deceiving the proteins and cells into thinking normal cells are the attackers. What causes autoimmune diseases? Viruses and bacteria can. Also pharmaceutical and other drugs can interfere with the immune process. Even genetics can play a role in whether the immune system succeeds or suffers. Previously mysterious diseases have now been classified as autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes mellitus type 1, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, for example.

A number of cells are important in this system:

Additionally, there are two fascinating mechanisms by which herbs and pharmaceuticals influence the immune system:

  1. Toll-Like Receptors. Certain proteins stay on the outside of our immune system cells and “scan” for bacteria, fungi, etc. They recognize patterns (pathogen-associated molecular patterns, or PAMPs) that are produced by the pathogens. Certain herbs (such as astragalus, wild yam, and echinacea) contain polysaccharides that apparently mimic these patterns, stimulating an immune response. 53
  2. Efflux Pump Inhibitor. Bacteria can live on the outside of cells, especially around wounds. They produce cytotoxins which are delivered to the interior of the cell through a pump, wounding or killing the cell. Certain herbs (including turmeric, ginseng, kava, barberry, goldenseal (an at-risk plant), milk thistle, and mushrooms such as reishi contain chemicals that inhibit this pump, shutting down the bacteria’s pathway into the cell and making the bacteria inert. 54

Herbal Actions for the Immune System

When referring to the immune system, Americans speak in war terms: we say we are “fighting” a cold, our medicines are “attacking” germs, or we have achieved “victory” over illness. While in some regard our body’s cells and systems are indeed protecting us from “invading” pathogens, it would be just as easy to use housecleaning terms such as sweeping, cleaning, and disinfecting. Health is not so much a matter of destroying the other camp but maintaining a cycle. Our chemistry is constantly adapting, changing, and morphing because we live in a natural and complex environment.

Nevertheless, when we discuss immunity, we use words such as antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic (also called vermifuge), antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. Immune support involves both killing pathogens and, if we can, supporting the formation and function of neurophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes (commonly called white blood cells) including B-cells and T-cells. We strive to maintain a balance so that unhealthy bacteria don’t over-colonize and kill off the “good” bacteria, so that we don’t succumb to every bacteria with which we come in contact.

First we’ll explore basic antibacterial, antiparasitic, and antiviral herbs, then we’ll feature plants that provide long-term support to maintain a strong immune system.

Bacteria and Antibacterial Herbs

These are the herbs believed through heritage or proven clinically to have the capacity to either kill pathogens directly or to support the body’s efforts to kill them. Often used topically, many of these herbs are appropriate for internal bactericide, though care must be used in taking them internally because their potency can damage the liver and other organs. Small doses are used, and many of these herbs are used “whole,” though their powerful essential oils can be isolated and diluted in salves, liniments, and compresses. Essential oils are rarely used internally and such use is not encouraged in this book.

Fungi and Antifungal Herbs

Antifungal herbs are those that directly kill fungal infections or aid the body in attacking fungal pathogens. The human body naturally hosts a variety of fungi, but when conditions are ripe, the fungus can overpopulate more healthy bacteria and cause an infection, posing a problem by making a good breeding-ground for other bacteria to invade and also by draining the body of nutrients (when present in the digestive system) by interfering with nutrient absorption.

Conditions that can lead to fungal infections include but are not limited to:

Once, when I was working on a farm, I broke open a bale of hay to throw it onto a tractor. To my surprise, the inside of the bale was completely moldy and a cloud of grayish-blue mold burst into the air. It caused a nasty infection in my lungs; I came down with a fever and for weeks suffered severe laryngitis. Mold on foods, books, and especially in damp houses are primary causes of illness, and fungi can infect the soft tissues (eyes, sinuses, throat, vagina, gastrointestinal tract) and any exposed areas such as the skin with invasive hair and nail diseases. Long-term damage from mold infections can be serious and can require hospitalization. Most fungal infections start in the lungs or on the skin, also in the vagina and the mouth. Common fungal infections include athlete’s foot, ringworm, and Candida albicans (or yeast), called thrush in a baby’s mouth. In addition to herbs previously mentioned, including garlic, cayenne, calendula, clove, tea tree, rosemary, sage, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and oregano, consider:

Fungi and Antifungal Formulas

A Formula for a Skin Fungal Infection (as a tea to drink)

A Formula for a Skin Fungal Infection (as a salve, liniment, or rinse)

A Formula for a Vaginal Yeast Infection (Candida albicans)
(as a tea to drink)

A Formula for a Vaginal Yeast Infection (as a douche)

Parasites and Antiparasitic Herbs

Antiparasitic herbs kill parasites, including pinworms, tapeworm, lice, mites, and even malaria and giardia. Parasites are common pests that invade a host and live off it, using the host’s flesh as food or a breeding ground, or both. Parasites can cause severe symptoms including digestive upset, gas, bloating, rashes, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, itching—or they can exist in the human body without causing any symptoms at all.

Scientists have long understood the defense that certain white cells produce against parasites, but around 2008 it became increasingly clear that a particular white blood cell, the eosinophil, actually has a profound defense position against parasites. This cell, which represents only 1 percent of all white blood cells, can identify an “invading” or foreign cell and will then “hurl” nearby mitochondrial DNA particles as well as toxic proteins (that they store within their cellular lining) at the bacteria, effectively entangling the bacteria in a net. 56 Since most eosinophils live at the borders of the gut, their action is helpful in keeping parasitic infections at bay. However, it appears that many allergic reactions, including asthma, may be worsened by the actions of the eosinophil, whose hurling techniques of toxic proteins may damage soft tissues in the proximity (such as in the lungs), thereby triggering allergic responses. Does this mean asthma may in fact be precipitated by parasitic infections? It’s possible and worth considering in cases of chronic lung infections or asthma. The herbalist would want to consider adding bronchial support herbs as tier 3 in the formula, such as pleurisy root, mullein, or elderflower.

Other parasitic infections are bacterial. Giardia is a bacterial parasitic infection of the gut, often experienced when drinking fouled or contaminated water. It causes intense pain and spasms in the gut, and produces fever, vomiting, and extreme diarrhea as the body tries to eliminate the offending organism. The person needs digestive support, emotional support, direct parasite-removal, and immune support, in addition to extra liquids lost through emesis.

Common antiparasitic herbs include:

Parasites and Antiparasitic Formulas

A Formula for Giardia (as a tea or tincture)

Another Formula for Giardia (as a tea or tincture)

A Formula for Head Lice
(as a topical wash or wrap to be covered with cellophane)

A Formula for External Parasites (as a witch hazel topical rinse)

Viruses and Antiviral Herbs

Compared to viruses, bacteria seem tame. We can kill bacteria with herbal, over-the-counter, and prescription medication. But we can hardly touch viruses. To begin with, they are extremely small—about one one-hundredth the size of the average bacterium. Secondly, their uncanny ability to sabotage a cell and then replicate their RNA and DNA inside the cell is quick, efficient, and deadly: the proteins on the outside of a virus match up with those on a human cell, “unlock” it, invade it, and hide inside safe from detection from the human’s immune system. While hidden, the virus replicates its own RNA and DNA, effectively overtaking and hijacking the cell’s organelles. The virus duplicates itself so frequently and swiftly that the human cell soon has no choice but to burst—spewing its contents of new, fresh viruses into the human tissue or bloodstream where new sabotage quickly takes place. Because of its ability to hide within our own cells while replicating, the virus can appear to lie “dormant,” revealing itself as an illness at a later stage. This is known as “viral eclipse” and seems to be common in such viral and post-viral illnesses such as Epstein-Barr (a herpes virus that causes mononucleosis), chicken pox (with its accompanying shingles), chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome, and herpes virus number 6 (HSV6). Other viral infections include colds, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, croup, cytomegalovirus, meningitis, West Nile Virus, hepatitis, cold sores or herpes, encephalitis, polio, rabies, HIV and AIDS, and dengue fever, and we are even now beginning to understand some forms of gastric and peptic ulcers originally thought to be caused by stress.

Immune modulators stimulate the body’s T-suppressor cells, and immuno-adjuvants increase the body’s production of antibodies, leading to a presumably stronger immune response to perceived (and recognized) invaders. 57

Antiviral herbs interrupt or destroy the virus’s ability to sabotage a healthy cell and replicate itself. With the exception of echinacea and a few others, the study of antiviral herbs (in the greater context of antimicrobial herbs) is lagging and much needs to be understood about exactly how these plants work. Holistically, it is important to treat viral infection with all the body systems in mind, not just the lymphocytes or killer T cells. For instance, because it is crucial for the body’s immune system to recognize, destroy, and remove foreign cells from the body, the elimination systems must be fully functional. Supporting the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract during a viral infection is just as important as supplying antiviral herbs, otherwise secondary infections can present themselves in places such as the mouth, throat, and skin. Additionally, recognizing the ill-effects of immunodeficiency and getting proper allopathic treatment can be invaluable; repeated infections, longer duration, pain, and spreading infections warrant evaluation and skilled diagnosis.

Common antiviral herbs include:

Herbalists should also consider using bitter melon and quercetin-containing foods, fruits and herbs. Quercetin is a flavonoid that helps the body fight infection.

Chemically, those herbs containing glycoproteins (oligosaccharide lectins) and polysaccharides seem to be the most effective at combating viral infections. Poke root (Phytolacca spp.) contains lectins, though use caution when using poke because it can produce hallucinations and stomach upset when used internally. Originally studied from a food perspective and grouped with sugars and carbohydrates, certain polysaccharides are now being recognized as being able to activate lymphocyte (white blood cell) production, increase serum proteins and interferon production, and even stimulate phagocytosis, which is the process by which white blood cells “eat” or consume the invading bacteria, rendering it harmless. Immune enhancing polysaccharide herbs include Siberian ginseng, licorice, saw palmetto, the seaweed bladderwrack, and astragalus.

Allopathic medicine has had the most success with antiviral drugs called nucleoside analogues that deceive viruses into using fake DNA to replicate within a cell; the fake DNA is missing key parts called hydroxyl groups, effectively ending the virus’s attempt at DNA/RNA replication and leading to its death. To my knowledge, we do not yet know of any herbs that perform this particular function; antiviral herbal medicine relies instead on using saccharide-rich plant extracts to boost white blood cell performance.

Viruses and Antiviral Formulas

A Formula for Influenza

A Formula for Cold Sores (herpes simplex)

A Formula for Colds with Sinus Congestion (as a tincture)

Another Formula for Colds with Sinus Congestion

A Formula for Colds with Coughs/Chest Congestion

Immune Strengthening Protocols

Herbalists are often asked for a particular herb to treat an illness, and while that is not an ideal way to approach herbal healing, there are indeed herbs that directly support the human immune response and can be part of a plan to prevent and fight disease. Immune function appears to be highly influenced by exercise, especially vigorous walking in the outdoors. There is much reason to believe that exercise also stimulates the immune system to better protect against invading pathogens as well. Step one in any health or recovery regimen should be to move the body and develop a robust and enjoyable exercise plan.

Immune function may or may not be influenced by mental attitude; cultivating a positive attitude may ward off diseases by keeping the heart “light,” keeping blood circulation healthy, and by the person’s natural tendency to move and be active. However, plenty of “positive” people get sick, so more research should be done on the mind’s perception of illness and its potential ability to remedy such illness simply by a state of being. Therefore, step two is to develop and nurture a positive sense of self-worth and well-being, especially developing habits of gratitude, joy, and feelings of success (and yes, these are habits).

Many herbs support our immune function and have been used historically throughout Europe, Asia, Indonesia, North America, and South America to protect against illness and strengthen the immune system. These are the long-term herbs to be used as tier 1 tonics, and they are safe to use all winter for immune support and sustenance. Most of these herbs are, not surprisingly, foods, and they are consumed in the general diet of cultures such as India, where antibacterial and immune-strengthening foods are common. In addition to astragalus, rose hips, and lemon balm, consider:

Immune Strengthening Formulas

A Formula for a Cold

A Formula for Influenza with fever

The Lymph System

The lymph system baffled scientists when it was discovered in the late seventeenth century. The complex lymph system (actually a part of the circulatory system) traverses our entire body, both in the internal depths and on the more superficial layers, transporting clear fluids and acting as a backup for the bacteria-fighting duties of the immune system. Lymph tissues and lymphoid follicles are associated with the immune and digestive systems and can be found in the spleen, tonsils, thymus, bone marrow, and other organs. Interestingly, lymph fluid travels in the lymphatic vessels in a one-way direction toward the heart, much as blood travels in a one-way direction from the heart, around the left side of the body, up the right side, and back to the heart. This amazing lymphatic network surrounds our cells with a sort of cleaning fluid that removes cellular and metabolic wastes for disposal, and it has the remarkable ability to trap cancerous cells and destroy them. Sometimes, though, cells are not destroyed completely and the cancer can betray the lymph system by using it to travel through the network to other nodes that can harbor secondary tumors. This can result in Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cancers of the lymph system.

While cancer of the lymph system is very serious and requires allopathic medical attention, herbalism has a lot to offer in the way of lymph system nourishment, immune support, and corollary support for secondary symptoms. Certain herbs nourish the lymph system to keep lymph fluids flowing freely. Herbs such as cleavers (lady’s bedstraw, or Gallium aparine) have historically been prized for “decongesting” the lymph system and allowing the fluids to travel. (Cleavers are also used for other “drainage” issues including bladder infection, dysuria, and kidney stones.) Other herbs such as echinacea, astragalus and barberry assist the lymph system in its job of trapping and killing cancerous cells. Some studies also show that a properly functioning lymph system can also play a key role in helping overweight women regain their proper weight and in relieving pain throughout the body.

The lymph system responds well to tart fruits and vegetables, so eating cranberries and fruits or herbs high in flavonoids, malic acids, and citric acids (such as wood sorrel, spinach, apples, tamarinds) can be helpful. Other “immune-support” herbs such as astragalus, goldenseal, and poke root have been identified as powerful lymph system supporters, though caution must be used with poke as it can induce hallucinations. Astragalus, however, can be used frequently, even as a food (especially in stews and soups).

Lymph System Formulas

A Formula for Lymph Support (as a tea, tincture, or capsule)

Lyme Infection

Lyme is such a quirky, prevalent, and misdiagnosed illness that I’ll list it separately here with immune functions. Lyme is a tough one: it’s altogether not what we think it is, despite all the tests and clinical studies. I wouldn’t be surprised if, in the next twenty-five to fifty years, we realize that many of today’s illnesses are actually a result of suffering from Lyme.

What is Lyme? Based on today’s understanding, we believe it is caused by infection by the tiny Borrelia bergdorferi sensu lato, a spirochete bacterium that can live inside deer ticks and be transmitted to humans after a tick bite. Once the tick bites flesh, the Borrelia propels itself from the gut of the tick into the flesh and the bloodstream. The bacterium quickly multiplies and can invade joint tissues and even nervous tissues. Within ten to fifteen days of a bite, symptoms of Lyme disease can include fever, headache, stiff or sore muscles, and often a large (five inch by five inch) “bull’s-eye” rash. My son was bitten at age five, and he displayed not one bulls-eye, but approximately twenty-five half-dollar sized red bull’s-eyes, along with fever. Early dosing with doxycycline is recommended, as Lyme that goes untreated can cause serious and lasting impairments in the joints, the eyes, and other body systems. In addition to Lyme, other tick-borne illnesses (coinfections) with similar symptoms and prognoses include tularemia, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, and the newly discovered Powassan virus.

Herbalist Stephen Buhner, arguably one of the leading experts on herbal treatment of Lyme and its coinfections, shares that Lyme may be transmitted through human fluids, such as semen and breast milk. He believes Borrelia has the evolutionary ability to sample human tissues and fluids to determine where its best location for infection will be. 60 Specific tier 2 herbs for Lyme include:

Corollary support tier 3 herbs include:

Lyme Infection Formulas

Each of the following formulas should be taken as capsules or powders (not teas or tinctures) with freshly dried, highly potent, organic herbs.

A Formula for Lyme with muscle and/or bone pain

A Formula for Lyme with immune support

A Formula for Men: Lyme with fatigue and mental fog

A Formula for Women: Lyme with fatigue and mental fog

Nourishing and supporting the immune system can be accomplished using the antimicrobial herbs outlined here, making sure common sense, proper diet, and a proactive lifestyle are a priority. Improving and supporting immune function is a life-enhancing practice. Be open to new herbs, or in new combinations, as each person you work with is different, has unique needs, and responds to herbal medicines differently.


53 Clare (2012).

54 Ibid.

55 Park, Hyun-Kyung, and Sung-Eun (2006).

56 Nizet and Rothenberg (2008).

57 Hoffmann (1996).

58 Clare (2012).

59 Stamets (2015).

60 Buhner (2005).

61 Ibid. 78.

62 Gilday (2013).

63 Phaneuf, Holly (2005).

64 Thompson Healthcare Inc. (2007) 57.

65 Stansberry and Willard (2002).