Interconnection Networks

Revised by Timothy M. Pinkston,    University of Southern California

José Duato,    Universitat Politècnica de València, and Simula

“The Medium is the Message” because it is the medium that shapes and controls the search and form of human associations and actions.

Marshall McLuhan

Understanding Media (1964)

The marvels—of film, radio, and television—are marvels of one-way communication, which is not communication at all.

Milton Mayer

On the Remote Possibility of Communication (1967)

The interconnection network is the heart of parallel architecture.

Chuan-Lin Wu and Tse-Yun Feng

Interconnection Networks for Parallel and Distributed Processing (1984)

Indeed, as system complexity and integration continues to increase, many designers are finding it more efficient to route packets, not wires.

Bill Dally

Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks (2004)

F.1 Introduction

Previous chapters and appendices cover the components of a single computer but give little consideration to the interconnection of those components and how multiple computer systems are interconnected. These aspects of computer architecture have gained significant importance in recent years. In this appendix we see how to connect individual devices together into a community of communicating devices, where the term device is generically used to signify anything from a component or set of components within a computer to a single computer to a system of computers. Figure F.1 shows the various elements comprising this community: end nodes consisting of devices and their associated hardware and software interfaces, links from end nodes to the interconnection network, and the interconnection network. Interconnection networks are also called networks, communication subnets, or communication subsystems. The interconnection of multiple networks is called internetworking. This relies on communication standards to convert information from one kind of network to another, such as with the Internet.

There are several reasons why computer architects should devote attention to interconnection networks. In addition to providing external connectivity, networks are commonly used to interconnect the components within a single computer at many levels, including the processor microarchitecture. Networks have long been used in mainframes, but today such designs can be found in personal computers as well, given the high demand on communication bandwidth needed to enable increased computing power and storage capacity. Switched networks are replacing buses as the normal means of communication between computers, between I/O devices, between boards, between chips, and even between modules inside chips. Computer architects must understand interconnect problems and solutions in order to more effectively design and evaluate computer systems.

Interconnection networks cover a wide range of application domains, very much like memory hierarchy covers a wide range of speeds and sizes. Networks implemented within processor chips and systems tend to share characteristics much in common with processors and memory, relying more on high-speed hardware solutions and less on a flexible software stack. Networks implemented across systems tend to share much in common with storage and I/O, relying more on the operating system and software protocols than high-speed hardware—though we are seeing a convergence these days. Across the domains, performance includes latency and effective bandwidth, and queuing theory is a valuable analytical tool in evaluating performance, along with simulation techniques.

This topic is vast—portions of Figure F.1 are the subject of entire books and college courses. The goal of this appendix is to provide for the computer architect an overview of network problems and solutions. This appendix gives introductory explanations of key concepts and ideas, presents architectural implications of interconnection network technology and techniques, and provides useful references to more detailed descriptions. It also gives a common framework for evaluating all types of interconnection networks, using a single set of terms to describe the basic alternatives. As we will see, many types of networks have common preferred alternatives, but for others the best solutions are quite different. These differences become very apparent when crossing between the networking domains.

Interconnection Network Domains

Interconnection networks are designed for use at different levels within and across computer systems to meet the operational demands of various application areas—high-performance computing, storage I/O, cluster/workgroup/enterprise systems, internetworking, and so on. Depending on the number of devices to be connected and their proximity, we can group interconnection networks into four major networking domains:

Figure F.2 roughly shows the relationship of these networking domains in terms of the number of devices interconnected and their distance scales. Overlap exists for some of these networks in one or both dimensions, which leads to product competition. Some network solutions have become commercial standards while others remain proprietary. Although the preferred solutions may significantly differ from one interconnection network domain to another depending on the design requirements, the problems and concepts used to address network problems remain remarkably similar across the domains. No matter the target domain, networks should be designed so as not to be the bottleneck to system performance and cost efficiency. Hence, the ultimate goal of computer architects is to design interconnection networks of the lowest possible cost that are capable of transferring the maximum amount of available information in the shortest possible time.

Approach and Organization of This Appendix

Interconnection networks can be well understood by taking a top-down approach to unveiling the concepts and complexities involved in designing them. We do this by viewing the network initially as an opaque “black box” that simply and ideally performs certain necessary functions. Then we systematically open various layers of the black box, allowing more complex concepts and nonideal network behavior to be revealed. We begin this discussion by first considering the interconnection of just two devices in Section F.2, where the black box network can be viewed as a simple dedicated link network—that is, wires or collections of wires running bidirectionally between the devices. We then consider the interconnection of more than two devices in Section F.3, where the black box network can be viewed as a shared link network or as a switched point-to-point network connecting the devices. We continue to peel away various other layers of the black box by considering in more detail the network topology (Section F.4); routing, arbitration, and switching (Section F.5); and switch microarchitecture (Section F.6). Practical issues for commercial networks are considered in Section F.7, followed by examples illustrating the trade-offs for each type of network in Section F.8. Internetworking is briefly discussed in Section F.9, and additional crosscutting issues for interconnection networks are presented in Section F.10. Section F.11 gives some common fallacies and pitfalls related to interconnection networks, and Section F.12 presents some concluding remarks. Finally, we provide a brief historical perspective and some suggested reading in Section F.13.

F.2 Interconnecting Two Devices

This section introduces the basic concepts required to understand how communication between just two networked devices takes place. This includes concepts that deal with situations in which the receiver may not be ready to process incoming data from the sender and situations in which transport errors may occur. To ease understanding, the black box network at this point can be conceptualized as an ideal network that behaves as simple dedicated links between the two devices. Figure F.3 illustrates this, where unidirectional wires run from device A to device B and vice versa, and each end node contains a buffer to hold the data. Regardless of the network complexity, whether dedicated link or not, a connection exists from each end node device to the network to inject and receive information to/from the network. We first describe the basic functions that must be performed at the end nodes to commence and complete communication, and then we discuss network media and the basic functions that must be performed by the network to carry out communication. Later, a simple performance model is given, along with several examples to highlight implications of key network parameters.

Network Interface Functions: Composing and Processing Messages

Suppose we want two networked devices to read a word from each other’s memory. The unit of information sent or received is called a message. To acquire the desired data, the two devices must first compose and send a certain type of message in the form of a request containing the address of the data within the other device. The address (i.e., memory or operand location) allows the receiver to identify where to find the information being requested. After processing the request, each device then composes and sends another type of message, a reply, containing the data. The address and data information is typically referred to as the message payload.

In addition to payload, every message contains some control bits needed by the network to deliver the message and process it at the receiver. The most typical are bits to distinguish between different types of messages (e.g., request, reply, request acknowledge, reply acknowledge) and bits that allow the network to transport the information properly to the destination. These additional control bits are encoded in the header and/or trailer portions of the message, depending on their location relative to the message payload. As an example, Figure F.4 shows the format of a message for the simple dedicated link network shown in Figure F.3. This example shows a single-word payload, but messages in some interconnection networks can include several thousands of words.

Before message transport over the network occurs, messages have to be composed. Likewise, upon receipt from the network, they must be processed. These and other functions described below are the role of the network interface (also referred to as the channel adapter) residing at the end nodes. Together with some direct memory access (DMA) engine and link drivers to transmit/receive messages to/from the network, some dedicated memory or register(s) may be used to buffer outgoing and incoming messages. Depending on the network domain and design specifications for the network, the network interface hardware may consist of nothing more than the communicating device itself (i.e., for OCNs and some SANs) or a separate card that integrates several embedded processors and DMA engines with thousands of megabytes of RAM (i.e., for many SANs and most LANs and WANs).

In addition to hardware, network interfaces can include software or firmware to perform the needed operations. Even the simple example shown in Figure F.3 may invoke messaging software to translate requests and replies into messages with the appropriate headers. This way, user applications need not worry about composing and processing messages as these tasks can be performed automatically at a lower level. An application program usually cooperates with the operating or runtime system to send and receive messages. As the network is likely to be shared by many processes running on each device, the operating system cannot allow messages intended for one process to be received by another. Thus, the messaging software must include protection mechanisms that distinguish between processes. This distinction could be made by expanding the header with a port number that is known by both the sender and intended receiver processes.

In addition to composing and processing messages, additional functions need to be performed by the end nodes to establish communication among the communicating devices. Although hardware support can reduce the amount of work, some can be done by software. For example, most networks specify a maximum amount of information that can be transferred (i.e., maximum transfer unit) so that network buffers can be dimensioned appropriately. Messages longer than the maximum transfer unit are divided into smaller units, called packets (or datagrams), that are transported over the network. Packets are reassembled into messages at the destination end node before delivery to the application. Packets belonging to the same message can be distinguished from others by including a message ID field in the packet header. If packets arrive out of order at the destination, they are reordered when reassembled into a message. Another field in the packet header containing a sequence number is usually used for this purpose.

The sequence of steps the end node follows to commence and complete communication over the network is called a communication protocol. It generally has symmetric but reversed steps between sending and receiving information. Communication protocols are implemented by a combination of software and hardware to accelerate execution. For instance, many network interface cards implement hardware timers as well as hardware support to split messages into packets and reassemble them, compute the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum, handle virtual memory addresses, and so on.

Some network interfaces include extra hardware to offload protocol processing from the host computer, such as TCP offload engines for LANs and WANs. But, for interconnection networks such as SANs that have low latency requirements, this may not be enough even when lighter-weight communication protocols are used such as message passing interface (MPI). Communication performance can be further improved by bypassing the operating system (OS). OS bypassing can be implemented by directly allocating message buffers in the network interface memory so that applications directly write into and read from those buffers. This avoids extra memory-to-memory copies. The corresponding protocols are referred to as zero-copy protocols or user-level communication protocols. Protection can still be maintained by calling the OS to allocate those buffers at initialization and preventing unauthorized memory accesses in hardware.

In general, some or all of the following are the steps needed to send a message at end node devices over a network:

Message reception is in the reverse order:

The sender must still react to packet acknowledgments:

Just as a protocol is implemented at network end nodes to support communication, protocols are also used across the network structure at the physical, data link, and network layers responsible primarily for packet transport, flow control, error handling, and other functions described next.

Basic Network Structure and Functions: Media and Form Factor, Packet Transport, Flow Control, and Error Handling

Once a packet is ready for transmission at its source, it is injected into the network using some dedicated hardware at the network interface. The hardware includes some transceiver circuits to drive the physical network media—either electrical or optical. The type of media and form factor depends largely on the interconnect distances over which certain signaling rates (e.g., transmission speed) should be sustainable. For centimeter or less distances on a chip or multichip module, typically the middle to upper copper metal layers can be used for interconnects at multi-Gbps signaling rates per line. A dozen or more layers of copper traces or tracks imprinted on circuit boards, midplanes, and backplanes can be used for Gbps differential-pair signaling rates at distances of about a meter or so. Category 5E unshielded twisted-pair copper wiring allows 0.25 Gbps transmission speed over distances of 100 meters. Coaxial copper cables can deliver 10 Mbps over kilometer distances. In these conductor lines, distance can usually be traded off for higher transmission speed, up to a certain point. Optical media enable faster transmission speeds at distances of kilometers. Multimode fiber supports 100 Mbps transmission rates over a few kilometers, and more expensive single-mode fiber supports Gbps transmission speeds over distances of several kilometers. Wavelength division multiplexing allows several times more bandwidth to be achieved in fiber (i.e., by a factor of the number of wavelengths used).

The hardware used to drive network links may also include some encoders to encode the signal in a format other than binary that is suitable for the given transport distance. Encoding techniques can use multiple voltage levels, redundancy, data and control rotation (e.g., 4b5b encoding), and/or a guaranteed minimum number of signal transitions per unit time to allow for clock recovery at the receiver. The signal is decoded at the receiver end, and the packet is stored in the corresponding buffer. All of these operations are performed at the network physical layer, the details of which are beyond the scope of this appendix. Fortunately, we do not need to worry about them. From the perspective of the data link and higher layers, the physical layer can be viewed as a long linear pipeline without staging in which signals propagate as waves through the network transmission medium. All of the above functions are generally referred to as packet transport.

Besides packet transport, the network hardware and software are jointly responsible at the data link and network protocol layers for ensuring reliable delivery of packets. These responsibilities include: (1) preventing the sender from sending packets at a faster rate than they can be processed by the receiver, and (2) ensuring that the packet is neither garbled nor lost in transit. The first responsibility is met by either discarding packets at the receiver when its buffer is full and later notifying the sender to retransmit them, or by notifying the sender to stop sending packets when the buffer becomes full and to resume later once it has room for more packets. The latter strategy is generally known as flow control.

There are several interesting techniques commonly used to implement flow control beyond simple handshaking between the sender and receiver. The more popular techniques are Xon/Xoff (also referred to as Stop & Go) and credit-based flow control. Xon/Xoff consists of the receiver notifying the sender either to stop or to resume sending packets once high and low buffer occupancy levels are reached, respectively, with some hysteresis to reduce the number of notifications. Notifications are sent as “stop” and “go” signals using additional control wires or encoded in control packets. Credit-based flow control typically uses a credit counter at the sender that initially contains a number of credits equal to the number of buffers at the receiver. Every time a packet is transmitted, the sender decrements the credit counter. When the receiver consumes a packet from its buffer, it returns a credit to the sender in the form of a control packet that notifies the sender to increment its counter upon receipt of the credit. These techniques essentially control the flow of packets into the network by throttling packet injection at the sender when the receiver reaches a low watermark or when the sender runs out of credits.

Xon/Xoff usually generates much less control traffic than credit-based flow control because notifications are only sent when the high or low buffer occupancy levels are crossed. On the other hand, credit-based flow control requires less than half the buffer size required by Xon/Xoff. Buffers for Xon/Xoff must be large enough to prevent overflow before the “stop” control signal reaches the sender. Overflow cannot happen when using credit-based flow control because the sender will run out of credits, thus stopping transmission. For both schemes, full link bandwidth utilization is possible only if buffers are large enough for the distance over which communication takes place.

Let’s compare the buffering requirements of the two flow control techniques in a simple example covering the various interconnection network domains.


Suppose we have a dedicated-link network with a raw data bandwidth of 8 Gbps for each link in each direction interconnecting two devices. Packets of 100 bytes (including the header) are continuously transmitted from one device to the other to fully utilize network bandwidth. What is the minimum amount of credits and buffer space required by credit-based flow control assuming interconnect distances of 1 cm, 1 m, 100 m, and 10 km if only link propagation delay is taken into account? How does the minimum buffer space compare against Xon/Xoff?


At the start, the receiver buffer is initially empty and the sender contains a number of credits equal to buffer capacity. The sender will consume a credit every time a packet is transmitted. For the sender to continue transmitting packets at network speed, the first returned credit must reach the sender before the sender runs out of credits. After receiving the first credit, the sender will keep receiving credits at the same rate it transmits packets. As we are considering only propagation delay over the link and no other sources of delay or overhead, null processing time at the sender and receiver are assumed. The time required for the first credit to reach the sender since it started transmission of the first packet is equal to the round-trip propagation delay for the packet transmitted to the receiver and the return credit transmitted back to the sender. This time must be less than or equal to the packet transmission time multiplied by the initial credit count:



The speed of light is about 300,000 km/sec. Assume we can achieve 66% of that in a conductor. Thus, the minimum number of credits for each distance is given by



As each credit represents one packet-sized buffer entry, the minimum amount of credits (and, likewise, buffer space) needed by each device is one for the 1 cm and 1 m distances, 10 for the 100 m distance, and 1000 packets for the 10 km distance. For Xon/Xoff, this minimum buffer size corresponds to the buffer fragment from the high occupancy level to the top of the buffer and from the low occupancy level to the bottom of the buffer. With the added hysteresis between both occupancy levels to reduce notifications, the minimum buffer space for Xon/Xoff turns out to be more than twice that for credit-based flow control.

Networks that implement flow control do not need to drop packets and are sometimes referred to as lossless networks; networks that drop packets are sometimes referred to as lossy networks. This single difference in the way packets are handled by the network drastically constrains the kinds of solutions that can be implemented to address other related network problems, including packet routing, congestion, deadlock, and reliability, as we will see later in this appendix. This difference also affects performance significantly as dropped packets need to be retransmitted, thus consuming more link bandwidth and suffering extra delay. These behavioral and performance differences ultimately restrict the interconnection network domains for which certain solutions are applicable. For instance, most networks delivering packets over relatively short distances (e.g., OCNs and SANs) tend to implement flow control; on the other hand, networks delivering packets over relatively long distances (e.g., LANs and WANs) tend to be designed to drop packets. For the shorter distances, the delay in propagating flow control information back to the sender can be negligible, but not so for longer distance scales. The kinds of applications that are usually run also influence the choice of lossless versus lossy networks. For instance, dropping packets sent by an Internet client like a Web browser affects only the delay observed by the corresponding user. However, dropping a packet sent by a process from a parallel application may lead to a significant increase in the overall execution time of the application if that packet’s delay is on the critical path.

The second responsibility of ensuring that packets are neither garbled nor lost in transit can be met by implementing some mechanisms to detect and recover from transport errors. Adding a checksum or some other error detection field to the packet format, as shown in Figure F.4, allows the receiver to detect errors. This redundant information is calculated when the packet is sent and checked upon receipt. The receiver then sends an acknowledgment in the form of a control packet if the packet passes the test. Note that this acknowledgment control packet may simultaneously contain flow control information (e.g., a credit or stop signal), thus reducing control packet overhead. As described earlier, the most common way to recover from errors is to have a timer record the time each packet is sent and to presume the packet is lost or erroneously transported if the timer expires before an acknowledgment arrives. The packet is then resent.

The communication protocol across the network and network end nodes must handle many more issues other than packet transport, flow control, and reliability. For example, if two devices are from different manufacturers, they might order bytes differently within a word (Big Endian versus Little Endian byte ordering). The protocol must reverse the order of bytes in each word as part of the delivery system. It must also guard against the possibility of duplicate packets if a delayed packet were to become unstuck. Depending on the system requirements, the protocol may have to implement pipelining among operations to improve performance. Finally, the protocol may need to handle network congestion to prevent performance degradation when more than two devices are connected, as described later in Section F.7.

Characterizing Performance: Latency and Effective Bandwidth

Now that we have covered the basic steps for sending and receiving messages between two devices, we can discuss performance. We start by discussing the latency when transporting a single packet. Then we discuss the effective bandwidth (also known as throughput) that can be achieved when the transmission of multiple packets is pipelined over the network at the packet level.

Figure F.5 shows the basic components of latency for a single packet. Note that some latency components will be broken down further in later sections as the internals of the “black box” network are revealed. The timing parameters in Figure F.5 apply to many interconnection network domains: inside a chip, between chips on a board, between boards in a chassis, between chassis within a computer, between computers in a cluster, between clusters, and so on. The values may change, but the components of latency remain the same.

The following terms are often used loosely, leading to confusion, so we define them here more precisely:

The total latency of a packet can be expressed algebraically by the following:



Let’s see how the various components of transport latency and the sending and receiving overheads change in importance as we go across the interconnection network domains: from OCNs to SANs to LANs to WANs.


Assume that we have a dedicated link network with a data bandwidth of 8 Gbps for each link in each direction interconnecting two devices within an OCN, SAN, LAN, or WAN, and we wish to transmit packets of 100 bytes (including the header) between the devices. The end nodes have a per-packet sending overhead of x + 0.05 ns/byte and receiving overhead of 4/3(x) + 0.05 ns/byte, where x is 0 μs for the OCN, 0.3 μs for the SAN, 3 μs for the LAN, and 30 μs for the WAN, which are typical for these network types. Calculate the total latency to send packets from one device to the other for interconnection distances of 0.5 cm, 5 m, 5000 m, and 5000 km assuming that time of flight consists only of link propagation delay (i.e., no switching or other sources of delay).


Using the above expression and the calculation for propagation delay through a conductor given in the previous example, we can plug in the parameters for each of the networks to find their total packet latency. For the OCN:



Converting all terms into nanoseconds (ns) leads to the following for the OCN:



Substituting in the appropriate values for the SAN gives the following latency:



Substituting in the appropriate values for the LAN gives the following latency:



Substituting in the appropriate values for the WAN gives the following latency:



The increased fraction of the latency required by time of flight for the longer distances along with the greater likelihood of errors over the longer distances are among the reasons why WANs and LANs use more sophisticated and time-consuming communication protocols, which increase sending and receiving overheads. The need for standardization is another reason. Complexity also increases due to the requirements imposed on the protocol by the typical applications that run over the various interconnection network domains as we go from tens to hundreds to thousands to many thousands of devices. We will consider this in later sections when we discuss connecting more than two devices. The above example shows that the propagation delay component of time of flight for WANs and some LANs is so long that other latency components—including the sending and receiving overheads—can practically be ignored. This is not so for SANs and OCNs where the propagation delay pales in comparison to the overheads and transmission delay. Remember that time-of-flight latency due to switches and other hardware in the network besides sheer propagation delay through the links is neglected in the above example. For noncongested networks, switch latency generally is small compared to the overheads and propagation delay through the links in WANs and LANs, but this is not necessarily so for multiprocessor SANs and multicore OCNs, as we will see in later sections.

So far, we have considered the transport of a single packet and computed the associated end-to-end total packet latency. In order to compute the effective bandwidth for two networked devices, we have to consider a continuous stream of packets transported between them. We must keep in mind that, in addition to minimizing packet latency, the goal of any network optimized for a given cost and power consumption target is to transfer the maximum amount of available information in the shortest possible time, as measured by the effective bandwidth delivered by the network. For applications that do not require a response before sending the next packet, the sender can overlap the sending overhead of later packets with the transport latency and receiver overhead of prior packets. This essentially pipelines the transmission of packets over the network, also known as link pipelining. Fortunately, as discussed in prior chapters of this book, there are many application areas where communication from either several applications or several threads from the same application can run concurrently (e.g., a Web server concurrently serving thousands of client requests or streaming media), thus allowing a device to send a stream of packets without having to wait for an acknowledgment or a reply. Also, as long messages are usually divided into packets of maximum size before transport, a number of packets are injected into the network in succession for such cases. If such overlap were not possible, packets would have to wait for prior packets to be acknowledged before being transmitted and thus suffer significant performance degradation.

Packets transported in a pipelined fashion can be acknowledged quite straightforwardly simply by keeping a copy at the source of all unacknowledged packets that have been sent and keeping track of the correspondence between returned acknowledgments and packets stored in the buffer. Packets will be removed from the buffer when the corresponding acknowledgment is received by the sender. This can be done by including the message ID and packet sequence number associated with the packet in the packet’s acknowledgment. Furthermore, a separate timer must be associated with each buffered packet, allowing the packet to be resent if the associated time-out expires.

Pipelining packet transport over the network has many similarities with pipelining computation within a processor. However, among some differences are that it does not require any staging latches. Information is simply propagated through network links as a sequence of signal waves. Thus, the network can be considered as a logical pipeline consisting of as many stages as are required so that the time of flight does not affect the effective bandwidth that can be achieved. Transmission of a packet can start immediately after the transmission of the previous one, thus overlapping the sending overhead of a packet with the transport and receiver latency of previous packets. If the sending overhead is smaller than the transmission time, packets follow each other back-to-back, and the effective bandwidth approaches the raw link bandwidth when continuously transmitting packets. On the other hand, if the sending overhead is greater than the transmission time, the effective bandwidth at the injection point will remain well below the raw link bandwidth. The resulting link injection bandwidth, BWLinkInjection, for each link injecting a continuous stream of packets into a network is calculated with the following expression:



We must also consider what happens if the receiver is unable to consume packets at the same rate they arrive. This occurs if the receiving overhead is greater than the sending overhead and the receiver cannot process incoming packets fast enough. In this case, the link reception bandwidth, BWLinkReception, for each reception link of the network is less than the link injection bandwidth and is obtained with this expression:



When communication takes place between two devices interconnected by dedicated links, all the packets sent by one device will be received by the other. If the receiver cannot process packets fast enough, the receiver buffer will become full, and flow control will throttle transmission at the sender. As this situation is produced by causes external to the network, we will not consider it further here. Moreover, if the receiving overhead is greater than the sending overhead, the receiver buffer will fill up and flow control will, likewise, throttle transmission at the sender. In this case, the effect of flow control is, on average, the same as if we replace sending overhead with receiving overhead. Assuming an ideal network that behaves like two dedicated links running in opposite directions at the full link bandwidth between the two devices—which is consistent with our black box view of the network to this point—the resulting effective bandwidth is the smaller of twice the injection bandwidth (to account for the two injection links, one for each device) or twice the reception bandwidth. This results in the following expression for effective bandwidth:



where Overhead = max(Sending overhead, Receiving overhead). Taking into account the expression for the transmission time, it is obvious that the effective bandwidth delivered by the network is identical to the aggregate network bandwidth when the transmission time is greater than the overhead. Therefore, full network utilization is achieved regardless of the value for the time of flight and, thus, regardless of the distance traveled by packets, assuming ideal network behavior (i.e., enough credits and buffers are provided for credit-based and Xon/Xoff flow control). This analysis assumes that the sender and receiver network interfaces can process only one packet at a time. If multiple packets can be processed in parallel (e.g., as is done in IBM’s Federation network interfaces), the overheads for those packets can be overlapped, which increases effective bandwidth by that overlap factor up to the amount bounded by the transmission time.

Let’s use the equation on page F-17 to explore the impact of packet size, transmission time, and overhead on BWLink Injection, BWLinkReception, and effective bandwidth for the various network domains: OCNs, SANs, LANs, and WANs.


As in the previous example, assume we have a dedicated link network with a data bandwidth of 8 Gbps for each link in each direction interconnecting the two devices within an OCN, SAN, LAN, or WAN. Plot effective bandwidth versus packet size for each type of network for packets ranging in size from 4 bytes (i.e., a single 32-bit word) to 1500 bytes (i.e., the maximum transfer unit for Ethernet), assuming that end nodes have the same per-packet sending and receiving overheads as before: x + 0.05 ns/byte and 4/3(x) + 0.05 ns/byte, respectively, where x is 0 μs for the OCN, 0.3 μs for the SAN, 3 μs for the LAN, and 30 μs for the WAN. What limits the effective bandwidth, and for what packet sizes is the effective bandwidth within 10% of the aggregate network bandwidth?


Figure F.6 plots effective bandwidth versus packet size for the four network domains using the simple equation and parameters given above. For all packet sizes in the OCN, transmission time is greater than overhead (sending or receiving), allowing full utilization of the aggregate bandwidth, which is 16 Gbps—that is, injection link (alternatively, reception link) bandwidth times two to account for both devices. For the SAN, overhead—specifically, receiving overhead—is larger than transmission time for packets less than about 800 bytes; consequently, packets of 655 bytes and larger are needed to utilize 90% or more of the aggregate bandwidth. For LANs and WANs, most of the link bandwidth is not utilized since overhead in this example is many times larger than transmission time for all packet sizes.

This example highlights the importance of reducing the sending and receiving overheads relative to packet transmission time in order to maximize the effective bandwidth delivered by the network.

The analysis above suggests that it is possible to provide some upper bound for the effective bandwidth by analyzing the path followed by packets and determining where the bottleneck occurs. We can extend this idea beyond the network interfaces by defining a model that considers the entire network from end to end as a pipe and identifying the narrowest section of that pipe. There are three areas of interest in that pipe: the aggregate of all network injection links and the corresponding network injection bandwidth (BWNetworkInjection), the aggregate of all network reception links and the corresponding network reception bandwidth (BWNetworkReception), and the aggregate of all network links and the corresponding network bandwidth (BWNetwork). Expressions for these will be given in later sections as various layers of the black box view of the network are peeled away.

To this point, we have assumed that for just two interconnected devices the black box network behaves ideally and the network bandwidth is equal to the aggregate raw network bandwidth. In reality, it can be much less than the aggregate bandwidth as we will see in the following sections. In general, the effective bandwidth delivered end-to-end by the network to an application is upper bounded by the minimum across all three potential bottleneck areas:



We will expand upon this expression further in the following sections as we reveal more about interconnection networks and consider the more general case of interconnecting more than two devices.

In some sections of this appendix, we show how the concepts introduced in the section take shape in example high-end commercial products. Figure F.7 lists several commercial computers that, at one point in time in their existence, were among the highest-performing systems in the world within their class. Although these systems are capable of interconnecting more than two devices, they implement the basic functions needed for interconnecting only two devices. In addition to being applicable to the SANs used in those systems, the issues discussed in this section also apply to other interconnect domains: from OCNs to WANs.

F.3 Connecting More than Two Devices

To this point, we have considered the connection of only two devices communicating over a network viewed as a black box, but what makes interconnection networks interesting is the ability to connect hundreds or even many thousands of devices together. Consequently, what makes them interesting also makes them more challenging to build. In order to connect more than two devices, a suitable structure and more functionality must be supported by the network. This section continues with our black box approach by introducing, at a conceptual level, additional network structure and functions that must be supported when interconnecting more than two devices. More details on these individual subjects are given in Sections F.4 through F.7. Where applicable, we relate the additional structure and functions to network media, flow control, and other basics presented in the previous section. In this section, we also classify networks into two broad categories based on their connection structure—shared-media versus switched-media networks—and we compare them. Finally, expanded expressions for characterizing network performance are given, followed by an example.

Additional Network Structure and Functions: Topology, Routing, Arbitration, and Switching

Networks interconnecting more than two devices require mechanisms to physically connect the packet source to its destination in order to transport the packet and deliver it to the correct destination. These mechanisms can be implemented in different ways and significantly vary across interconnection network domains. However, the types of network structure and functions performed by those mechanisms are very much the same, regardless of the domain.

When multiple devices are interconnected by a network, the connections between them oftentimes cannot be permanently established with dedicated links. This could either be too restrictive as all the packets from a given source would go to the same one destination (and not to others) or prohibitively expensive as a dedicated link would be needed from every source to every destination (we will evaluate this further in the next section). Therefore, networks usually share paths among different pairs of devices, but how those paths are shared is determined by the network connection structure, commonly referred to as the network topology. Topology addresses the important issue of “What paths are possible for packets?” so packets reach their intended destinations.

Every network that interconnects more than two devices also requires some mechanism to deliver each packet to the correct destination. The associated function is referred to as routing, which can be defined as the set of operations that need to be performed to compute a valid path from the packet source to its destinations. Routing addresses the important issue of “Which of the possible paths are allowable (valid) for packets?” so packets reach their intended destinations. Depending on the network, this function may be executed at the packet source to compute the entire path, at some intermediate devices to compute fragments of the path on the fly, or even at every possible destination device to verify whether that device is the intended destination for the packet. Usually, the packet header shown in Figure F.4 is extended to include the necessary routing information.

In general, as networks usually contain shared paths or parts thereof among different pairs of devices, packets may request some shared resources. When several packets request the same resources at the same time, an arbitration function is required to resolve the conflict. Arbitration, along with flow control, addresses the important issue of “When are paths available for packets?” Every time arbitration is performed, there is a winner and possibly several losers. The losers are not granted access to the requested resources and are typically buffered. As indicated in the previous section, flow control may be implemented to prevent buffer overflow. The winner proceeds toward its destination once the granted resources are switched in, providing a path for the packet to advance. This function is referred to as switching. Switching addresses the important issue of “How are paths allocated to packets?” To achieve better utilization of existing communication resources, most networks do not establish an entire end-to-end path at once. Instead, as explained in Section F.5, paths are usually established one fragment at a time.

These three network functions—routing, arbitration, and switching—must be implemented in every network connecting more than two devices, no matter what form the network topology takes. This is in addition to the basic functions mentioned in the previous section. However, the complexity of these functions and the order in which they are performed depends on the category of network topology, as discussed below. In general, routing, arbitration, and switching are required to establish a valid path from source to destination from among the possible paths provided by the network topology. Once the path has been established, the packet transport functions previously described are used to reliably transmit packets and receive them at the corresponding destination. Flow control, if implemented, prevents buffer overflow by throttling the sender. It can be implemented at the end-to-end level, the link level within the network, or both.

Shared-Media Networks

The simplest way to connect multiple devices is to have them share the network media, as shown for the bus in Figure F.8 (a). This has been the traditional way of interconnecting devices. The shared media can operate in half-duplex mode, where data can be carried in either direction over the media but simultaneous transmission and reception of data by the same device is not allowed, or in full-duplex, where the data can be carried in both directions and simultaneously transmitted and received by the same device. Until very recently, I/O devices in most systems typically shared a single I/O bus, and early system-on-chip (SoC) designs made use of a shared bus to interconnect on-chip components. The most popular LAN, Ethernet, was originally implemented as a half-duplex bus shared by up to a hundred computers, although now switched-media versions also exist.

Given that network media are shared, there must be a mechanism to coordinate and arbitrate the use of the shared media so that only one packet is sent at a time. If the physical distance between network devices is small, it may be possible to have a central arbiter to grant permission to send packets. In this case, the network nodes may use dedicated control lines to interface with the arbiter. Centralized arbitration is impractical, however, for networks with a large number of nodes spread over large distances, so distributed forms of arbitration are also used. This is the case for the original Ethernet shared-media LAN.

A first step toward distributed arbitration of shared media is “looking before you leap.” A node first checks the network to avoid trying to send a packet while another packet is already in the network. Listening before transmission to avoid collisions is called carrier sensing. If the interconnection is idle, the node tries to send. Looking first is not a guarantee of success, of course, as some other node may also decide to send at the same instant. When two nodes send at the same time, a collision occurs. Let’s assume that the network interface can detect any resulting collisions by listening to hear if the data become garbled by other data appearing on the line. Listening to detect collisions is called collision detection. This is the second step of distributed arbitration.

The problem is not solved yet. If, after detecting a collision, every node on the network waited exactly the same amount of time, listened to be sure there was no traffic, and then tried to send again, we could still have synchronized nodes that would repeatedly bump heads. To avoid repeated head-on collisions, each node whose packet gets garbled waits (or backs off) a random amount of time before resending. Randomization breaks the synchronization. Subsequent collisions result in exponentially increasing time between attempts to retransmit, so as not to tax the network.

Although this approach controls congestion on the shared media, it is not guaranteed to be fair—some subsequent node may transmit while those that collided are waiting. If the network does not have high demand from many nodes, this simple approach works well. Under high utilization, however, performance degrades since the media are shared and fairness is not ensured. Another distributed approach to arbitration of shared media that can support fairness is to pass a token between nodes. The function of the token is to grant the acquiring node the right to use the network. If the token circulates in a cyclic fashion between the nodes, a certain amount of fairness is ensured in the arbitration process.

Once arbitration has been performed and a device has been granted access to the shared media, the function of switching is straightforward. The granted device simply needs to connect itself to the shared media, thus establishing a path to every possible destination. Also, routing is very simple to implement. Given that the media are shared and attached to all the devices, every device will see every packet. Therefore, each device just needs to check whether or not a given packet is intended for that device. A beneficial side effect of this strategy is that a device can send a packet to all the devices attached to the shared media through a single transmission. This style of communication is called broadcasting, in contrast to unicasting, in which each packet is intended for only one device. The shared media make it easy to broadcast a packet to every device or, alternatively, to a subset of devices, called multicasting.

Switched-Media Networks

The alternative to sharing the entire network media at once across all attached nodes is to switch between disjoint portions of it shared by the nodes. Those portions consist of passive point-to-point links between active switch components that dynamically establish communication between sets of source-destination pairs. These passive and active components make up what is referred to as the network switch fabric or network fabric, to which end nodes are connected. This approach is shown conceptually in Figure F.8(b). The switch fabric is described in greater detail in Sections F.4 through F.7, where various black box layers for switched-media networks are further revealed. Nevertheless, the high-level view shown in Figure F.8(b) illustrates the potential bandwidth improvement of switched-media networks over shared-media networks: aggregate bandwidth can be many times higher than that of shared-media networks, allowing the possibility of greater effective bandwidth to be achieved. At best, only one node at a time can transmit packets over the shared media, whereas it is possible for all attached nodes to do so over the switched-media network.

Like their shared-media counterparts, switched-media networks must implement the three additional functions previously mentioned: routing, arbitration, and switching. Every time a packet enters the network, it is routed in order to select a path toward its destination provided by the topology. The path requested by the packet must be granted by some centralized or distributed arbiter, which resolves conflicts among concurrent requests for resources along the same path. Once the requested resources are granted, the network “switches in” the required connections to establish the path and allows the packet to be forwarded toward its destination. If the requested resources are not granted, the packet is usually buffered, as mentioned previously. Routing, arbitration, and switching functions are usually performed within switched networks in this order, whereas in shared-media networks routing typically is the last function performed.

Comparison of Shared- and Switched-Media Networks

In general, the advantage of shared-media networks is their low cost, but, consequently, their aggregate network bandwidth does not scale at all with the number of interconnected devices. Also, a global arbitration scheme is required to resolve conflicting demands, possibly introducing another type of bottleneck and again limiting scalability. Moreover, every device attached to the shared media increases the parasitic capacitance of the electrical conductors, thus increasing the time of flight propagation delay accordingly and, possibly, clock cycle time. In addition, it is more difficult to pipeline packet transmission over the network as the shared media are continuously granted to different requesting devices.

The main advantage of switched-media networks is that the amount of network resources implemented scales with the number of connected devices, increasing the aggregate network bandwidth. These networks allow multiple pairs of nodes to communicate simultaneously, allowing much higher effective network bandwidth than that provided by shared-media networks. Also, switched-media networks allow the system to scale to very large numbers of nodes, which is not feasible when using shared media. Consequently, this scaling advantage can, at the same time, be a disadvantage if network resources grow superlinearly. Networks of superlinear cost that provide an effective network bandwidth that grows only sublinearly with the number of interconnected devices are inefficient designs for many applications and interconnection network domains.

Characterizing Performance: Latency and Effective Bandwidth

The routing, switching, and arbitration functionality described above introduces some additional components of packet transport latency that must be taken into account in the expression for total packet latency. Assuming there is no contention for network resources—as would be the case in an unloaded network—total packet latency is given by the following:



Here TR, TA, and TS are the total routing time, arbitration time, and switching time experienced by the packet, respectively, and are either measured quantities or calculated quantities derived from more detailed analyses. These components are added to the total propagation delay through the network links, TTotalProp, to give the overall time of flight of the packet.

The expression above gives only a lower bound for the total packet latency as it does not account for additional delays due to contention for resources that may occur. When the network is heavily loaded, several packets may request the same network resources concurrently, thus causing contention that degrades performance. Packets that lose arbitration have to be buffered, which increases packet latency by some contention delay amount of waiting time. This additional delay is not included in the above expression. When the network or part of it approaches saturation, contention delay may be several orders of magnitude greater than the total packet latency suffered by a packet under zero load or even under slightly loaded network conditions. Unfortunately, it is not easy to compute analytically the total packet latency when the network is more than moderately loaded. Measurement of these quantities using cycle-accurate simulation of a detailed network model is a better and more precise way of estimating packet latency under such circumstances. Nevertheless, the expression given above is useful in calculating best-case lower bounds for packet latency.

For similar reasons, effective bandwidth is not easy to compute exactly, but we can estimate best-case upper bounds for it by appropriately extending the model presented at the end of the previous section. What we need to do is to find the narrowest section of the end-to-end network pipe by finding the network injection bandwidth (BWNetworkInjection), the network reception bandwidth (BWNetworkReception), and the network bandwidth (BWNetwork) across the entire network interconnecting the devices.

The BWNetworkInjection can be calculated simply by multiplying the expression for link injection bandwidth, BWLinkInjection, by the total number of network injection links. The BWNetworkReception is calculated similarly using BWLinkReception, but it must also be scaled by a factor that reflects application traffic and other characteristics. For more than two interconnected devices, it is no longer valid to assume a one-to-one relationship among sources and destinations when analyzing the effect of flow control on link reception bandwidth. It could happen, for example, that several packets from different injection links arrive concurrently at the same reception link for applications that have many-to-one traffic characteristics, which causes contention at the reception links. This effect can be taken into account by an average reception factor parameter, σ, which is either a measured quantity or a calculated quantity derived from detailed analysis. It is defined as the average fraction or percentage of packets arriving at reception links that can be accepted. Only those packets can be immediately delivered, thus reducing network reception bandwidth by that factor. This reduction occurs as a result of application behavior regardless of internal network characteristics. Finally, BWNetwork takes into account the internal characteristics of the network, including contention. We will progressively derive expressions in the following sections that will enable us to calculate this as more details are revealed about the internals of our black box interconnection network.

Overall, the effective bandwidth delivered by the network end-to-end to an application is determined by the minimum across the three sections, as described by the following:



Let’s use the above expressions to compare the latency and effective bandwidth of shared-media networks against switched-media networks for the four interconnection network domains: OCNs, SANs, LANs, and WANs.


Plot the total packet latency and effective bandwidth as the number of interconnected nodes, N, scales from 4 to 1024 for shared-media and switched-media OCNs, SANs, LANs, and WANs. Assume that all network links, including the injection and reception links at the nodes, each have a data bandwidth of 8 Gbps, and unicast packets of 100 bytes are transmitted. Shared-media networks share one link, and switched-media networks have at least as many network links as there are nodes. For both, ignore latency and bandwidth effects due to contention within the network. End nodes have per-packet sending and receiving overheads of x + 0.05 ns/byte and 4/3(x) + 0.05 ns/byte, respectively, where x is 0 μs for the OCN, 0.3 μs for the SAN, 3 μs for the LAN, and 30 μs for the WAN, and interconnection distances are 0.5 cm, 5 m, 5000 m, and 5000 km, respectively. Also assume that the total routing, arbitration, and switching times are constants or functions of the number of interconnected nodes: TR = 2.5 ns, TA = 2.5(N) ns, and TS = 2.5 ns for shared-media networks and TR = TA = TS = 2.5(log2 N) ns for switched-media networks. Finally, taking into account application traffic characteristics for the network structure, the average reception factor, σ, is assumed to be N− 1 for shared media and polylogarithmic (log2 N)− 1/4 for switched media.


All components of total packet latency are the same as in the example given in the previous section except for time of flight, which now has additional routing, arbitration, and switching delays. For shared-media networks, the additional delays total 5 + 2.5(N) ns; for switched-media networks, they total 7.5(log2 N) ns. Latency is plotted only for OCNs and SANs in Figure F.9 as these networks give the more interesting results. For OCNs, TR, TA, and TS combine to dominate time of flight and are much greater than each of the other latency components for a moderate to large number of nodes. This is particularly so for the shared-media network. The latency increases much more dramatically with the number of nodes for shared media as compared to switched media given the difference in arbitration delay between the two. For SANs, TR, TA, and TS dominate time of flight for most network sizes but are greater than each of the other latency components in shared-media networks only for large-sized networks; they are less than the other latency components for switched-media networks but are not negligible. For LANs and WANs, time of flight is dominated by propagation delay, which dominates other latency components as calculated in the previous section; thus, TR, TA, and TS are negligible for both shared and switched media.

Figure F.10 plots effective bandwidth versus number of interconnected nodes for the four network domains. The effective bandwidth for all shared-media networks is constant through network scaling as only one unicast packet can be received at a time over all the network reception links, and that is further limited by the receiving overhead of each network for all but the OCN. The effective bandwidth for all switched-media networks increases with the number of interconnected nodes, but it is scaled down by the average reception factor. The receiving overhead further limits effective bandwidth for all but the OCN.

Given the obvious advantages, why weren’t switched networks always used? Earlier computers were much slower and could share the network media with little impact on performance. In addition, the switches for earlier LANs and WANs took up several large boards and were about as large as an entire computer. As a consequence of Moore’s law, the size of switches has reduced considerably, and systems have a much greater need for high-performance communication. Switched networks allow communication to harvest the same rapid advancements from silicon as processors and main memory. Whereas switches from telecommunication companies were once the size of mainframe computers, today we see single-chip switches and even entire switched networks within a chip. Thus, technology and application trends favor switched networks today. Just as single-chip processors led to processors replacing logic circuits in a surprising number of places, single-chip switches and switched on-chip networks are increasingly replacing shared-media networks (i.e., buses) in several application domains. As an example, PCI-Express (PCIe)—a switched network—was introduced in 2005 to replace the traditional PCI-X bus on personal computer motherboards.

The previous example also highlights the importance of optimizing the routing, arbitration, and switching functions in OCNs and SANs. For these network domains in particular, the interconnect distances and overheads typically are small enough to make latency and effective bandwidth much more sensitive to how well these functions are implemented, particularly for larger-sized networks. This leads mostly to implementations based mainly on the faster hardware solutions for these domains. In LANs and WANs, implementations based on the slower but more flexible software solutions suffice given that performance is largely determined by other factors. The design of the topology for switched-media networks also plays a major role in determining how close to the lower bound on latency and the upper bound on effective bandwidth the network can achieve for OCN and SAN domains.

The next three sections touch on these important issues in switched networks, with the next section focused on topology.

F.4 Network Topology

When the number of devices is small enough, a single switch is sufficient to interconnect them within a switched-media network. However, the number of switch ports is limited by existing very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology, cost considerations, power consumption, and so on. When the number of required network ports exceeds the number of ports supported by a single switch, a fabric of interconnected switches is needed. To embody the necessary property of full access (i.e., connectedness), the network switch fabric must provide a path from every end node device to every other device. All the connections to the network fabric and between switches within the fabric use point-to-point links as opposed to shared links—that is, links with only one switch or end node device on either end. The interconnection structure across all the components—including switches, links, and end node devices—is referred to as the network topology.

The number of network topologies described in the literature would be difficult to count, but the number that have been used commercially is no more than about a dozen or so. During the 1970s and early 1980s, researchers struggled to propose new topologies that could reduce the number of switches through which packets must traverse, referred to as the hop count. In the 1990s, thanks to the introduction of pipelined transmission and switching techniques, the hop count became less critical. Nevertheless, today, topology is still important, particularly for OCNs and SANs, as subtle relationships exist between topology and other network design parameters that impact performance, especially when the number of end nodes is very large (e.g., 64 K in the Blue Gene/L supercomputer) or when the latency is critical (e.g., in multicore processor chips). Topology also greatly impacts the implementation cost of the network.

Topologies for parallel supercomputer SANs have been the most visible and imaginative, usually converging on regularly structured ones to simplify routing, packaging, and scalability. Those for LANs and WANs tend to be more haphazard or ad hoc, having more to do with the challenges of long distance or connecting across different communication subnets. Switch-based topologies for OCNs are only recently emerging but are quickly gaining in popularity. This section describes the more popular topologies used in commercial products. Their advantages, disadvantages, and constraints are also briefly discussed.

Centralized Switched Networks

As mentioned above, a single switch suffices to interconnect a set of devices when the number of switch ports is equal to or larger than the number of devices. This simple network is usually referred to as a crossbar or crossbar switch. Within the crossbar, crosspoint switch complexity increases quadratically with the number of ports, as illustrated in Figure F.11(a). Thus, a cheaper solution is desirable when the number of devices to be interconnected scales beyond the point supportable by implementation technology.

A common way of addressing the crossbar scaling problem consists of splitting the large crossbar switch into several stages of smaller switches interconnected in such a way that a single pass through the switch fabric allows any destination to be reached from any source. Topologies arranged in this way are usually referred to as multistage interconnection networks or multistage switch fabrics, and these networks typically have complexity that increases in proportion to N log N. Multistage interconnection networks (MINs) were initially proposed for telephone exchanges in the 1950s and have since been used to build the communication backbone for parallel supercomputers, symmetric multiprocessors, multicomputer clusters, and IP router switch fabrics.

The interconnection pattern or patterns between MIN stages are permutations that can be represented mathematically by a set of functions, one for each stage. Figure F.11(b) shows a well-known MIN topology, the Omega, which uses the perfect-shuffle permutation as its interconnection pattern for each stage, followed by exchange switches, giving rise to a perfect-shuffle exchange for each stage. In this example, eight input-output ports are interconnected with three stages of 2 × 2 switches. It is easy to see that a single pass through the three stages allows any input port to reach any output port. In general, when using k × k switches, a MIN with N input-output ports requires at least logk N stages, each of which contains N/k switches, for a total of N/k (logk N) switches.

Despite their internal structure, MINs can be seen as centralized switch fabrics that have end node devices connected at the network periphery, hence the name centralized switched network. From another perspective, MINs can be viewed as interconnecting nodes through a set of switches that may not have any nodes directly connected to them, which gives rise to another popular name for centralized switched networks—indirect networks.


Compute the cost of interconnecting 4096 nodes using a single crossbar switch relative to doing so using a MIN built from 2 × 2, 4 × 4, and 16 × 16 switches. Consider separately the relative cost of the unidirectional links and the relative cost of the switches. Switch cost is assumed to grow quadratically with the number of input (alternatively, output) ports, k, for k × k switches.


The switch cost of the network when using a single crossbar is proportional to 40962. The unidirectional link cost is 8192, which accounts for the set of links from the end nodes to the crossbar and also from the crossbar back to the end nodes. When using a MIN with k × k switches, the cost of each switch is proportional to k2 but there are 4096/k (logk 4096) total switches. Likewise, there are (logk 4096) stages of N unidirectional links per stage from the switches plus N links to the MIN from the end nodes. Therefore, the relative costs of the crossbar with respect to each MIN is given by the following:



In all cases, the single crossbar has much higher switch cost than the MINs. The most dramatic reduction in cost comes from the MIN composed from the smallest sized but largest number of switches, but it is interesting to see that the MINs with 2 × 2 and 4 × 4 switches yield the same relative switch cost. The relative link cost of the crossbar is lower than the MINs, but by less than an order of magnitude in all cases. We must keep in mind that end node links are different from switch links in their length and packaging requirements, so they usually have different associated costs. Despite the lower link cost, the crossbar has higher overall relative cost.

The reduction in switch cost of MINs comes at the price of performance: contention is more likely to occur on network links, thus degrading performance. Contention in the form of packets blocking in the network arises due to paths from different sources to different destinations simultaneously sharing one or more links. The amount of contention in the network depends on communication traffic behavior. In the Omega network shown in Figure F.11(b), for example, a packet from port 0 to port 1 blocks in the first stage of switches while waiting for a packet from port 4 to port 0. In the crossbar, no such blocking occurs as links are not shared among paths to unique destinations. The crossbar, therefore, is nonblocking. Of course, if two nodes try to send packets to the same destination, there will be blocking at the reception link even for crossbar networks. This is accounted for by the average reception factor parameter (σ) when analyzing performance, as discussed at the end of the previous section.

To reduce blocking in MINs, extra switches must be added or larger ones need to be used to provide alternative paths from every source to every destination. The first commonly used solution is to add a minimum of logk N − 1 extra switch stages to the MIN in such a way that they mirror the original topology. The resulting network is rearrangeably nonblocking as it allows nonconflicting paths among new source-destination pairs to be established, but it also doubles the hop count and could require the paths of some existing communicating pairs to be rearranged under some centralized control. The second solution takes a different approach. Instead of using more switch stages, larger switches—which can be implemented by multiple stages if desired—are used in the middle of two other switch stages in such a way that enough alternative paths through the middle-stage switches allow for nonconflicting paths to be established between the first and last stages. The best-known example of this is the Clos network, which is nonblocking. The multipath property of the three-stage Clos topology can be recursively applied to the middle-stage switches to reduce the size of all the switches down to 2 × 2, assuming that switches of this size are used in the first and last stages to begin with. What results is a Beneŝ topology consisting of 2(log2 N) − 1 stages, which is rearrangeably nonblocking. Figure F.12(a) illustrates both topologies, where all switches not in the first and last stages comprise the middle-stage switches (recursively) of the Clos network.

The MINs described so far have unidirectional network links, but bidirectional forms are easily derived from symmetric networks such as the Clos and Beneŝ simply by folding them. The overlapping unidirectional links run in different directions, thus forming bidirectional links, and the overlapping switches merge into a single switch with twice the ports (i.e., 4 × 4 switch). Figure F.12(b) shows the resulting folded Beneŝ topology but in this case with the end nodes connected to the innermost switch stage of the original Beneŝ. Ports remain free at the other side of the network but can be used for later expansion of the network to larger sizes. These kind of networks are referred to as bidirectional multistage interconnection networks. Among many useful properties of these networks are their modularity and their ability to exploit communication locality, which saves packets from having to hop across all network stages. Their regularity also reduces routing complexity and their multipath property enables traffic to be routed more evenly across network resources and to tolerate faults.

Another way of deriving bidirectional MINs with nonblocking (rearrangeable) properties is to form a balanced tree, where end node devices occupy leaves of the tree and switches occupy vertices within the tree. Enough links in each tree level must be provided such that the total link bandwidth remains constant across all levels. Also, except for the root, switch ports for each vertex typically grow as ki × ki, where i is the tree level. This can be accomplished by using ki−1 total switches at each vertex, where each switch has k input and k output ports, or k bidirectional ports (i.e., k × k input-output ports). Networks having such topologies are called fat tree networks. As only half of the k bidirectional ports are used in each direction, 2 N/k switches are needed in each stage, totaling 2 N/k (logk/2 N) switches in the fat tree. The number of switches in the root stage can be halved as no forward links are needed, reducing switch count by N/k. Figure F.12(b) shows a fat tree for 4 × 4 switches. As can be seen, this is identical to the folded Beneŝ.

The fat tree is the topology of choice across a wide range of network sizes for most commercial systems that use multistage interconnection networks. Most SANs used in multicomputer clusters, and many used in the most powerful supercomputers, are based on fat trees. Commercial communication subsystems offered by Myrinet, Mellanox, and Quadrics are also built from fat trees.

Distributed Switched Networks

Switched-media networks provide a very flexible framework to design communication subsystems external to the devices that need to communicate, as presented above. However, there are cases where it is convenient to more tightly integrate the end node devices with the network resources used to enable them to communicate. Instead of centralizing the switch fabric in an external subsystem, an alternative approach is to distribute the network switches among the end nodes, which then become network nodes or simply nodes, yielding a distributed switched network. As a consequence, each network switch has one or more end node devices directly connected to it, thus forming a network node. These nodes are directly connected to other nodes without indirectly going through some external switch, giving rise to another popular name for these networks—direct networks.

The topology for distributed switched networks takes on a form much different from centralized switched networks in that end nodes are connected across the area of the switch fabric, not just at one or two of the peripheral edges of the fabric. This causes the number of switches in the system to be equal to the total number of nodes. A quite obvious way of interconnecting nodes consists of connecting a dedicated link between each node and every other node in the network. This fully connected topology provides the best connectivity (full connectivity in fact), but it is more costly than a crossbar network, as the following example shows.


Compute the cost of interconnecting N nodes using a fully connected topology relative to doing so using a crossbar topology. Consider separately the relative cost of the unidirectional links and the relative cost of the switches. Switch cost is assumed to grow quadratically with the number of unidirectional ports for k × k switches but to grow only linearly with 1 × k switches.


The crossbar topology requires an N × N switch, so the switch cost is proportional to N2. The link cost is 2N, which accounts for the unidirectional links from the end nodes to the centralized crossbar, and vice versa. In the fully connected topology, two sets of 1 × (N − 1) switches (possibly merged into one set) are used in each of the N nodes to connect nodes directly to and from all other nodes. Thus, the total switch cost for all N nodes is proportional to 2N(N − 1). Regarding link cost, each of the N nodes requires two unidirectional links in opposite directions between its end node device and its local switch. In addition, each of the N nodes has N − 1 unidirectional links from its local switch to other switches distributed across all the other end nodes. Thus, the total number of unidirectional links is 2N + N(N − 1), which is equal to N(N + 1) for all N nodes. The relative costs of the fully connected topology with respect to the crossbar is, therefore, the following:



As the number of interconnected devices increases, the switch cost of the fully connected topology is nearly double the crossbar, with both being very high (i.e., quadratic growth). Moreover, the fully connected topology always has higher relative link cost, which grows linearly with the number of nodes. Again, keep in mind that end node links are different from switch links in their length and packaging, particularly for direct networks, so they usually have different associated costs. Despite its higher cost, the fully connected topology provides no extra performance benefits over the crossbar as both are nonblocking. Thus, crossbar networks are usually used in practice instead of fully connected networks.

A lower-cost alternative to fully connecting all nodes in the network is to directly connect nodes in sequence along a ring topology, as shown in Figure F.13. For bidirectional rings, each of the N nodes now uses only 3 × 3 switches and just two bidirectional network links (shared by neighboring nodes), for a total of N switches and N bidirectional network links. This linear cost excludes the N injection-reception bidirectional links required within nodes.

Unlike shared-media networks, rings can allow many simultaneous transfers: the first node can send to the second while the second sends to the third, and so on. However, as dedicated links do not exist between logically nonadjacent node pairs, packets must hop across intermediate nodes before arriving at their destination, increasing their transport latency. For bidirectional rings, packets can be transported in either direction, with the shortest path to the destination usually being the one selected. In this case, packets must travel N/4 network switch hops, on average, with total switch hop count being one more to account for the local switch at the packet source node. Along the way, packets may block on network resources due to other packets contending for the same resources simultaneously.

Fully connected and ring-connected networks delimit the two extremes of distributed switched topologies, but there are many points of interest in between for a given set of cost-performance requirements. Generally speaking, the ideal switched-media topology has cost approaching that of a ring but performance approaching that of a fully connected topology. Figure F.14 illustrates three popular direct network topologies commonly used in systems spanning the cost-performance spectrum. All of them consist of sets of nodes arranged along multiple dimensions with a regular interconnection pattern among nodes that can be expressed mathematically. In the mesh or grid topology, all the nodes in each dimension form a linear array. In the torus topology, all the nodes in each dimension form a ring. Both of these topologies provide direct communication to neighboring nodes with the aim of reducing the number of hops suffered by packets in the network with respect to the ring. This is achieved by providing greater connectivity through additional dimensions, typically no more than three in commercial systems. The hypercube or n-cube topology is a particular case of the mesh in which only two nodes are interconnected along each dimension, leading to a number of dimensions, n, that must be large enough to interconnect all N nodes in the system (i.e., n = log2 N). The hypercube provides better connectivity than meshes and tori at the expense of higher link and switch costs, in terms of the number of links and number of ports per node.


Compute the cost of interconnecting N devices using a torus topology relative to doing so using a fat tree topology. Consider separately the relative cost of the bidirectional links and the relative cost of the switches—which is assumed to grow quadratically with the number of bidirectional ports. Provide an approximate expression for the case of switches being similar in size.


Using k × k switches, the fat tree requires 2 N/k (logk/2 N) switches, assuming the last stage (the root) has the same number of switches as each of the other stages. Given that the number of bidirectional ports in each switch is k (i.e., there are k input ports and k output ports for a k × k switch) and that the switch cost grows quadratically with this, total network switch cost is proportional to 2kN logk/2 N. The link cost is N logk/2 N as each of the logk/2 N stages requires N bidirectional links, including those between the devices and the fat tree. The torus requires as many switches as nodes, each of them having 2n + 1 bidirectional ports, including the port to attach the communicating device, where n is the number of dimensions. Hence, total switch cost for the torus is (2n + 1)2N. Each of the torus nodes requires 2n + 1 bidirectional links for the n different dimensions and the connection for its end node device, but as the dimensional links are shared by two nodes, the total number of links is (2n/2 + 1)N = (n + 1)N bidirectional links for all N nodes. Thus, the relative costs of the torus topology with respect to the fat tree are



When switch sizes are similar, 2n + 1 ≅ k. In this case, the relative cost is



When the number of switch ports (also called switch degree) is small, tori have lower cost, particularly when the number of dimensions is low. This is an especially useful property when N is large. On the other hand, when larger switches and/or a high number of tori dimensions are used, fat trees are less costly and preferable. For example, when interconnecting 256 nodes, a fat tree is four times more expensive in terms of switch and link costs when 4 × 4 switches are used. This higher cost is compensated for by lower network contention, on average. The fat tree is comparable in cost to the torus when 8 × 8 switches are used (e.g., for interconnecting 256 nodes). For larger switch sizes beyond this, the torus costs more than the fat tree as each node includes a switch. This cost can be amortized by connecting multiple end node devices per switch, called bristling.

The topologies depicted in Figure F.14 all have in common the interesting characteristic of having their network links arranged in several orthogonal dimensions in a regular way. In fact, these topologies all happen to be particular instances of a larger class of direct network topologies known as k-ary n-cubes, where k signifies the number of nodes interconnected in each of the n dimensions. The symmetry and regularity of these topologies simplify network implementation (i.e, packaging) and packet routing as the movement of a packet along a given network dimension does not modify the number of remaining hops in any other dimension toward its destination. As we will see in the next section, this topological property can be readily exploited by simple routing algorithms.

Like their indirect counterpart, direct networks can introduce blocking among packets that concurrently request the same path, or part of it. The only exception is fully connected networks. The same way that the number of stages and switch hops in indirect networks can be reduced by using larger switches, the hop count in direct networks can likewise be reduced by increasing the number of topological dimensions via increased switch degree.

It may seem to be a good idea always to maximize the number of dimensions for a system of a certain size and switch cost. However, this is not necessarily the case. Most electronic systems are built within our three-dimensional (3D) world using planar (2D) packaging technology such as integrated circuit chips, printed circuit boards, and backplanes. Direct networks with up to three dimensions can be implemented using relatively short links within this 3D space, independent of system size. Links in higher-dimensioned networks would require increasingly longer wires or fiber. This increase in link length with system size is also indicative of MINs, including fat trees, which require either long links within all the stages or increasingly longer links as more stages are added. As we saw in the first example given in Section F.2, flow-controlled buffers increase in size proportionally to link length, thus requiring greater silicon area. This is among the reasons why the supercomputer with the largest number of compute nodes existing in 2005, the IBM Blue Gene/L, implemented a 3D torus network for interprocessor communication. A fat tree would have required much longer links, rendering a 64K node system less feasible. This highlights the importance of correctly selecting the proper network topology that meets system requirements.

Besides link length, other constraints derived from implementing the topology may also limit the degree to which a topology can scale. These are available pin-out and achievable bisection bandwidth. Pin count is a local restriction on the bandwidth of a chip, printed circuit board, and backplane (or chassis) connector. In a direct network that integrates processor cores and switches on a single chip or multichip module, pin bandwidth is used both for interfacing with main memory and for implementing node links. In this case, limited pin count could reduce the number of switch ports or bit lines per link. In an indirect network, switches are implemented separately from processor cores, allowing most of the pins to be dedicated to communication bandwidth. However, as switches are grouped onto boards, the aggregate of all input-output links of the switch fabric on a board for a given topology must not exceed the board connector pin-outs.

The bisection bandwidth is a more global restriction that gives the interconnect density and bandwidth that can be achieved by a given implementation (packaging) technology. Interconnect density and clock frequency are related to each other: When wires are packed closer together, crosstalk and parasitic capacitance increase, which usually impose a lower clock frequency. For example, the availability and spacing of metal layers limit wire density and frequency of on-chip networks, and copper track density limits wire density and frequency on a printed circuit board. To be implementable, the topology of a network must not exceed the available bisection bandwidth of the implementation technology. Most networks implemented to date are constrained more so by pin-out limitations rather than bisection bandwidth, particularly with the recent move to blade-based systems. Nevertheless, bisection bandwidth largely affects performance.

For a given topology, bisection bandwidth, BWBisection, is calculated by dividing the network into two roughly equal parts—each with half the nodes—and summing the bandwidth of the links crossing the imaginary dividing line. For nonsymmetric topologies, bisection bandwidth is the smallest of all pairs of equal-sized divisions of the network. For a fully connected network, the bisection bandwidth is proportional to N2/2 unidirectional links (or N2/4 bidirectional links), where N is the number of nodes. For a bus, bisection bandwidth is the bandwidth of just the one shared half-duplex link. For other topologies, values lie in between these two extremes. Network injection and reception bisection bandwidth is commonly used as a reference value, which is N/2 for a network with N injection and reception links, respectively. Any network topology that provides this bisection bandwidth is said to have full bisection bandwidth.

Figure F.15 summarizes the number of switches and links required, the corresponding switch size, the maximum and average switch hop distances between nodes, and the bisection bandwidth in terms of links for several topologies discussed in this section for interconnecting 64 nodes.

Effects of Topology on Network Performance

Switched network topologies require packets to take one or more hops to reach their destination, where each hop represents the transport of a packet through a switch and one of its corresponding links. Interestingly, each switch and its corresponding links can be modeled as a black box network connecting more than two devices, as was described in the previous section, where the term “devices” here refers to end nodes or other switches. The only differences are that the sending and receiving overheads are null through the switches, and the routing, switching, and arbitration delays are not cumulative but, instead, are delays associated with each switch.

As a consequence of the above, if the average packet has to traverse d hops to its destination, then TR + TA + TS = (Tr + Ta + Ts) × d, where Tr, Ta, and Ts are the routing, arbitration, and switching delays, respectively, of a switch. With the assumption that pipelining over the network is staged on each hop at the packet level (this assumption will be challenged in the next section), the transmission delay is also increased by a factor of the number of hops. Finally, with the simplifying assumption that all injection links to the first switch or stage of switches and all links (including reception links) from the switches have approximately the same length and delay, the total propagation delay through the network TTotalProp is the propagation delay through a single link, TLinkProp, multiplied by d + 1, which is the hop count plus one to account for the injection link. Thus, the best-case lower-bound expression for average packet latency in the network (i.e., the latency in the absence of contention) is given by the following expression:
