

I SUBTITLED THIS BOOK I HAVE QUESTIONS, Comments, and Concerns in the hope that you will take every question, comment, and concern straight to Jesus. By every, please know that I mean every! You cannot talk to Jesus too much. He will never get exhausted by you, he’ll never let your prayer go to voicemail… but he may put your answer on hold. Stay faithful and he will answer.

Years ago, Tim had a good friend going through a tough time. I asked how he was doing, and Tim said, “Oh, he’s fine. He’s like you and he prays about everything.”

Insert record scratch. “I’m sorry—what did you say?” He did not just say what I think he just said.

“Y’all were both raised Protestant and pray about every little thing.” He went on to explain that he does pray about the big stuff, but he doesn’t want to bother God with every little thing.

“Excuse me? Every little thing?” Yes, he really did say what I thought he said. “I’ll have you know that it doesn’t matter if you’re Baptist, Catholic, or a heathen—God wants every little thing.” I took a breath quick enough so that he couldn’t get a word in and then reminded him that it was in a Catholic Mass at St. Richard’s in Jackson, Mississippi, where Father Michael O’Brien told the entire parish, including Tim, that God wants every part of our life and that there is no prayer too small.

“Well, I just—” he said, trying to intervene, and God bless a man who tries to stop a Southern woman when she’s on a roll. Note to men—just let us get it all out of our system. It’s easier on all involved. My last and most important point to drive into my sweet husband’s thick skull was to help him understand that I pray for him every night and every day, and he is supposed to be praying for our family every night and day, and the only reason I follow his lead is because I think he’s praying, and he better get to praying for everything because that is how this works.

Ok, maybe I have been a naggin’ wife.

Tim agreed to pray more, and I kept praying for him and our family. The change didn’t happen overnight, but over time I could feel our situation shift. I wish I could tell you that we’ve had an easy road ever since, but there are plenty of times that I felt like I was only bringing concerns: Hey, Jesus, it’s me. Are you sure he heard you right? Could you please repeat it back, so I know that he heard the right thing? On the rockiest of roads, we never felt Jesus leave our side.

I also hope that by giving Jesus all of your questions, comments, and concerns, you’ll know his timing is always perfect, and it’s never too late for Jesus to make a way. I used to wonder where I would be if I had never had stage fright and could have started this journey sooner. I quickly turn my thoughts to thankfulness for the now, because I wouldn’t rewrite my life any other way.

So for you, dear reader, my prayer is that you know that whatever dream is on your heart, whatever goal you long to reach, as long as it isn’t to win Miss Mississippi on your first try, all things are possible. You may see no way for your dreams to happen, but never forget that God will never leave you, and when you feel like giving up, you only need to bow your head, close your eyes, and say, “Hey, Jesus, it’s me.”