

Abbreviations and Notes on Translation


1Philosophy, Political Theology and the End of the World

What is political theology?

What is this world that ends?

Conflicts and antagonisms

Imagining the end

Questioning the apocalypse

2Implicit Political Theology: Reading Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion

Joachim, Hegel and the end of the world

Representational thought: An outline of Hegel’s philosophy of religion

Hegel’s implicit political theology

Philosophy and the return to representation


3Spiritual Disinvestment: Taubes, Hegel and Apocalypticism

An introduction to Taubes

Taubes and Hegel

Apocalypticism and the question of history

Taubes and Bloch

Anti-liberal tendencies in Hegel, Taubes and Schmitt

Transcendental materialist readings of Hegel: From Taubes to Malabou

4Plastic Apocalypticism

Malabou, Hegel and plasticity

Plastic apocalypticism: Taubes and Malabou

The problem of novelty and the rejection of the transcendent

A Blochian supplement

Contingency and plastic apocalypticism


5Pessimism and Hope in Apocalyptic Living

Living with the absence of alternatives

Pessimism and surrender

Living towards the end of the world

The end


