Abbreviations and Notes on Translation


All citations give the page number of the English edition first, followed by the German.

E1–3 Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, 3 Volumes
The Encyclopaedia Logic: Part I of the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences with the Zusätze. Translated by T. F. Geraets, W. A. Suchting, and H. S. Harris. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1991.
Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature: Part Two of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1830): with Zusätze, translated by A. V. Miller. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.
Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind: Part Three of the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Science (1830) with Zusätze, translated by A. V. Miller. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
Enzyklopädie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse (1830). Werke, 8–10.
ETW Early Theological Writings, translated by T. M. Knox. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996.
Frühe Schriften. Werke 1.
LPR Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, translated by R. F. Brown, P. C. Hodgson and J. M. Stewart, edited by Peter C. Hodgson. 3 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Vorlesungsmanuskripte I (1816–1831). Gesammelte Werke, Band 17, edited by Walter Jaeschke. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1987.
PR Outlines of the Philosophy of Right, translated by T. M. Knox, edited by Stephen Houlgate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts oder Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse, Mit Hegels eigenhändigen Notizen und den mündichen Zusätzen. Werke 7.
PS Phenomenology of Spirit, translated by A. V. Miller. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Phänomenologie des Geistes. Werke, 3.
RG1–2 ‘Review of C.F. Göschel’s “Aphorisms: Part One and Two” ’, translated by Clark Butler. Clio 17, no. 4 (1988): 369–93.
‘Review of C.F. Göschel’s “Aphorisms: Three” ’, translated by Clark Butler. Clio 18, no. 4 (1989): 379–85.
Berliner Schriften, 1818–1831. Werke 11.
SL Science of Logic, translated by A. V. Miller. London; New York: George Allen & Unwin; Humanities Press, 1969.
Wissenschaft der Logik I. Werke 5.
Wissenschaft der Logik II. Werke 6.
W120 Werke, edited by Eva Moldenhauer and Karl Markus Michel. 20 vols. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1969–1971.

I have modified standard English translations in two key ways. First, the translator or translators of several texts have chosen to capitalize certain nouns, particularly Spirit, Knowledge, Subject and the Absolute. This decision imbues these terms with a potentially metaphysical significance that I want to resist. Throughout, I have altered these translations accordingly. Second, Vorstellung has sometimes been translated as ‘picture thinking’. For reasons that I explain in Chapter 2, I find this translation limiting and have used ‘representation’ throughout.


CS To Carl Schmitt: Letters and Reflections, translated by Keith Tribe. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013.
OE Occidental Eschatology, translated by David Ratmoko. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009.
PT The Political Theology of Paul, translated by Dana Hollander. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.

I also drawn on the essays collected in From Cult to Culture. These writings span 1949–1984 and, though they are arranged thematically in a single volume, each of the chapters is a stand-alone work and thus cited individually.


AC Atheism in Christianity: The Religion of the Exodus and the Kingdom, translated by J. T. Swann. 2nd edn. London: Verso, 2009.
HT Heritage of Our Times, translated by Neville Plaice and Stephen Plaice. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991.
PH The Principle of Hope, translated by Neville Plaice, Stephen Plaice and Paul Knight. 3 vols. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995.


FH Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic, translated by Lisabeth During. London: Routledge, 2005.
OA The Ontology of the Accident: An Essay on Destructive Plasticity, translated by Carolyn Shread. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012.
PD Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction, translated by Carolyn Shread. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.