
Abduction, 29, 138


phenomenon, 132, 138

aliens and, 74, 91, 156

evolution and, 146

what is, 74

reporting, 136

statistic, 5

adolescence and puberty, 112

Adventures in Immortality, 27

aliens, 29

abducted by, 5

abduction program, 151

apparitions by, 15, 141

consciousness and, 146

hypothesis from, 135

neoteny and, 147

primitive, 138

remarks by, 153

timeless travel and, 29, 74, 144

visits from, 11

Allagash Abductions, The, 138

American Society for Psychical Research, 92

Andreasson, Betty, 138, 150, 162

apparitions, 122123

Aquinas, Thomas, 56, 79

Banks, Joseph, 98

Bender, Hans, 117


quotes, 65, 80, 203

death, 175

Infinite God, 65

Open Vision, 95

Sun, 86, 172

Big Bang theory, 5859

Biological Basis of Religion and Genius, The, 84

black hole, 66, 166

Blake, William, 40, 90

Brahmic Splendor, 39

Buddha, 40, 50, 82, 83

Carpenter, Edward, 30, 33, 40, 57

cause and effect, 42, 58, 62

conditioning and, 48

consciousness and, 31

extra-dimensional space and, 30

law of, 98, 100

linear time and, 70, 96

normal order of, 66

Cerenkov, Pavel, 65

Christ, 40, 81, 163

Condon Report, 130

Confrontations, 132


Albert Einstein and, 4

aliens and, 146

cosmic, 40, 49, 83, 193

developing, 181


levels of, 67

elevation of, 24

self-, 6

simple, 6

waking, 49

of the whole, 143

conspiracy, 133

Copenhagen interpretation, 195197, 200201

Creative Meditation and Multi Dimensional Consciousness, 31

Dante, 40, 169

Desert One operation, 133

dimension of sensation, 42

Dogen, Zen Master, 79


examples of, 34

ecstasy, 40, 121, 174

Einstein, Albert,

consciousness and, 4

theory of relativity, 62

electrical disturbances, 111, 119, 145, 181

electromagnetism, 68, 119, 191

Encyclopedia of UFOs, The, 131

entropy, 61

Eternal Now, 71, 79

Exploring the Fourth Dimension, 67, 115

extraterrestrial hypothesis, 126, 129, 131, 133, 135

Fabric of the Universe, 28

Faster than Light, 65

Fa-Tsang, 51, 78, 80

First Epistle of John, 53, 86

flying saucers, 126

“Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World,” 126

“foo fighters,” 125

From Anguish to Ecstasy, 56

Gabriel, Archangel, 40, 169

Govinda, Lama, 31, 51, 72, 79, 176

Grand Unification Theory, 68

gravity, 62, 66, 68, 119, 129, 191

Heading Toward Omega, 74

Heaven and Hell, 177

hoaxes, 125, 130

Hopkins, Budd, 132, 135

Huang-Po, Zen Master, 80

Hui-Hai, 78

Hynek J., Allen, 124, 131, 144

inside-out direction, 14, 16, 141, 206

International Association for Near Death Studies, The, (lANDS),

reports from, 5

Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, The, 100

Intruders, 135, 137

Judeaus, Philo, 79

Jung, Carl, 100

Kaluza-Klein theory, 192

Kaluza, Theodor, 191

Kant, Immanuel, 6970

kinetic energy, 64

Kingdom of God Is within You, The, 83

Klein, Oskar, 191

Krishna, Gopi, 8489, 91, 92, 155, 177, 179, 194

Kulagina, Nina, 103, 120

kundalini, 8485, 177, 179

le Pays d'Eclairement, 177

Life after Life, 27

Life at Death, 27

Lifetide, 109

Lop'u, 80

Mach, Ernst, 117

mental assessment, 47

Milky Way galaxy, 124

Mind over Matter, 99

Missing Time, 135

Mohammed, 40, 53, 78, 82, 83, 86, 89, 94, 162, 169, 176

Moody, Raymond A., Jr., 161

mystical phenomena, 7

NASA's S.E.T.I., 34

Natural Mind, The, 89

Nature of Reality, The, 56

near-death experience,

example, 5

neotenates, 147

nirvana, 40, 89

Omega Project, The, 146, 182

On Indian Mahayana Buddhism, 73

Once and Future King, The, 58

parameters of space-time, xi


phenomena, 10, 132, 161, 186, 191, 205

reporting statistic, 5

Parapsychology: The Controversial Science, 101

Parmenides, 72

Passport to the Cosmos, 138

Patanjali Sutras, 71, 110

Paul, Apostle, 81, 87, 93, 97, 123, 145

fourth dimension, 88

life after death, 82

three dimensional space, 80

on unseen things, 79

Pearl Harbor, 130

Perennial Philosophy, 33, 81, 89, 152, 180

Peter, Apostle, 79, 86

Philosophy of Mathematics and National Science, 63

Plotinus, 40, 51, 60, 83, 176

Poltergeist Experience, The, 117

poltergeists, 7, 69, 92, 111

Precognition and Intervention, 73

premonition, 4, 73

Project Blue Book, 130

Project Grudge, 130

Project Sign, 130


experiences, 5

phenomena, 30, 53, 92

psychokinesis, 7, 30, 92, 93, 103

spontaneous, 112

psychological trauma, 116

psychosis, 137

Quantum Mechanics for Cosmologists, 203


mechanics theory, 188

physics, 28, 200

Ralphs, John D., 67, 115

relativity theory, 62

Republic, The, 34

Rhine, Louisa, 73, 97, 99

Robertson Panel, 130

Rogo, D. Scott, 117

Roll, William, 113, 115

Ruysbroeck, John of, 79

“Schrödinger's cat” paradox, 196

Secret Life, 138

Secret of Yoga, The, 84

self-consciousness, 6

sensation, 6

simple consciousness, 6

Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akademie, 191

Spirit of Shamanism, The, 89

Sri Aurobindo, 51, 79, 80

St. Teresa, 121

Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The, 100, 204

supersymmetry, 193

Sybil, 120

Tao of Physics, The, 189

Tao Te Ching, 33, 60

consciousness, 102

experiences, 81

image, 98

inner vision, 86

Tao, 83

Taoism, 41

telepathy, 32, 92, 94, 122, 181

teleportation, 30, 69, 106, 117

Tertium Organum, 30, 41, 45, 70

Teutonic Mythologie, 112

Theory of Everything, 68, 193


laws of, 60

Threat, The, 138

Three Faces of Eve, The, 120

Through the Looking Glass, 58


major arrows of, 61

measuring, 5455

Time Machine, The, 185

transfinite logic, 49, 79

Transformed by the Light, 182

Twining, Lieutenant General Nathan, 129

UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, 137

Upanishads, 51, 56, 65, 78, 86

Vallee, Dr. Jacques, 28, 132, 133

Watchers, The, 138, 173

wave-particle duality, 189

Wheeler, John, 61, 203

Whitman, Walt, 40

Whole, The, 193

Witnessed, 138

WW II, 130