Limb Two
Life Integration:
Creating a
In chapters six through ten, we explore the second of the Eight Limbs of Yoga called the Niyamas. The five Niyamas are observances that lead us toward harmonious existence within ourselves and with the world. They are practices that integrate our material and spiritual lives, accelerate our evolution, and take us ultimately to liberation. It is necessary to cultivate the Niyamas in order to be available for the internal quests of energy control and meditation found in part three.
The Niyamas are a combination of attitude and action. Developing purity (Saucha) and contentment (Santosha) have internal and external expressions manifesting in our thought and actions. The commitment to right behavior (Tapas) begins within and extends into our life choices. Self-study (Swadhaya) applies to what is individual and as well as to what is Universal. And devotional surrender (Iswara Pranidhana) is only accomplished when it is first deeply anchored in one’s loving heart.
Like the Yamas, each Niyama summarizes the desired practice to develop, as well as the benefit we can expect to receive when we do it with consistency. These are not quick fixes but standards to move toward over the course of a lifetime. Their application to daily circumstances becomes ever more apparent as we open our awareness to how the Niyamas affect us at every turn in our journey. Like varied spices in a recipe that blend impeccably into a delectable dish, these observances change the flavor of our lives to an ever more soulful palette.
When the combined practice of all ten Yamas and Niyamas is integrated into the fibers of our being, we will be soul-centered and ready to move into a broader understanding of the purpose of yoga and life.