


1 - A General Introduction to Poisons and Poisonings

The Poison Basics: Sources, Symptoms and Treatments

2- Momentous Minerals and Deadly Dusts

3- Poisonous Plants and Frightful Fungi

4- Venomous Vipers, Irritating Insects and Deadly Bacteria

5- Man-made Mischief and Malfunctioning Metabolism

6- Traumatic Treatment

The Poison Problems: at Work and in the Home

7- Poisonous Pigments and Dangerous Dyestuffs

8- Lethal Labours of Today and Yesterday

9- Fatal Farming and Pestilential Problems

10- Frightening Foodstuffs

11- Household Horrors

12- Murderous Make-Up

13- The Noxious Nursery

The Ultimate Poison Legacy: Catastrophes, Accidents, Murder and Suicide

14- Catastrophes, Calamities and Accidents

15- Mortal Combat, Conflict and Murder

16- Perilous Personal Poisoning

The Poison Penalties: Uses, Abuses and Consequences

17- Potent Potions of the Past

18 Malevolent Medicines

19- Misuse, Abuse and Historical Junkies

20- Laying Down the Law on Poisons

Further Information

Appendix I – Poison-producing plants and fungi

Appendix II – Poison-producing animals and micro-organisms

Appendix III – Plants and animals used in dyeing

Appendix IV – The nitty-gritty of how poisons do their worst

Appendix V – Deficiency and excess of vitamins and minerals

Appendix VI – A lethal lexicon: where the words come from



