To understand how we can regain awareness of our connectedness to the Field, we need to understand the laws of nature and how to get in contact with both our physical energy (our body) and the subtle energy field surrounding us (our aura).

We are all equipped with senses that enable us to experience the physical world around us. It’s easy to forget that there is more to the world than what these senses perceive. Everything in the world consists of energy. Some vibrates on such a high, fast level that we perceive it as mere energy, while some vibrates on a lower, slower level, which we perceive as physical form.

If we break matter down, we find it consists of atoms. According to mathematician and physicist Niels Bohr, atoms consist of protons and neutrons, which constitute the nucleus of the atom, and electrons, which orbit that nucleus just as planets orbit the sun in a solar system. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons no charge at all and electrons a negative charge. Atomic structures in turn create molecules, which constitute the physical world surrounding us.

According to cell biologist Bruce H. Lipton, atoms actually consist of infinitesimally small whirls of energy. From a distance, we see them as a blurry sphere. At close range, we can’t see anything, since atoms have no physical structure. When scientists study the physical attributes of an atom, such as mass and weight, the atom will look and behave like physical matter. When the same atom is described in terms of its charging potential and wavelength, however, it will exhibit the properties of energy. Our building blocks are, in other words, comprised of energy that we perceive both as subtle energy and as physical substance. This was discovered by physicist Albert Einstein. He revealed that we live in one indivisible, dynamic whole, where energy and matter are so closely entwined that it is impossible to see them as independent entities.

In practice we can compare ourselves to a light bulb. The bulb itself is physical energy, but it only glows if electricity – subtle energy – flows through it. It’s the same with us. Our physical body, which is denser energy and therefore can be perceived by our physical senses, can’t live without the subtle energy flowing through it.

We can see that energy contributes to physical reactions, for example in the interaction between nerve impulses and muscles. Nerve impulses, in the form of electric signals from the brain, travel through the network of nerves to the muscles of the body, which then contract and movement occurs.

Apart from these specific impulses, the body is permeated with energy. This vital energy is found in all life. In India it is called prana, in China it is named chi and in Japan reiki. In the Western tradition, it is often described as ‘spirit’ or ‘life-force’.

In order for this energy to communicate with the physical environment, there are special portals, or energy points, in the body. These are known as chakras. They are meeting points for physical, psychological and spiritual energy. Humanity has known about these chakras for thousands of years, but it is only in the past few hundred years that we in the Western world have gained detailed knowledge of them. In earlier times, chakras were not only known to people in the Orient, but also to the Native American cultures. However, the most famous descriptions of them originated in India and the yogic tradition. The word chakra is derived from Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language, and means ‘spinning wheel’ or ‘wheel’. These wheels spin in different directions on men and women.

The Traditional Description of the Chakras

In the subtle energy system of the body, there are more than 360 chakras of various sizes. They are spread all over the body, including in each of our joints, in our hands, on our feet and in our inner organs. The most important have traditionally been the seven chakras that run through the centre of our body from the lower part of the pelvis along the spine and all the way up to the top of the head (crown):

The chakras spin at different speeds, which is why they are described as different colours. When light is deflected through a prism and divided into colours from red to violet, the red vibrates more slowly and the violet vibrates more rapidly. The range of chakra colours is structured in the same way – like a rainbow. The chakras that spin more slowly are more closely connected to the body and the physical environment, and those that spin more quickly are more closely connected to the spiritual plane, so create our subtle energy field.

Each chakra can be linked to a different part of the physical body. An imbalance in a chakra may lead to physical discomfort, and physical strain can in turn create a chakra imbalance. We won’t go into detail about which parts of the body are connected to which chakras in this book, but will list the connections between the seven main chakras, the glands of the body and the areas of life to which they relate:


The Seven Chakras

The Root Chakra
Colour: red
Area: grounding (contact with the Earth), the ability to cover the basic needs of life
Physical glands: the sexual glands

The Hara Chakra
Colour: orange
Area: sexuality, creativity, creative power
Physical gland: the pancreas

The Solar Plexus Chakra
Colour: yellow
Area: personal power and will, fulfilment
Physical glands: the adrenals

The Heart Chakra
Colour: green
Area: self-love, self-worth, love for others, universal love
Physical gland: the thymus

The Throat Chakra
Colour: blue
Area: communication, identity, self-expression
Physical gland: the thyroid

The Third Eye Chakra
Colour: indigo
Area: sight, both physical and intuitive
Physical gland: the pineal gland

The Crown Chakra
Colour: violet
Area: the spiritual self, contact with the universe, contact with God
Physical gland: the pituitary

When we have an idea, it will enter the crown chakra and travel through all the other chakras before it is born and established as a reality from the root chakra. However, in the course of our lives, we experience misfortunes that remain in our body as trauma. This settles both in the physical body, in the form of tension, and in the energy body, in the form of imbalances or chakra blockages. So, the idea has to get through all these built-up layers of untreated physical, psychological and spiritual material, and parts of it are stopped by fear, feelings of inferiority or other illusions every time it reaches a new layer. This means that when it finally sees the light of day, it is often very different from the original thought.

You might have experienced this yourself. Maybe you’ve had a brilliant idea. But when reason has come into play or you’ve been affected by fear, you’ve dismissed it. Or, if you have taken it forward, you’ve limited it to something you believe others will understand and accept.

This is why it’s so important to get in touch with these blockages and dissolve them. When energy flows freely between the chakras, all kinds of things may start to happen – both large and small. When fear disappears, you’ll also dare to give your intuition a chance. By following your intuition, you may reach out to people you’d never have talked to before. Perhaps they will turn out to do the same things as you or know someone who does. Those people in turn may have contacts that make it possible to carry through your original idea. We call these sort of events ‘divine coincidences’; they are miracles of everyday life. Alternatively, when you dissolve your blockages, you may make choices that lead you to a point where your original idea is brought to life. This means you can go with the flow and live in your own truth.

The Chakra Systems of the New Era

We are living in a time of energetic change on Earth. This started several years ago and will continue for some years to come. As a result of the new energy coming in, not only are our lives undergoing tremendous transformations, but our energy systems are too. The ever-increasing rapidity of the incoming energy is demanding the development of faster energy structures. If you want to make a faster car, you must replace the engine. But the new engine won’t work at optimum power until the other parts of the car have been upgraded too. This also applies to our energy body.

This is why we are seeing more and more of what up to now have been called indigo and crystal children in the world today. We find that this is not an adequate term for people of the new era, though, as a lot of these children have been grown up for a long while now, and therefore we will call them indigo and crystal people from now on. Indigo and crystal people have always been present on Earth, but in far fewer numbers. The times are now changing, and indigo and crystal people will soon be the majority of the population, enhancing and supporting the energy shift that is already occurring. They bear the frequencies of the new era.

Indigo people are named after their indigo aura. They only have three chakras: the root and hara chakra are joined in the hara chakra; the solar plexus, heart and throat chakras are joined in the heart chakra; and the crown and the third eye chakras are joined in the third eye chakra. The areas these chakras represent, in life and in the body, are also joined.

The chakras of the indigo people have also begun working more as a unit. That is to say, they have started spinning at about the same speed. So, they don’t have different colours and only differ in shade:

The Hara Chakra
Colour: pale indigo
Area: grounding (contact with the Earth), the ability to cover the basic needs of life, sexuality, creativity, creative power
Physical glands: the sexual glands and the pancreas

The Heart Chakra
Colour: medium indigo
Area: personal power and will, fulfilment, self-love, self-worth, love for others, universal love, communication, identity, self-expression
Physical glands: the adrenals, thymus and thyroid

The Third Eye Chakra
Colour: indigo
Area: sight, both physical and intuitive, the spiritual self, contact with the universe, contact with God
Physical glands: the pineal and pituitary glands

This information is new and revolutionary, and delving into it will enhance our understanding of the new times already ignited. Indigo people can in fact be described as a wake-up call to previous generations. They are often conscious of the environment and fight for the survival of the Earth, emphasizing sustainability, saving threatened species, and so on. They are determined people who stand up for their rights. They are clear about what they want in life and aren’t afraid of authority.


The Chakras of Indigo People

Crystal people have a different kind of energy again, resembling the energy of crystals. In crystal people, all three of the indigo people’s chakras are joined in one chakra: the heart chakra. This chakra is consequently larger than the chakras of the other systems and the energy structure is changed so that bodily functions operate as a whole, in one impulse. This is partly why crystal people can manifest what they want in life very quickly.

We can compare the different chakra systems with an ordinary postal letter, an analogue connection and a broadband connection. The seven-chakra system is like a letter: after it is mailed, it goes through a lot of hands and takes time to reach its destination. The three-chakra system of the indigo people is like an analogue connection that sends, receives and downloads e-mails quickly. The crystal people’s sole-chakra system is similar to a broadband connection that handles several tasks at the same time and is very fast.

So, there is a vast difference between how people with these different chakra systems manifest results in life. People with a seven-chakra system like to manifest in a straight line. That is to say, when you do A, you end up at B, and then you can start moving towards C and D, and so on. The road is mapped out, with little room for improvisation. Indigo and crystal people, on the other hand, set their goal and before they know it, they’ve met someone, heard something or got the information they need from a totally unknown source and have reached their goal in the blink of an eye. How they get there is mostly based on impulse, improvisation and what others might perceive as sheer luck, but these people are closely connected to the Source. Creating through their intuition comes naturally to them. Because they have fewer chakras, they also have fewer chances of blocking what they want to create through fear and low self-esteem, and therefore they put many more of their ideas into action.


The Chakras of Crystal People

These two ways of creating are of course very different, and when people using them meet, they tend not to understand one another very well. By being aware of the difference between the chakra systems, however, we can heal this so that we can co-exist and take the best from each way of creating, while respecting our differences and knowing that although we do things differently, we are of equal value as people.

Another potential problem is that because indigo and crystal people have such strong intuition and can sense more than most people, this may frighten those around them. As a result they try to adjust by switching off their highly sensitive systems so they are more like the people in their environment.


As long as I can remember, I’ve felt different. A lot clicked into place when I took my spiritual side seriously and started living it out. Still, something indefinable was missing. Even though I tried to look at the chakra systems of the people around me and imitate them, it often just intensified my loneliness and my feeling of not being in charge of my own life, even though I seemed fine outwardly. The root chakra and the energy connection from there to the Earth felt heavy. It wasn’t right for me. It was a great relief when I discovered there was more than one chakra system. For the first time in my life I felt at home in the world and in my own body. I could vibrate within the chakra system that was right for me.

The fact that you have a different chakra system from the people around you doesn’t make you better or worse than them. All chakra systems have the same value. It is, however, important to find out how your energy is structured. Many people who believe they have a seven-chakra system actually don’t have that system. But whether you have a one-chakra system, a three-chakra system or a seven-chakra system is irrelevant in the sense that we are all equal.