Connecting to the Energetic Heart

When you find your Spiritual Password, you find the code to your inner language, a code that reconnects you to the true essence in your heart. Everybody communicates with themselves, their body and their heart in different ways. We are the only one to know what our own particular code is. Therefore, there is no right or wrong, no one way of connecting, only our own way, and we are the only one who can rediscover it.

We will find the code by using our senses, both on the physical plane and on the energetic plane, and speaking the language of the heart. You might have been reminded of that language in the previous exercises in this book, because we have, in fact, given away the code to the Spiritual Password already.

So, how does it work? Think of a computer. Almost everyone has a computer these days. A computer needs a modem to access the internet, and the modem needs a password to do its job. It is the same with us: we all need the Spiritual Password to connect to our heart (i.e. the modem) so that our heart can do its job and connect us to the spiritual web, the Field. If the password is missing, if we can’t connect to our heart, we experience a disconnection from the Oneness of which we are all part, resulting in a feeling of loneliness and a belief that we are all alone in the world. The way we rediscover the Spiritual Password, and thus the connection to our heart, is through our ‘double senses’.

Just as our physical senses perceive the physical world through sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, so our double senses perceive the higher energy levels, those that aren’t understood as physical but energetic. The double senses still have the same qualities of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, but on a different level. If someone reads us a story, we automatically see the main characters and their environment. We might hear the drumming of a horse’s hooves or the crackling of a fire. We might feel the wind against our face or the chill of ice bathing in the midst of winter. We might smell the wonderful scent of flowers or let our taste buds be tickled by descriptions of luxurious food being presented before a king. We are using our double senses right there.

The phrase ‘double senses’ literally comes from the fact that we use all our senses both on the physical plane and on the energetic plane: we use our eyes to see, but we have inner sight as well. We use our inner sight, for example, when we remember a sunny holiday or retell an event or a story. We may listen to the sound of a car passing in the street and we can also hear it if we imagine the same experience. We can feel when somebody is touching us or we can feel it just by imagining it. Memories may enable us to smell our grandmother’s buns or even taste them.

Most people teaching clairvoyance are very focused on the visual sense, and we can use our inner sight to see everything almost in a physical way. But how limited the world would be if we only saw it and cut off hearing, touch, smell and taste. Elisabeth had this experience at the clairvoyance course we took:

When I learned to do readings, I didn’t see pictures. All the other students saw pictures or even a film running in front of them. I felt miserable about not being able to see these pictures, and not being able to share my wisdom with the person I was supposed to give a reading to. The teacher said, ‘If you just work a little bit harder and try a little bit more… if you just open up your third eye more and release what is preventing it from seeing, then you’ll see pictures too.’ For a year and a half, I thought there was something wrong with me. My self-esteem was below zero and I nearly gave up. I was still trying to see pictures in vain. Then one day something happened. While I was doing a reading – or trying to do one – a voice came into my head, saying, ‘Follow what you know. Say what you hear.’ When I started talking, a lot of highly relevant information came through. I still didn’t see pictures, but I’d discovered my true language, which was hearing and knowing: the auditory and kinaesthetic ways of the Spiritual Password.

All the ways of perceiving information are equally good. The important part is that we receive whatever our heart tells us in whatever form. For instance, if our heart sends us a feeling of peace and we’re looking for something visual, we’ll lose out on the communication. Or if we hear a whisper but overlook it because we’re waiting for a tingling sensation, well, the moment is gone.

If you don’t feel you’re connecting to your heart, don’t despair. Your heart wants to communicate with you. It is, in fact, natural for it to do so. Keep in mind that it might be a long time since you used the Spiritual Password to connect with your heart and therefore you might have lost touch with it. Have patience with yourself. You might like to try the following meditation.

If you’re a visual individual, images are likely to be most prominent during this meditation. If you’re auditory, you’ll hear words or different tones. If you’re kinaesthetic, maybe feelings will surface. Remember, everything is of equal value. Be focused on receiving, regardless of the form in which the Spiritual Password comes to you.




Sit down on a chair, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Let your aura click into place at arm’s length from your body.

Become aware of where in your body you are present right now.

Put one of your palms, or both, on your heart and get in touch with your heartbeat.

Begin to communicate with your heart. Remember that whatever emerges and however you may be answered, it is of value.

Ask how your heart is this very moment. Accept the answer whether you see it, hear it, know it, feel it, smell it or taste it.

Ask your heart if there is anything it wants to tell you right now. Again, be open to anything that might come. No response is too small or insignificant.

Ask your heart if there is a special place where you can reach it best.

Ask your heart if there is a specific time of the day when it is optimal to communicate with it.

Ask it anything you want.

Thank your heart for having re-established its communication with you.

Thank yourself for the steps you’ve taken.

When you have finished, you may open your eyes.

Congratulations! You have now consciously rediscovered the Spiritual Password, your unique way to communicate with your heart – your inner wisdom. With this password, you can literally contact anything in the universe.

Some people get a sense of love or peace when they contact their heart. Some get a sense of relief; their heart says that it was about time it happened. Some get the answers to their questions even before they ask, while others don’t get a response at all, or get a black colour. If you didn’t get any response, or didn’t feel anything during your meditation, you may have been trying too hard and therefore haven’t been open to the simplicity of the answer, or to letting it emerge. Perhaps trauma is hindering the communication. Maybe you daren’t encounter what you believe is there. As we mentioned before, this is also useful information. Try to be honest with yourself about what’s really stopping you. If strong feelings emerge, such as anger or grief, let them manifest.

When Susanna was doing this exercise, she couldn’t stop crying. She hadn’t cried since her mother had passed away when she was a teenager, and that had been 30 years before. Her father had never allowed the family to mourn their mother, and Susanna had kept her grief inside all these years. When she had finally cried it out, she felt many pounds lighter and it seemed that at last she had the freedom to live her own life.

While some people don’t get in touch with their heart straight away, you might have found it easier than you expected – perhaps unnervingly so. It’s often the case that when we re-experience something that once was natural to us it feels as if we’re just imagining things. Or we may have learned that if we want something in life, we have to fight for it, and our heart’s messages seem to come too easily, so we disregard them. If you’re one of these people, know that there is a different way of living where you can create your life with ease, through love for yourself.

The more you use the Spiritual Password, the more you will understand your heart and dare to have honest contact with it. This may result in you starting to live your life according to what serves you and walking your spiritual path. Some people are afraid that listening to their truth will make them change their lives entirely and therefore shut it out, because they aren’t ready for it. This is of course a choice, but since there is fear there, it might be interesting, if you find yourself in this position, to ask your heart to show you when the fear of being your true self came into your life and what triggered it. Your heart will never force you to do anything you aren’t ready for, because it responds from the divine spark of unconditional love.


When I started incorporating the Spiritual Password into my life and actively listening to my heart, it changed my life considerably. From being a full-time equestrian at international level, I became a spiritual teacher and author. The steps I was asked to take were always within what I could manage, although the change was considerable.

I now know that when I dare to listen to what my heart tells me, I will always walk my spiritual path, be safe and have immense fun… and just enough challenges along the way.

The Spiritual Password is like a language we might not consciously have used for a long time. Using it daily helps us get to the heart of it, and our vocabulary may widen. At first we might get just a slight feeling of peace, for example, when contacting our heart, but when we’ve used the Spiritual Password for a while, it might widen to include a certain colour, or maybe an additional message in words or through knowing. The meditation to find the Spiritual Password to the heart only takes a few minutes and can be a great start to the day.

The next step is to move from only listening to our heart in meditation to being open to listening to it in everyday life. This is a process that is different for every person. Usually when we discover the Spiritual Password, it becomes easier to recognize the messages of the heart in everyday life too, though in the beginning, they can be hard to perceive. A feeling, for example, will often be vague, and we won’t recognize it for what it is, because we’ve ignored impulses like this for many years. But if, from now on, every time we get this little nudge we react to it, our heart will know that we’ve started to pay attention and will gradually strengthen the connection. So, the next time we’re in a similar situation, the feeling might be stronger, or we may recognize it more quickly or trust it more.

A good exercise that helps us to get into the habit of listening to our heart is waking up every morning and thanking our heart for its communication. These words may help you to enhance your connection:

Dear heart of hearts,

Thank you for your communication with me.

I am open to listening to you in whatever form you may communicate, whether it is through feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, knowing or tasting. I know communication with you puts me back on my spiritual path and I thank you for it.

I am safe and dare to be open to my inner light and let it shine in the world, and I know you can help me with this.

Through this connection with the heart, the Spiritual Password can assist us in every aspect of life, from the large decisions, like what direction to take, to the smaller details of everyday life, such as what our body would like for dinner tonight. Use it and ask your heart. Get used to listening to your heart when you have a break during the day, when you’re in the shower or when you’re doing your everyday chores. It only takes a moment.




Close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and be aware of where you are in your body.

Click your aura into place.

Ask your heart what it would like to tell you at that precise moment, or ask a specific question and receive the answer through the Spiritual Password.

When you do this often, you’ll be able to connect without closing your eyes and simply stay in listening mode throughout the day.

Listening to your heart will put you into loving mode. It will help you start creating your life from love and attract even more love into your life through both giving and receiving love. Once you’ve made the connection, you can use the Spiritual Password at will. The password may differ, as a computer connection does with different modems, but simply pay attention and you’ll be able to find the Spiritual Password straight away.