The first domain to delve into is the source of the heart. Physically and energetically, the heart itself may be described as a source. The physical heart, from which blood is pumped around the body, may be seen as a life-giving spring. In the energetic heart, there is an inexhaustible spring of our own energy that can spread throughout our body and nourish it.

In terms of giving, both to ourselves and others, it is important to see what the heart does physically. Since the blood supply from the main artery to the heart is located next to the heart, the heart gives blood to itself before it pumps blood around the body. If it doesn’t receive a supply of blood through this circulation, this leads to cardiac arrest. We understand it so well when it comes to blood, but we don’t think that the same thing applies when giving our time and attention to other people. If we uncritically give our energy without giving to ourselves, we can end up completely depleted.

The energy of the heart gives nutrients to the cells. That is why it’s important to give to ourselves constantly, both physically and energetically. Just as the cells of our physical body don’t work without a steady supply of blood, so our energetic body doesn’t work fully without a supply of energy.

You may say, ‘But if I give to myself, how can I then give to others?’ Since each of us has a body with a heart, each of us has an inexhaustible source of energy available to us. It is possible for us all to use this spring in the same way that we automatically use our blood vessels to support ourselves. We don’t take from others by giving to ourselves. All of us can draw energy from our spring. Therefore, it is important to get to know it – to contact the source of our heart.




Sit on a chair, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Let your aura click into place at arm’s length from your body.

Become aware of where you are present in your body right now.

Breathe out resistance and breathe in more of yourself and your own energy.

Put one of your palms, or both, on your heart and feel your heartbeat.

Focus on your heart. Is there anything your heart wants to tell you this very moment?

Inside the heart there is a source. You may perceive it as a lagoon, a cave, a flame or a tone, or you may just know deep down that it is there. Experience it in your unique way and know it is good for you.

Enter your heart and encounter your source. No matter how you experience it, know that what you get is of value. If you meet someone you know, let them leave, either by exhaling or singing them out.

Sit beside the source for a while, breathing out feelings, thoughts and anything else that may emerge and breathing in yourself and your energy. Feel the energy in your source. Does it have a colour? Is there a special sound there? Is there a special smell there?

Bathe in the source. Immerse yourself completely and let it envelop you.

Be aware that this is you.

Let each of your cells be filled by this source, knowing that it is inexhaustible. You can go to it at any time to be filled with new energy. There is always more. There is an inexhaustible and abundant supply.

Stay in the spring for a while and experience what it does to you.

Begin to leave the source.

Focus on the heartbeat in your chest and become aware of where you are in your body.

Thank yourself for the steps you’ve taken, and thank your heart and your body for what they have shown you.

When you have finished, you may open your eyes.

What did your source look like? Did it have a sound or a smell? Some people experience their source as if it is fresh, life-giving water flowing from the ground. Others perceive it as fire. Some experience it as a crystal cave, others as a stretch of smooth water next to a waterfall, or as a lagoon. Yet others may experience it as a tone or a colour or a sensation. There are as many sources as there are people experiencing them. This shows that everybody has their own Spiritual Password, their own inner language to communicate with themselves. It also means that we shouldn’t compare ourselves with others in this area. Everybody is different. The only one to experience the vastness and the possibilities of the spiritual web in your very own way is you.