Until now, we have explored the Spiritual Password purely in regard to ourselves, our energetic connections to our heart, the Earth and the universe. But we can also find the Spiritual Password to anything we choose on the spiritual web. In the same way that we can search for a certain topic on the web, we can also choose to contact various aspects of the spiritual web, such as our guides or animal guides.
The choice of connection is up to you, but since working with the pure energy of angels is our speciality, we will enlighten you now on how to find the Spiritual Password to your guardian angel.
Angels are loving celestial beings found in all religions. The word ‘angel’ is derived from the Greek word angelos, which means ‘harbinger’ or ‘messenger’. A characteristic feature of angels is that they have wings. In Christian and Jewish tradition, there are archangels, seraphim, cherubim, and ordinary angels. Islam has basically the same classifications: hamalat al-Arsh, karibuyin and archangels. Angels are also present in Hinduism and Buddhism, though in a different form. We also find them in the ancient religions of Egypt, where the gods are portrayed with wings. In the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, angels were called amesha spentas and yazatas. The Zoroastrians have additional creatures that resemble guardian angels, namely fravashis. This phenomenon is also found in Roman myths, where each person has a guardian spirit: Juno for women and Genius for men. In Islam, every person has a guardian angel, one for enumerating good deeds and another for enumerating bad deeds.
Every angel reflects an aspect of universal love – a component, a part, of God. It is as easy for us to encounter angels as it is to communicate with our heart, simply because it is natural for us to do so. But just as we tend to shut off the communication with our body or heart, so we can also close off the Spiritual Password to angels and lose the dialogue with them. But angels are there for us, no matter what, whether we close off communication or not. They can help us to get to know ourselves better. They can help us find our way so we can live our life with happiness and love. They can help us find the way to our own greatness, to our true essence – to unconditional love.
Only we can prevent ourselves from getting in touch with angels. If we choose to say yes to their participation in our life, then we will have answers from them. It really has to be a heartfelt yes, but if you really mean it, truly and honestly, you will be answered before you know it.
Close your eyes and contact your heart. Let your heart contact the Earth and the universe and fill your body and aura with their merging energies.
Say a heartfelt yes to angels participating in your life from now on. Ask if they can give you a sign of their presence. Say yes to being open to understanding the answer they bring, however it comes to you.
Thank the angels for always being with you.
Thank yourself for being open and receptive to the communication with them.
Finding the Spiritual Password to communicating with angels is a bit more challenging than discovering the Spiritual Password to, for instance, your heart. Finding the Spiritual Password to your heart is an inner search, where the password comes solely from your heart in various forms. As angels exist independently of us, they can answer us by letting something emerge from within, by letting a certain vibration resonate in us, as we have encountered in previous chapters, but they can just as easily provide an answer in the outer world. It could be something we happen to read in a paper. It could be something somebody says to us. It might be something we hear on the radio, something we see on television, something we’d forgotten then suddenly recall, or it might be a feather suddenly appearing under our nose, once or maybe several times. So, being present in everyday life is rather important. If we aren’t, the moment might pass us by, and we might remain under the illusion that we’re not in contact with angels. This is the reason for finding the Spiritual Password on all levels of our own energetic body first: so that we start becoming conscious as we journey through life.
It may be that we receive a response, but our common sense tries to tell us that it’s just a coincidence. That’s absolutely right. It is a coincidence – a divine coincidence. In our experience, divine coincidences are never coincidental.
So, allow yourself to have an open mind. Don’t reason away your experience, don’t let reason tear it into pieces and don’t end up believing that nothing has happened. Let the experience remain an experience. Dare to see what happens when you aren’t in absolute control of your life and are alert to the divine coincidences you will encounter. Perhaps they will take you to a place you have wanted to go for a long time.
Angels communicate with us in as many ways as there are people on Earth. Just as we have our own unique Spiritual Password to our body, our heart, the Earth and the universe, so we have our own unique Spiritual Password to angels.
Angels come in different shapes and sizes, and they are an aspect of unconditional love (i.e., God) without physical structure. Each and every angel therefore has its own power frequency. A frequency can be transformed into light, sound, feeling, colour, smell or taste, so every angel has a particular light, sound, feeling, colour, smell and taste that it can resonate within you so that you perceive it with your double senses.
Everyone who encounters this aspect of universal love does so from their own starting point and with their own baggage of past experiences. This is the reason why we perceive the same aspect of the universal love – or the same angel – differently. Suppose we were to ask several people what they associated with the colour red; some would say ‘love’ or ‘passion’, others ‘war’ or ‘bloodbath’, yet others ‘tomato’, ‘anger’, ‘aggression’ or ‘mother’s nail varnish’. Yet all the various answers are associated with the same colour. It’s the same with angels too. The same angel – the same divine frequency – may be perceived in various forms, colours and ways. So please don’t be alarmed if you perceive your guardian angel in a different way from what you expect or what you have read in books. It is perfectly fine. Just allow yourself to be in the now and accept the experience instead of mentally controlling or judging it. You are unique, so your encounter with your guardian angel will be unique too.
The less you know about the angel you are to encounter, the better. Then you won’t have to plough through the information other people have given you. As with your other encounters – with your body, your heart, the Earth and the universe – other people’s thoughts and patterns may govern your perceptions of how you can meet angels and who they are. But nobody, apart from you, knows who your guardian angel is.
The forms in which angels appear are unlimited. You might perceive angels as a light, in human shape, in animal shape, as angels on a scrap of paper, or as a smell, or you may get a tingling in your body, get goose bumps, feel you just know what they are saying to you or simply be aware of a loving presence. It’s worth repeating that every Spiritual Password is unique. Our own will manifest in such a way that we can receive it the very second we encounter it.
I have no childhood memories of beating, protective wings indicating that my guardian angel was near. My first conscious encounter with an angel took place as an adult while reading a book called Ask Your Angels. I’d tried for a long time to fit into the ‘normal box’. Being a princess and having spiritual gifts put me in quite a difficult spot in this respect, and I fought hard for a place in the ‘sought-after box’. Through the encounter with my guardian angel, everything changed; when my guardian angel entered the room, I noticed the smell of roses and felt a strong and loving presence. The presence was so profound that I couldn’t act as though I wasn’t aware of it, and I accepted there and then that these kinds of experiences were normal to me. After that, I started trusting my own judgement and what my heart told me. My creativity skyrocketed and slowly but steadily I changed from being a full-time equestrian to being a spiritual teacher, writing books and giving talks and workshops all over the world.
Some people have an enlightening experience meeting an angel for the first time, and that’s great. But for most of us, the first encounter may, for example, be just a soft touch on the left shoulder, feeling a loving presence in the room or getting a tingling sensation. Our life doesn’t have to change dramatically either, not there and then. But, as in the story above, acknowledging who we are and recognizing our spiritual greatness will change our life. We might not feel the change at all, but listening to our heart and shifting our awareness from trying to run away from walking our spiritual path to actually being proud of having this in our life, will in time change that life.
As angels are an aspect of universal love (i.e., unconditional love) in balance, and therefore have their masculine and feminine energy in complete equilibrium, they are androgynous. Consequently it is possible for two people to perceive the same angel as having a different gender – one may perceive it as masculine, the other may perceive it as feminine. Since angels are androgynous, we can also perceive them as both masculine and feminine at the same time – their image may be indecisively masculine or feminine, or we may sense the angel’s front as feminine and its back as masculine, or the other way around.
Angels have no egos, again because they are an aspect of universal love. So, if we feel that they are sad or disappointed by something we do, we are only seeing them through our own ego structure and our own feelings. How can they be disappointed in us when they regard us from the perspective of our divine power – our highest potential? Angels will always see us through the eyes of divine love, and accordingly they will only see us in our greatness. They will remind us of who we actually are, under all the fear and misconceptions of ourselves that make us live out only a small part of who we truly are. If we see ourselves through their eyes, we can love ourselves as they love us.
Angels are there for all of us. The point is that we have to get in touch with them. We have the free will to lead our life just as we choose. If we decide that our life is better without angels in it, the angels will respect that and won’t take an active part in it. If, on the contrary, we change our thought pattern and invite angels into our life, they will be more than happy to assist us in whatever way they can. Mind you, even if you deliberately block them out of your life, they will still be there with you. Your guardian angel is always there for you.
There are endless numbers of angels. The fact that only a few of them are named and known to us doesn’t mean there aren’t more of them. During the past few years, people have become more open about describing encounters with angels. Many have been in touch with angels and told their stories.
Does everyone really have a guardian angel? Yes, they do. Our guardian angel is there to reflect who we are, so that we will always be aware of our own power and greatness. Our guardian angel is there as a warm reminder to look upon ourselves with love, so that we create our life out of love for ourselves, thus being there for others on our conditions. Our guardian angel is a support in life, one who – if we permit – always paves the way for us. One who makes life go like clockwork so that we are in the right place at the right time and meet the people we need to meet for the next step of our life project.
As long as I can remember, I have felt a presence around me. In my childhood I had a close friend whom I called ‘the Girl’. I played with her and talked with her, and I perceived her as a loving protection that gave me security. The adults around me were very understanding about my make-believe friend. But when I got older, that understanding from those around me vanished. In order to adjust to my surroundings, I had to shut off my communication with the Girl. Only as an adult did I dare to encounter this wonderful, loving energy, my guardian angel.
Some people might think that it’s difficult to encounter their guardian angel. They might not think that they’re worthy of this divine contact. Perhaps they have more faith in other people’s opinions than in this aspect of the Divine. It will demand something of you as a human, and it will demand something of your soul to give yourself permission to encounter angels. You will get that permission only when you dare to encounter the greatness within yourself.
The paradox is that often what we are looking for, for example our true potential, is what we fear most of all. Suppose you get what you wish for – whom will you put the blame on then? Having angels in your life means taking a firmer grip on your own life, taking full responsibility. It is about trusting yourself so you dare to live your dream. You know deep down that you have the map to find the road ahead. Angels are loving and wise life companions. Maybe the time has come for you to take charge of your own life.
When you re-establish the Spiritual Password to your guardian angel – ‘re-establish’ because again we are bold enough to say that you had this contact before – it is important that you know that whatever happens, the experience is real for you. It will be characterized by where you are in life – by the baggage you bring to this moment. Here again, there are different ways of perceiving the Spiritual Password. Some people notice a smell. Others feel a breeze against their brow, cheek or some other part of their body. Some feel a light touch. Others see shapes. Some see colours. Others hear tones or an angelic choir. Some feel a tingling of the skin. Others just know that their guardian angel is present. Maybe you experience combinations of these. There is no rule book – only your experience. Allow yourself to totally accept yourself and whatever happens.
Sit on a chair, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Let go of what you have just done and what you are about to do and become present. Let your aura click into place.
Place one of your palms, or both, on your heart. Ask your heart if there is anything it wants to tell you right now.
Contact the Earth from your heart, contact the universe from your heart and let the three energies merge in your heart, giving to yourself.
Begin to become aware of your guardian angel. Where are they in relation to you? Are they in front of you, behind you or beside you? Are they close or far away?
Ask your guardian angel to stand right in front of you and slowly turn around so you can perceive it from all angles.
Find the Spiritual Password to your guardian angel. What colour is your guardian angel? Is it feminine, masculine or perhaps both at once? Does it have a tone? Do you get a certain feeling? Do you sense a smell? Or do you simply know that your guardian angel is there?
From your heart, ask if there is anything your guardian angel wants to tell you right now and receive their response in whatever form it may surface.
Be aware of whether your guardian angel is holding something in one or both hands – or is not holding anything at all. If your guardian angel is holding something, ask from your heart how to use it – and again, receive the answer in your unique way.
Finally, ask your guardian angel how and when you best can communicate with them.
Thank your guardian angel for the encounter and let go of what you have experienced, but know that your guardian angel will always be with you.
Remain conscious in your heart and make communication with the Earth and the universe.
Fill your heart, body and aura with revitalizing energy and let the surplus go down to the centre of the Earth.
Intend to keep on giving to yourself when you come out of meditation.
Thank yourself, your body and your heart for the steps you have taken.
When you have finished, you may open your eyes.
Was it surprisingly easy to re-establish the Spiritual Password to your guardian angel, or was it hard? Did you feel that you didn’t experience anything? Or maybe the impressions were so strong that you were overwhelmed? Or was it something in between? Remember that this was your unique encounter with your guardian angel. So, accept what happened. Whatever it was, it was perfect, as it told you something about where you are in life.
To some, this encounter will seem familiar and close, as if they have lost contact with a good friend who suddenly turns up in their life again, and they only now understand how much they’ve missed them. For others, their guardian angel may appear as a new acquaintance. What if you didn’t experience anything at all? That’s OK. Perhaps you still knew that your guardian angel was there. Perhaps you knew what it looked like. Perhaps you even pretended to know what it looked like. That is also fine. Everything goes. The important thing is for you to trust whatever comes to you. Whatever it is, it’s good enough. You have your way of communicating, others have theirs. Trust yourself and accept that you have been in touch with your guardian angel.
Some people get sceptical at this point and say, ‘What if I met an angel of darkness? How do we know that the angels we meet are the real thing?’ If you feel you have met an angel of darkness or an evil force, be sure that this is not your guardian angel. Darkness is solely an absence of light. Just as the sun can’t exist in the shadows, angels can’t exist in darkness, as they are an aspect of unconditional love, i.e., pure light. When you contact them from a conscious, open heart, you can’t go wrong. The above meditation is a 100 per cent safe way of contacting your guardian angel. If you don’t meet the angelic realm of love doing the meditation, you simply haven’t met an angel. What can you do then? Let go of your fears. What situation or person created this fear of meeting an evil force? Why do you believe that you aren’t worthy of the love of angels? Whenever we doubt angels, this reflects something within us. When you manage to let go of the fear holding you back, your true connection with the angelic realm will emerge and you will make a loving connection with your guardian angel.
Maybe you met a deceased loved one when contacting your guardian angel. That is OK too. A lot of people have deceased loved ones as protectors who counsel and guide them on their way. Just know that a deceased loved one is different from a guardian angel. Although deceased loved ones have a different frequency from angels, there is no problem having contact with them as well as your guardian angel. The important thing is to be conscious of the difference so that you may recognize an angel when you meet one. Deceased loved ones have been physically on the planet and therefore have an ego. Angels have not been physically on Mother Earth and therefore do not have an ego.
If you met a deceased loved one during the meditation, maybe it was important for you to know that they were with you. Maybe they had a certain message for you that was important. Now you have most likely received that message through the meditation, you can move on to the angels.
Next time you do the meditation, ask your deceased loved one from your open loving heart to step aside so that you may meet your guardian angel. If they don’t step aside, it means that they are blocking your way to the angels. This is not solely their fault. Maybe it has been necessary to block your contact with your angels for a period of time. Maybe this kind of connection wasn’t accepted when you were growing up. Your deceased loved one may have actually done you a favour by protecting you from making contact with angels. But you might be in a different situation in your life now, one where you can have this contact freely. So, feel where your loved one is attached to your body and use the tones to let go with love: find a tone for the person blocking your way to the angels, find a tone to let go, thank this person for having helped you in a certain phase of your life and let them walk out of the door. Then find a tone for your true vibration in that area of your body. Now do the meditation again and see if anything has changed or not.
Angels want us to be happy and create our lives in a light but still profound manner by living consciously. When we are conscious, we are able to take responsibility for our emotions and reactions, because we are always seeking to find the cause of our various reactions within. When we are oblivious to a certain pattern, we cannot for the life of us do anything about it, because we simply don’t know about it. But when we’re conscious of this pattern, we suddenly get a choice and can ask ourselves: ‘Do I want this pattern in my life or not?’
If you don’t want a particular pattern in your life, let it go. Every time you let go of something that isn’t your essence, you make even more room for the true, loving you. When you start taking responsibility in your life, you suddenly stop blaming everybody else for what is happening or how you are feeling, because you know that you can do something about it, namely let go of whatever is causing the reaction or triggering the pattern in you. You can’t change anybody else, but you can change the way you encounter them. With the help of angels, this process will be much smoother. All you have to do is ask from your heart and let the angels do their work.
In addition to giving you hints and impulses for your everyday life, your guardian angel can help you to get rid of old memories, patterns and emotional knots that are still affecting you. There may be irritating everyday incidents and other things you want to let go. This meditation works in the same way as the communication with the Earth. By establishing a contact from your heart to your guardian angel’s heart, you can send away unwanted energy and get back divine love.
Sit on a chair, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Let go of what you have just done and what you are about to do, and become present.
Let your aura click into place. Become aware of where you are in your body.
Put one of your palms, or both, on your heart.
Ask your heart if there is anything it wants to tell you right now.
Contact the Earth and contact the universe from your heart and let the three energies merge in your heart.
Let your body and aura be filled from your heart and let the surplus go down to the heart of the Earth. Give to yourself for a while and send whatever surfaces in your mind down the grounding channel.
Ask your guardian angel to stand in front of you.
Focus on your heart and simply let it show you a colour or a light. Allow this shining colour or light to radiate from your heart to meet the heart of your guardian angel. This will create a conscious strengthening of the connection between you and your guardian angel.
Sit there receiving the energy flowing from your guardian angel.
In the same way that a pulse, a rhythm, is created in the pillar of energetic exchange between the Earth and the universe with your heart at the centre, a flow of energy is now being created between you and your guardian angel.
Notice if the connection between you and your guardian angel is thinner in the middle, or if some places are thinner than others. Let go of resistance by breathing it out and breathing in more of yourself and your energy, and let the connection expand.
Ask your heart if there is anything you are ready to let go of.
If there is, send it away from your heart and let it travel along the ray from your heart to the heart of your guardian angel.
Know that angels transform everything in love and gratitude, and they want to give energy, filled with love, back to you. So, remain in the flow in an exchange of energies – letting go and receiving a response from your guardian angel in return.
Thank yourself for the steps you’ve taken, and thank your guardian angel for the encounter.
Release your guardian angel, but know that it is always there for you.
Be present in your heart and make communication with the Earth and the universe.
Fill your heart, body and aura with revitalizing energy and let the surplus go down to the centre of the Earth. Intend to keep on giving to yourself when you have come out of the meditation.
Thank your body and your heart for the steps you’ve taken.
When you have finished, you may open your eyes.
Now you can re-establish contact with your guardian angel whenever you want to. It is as easy to speak to your guardian angel as it is to communicate with your heart, because you have now mastered the secret of the Spiritual Password.
You can communicate with your guardian angel at any place and any time. You can do it by following the previous meditations or in your own special way. When you are ready to embark on your own journey of life, with your own power and your unique potential at the centre of it, let the angels be there.
The essential thing is that you now take your guardian angel with you in life. You now listen and are sensitive to signs. You now live in gratitude and allow yourself to live your life out of love for yourself. When you live your life out of love for yourself, you wish only the best for yourself, meaning you live in harmony with others. Thus you manifest a life that brings good experiences to you, both on your own and together with others. In other words, you have the life you wish for.
You have now mastered the Spiritual Password and can find whatever you wish on the spiritual web, contact it through your heart and access it via the Spiritual Password. Have fun with the password, enjoy it, but be true to your heart, your grounding and your connection to the universe as well as to your guardian angel. Enjoy being conscious in your life. Enjoy being you to the full.
When I lay me down to sleep
thirteen angels by me stand;
two upon my right hand side,
two upon my left hand glide
two stand watch by my cushion,
two at my feet as conclusion,
two to tuck me,
two to wake me,
one to open my eyes
to all of Heaven’s paradise.