‘Boundaries? I have never seen one, but I have heard that they exist in the minds of some people.’


Each and every one of us comes from light – the same light, where we are all connected, consciously, as part of the Oneness, also referred to as the Field. The experience of Oneness disappears for most of us at some point during our childhood years. The interesting part is that when it happens, we’re oblivious to the fact that we’ve lost one of the most sacred and natural connections we possess as human beings: the true connection to the Divine. Through the shutting down of this natural contact, as well as the loss of our connection to ourselves and our surroundings, we lose an important key – the Spiritual Password, our unique connection to the wisdom of our heart.

The tricky part is that if we yearn to recover our password, our connection to our inner truth, we can’t seem to recall it. We can’t find the way.

This happened to us too, although we came from very different backgrounds. Princess Märtha Louise is the daughter of King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway and has been in the public eye since birth, while Elisabeth Nordeng was brought up in an average Norwegian family. Nevertheless, while growing up we had very similar experiences of feeling different because of our spirituality. Both of us were highly sensitive people, taking in everybody else’s emotional and physical tension. We saw energies around people, we could sense unspoken truths and we both had healing hands. To us, this was normal – we thought that everybody could sense the same. It hit us hard the day we realized that this was not the case.

Trying to adjust to the intellectually oriented society around us, we started closing down our sensitivity as much as possible. In this way we turned off our inner navigational systems and started forgetting our Spiritual Password. We felt disconnected, alone, different, insecure and energetically drained. Our intellect couldn’t satisfy the questions that kept recurring with greater intensity throughout our youth: is there something more to life than the physical plane we all agree exists? If there is, how do we connect to it and for what purpose? Why do I sense things that others don’t?

Trying to find answers to these questions, we signed up for the same clairvoyance course. There were 15 people on the course, and to be honest we didn’t click with each other straight away. We didn’t click at all. We can remember – with horror, we might add – the three times we tried to strike up a conversation. It wasn’t until the course had ended, two and a half years later, and we were continuing to do energy readings with the group, that we had a conversation on the subject of angels and our contact with them. That was when the angels removed a veil between us and we suddenly saw that we had the same sense of humour and the same dream of working as a spiritual teacher. Going from not managing to complete a sentence to each other to finishing each other’s sentences in an instant was nothing short of a miracle. We understood that we had been preparing for this moment all our lives.

It was through our collaboration that we rediscovered the Spiritual Password and instantly reconnected consciously to the Field. From being physically drained by something as normal as being around other people to being able to keep our energy levels up throughout the day, no matter what the challenges, was simply astounding to us. We intuitively understood the significance of finding the Spiritual Password and knew that it was too important to keep to ourselves.

We all have our very own Spiritual Password. Finding it takes only a minute of our time. Learning to use it takes a lifetime, but with that password we can be connected to our divine self and to the Field every second of our conscious life, and we can shine as the light we truly are.

We find that at this time there is an urgency for each and every one of us to re-enter a conscious life where we know who we truly are: a divine light. Please join us in rediscovering your Spiritual Password and reconnecting to your heart, the Earth, the source of the universe… and your guardian angel. The world needs you as a lightworker right now.