
aardvark, 105


by competitive interactions, 139, 22325

by ecological divergence, 76, 109

by genetic recombination, 6364

by natural selection (see natural selection)


Cape region, 13536

endemic species, 105, 135

rift system, 83, 104106, 132

south of the Sahara, 104107, 311

agriculture, 69, 87, 127, 261, 265, 286, 288, 29294, 296, 305, 312

symbiotic, 160, 162, 163

algae, 1011, 2021, 6061, 63, 16162, 172, 175, 178, 18283, 207, 214, 280, 281

Amazon basin, 22, 7879, 100, 266


early evolution, 19293

reproduction, 184

Andes. See under mountains

Angiosperms. See flowering plants

Animalia (kingdom), 9


body plans, 38, 174, 193

complexity of, 67, 174, 281

development of, 3940, 208, 210

marine (see marine life)

sizes, 14344

Antarctica, 26, 45, 55, 89, 162, 264

Anthropocene, 28889

anthropomorphism, 233

antibiotics, 29, 51, 226, 305

ants, 31, 135, 14849, 159, 160, 191, 198, 229231, 25455, 287

aphids, 27, 30, 113, 14849

Appalachian (mountains). See under mountains

Archaea (Archaebacteria), 5457, 224, 234, 278


animal life, 92

Ocean, 311

vegetation, 89, 9192, 112, 117, 135

arthropods, 41

Arthur, W. Brian, 234, 293, 299

asteroid bombardment, 13, 171, 19596, 283

astrobiology, 225, 31213

astronomy, 12, 16, 171

atmosphere, 15, 49, 178, 280, 299

ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 204

Australia, 30, 91, 98, 99, 103104, 108, 120, 122, 12324, 138, 139, 157, 195, 217, 227, 259, 260, 270

Australopithecus afarensis, 236, 244, 248

autotrophs, 162, 173

Bacteria, 9, 21, 29, 44, 68, 148, 16364, 167, 17273, 178, 204208, 214, 226, 27880

commensal (symbiotic), 52, 160, 233

Eubacteria, 54

extremophiles, 5557, 225, 234

reproduction of, 3032, 5053

size limitation, 5758, 242

species designation, 5354

Bauplan, 37, 39, 212

bees, 31, 157, 229

beetles, 52, 7879, 149, 152, 154, 156, 181, 191, 304. See also chapter 1

biocides. See pesticides

biodiversity, 711, 111, 119

altitude effects, 8182, 118, 12830

area effects, 11617, 168

and climate variability, 11415

in Costa Rica, 12730

decline of, 304308

and disruption, 145, 149, 152

and epiphytes, 118, 130

and flowering plants, 18992

geography of (see chapters 4 and 5)

gradients, 112, 118

grazing effects, 153

higher plants (see floristics)

history of (see paleontology)

hotspots (see hotspots)

maintenance of (see chapter 6)

marine versus terrestrial, 2022


Africa, south of the Sahara, 104107, 13536

Arctic, 9192

Australian, 103104

disjunctions, 12225

endemism patterns, 111, 13738

vicariance, 122

See also islands; plate tectonics; Wallace's line; zoogeographic realms

biomes, 11, 22, 90

Africa south of the Sahara, 104107

Australia, 103104

Madagascar, 107108

Mediterranean floras, 9899

Neotropics, 99100

New Zealand, 108, 108109

Northern boreal forests, 93-94

Northern Eurasian biomes, 9697

Northern temperate zone, 9496

Paleotropics, 101103

South America, 100101

bipedality, 193, 24850, 286, 292

birds, 1011, 166, 199

numbers, 25

ratite, 122

species concepts, 7879

Borneo, 102


body mass ratios, 243

energy demands, 244

expansion in humans, 242

in primates, 24648

Brazil, 101

brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea), 149

burying beetles, 2930

butterflies. See Lepidoptera

California, 9596, 98, 112, 13334

cambium, 180, 183, 198, 282

Cambrian explosion, 17476, 194, 197, 207, 215, 217, 28182

cancer, 67, 209

capitalism, 274, 300, 308

carbon dioxide, 1516, 175, 205, 232

in global warming, 264, 297, 31011

in photosynthesis, 49, 179, 190, 27980

Cavalier-Smith, Thomas, 5658


bacterial, 4556

eukaryotic (see Eukaryota)

division of, 6162

dynamics, 59

replication, 278

wall structure, 5460

Cenozoic, 197

cereal grains, 85, 186, 191, 266, 269

cerrado, 101, 134

chimpanzees, 18, 74, 104, 21213, 248, 25455

China, 97, 12425, 133, 27072, 288, 297, 302, 304, 307

chloroplasts, 60, 207, 234, 280

chromosomes, 5051, 5966, 77, 187, 207, 213, 214, 219, 278, 280

change and speciation, 84

doubling, 85, 189

cicadas, periodical, 32

cichlids. See fish

class (taxonomic), 89, 7475

climate change, 253, 260, 289, 311, 313

and extinction, 107, 313

comets, 13, 171


accelerating over time, 202, 22325, 227, 234

animals (versus plants), 198

in human evolution, 25457, 268

in natural selection, 87, 22325, 235

in speciation, 83, 87

See also niche; predation


advances over time, 58, 189, 197, 200, 201, 202203, 206, 210, 213, 22831, 23435, 238, 239, 243, 275, 282, 286, 305

concept and definition, 7, 202203, 234

and cooperation, 16264, 22930, 28687

in human brain expansion, 246

and multicellularity, 67

and new platforms, 58, 59, 206, 234, 26869, 277, 294

in technology, 292

See also predation

conifers, 43, 133

continental drift. See plate tectonics

Costa Rica, 114, 12730, 137

endemic species, 118

species-richness, 105, 118

Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), 1011, 2021, 4849, 173, 175, 178, 205, 207, 27980

Darwin, Charles, 6970, 86, 166, 169, 203204, 233, 237

Darwin's finches, 72

DDT (pesticide). See pesticides

death (in complex organisms), 208209

deserts, 10, 106, 112, 144, 217

global patterns, 8990


in animals, 59, 21011

in humans, 25052

as self-organization, 211

dinosaurs, 19, 19397, 199, 226, 231, 28384

diploid cells and organisms, 6364, 66, 84, 183, 185, 21415, 218

Diptera, 30, 31, 36

Dipterocarpaceae, 102

diseases. See pathogens

disjunction. See under biogeography


by ants, 135

by humans, 166

and species survival, 16467

disruption and biodiversity, 14950

disseminules, plant, 123, 137, 145, 165, 177

diversity. See biodiversity

division (taxonomic), 9, 40, 74

division of labor, 208, 22930, 253, 257, 269

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

as genetic information, 18, 39, 4546, 48, 5052, 54, 7173, 83, 115, 122, 136, 160, 162, 176, 182, 206, 219, 23738, 25859, 278

“junk,” 213

in replication, 46, 48, 62, 220

See also RNA

donkeys, 7677

dormancy, 167

double fertilization, 18788

dung, 2930, 260


axial tilt, 12, 14, 92, 171, 201

history (see paleontology)

orbit, 12, 14, 204

planetary features, 1216


boom and bust, 306307

environmental gradients, 8182, 11216, 118, 136

food webs, 148

keystone species, 159

speciation patterns, 7681

trophic levels, 14748, 238

economic development, 300301

ecoregions (see chapter 4)

Ediacaran biota, 173

endemism, 77, 111

and lineage history, 137

endosymbiosis, 5960, 164, 202, 206, 207, 234


competition for, 223

consumption, human, 29697

harvesting (see photosynthesis)

from hydrogen fusion, 299300, 315

and increasing complexity, 223, 244

in metabolism, 20, 59, 244, 279

and technology, 27375, 29394

epiphytes, 42, 11718, 12931, 137, 144

Erwin, Terry, 36

Ethiopia, 31, 82, 105107, 134, 244, 302

Eubacteria. See Bacteria

Eukaryota, 55, 5663, 6768, 175, 202, 206207, 221, 278, 280, 281, 287, 293

eusocial insects, 22931

evapotranspiration, plant, 91, 113, 128


and contingency/convergence, 217

epic of, 17

and escalation, 225

by pioneering effect, 224

as a tree/trellis, 52

See also intelligent design; natural selection

extinction, 27, 87, 105, 115, 165, 22627, 240, 260, 276

and human agency, 306, 309

major extinction events, 19496, 19798, 283

extremophiles. See under Bacteria

family (taxonomic), 8, 7475

faunal realms. See zoogeography

ferns, 43, 78, 107, 118, 12324, 128, 129, 144, 18485, 191, 198, 215

figs (Ficus), 15759


and flowering, 15152

and human advance, 25657, 275

and vegetation, 94, 103104, 134, 19192, 260, 284

fish, 22, 42, 83, 100, 122, 124, 148, 165, 166, 177, 182, 19293, 222, 243

fitness, 223

flies. See Diptera

floristics (higher plants)

Africa, central tropical, 105

Africa, southern, 106, 13536

Alaska, 93

Asia, southeast, 102

Borneo, 102

Brazil, 101

California, 96

China, 97

Costa Rica, 105, 118, 128

Ethiopia, 105

France, 96

Germany, 96

Greece, 98

Hawaii, 77, 109

Madagascar, 107

Mediterranean floras, 9899, 134

Mesoamerica, 99

Mexico, 95, 99

New Zealand, 108

Nigeria, 105

Norway, 93

Panama, 36

South Africa, 99, 135

Turkey, 98

United States and Canada, 93, 95, 124

flowering plants (Angiosperms), 4142, 18690

advance in global biodiversity, 189, 216

and human evolution, 248

numbers (see floristics)

See also double fertilization; phenology


in animal nutrition, 14344, 285

in ecological levels, 148

and human agriculture, 18687, 26568


boreal, 9394

canopy, 102, 117, 130

cloud (montane), 129, 13233

conifer, 9394, 133

Dipterocarp, 102

igapo, 100

needle-leaf, 93, 133, 188

taiga, 93, 133, 188

tropical dry, 13334

tropical wet (rain forest), 22, 79, 102, 104, 117, 143, 14950, 156, 18990, 216

varzea, 100

fossil fuels, 27375, 286, 28889, 291, 294, 29698, 303, 305, 307, 310

fossil record. See paleontology

frogs. See amphibians

fruit, 77, 102, 104, 165, 186, 191, 266. See also figs

fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), 52, 77, 109, 137, 160, 211, 212

fungi, 47, 67, 148, 152, 16062, 16465, 178, 181, 207, 230, 260, 281

Gaia hypothesis, 26364, 306

Galapagos Islands, 72, 7778

gametes, 6264, 8485, 215


duplication, 85, 21415, 218

exchange in speciation, 72

“fossils” in genome, 219

horizontal gene transfer, 52

recombination in sex, 6264

transposons (jumping), 221

genera. See genus


engineering, 52, 219

protocols in development, 40, 25152

replication of information, 46

genomes, 60, 6667, 189, 208, 21214, 219, 252, 295

genotype, 213, 22022

genus (taxonomic) 8, 7475, 7384


continental stability, 15

extinctions, 19496

local disruption, 150

time scale, 170

See also plate tectonics

Glossopteris fossil flora, 12021

God. See intelligent design

Goldilocks orbit. See Earth: orbit

gorillas, 18, 104, 132, 24749, 253, 255

grass, family, 30, 42, 186, 266, 284

grasshoppers, 3132, 34, 37, 154

grasslands, 42, 76, 79, 90, 9295, 97, 101, 130, 134, 191, 192, 231, 256, 265, 284, 313

African, 104106, 142, 248, 292

Gray, Asa, 12425

greenhouse gases, 1416, 264, 307

Gymnosperms, 133, 188

Haldane, J. B. S, 25

haploid, 63, 84, 177, 185, 21415

Hawaiian Islands, 77, 86, 108

endemic species, 7778, 86, 109, 137

Hemiptera (true bugs), 34, 37

herbivores, 91, 116, 14054, 16768, 184, 191, 233, 238, 285

hierarchy, taxonomic, 89, 74, 202

Himalayan Mountains. See under mountains

history. See paleontology

Holocene, 28889

homeostasis, 211, 221

Hominoids, 24748, 285

Homo erectus, 236, 245, 249

Homo neanderthalensis, 74, 244, 258

Homo sapiens. See humans

horses, 7677, 138, 153, 246, 259

hotspots (biodiversity), 97, 99, 101, 12527, 130, 13234

Hughes, Norman, 198


cultural advance, 28589

death in childbirth, 25051

development (ontogeny) 40, 213, 25052

evolution and origins of, 18, 7374, 105, 24448

exploratory voyages, 272

fire utilization, 25657

genetics of, 73

intelligence, 235, 243, 250, 25255, 285

knowledge, 29396

language, 249, 256, 286, 294

metallurgy, 269

optimism, 29899, 308, 31213, 315

population explosion, 301304, 313

unemployment, 303304, 312

hybridization, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 83

Hymenoptera. See ants; bees; wasps

ice ages, 19, 78, 97, 125, 17374, 197, 227, 253, 256, 263, 265, 288

Industrial Revolution, 239, 27375, 289, 293, 296, 300, 315

information (human), 202, 268, 29196, 300, 305, 312


body plan, 27, 3234, 37

flight, 3334

in forest canopy, 36

giant fossils, 38

holometabolous, 28, 32, 37, 38

life cycles, 28, 32, 34, 37

origin, 41

numbers, 25, 31, 229

smallest, 36

social, 22931

intelligent design, 18, 6970, 237, 240, 271, 273

intertropical convergence zone, 14

invasive species, 85, 109, 168

iridium anomaly, 195

islands, 21, 7779, 84, 98, 110, 137, 139, 227. See also individual islands

journalism, 301, 303304, 311

Jupiter, 12, 13, 171, 273

kingdom (taxonomic), 9

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 219, 260

Lane, Nick, 60

languages (human), 249, 253, 25556, 260, 28687, 294

latitudinal species diversity, 11216

legume family (Fabaceae), 42, 16364, 187, 266

lemurs, 72, 107, 13739, 227

Lepidoptera, 28, 31, 3728, 40, 96, 101, 106, 113, 114, 118, 131, 153, 154, 224, 304

lichens, 9193, 16162, 281


history of (see chapter 7)

multicellular, 281

origin of, 48, 55, 27879

life zones. See biomes

lignin, 17981, 282

lions, 104, 142, 199, 304

liverworts, 63, 9193, 117, 130, 144, 17879, 182, 18485

locust, 3132

lung fish, 122, 182

Madagascar, 72, 107108, 127, 137, 13839, 227

endemic species, 107

malaria, 82

Malthus, Thomas, 303

Mammalia, 9, 166


in Africa, 105

biogeography of, 13840

brain sizes, 147, 244, 248

in Costa Rica, 128

evolution of, 23132

in Madagascar, 107

parental investment, 199

placental, 232

Margulis, Lynn, 5960

marine life, 15, 2021, 4041, 48, 89, 92, 165, 17677, 194, 196, 200201, 240, 241, 243

Mars, 12, 16, 297

Mayr, Ernst, 8, 71, 76

meiosis, 6264, 67, 77, 85, 177, 21415, 280

Mesozoic, 197

metallurgy, 16, 269, 286

meteorites, 12, 171, 195

microbes, 45, 52, 55, 155160, 164, 208, 226, 233

Milky Way (galaxy), 17, 312, 314

mimicry, 154, 224

mitochondria, 5960, 62, 67, 202, 206207, 220, 234, 278, 28081

mitosis, 6164

monkeys. See primates

Moon, 1214, 171, 293, 305, 313

mosquitoes, 3435, 41, 82, 92, 164

moths. See Lepidoptera

mountains, 11, 1516, 22, 76, 81, 83, 9699, 114, 201

Andes, 100101, 13032, 145, 150

Appalachians, 95

Caucasus, 96, 127, 133

Himalayas, 9697, 122, 13233

Rockies, 94, 188

and species richness, 11820

mules, 77, 84

Murphy's Law, 46, 203, 218, 219

mutations, 51, 65, 76, 83, 203, 207, 218, 22022, 287

mycorrhizae, 161

natural selection, 19, 51, 6970, 147, 156, 165, 169, 182, 203, 207, 213, 218, 234, 239, 240, 287, 298

and competition, 83, 22325

and ecological divergence, 8084

and group selection, 230, 28687

and sexual choice, 86

Nearctic realm, 93

Neolithic demographic transition, 267

Neotropics. See biomes: American tropics

nervous systems, 211, 222, 242

Newton, Isaac, 237, 273

New Zealand, 108, 126, 154

niche, 58, 83, 115, 139, 165, 168, 199, 216, 228, 234, 240

concept, 14143

division, 14450


fixation, 49, 16364, 264, 305

molecular, 49

nomenclature, biological, 74

nucleus, cellular, 56, 59, 6163, 67, 185, 187, 206, 21920, 280

nutrition. See food

oaks (Quercus), 72, 75, 129

Odonata. See grasshoppers

orchids, 42, 105, 109, 132, 144, 186, 191, 216

order (taxonomic), 89, 7475


of life, 48, 27879

of species (see chapter 3)

ovules (plant), 18587, 282

ozone, 178, 264

Palearctic realm, 93


asteroid impact, 19596

biodiversity over time, 20, 19799, 238

eons, 172

first forests, 18081

oxidation event, 176, 205

Pangaea, 121

plant species increase, 198

Snowball Earth, 173, 174

See also Cambrian explosion; Ediacaran biota; extinction: major events

Paleozoic, 197

Paley, William, 69


in Africa, 105, 107

in Costa Rica, 150

distribution, 113

in Singapore, 105

Panama, 36, 96, 106, 115, 129, 143, 151

Pangaea, 121

parasites, 47, 65, 67, 14850, 152, 155, 167

in the tropics, 35, 11516

wasps, parasitic, 36, 149

pathogens, 65, 67, 148, 161, 16768, 254, 265, 280, 312

and biodiversity, 15253, 155, 224

and disease, 30, 45, 51, 54, 87, 109, 11516, 155, 160, 22728, 267, 27172

and ecological niche, 82

Peru, 100, 131, 145, 159

pesticides, 148, 303, 304

Phanerozoic, 170, 197

phenology, 14344

phenotype, 213, 22122

photosynthesis, 1011, 2021, 4849, 102, 113, 16162, 175, 179, 19091, 196, 202, 205207, 268, 275, 27980, 287, 299

phyla (taxonomic), 9, 40, 74

phytomass, 21

phytoplankton, 11, 45, 196

Piper, 81, 119, 159

Plantae (kingdom), 9


alternation of generations, 215

cultivation (see agriculture)

defense against herbivores, 153, 155

dormancy, 167

as energy source, 1011, 43

increasing numbers over time, 198

leaves in evolutionary history, 190, 216

numbers (see floristics)

pioneers, 145

succession, 14546

terrestrial, 177180, 183, 21415, 282

vascular system, 179, 198

See also flowering plants; pollination

Platanus, 79

plate tectonics

and atmosphere stability, 1516, 173

and biodiversity, 12023, 150, 201

and metallurgy, 269, 286

platypus, 103, 137, 241

Pleistocene, 97, 288

ploidy, 63, 84, 135

polar regions, 21, 89, 91

pollen, 79, 85, 158, 185, 186, 187, 190, 198, 224, 282


by animals, 37, 15657, 189, 190, 216, 284

in figs, 15759

by wind, 72, 144, 156, 185, 188

population explosion, human, 301304, 313

prairie, 21, 145

flowering, 14445, 151


and arms races, 153, 167, 22426

and local biodiversity, 142, 148, 152, 155

of plant seeds, 153

primary producers, 14748


apes (Anthropoids), 24748

biogeography, 138

brain size, 246

evolution of, 138, 243, 247

life span, 14647

printing, by metal type, 272, 288, 294

progress (as a concept), 204, 23942, 308, 313

prokaryotes, 56

Quercus. See oaks

rain forests. See forests

ranks, taxonomic, 9

Rapoport's rule, 115

Red Queen Hypothesis, 22324, 226, 267

religious traditions, 18, 235, 270, 299, 311

reproduction, 5051, 6165, 155, 16468, 184, 203, 218, 220, 279, 287

respiration, 38, 176, 206207, 280, 282

rhinoceros, 26, 304

RNA (ribonucleic acid), 46, 5456, 163, 21213, 21920, 278. See also DNA

Sahara (desert), 90, 104106

scarab beetles, 2930


development of, 27071, 288

as explanatory strategy, 7, 1719, 69

revolutions in, 69, 121, 238, 271

seasonality, 114, 190

seed bank, 167

seed plants, 95, 18485, 188, 198, 215, 224

selection. See natural selection

SETI (astrobiology), 17, 313


evolutionary advantage, 6366, 220

gender roles in humans, 25557, 268

mechanism of, 6265, 210

sexual selection, 86

soil, 21, 30, 45, 82, 91, 103, 105, 135, 143, 152, 16061, 163, 18384, 226, 231, 299300, 308

and human success, 267, 292, 307

solar system, 1214, 16, 19, 17172, 225, 314

Spartina (cord grass), 85


chromosome doubling, 8486

in cold climates, 115

in East African lake fishes, 83

by ecological differentiation, 8084

by geographic isolation, 7680

in the Hawaiian islands, 78, 109, 137

by hybrid inferiority, 80

over time, 136

in peripheral populations, 8081

by sexual selection, 86


concepts (definitions), 89, 53, 7172, 76

diversity gradients, 112, 118

endemics (see endemism)

enumeration, 910, 20, 111

new names (nomenclature), 10

new species (see speciation)

recognition, 73

richness (see chapters 4 and 5)

speciation (see chapter 3)

subspecies, 7172

species numbers, 8, 11, 20, 42, 76, 89

and climate, 11214

over geological time, 20, 19798, 238

maintenance (see chapter 5)

spore-tetrads, 177, 179, 183

stasis, evolutionary, 58, 203, 241

stomates (plant), 17980, 215

stromatolites, 172

Sun, 1214, 16, 92, 204

age of, 1617

energy from (see photosynthesis)

sunflower family, 42


by chance, 151, 217

by dispersal and dormancy, 16468

by reproduction, 6163, 16466


agriculture, human, 26567

in animal digestion, 160, 231, 233

ants and plants, 15960, 230

bacterial commensals, 52, 164, 237

endosymbiosis (within cell), 5961

photosynthetic, 60, 207

systematics, cladistics, 221

taiga (northern forest), 93, 133, 188


folk, 8

importance of, 25, 7475

synonymous names, 75

systems and ranks, 9, 74

technology, human, 138, 227, 239, 26970, 272, 27374, 288, 29398, 305

temperate regions, 14, 9496, 11314


early flora, 282

environments (see chapter 4)

species richness, 198

vertebrates (see tetrapods)

termites, 160, 164, 181, 229, 231

tetrapods (land vertebrates), 37, 183, 19293, 222, 283

thermodynamics, second law of, 204, 279, 296

transistors, 29495


and epiphytes, 13031, 137

in forests (see forests)

numbers and area, 117

numbers and latitude, 116

tribalism, human, 25457, 28586, 292

trilobites, 174

trophic levels. See under ecology

tundra, 9192, 117

type specimen (nomenclature), 25, 75

unemployment (human), 303304, 312

Venus, 12, 16, 273

Vertebrata (phylum), 9

viruses, 4647, 278

vision, 13839, 21112, 219, 222, 24647, 249, 252, 284

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 80, 82, 83, 122, 260

Wallace's Line (zoogeography) 103, 12223

wasps, 31, 3637, 149, 158

water, 1316

fresh, 22, 41

stress (drought), 113, 136, 152, 254, 265, 310

weeds, 188

Wegener, Alfred, 12022

wheat, 82, 85, 266, 306, 308

Wilson, Edward O, 130, 168, 254, 292

Woese, Carl, 54

wolves, 9, 93, 15455, 229

Yellowstone National Park, 127, 15455

Zero Force Evolutionary Law, 203

zoogeographic realms

African (Ethiopian) 104107

Australian, 103104

Madagascan, 107108

Neotropical, 99101

Northern (boreal), 9397

Oceania, 108109

Oriental, 101103