Who Are You and What Have You Done with Hudson?

The lobby of the college’s performing arts building was buzzing. The doors had opened minutes earlier, but there was no rush to get inside. I stood off to the side, contemplating leaning against the wall as I wiggled my toes in my heels to get the feeling back.

I checked my phone—no messages, other than the eight panicked messages from Terrance about his crew not being on time for the show that was about to start. Hudson was already ten minutes late—not for the show, but I’d asked him to meet at seven, when the doors opened. Where was he?

“He here yet?” Serena asked as she approached, Michael in tow.

I put my hands on my hips, listing my head at her.

“Right,” Serena said, shoving me playfully. She knew I was annoyed. “Why don’t we go and get our seats, and we’ll see you in there, okay?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” I huffed, letting myself deflate a little.

“You look good, though,” Serena said, using a finger to size me up and down as she took a backward step.

I smiled. “Thank you.” I grasped the hem of my olive green chunky-knit cardigan and fell into a small curtsy. “See you in there,” I called as I pulled at my hair. I scanned the room, fidgeting with the end of my braid; I’d twisted the front down and into a loose side braid. I turned back to the doors, one hand on my hip and the other playing with my hair, my shoulders rolled forward, when I saw him. He’d been standing there watching me.

“Hi,” I breathed as I took him in. He looked absolutely perfect. Navy fitted chinos, a maroon-and-navy-plaid button-down, and a gray blazer, just the top button done.

“Hey,” he said, his eyes going to his brown oxfords before rising to meet mine. The cuffs of his pants were rolled once, and a patterned sock showed only just.

“Jesus, where did you come from?” I pressed a hand to both cheeks, trying to hide the heat in my face.

“I did some research … used your sketches as inspiration,” he said as he took a step toward me, his voice lowering. “But here’s the thing I don’t understand…” He took another step.

“Mmmhmm?” I hummed, my breath caught in my throat. He’d used my sketches as inspiration?

“My cuffs,” he said, holding his wrist up to me. “You see…” He took another step, his voice lowering to a whisper. “I’m supposed to cuff my shirt over the blazer, right?” He took another step.

“Yes,” I said, my lips barely moving. He was close enough to kiss, and it was all I could think about.

I looked to Hudson and then to the floor, willing my cheeks to stop burning. He was making me foggy. He was making me sweat in places I shouldn’t, considering the sheer ivory tank I wore underneath.

“But.” He closed the space between us and leaned into me, his nose in my neck. “What do I do if I take my jacket off? Do I have to roll my sleeves again?” His breath hot against my skin. Every one of my senses was on high alert, and I loved it. Nothing else mattered in that moment. Not even the fact that we were standing in a semi-crowded lobby.

“And then what do I do when I put my jacket back on?” His lips grazed just under my ear as he spoke. “Do I have to unroll my cuffs, put my jacket on, and then recuff over the blazer?” He ran his thumb along my jawline, starting at my ear. He was electric.

I couldn’t answer. My stomach was in my throat in the best way possible. I swallowed hard as he cupped my face with both hands.

“Hmm?” He trailed both thumbs down the side of my face and then linked his hands behind his back.

I blinked hard.

“What—” I couldn’t form words. I couldn’t process what was happening. What I was seeing. What I heard. What I felt.

“Edie, this is important. Can you please pay attention?” he teased. “My eyes are up here.” Using two fingers he pointed to his eyes, then me.

I pressed my palms to my cheeks, my face burning.

“Come on, then,” he said, offering me his arm. I linked mine through his, grasping his bicep as we began to move toward the theater entrance. “Let me know when you’ve regained your ability to speak.”

*   *   *

“So, you really like my outfit?” Hudson asked as we settled into our seats in front of Serena and Michael.

“I did … I do … I love it,” I said, rambling. Feeling like I wanted to confess my love for who was in the outfit as well. “Qu’il est beau.”

Tu es belle, aussi.” He smiled at me appreciatively. “Where’d you learn that one?” He slid his hand into mine, interlocking our fingers.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I teased.

Serena cleared her throat with a loud ahem as the lights began to dim. “Keep it PG, you two. There are people around.”

I turned to Serena. “What does that mean?” I whispered.

She looked at me, unconvinced. “Like you don’t know,” she said, motioning with her chin toward Hudson. He turned and offered her a purposefully awkward wave. “The two of you are oozing sex right now.”

I gasped and swatted at her as the curtain went up. “We are not,” I said, whispering like a mom scolding her kid in public.

Serena swatted me back, looking at me and then Hudson. She laughed. “You really are, though.”

I huffed, smiling as I leaned back into my seat, settling in against Hudson’s arm.

He leaned into me, his nose touching my ear and his breath hot against my face. “I really would like to know. I’m impressed that you’ve been teaching yourself conversational phrases.”

I smiled, pulling my shoulder to my ear to keep the goose bumps from spreading. “My repertoire grows larger every day. I need to keep you on your toes, you know.” I smiled as I turned my head, our cheeks touching.

“My repertoire grows when I’m around you, too.” He pressed his smile into my neck before kissing it.

Another small ahem came from behind.

“Don’t forget where we are right now,” I said, settling back into my seat.

He didn’t move, his lips still close to my ear. “I will never forget where we are right now,” he said. “Or how you look.” He turned his face toward the stage. “Or the way you make me feel.”

I smiled at my feet and then at him. “I feel like I’m floating,” I whispered, suddenly aware of how light I felt when I was with him. How unburdened I felt with him near. How it felt like this moment could last forever.

“When I’m around you, I’m always floating. I’m always in outer space.”

When I turned my head, his eyes were already waiting for mine. I smiled, squeezing his hand.

“Oh my God.” Serena leaned between us. “Knock. It. Off,” she said through a smile as she tugged my hair, causing me to settle back in my seat.