All works are listed in English alphabetical order; Russian titles, where different, are indicated in brackets following the English. Unspecified numerals designate the respective letter numbers in which the works are mentioned, either in the text or in the footnotes. Numerals after the heading Chr. indicate a listing by year in the Chronology. Italicised numerals designate page numbers in Andrew Donskov’s Editor’s Introduction. Note that the titles of stories and articles, as well as books, by either Tolstoy or Tolstaya, are italicized throughout this volume.

*Works by Tolstaya are marked with an asterisk.


After the ball [Posle bala]Chr. 1903


Albert [Al’bert]Chr. 1857

Alyosha the Pot [Alësha Gorshok]Chr. 1905

And the light shines in darkness [I svet vo t’me svetit]Chr. 1902; LV

Anna KareninaChr. 1870, 187278; XXXVI-XXXVIII, XLII, LIV, LVIII

*Autobiography [Avtobiografija]XLV, XLVI


Bethink yourselves! [Odumajtes’!]Chr. 1904

Boyhood [Otrochestvo]112; Chr. 1854, 1856, 1878; XL


Catechesis [Katekhezis] — see: Christian teachings

Childhood [Detstvo] — 5, 111, 112, 167, 182; Chr. 1851, 1852, 1856, 1878, 1911; E5

Chinese wisdom [Kitajskaja mudrost’]102

Christian teachings [Khristianskoe uchenie]175, 176, 191

Complete Collected Works [Polnoe sobranie sochinenij / PSS]112, 121, 125, 151, 152; Chr. 1864, 1873, 1878, 1880, 1883, 188587, 188991, 1897, 1898; XXVII, LXV, LXVI

confession, A [Ispoved’] — 77, 78, 83, 84, 86, 118, 124; Chr. 1879, 1880, 1882

Cossacks, The [Kazaki]12, 65, 118; Chr. 185658, 1862, 1863


death of Ivan Ilyich, The [Smert’ Ivana Il’icha]59, 115, 154; Chr. 1882, 1884, 1886, 1891

Decembrists, The [Dekabristy]118; Chr. 1856, 1860, 1878, 1879

destruction of hell and its restoration, The [Razrushenie ada i vosstanovlenie ego]Chr. 1902

devil, The [D’javol]224

*Diaries I [Dnevniki I]152; Chr. 1862, 187072, 1882, 1887, 1890, 1891, 189799, 1918, 1919; LVIII

*Diaries II [Dnevniki II] — 214; Chr. 1891, 190103, 190613, 1917; XXXIII (epigraph), XXXIII, XLIV, LVII

*Diaries III [Dnevniki III]Chr. 1899

*Diaries of Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya, The [S. A. Tolstaja. Dnevniki 1860–1891]Chr. 1908

Diary of L. N. Tolstoy [Dnevnik L. N. Tolstogo]2, 124, 144, 174, 180, 181, 187, 194, 201, 212, 228, 236, 239; Chr. 1847, 1850, 1856, 185861, 1863, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1891, 1892, 189597, 1901, 190710; XXXV, XLVII, LIV

diary only for myself, A [Dnevnik dlja odnogo sebja]231; Chr. 1908


Esarhaddon, King of Assyria [Assirijskij tsar’ Asarkhaddon]Chr. 1903

*Ezhednevniki [Daily diaries]Chr. 1893


Family happiness [Semejnoe schast’e]12, 75, 167; Chr. 1859

Famine or no famine [Golod ili ne golod]Chr. 1898

Father Sergius [Otets Sergij]Chr. 1890, 1898

first distiller, The [Pervyj vinokur]LVI

For every day [Na kazhdyj den’]132, 227

*Four visits by Count L. Tolstoy to the Optina Pustyn’ Monastery [Chetyre poseshchenija gr. L. Tolstym monastyrja Optina pustyn’]50; Chr. 1913

frightful question, A [Strashnyj vopros]15558; LXV

fruits of enlightenment, The [Plody prosveshchenija] — 78, 146, 157; Chr. 1886, 188992, 1912


God sees the truth, but waits [Bog pravdu vidit, da ne skoro skazhet]LVI

Gospel in brief, The [Kratkoe izlozhenie Evangelija]66, 86; LXIII

*Grandmother’s treasure-trove: a legend [Babushkin klad: predanie]Chr. 1895, 1910

*Groanings [Stony]Chr. 1904


Hadji-Murat [Hadzhi-Murat] — 204, 212; Chr. 1896, 1898, 1902, 1904


I cannot be silent [Ne mogu molchat’] — 222; Chr. 1908


Kingdom of God is within you, The [Tsarstvo Bozhie vnutri vas]132, 168, 171, 204; Chr. 1890, 1893

Kreutzer Sonata, The [Krejtserova sonata]147, 148, 152; Chr. 1887, 188991, 1897, 1911; LXV, XXXIX


L. N. Tolstoy and A. A. Tolstaja: Correspondence [L. N. Tolstoj i A. A. Tolstaja: Perepiska] — LVI

L. N. Tolstoy: Correspondence with his sister and brothers [L. N. Tolstoj: Perepiska s sestroj i brat’jami] LIV, LVI

*L. N. Tolstoy’s marriage [Zhenit’ba L. N. Tolstogo]Chr. 1912

Leo Tolstoy & Nikolaj Strakhov: Complete correspondence [L. N. Tolstoj — N. N. Strakhov: Polnoe sobranie perepiski] — LXIII

Letter to the editors of Moskovskie vedomosti [Pis’mo redaktoram «Moskovskikh vedomostej»]Chr. 1873

Letters of Count L. N. Tolstoy to his wife, 1862–1910 [Pis’ma grafa L. N. Tolstogo k zhene, 1862–1910] — 143; Chr. 1913, 1919; LXVI, LXVII

*Letters of S. A. Tolstaya to L. N. Tolstoy [Tolstaja S. A. Pis’ma k L. N. Tolstomu] — XXXIV

Living corpse, The [Zhivoj trup] (unfinished) Chr. 1900

Lucerne [Ljutsern]Chr. 1857


Master and man [Khozjain i rabotnik] — XLIII

Mother (Notes of a mother) [Mat’] (Zapiski materi) — 206

*My Life [Moja zhizn’] — 13, 50, 104, 108, 113, 115, 11921, 124, 130, 132, 134, 141, 148, 150, 152, 178, 180, 192, 205; Chr. 1868, 187678, 188189, 18911901, 190406, 1912, 1913, 1916; XLIIIXLVIII, LIX, LXI, LXVI, LXVII


*Natasha (composed in SAT’s maidenhood) — Chr. Early 1860s, 1862; XLI

New primer [Novaja azbuka]Chr. 1874, 1875; XLVII

Nikolai Palkin [Nikolaj Palkin]131, 141

Notes of a billiard marker [Zapiski markëra]Chr. 1855

Notes of a madman [Zapiski sumasshedshego]140


On life [O zhizni] — 138, 140, 144; Chr. 188789; LIV, XXXIX, XLV

On popular education [O narodnom obrazovanii]Chr. 1874

On the famine [O golode] — 157, 162; Chr. 1891

On the means of aiding famine victims [O sredstvakh pomoshchi naseleniju, postradavshemu ot neurozhaja]159

On the Moscow census [O perepisi v Moskve] — 71; Chr. 1882

On war [O vojne] — 191


path of life, The [Put’ zhizni]227

Peter the Publican [Pëtr Khlebnik]95; LVI

Polikushka — 12, 28; Chr. 1863; XXXVIII

power of darkness, The [Vlast’ t’my]Chr. 188688, 1890, 1895, 1912; XLIII

Preface to the Russian edition of Guy de Maupassant’s collection «Sur l’eau» [Predislovie k russkomu izdaniju sbornika G. de Mopassana «Na vode»]Chr. 1894

Primer [Azbuka] — 8; Chr. 1868, 1871, 1872, 1891, 1896; XLII


raid, The [Nabeg]Chr. 1853, 1911

Readers [Knigi dlja chtenija] — 35; Chr. 1874

Reminiscences [Vospominanija]Chr. 1903, 1912

Reply to the Synod [Otvet Sinodu]LXVI

*rescued dachshund, The. Vanja’s story [Spasënnyj taks. Rasskaz Vani]Chr. 1895, 1910

Resurrection [Voskresenie] — 182, 187, 205; Chr. 1887, 1889, 1898, 1899; XLIII, LIV, LVI


Sevastopol’ in August 1855 [Sevastopol’ v avguste 1855 goda]Chr. 1856

Sevastopol’ in December [Sevastopol’ v dekabre]Chr. 1855

Sevastopol’ in May [Sevastopol’ v mae]Chr. 1855

Shakespeare and drama [O Shekspire i drame]Chr. 1903

significance of the Russian revolution, The [O znachenii russkoj revoljutsii]Chr. 1906

*skeleton dolls, The [Kukolki-skelettsy]226; Chr. 1910; XLVII

snowstorm, The [Metel’]Chr. 1856

*Song without words [Pesnja bez slov]Chr. 1889, 18951900, 1897, 1900; XLVIII

*story of a grivennik, The [Istorija grivennika]Chr. 1910

story of Yemilyan and the empty drum, The [Rabochij Emel’jan i pustoj baraban]132

Strider, The [Kholstomer]116, 118; LVIII


Teachings of the twelve apostles [Uchenie 12 apostolov] — 109; XXXIX

Themselves outwitted [Iskhitrilas’] — 146; Chr. 1886

Three deaths [Tri smerti]Chr. 1859

Three questions [Tri voprosa]Chr. 1903

To political activists [K politicheskim dejateljam] — LIV

To the Tsar and his associates [Tsarju i ego pomoshchnikam] — LXVI

Toil, death and disease [Trud, smert’ i bolezn’]Chr. 1903

translation and harmony of the four Gospels, A [Soedinenie i perevod chetyrëkh Evangelij] — 124; Chr. 1880; LIX

Two hussars [Dva gusara] — 20; Chr. 1856

Two old men [Dva starika] — 118


*Vanechka: a real occurrence from his life [Vanechka: istinnoe proisshestvie iz ego zhizni]Chr. 1910


War and Peace [Vojna i mir] — 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 1618, 20, 22, 27, 30, 3335, 37, 55, 78, 167; Chr. 186269, 1873; XXXVI, XXXVIII, XLI, XLII, XLV

War stories [Voennye rasskazy]Chr. 1856

What for? [Za chto?]Chr. 1906

What I believe [V chem moja vera?] — 84, 87, 88, 94, 96, 97, 114, 118; Chr. 188385; E10

What is art? [Chto takoe iskusstvo?] — 146, 191; Chr. 1889, 1896, 1897

What is religion? [Chto takoe religija?]Chr. 1902

What men live by [Chem ljudi zhivy] — 68, 70, 108, 111, 132; LVI

What then must be done? [Tak chto zhe nam delat’?] — 69, 71, 101, 104, 112, 119, 121, 125, 132; Chr. 1882, 1886

*Who is to blame? [Kto vinovat?]Chr. 1891, 18921893; XLV, XLVI

wood-cutting, The [Rubka lesa]Chr. 1855


Year 1805, The [1805-j god] (see also: War and Peace)4, 10, 16, 17, 22, 30; Chr. 186567

Youth [Junost’]Chr. 1856, 1857; XL