Alternative to Riots
but All Citizens Must Play
To myself everywhere:
Cry out, “Break!” Break
all our securities, and break out!
Explore only the ranges
beyond our mastering. Take on
the inexorable demands made by
a norm of unpremeditated excellence!
Forget the elegant speeches,
the unbreakable delicacy
or cello resonance of
“art”. Forget
faceless, imperial (world-wide)
governance and its shimmery
statistical sheen. Why,
even the memory-traces of
classical Greece’s music are
long forgotten. (The Empire then was Rome’s.)
Our own skills and
achievements are imprisoned by
managed relationships
no-one can manage, quite.
Money we used to see,
in metal baubles, jig along the wires.*
Money is no longer
visible. Now
it vapourizes and disperses somehow
and settles over all of us.
We turn into a monstrous
sameness, a jumble
within one skin,
a skin pulled taut
until it hurts
the whole ungeographical
world of us.
Break out! Break from all safe
comprehensive arrangements
never completely comprehended by
controllers or controlled.
Once there were landscapes, features,
rugged outcroppings, signatures
bespeaking persons. Now they all melt into
categories, till conglomeration
begins to make categories
a fiction, although still
a soothing one.
Security shackles us in shame and helplessness; the
insecure are bony; they
shuffle past, lean
anywhere, drained clean of
expecting, or of anything
beyond the courage to go on
dully surviving.
Beware of any notion of
safety from having clustered under
some forced, or chosen,
minority. All of them are
self-centred, all a
security that blinds and deafens
exposing flank, and heart
to poisons from within as well.
Where can anyone find
sanctuary, now that
lethal puffs drift
out of a fair sky,
drift down?
Gunshot crackles in the
streets after our sheltering
walls have crumpled.
And still the illustrious ones, the
conference diplomats, the key
negotiators — a unique
minority — are
emperors on parade,
unaware of being not even
clad let alone cloaked.
Some count on the majority
out there, bland in its
openness, our security in
the social swim. But like so many sure
foundations, latterly, this one
seems unsettlingly wobbly.
The animus keeps fading into
passivity. Many that were
supports, happily tolerating
anything — almost — now
lean, to imbalance, straggling off.
Stop them! Disrupt these
vanilla visions, spongy with
yearnings, for prophesied
pre-dawn light, this very day.
Nightfall is near.
Break in! Break up
all our so solid structures for the
glory of
nothing to hold onto
but untried air currents,
the crack and ricochet
of impact. Risk
survival! into
some indestructible
transmuted loss. There will begin,
perhaps, a slow
secret, gradual, germinating
in the darkness.
* Back when the new technology
was electricity,
the first department stores were
festooned with maypole-radiating wires.
The dancers’ ends came down to
clerks parcelling purchases.
The money offered and the invoices
were stuffed in metal baubles and sent off
jigging up the wires
to the store’s one
change-maker, stamper of receipts,
set apart up on a
mezzanine level, caged
but always in plain view.