

ad agencies, 49–52, 170

Adams, Steve, 117, 253

advertising. See also direct-response marketing; marketing

     advertorials, 118, 120, 165–166

     car saleswoman ad in Variety, 162–165

     direct-response ad copy, 26, 36–44, 164–165

     images in, 36–37, 40–42, 78

     newspaper inserts, 142–144

     postcards, 43–44, 117–119, 121

     word-of-mouth, 88–89, 248–249

advertorials, 118, 120, 165–166

alliance referral programs, 109

Allstate, 123–129

anniversary thank-you letters, 111

audience, 55–65. See also target marketing

authenticity in storytelling, 179–180

authoring books, 139–141, 149–150, 155–156

authority positioning, 94–96, 104, 109, 110, 114. See also credibility; positioning

automobile brands, 3–4


back-end revenue, 114–117

back-end ROI (return on investment), 56

BGI Marketing Systems, 126, 130

brain science and storytelling, 173–178

brand licensing, 9–10, 239–241

brand loyalty, 194–199, 201, 224–225. See also customers, loyalty of

brand protection, 193–194, 212–213, 221–222

brand symbols, 2, 22

brand value, 9–10

brand-building. See also brands

     based on books, 239–240

     co-branding, 228

     components of, 92

     controversy and, 191–192, 194–198, 223–224

     with direct response, 5–6, 19–23, 28–33, 161–167, 213–215, 228–229. See also direct-response marketing

     Disney/Hefner model of, 184–188

     innovation and, 87–88, 89, 210

     maintaining customer interest and, 208–211

     marketing before, 19–23

     movement leaders and, 199–203

     rising tides and, 203–204

     by selling customers first, 28–32

brand-centric marketing, 25–26, 55–56, 59, 65, 69, 71–75. See also direct-response marketing; marketing

brands. See also brand-building

     automobile, 3–4

     building from direct marketing, 5–6. See also direct-response marketing

     co-branding, 228

     as decision makers for consumers, 247–248

     defined, 8–9

     ideas as, 9

     importance to consumers, 4, 10

     influence of internet on, 193, 197

     local, 142–145

     personal. See personal brands

     personality-driven, 186

     power loss in, 207–209

     quality issues and, 208

     recognizability of, 8, 10–11

     safeguarding, 193–194, 212–213, 221–222

     strong, 2–4, 79

     symbols for, 2, 22

     validation of, 77–78

     value of, 9–10

brand-to-market match, 153

Buck, Shaun, 92–94

business systems, 128–129

Business Trifecta, 148–149, 155–157, 160


Canfield, Jack, 231–232

Cavale, Jim, 17, 19–21, 252

centerpoints, 186

characters, using in branding, 186

Chicken Soup for the Soul (Canfield and Hansen), 231–233

Chick-fil-A, 194–196

circumventing search, 247–248

client lists, 114–115

clients. See customers

co-branding, 228

community, building, 36

controversial publicity, 191–192, 194–198, 223–224

conversion, 193

credibility, 84, 96, 149, 150, 156, 157–160. See also positioning; trust

CRM (customer relationship management) software, 79–85

customer experience engines, 80

customer lists, 114–115

customer relationship management (CRM) software, 79–85

customer service, 208


     acquiring new, 108

     building relationships with, 57–61, 65–68, 79–85, 93–94, 109–112, 124, 136–139, 249

     client sites for, 68

     databases, 79, 114–115

     engaging, 65–68, 80

     involving vs. selling to, 65–68

     keeping interest of, 208–211

     loyalty of, 136, 206, 218. See also brand loyalty

     reactivating lost, 112–114

     referral reward programs for, 75–77, 130–135, 248–249

     retaining, 79–85, 109–114, 208–210


databases, customer, 79–85, 114–115

DCS (Dynamic Core Stories), 92–99

Dee, Dave, ix, 91

Dicks, J.W., 160, 253

direct mail, 40–44

direct marketing, 5–6. See also direct-response marketing

direct marketing funnels, 193

direct media, 158–160. See also media

direct response, 5. See also direct-response marketing

direct-response marketing

     advertisement copy for, 26, 36–44, 164–165

     advertorials in, 165–166

     brand building with, 19–23, 28–33, 161–167, 228–229

     building bigger brand faster with, 166–167

     criticisms of, 45–47

     influence of internet on, 192–193

     large business brands and, 127

     letter campaigns in, 28–32

     for personal brands, 228–229

     response solicitations in, 164–165

Disney, Walt, 183–188

Disney/Hefner brand-building model, 184–188

Disneyland/Disney World, 184, 189

Dynamic Core Stories (DCS), 92–99


engagement, 65–68, 80

engagement conversion, 82–84

expert, positioning as, 95–96, 105, 110, 116–117, 139–141, 149–150, 155–156, 159. See also credibility; positioning


fascination, 211

Fogle, Jared, 170–171, 178–181

free reports, 37–39

front-end ROI (return on investment), 56


generating leads, 72–78

Gough, Bill, 123–130, 145, 253


Hansen, Mark Victor

     about, 231–232, 244, 253–254

     interview, 231–244

headlines, 36

Hefner, Hugh, 183–190, 196–197, 203

Hefner/Disney brand-building model, 184–188

Hogshead, Sally, 211

holiday cards, 111

holiday postcards, 110

house lists, 114–115


ideas as brands, 9

images in advertising, 36–37, 40–42, 78

implementation teams, 57

Infusionsoft, 79–85

innovation, 87–88, 89, 210

internet, influence of, 192–193, 197

Iron Tribe

     about, 15, 19–21

     client user interfaces, 67–68, 80

     newsletter, 57–59

     TribeVibe Letter from the Editor, 60–61

     TV show, 62–63


journals, trade, 161


Keith, Toby, 217–218

Kennedy, Dan, 251–252


Lady Gaga, 227

lead generation, 72–78

letter campaigns, 28–32, 109, 110

Life Extension, 198–199

limited availability strategy, 209

local brands, 142–145

local business, 189–190

logos, 2, 22

loyalty, 136, 194–199, 201, 206, 218, 224–225


management teams, 128–129

marketing. See also advertising

     about, 23

     alliance referral programs as, 109

     before brand building, 19–23

     brand-centric, 25–26, 55–56, 59, 65, 69, 71–75

     Business Trifecta and, 156–157

     to client base, 109–112

     creating urgency in, 38–40

     customer involvement and, 65–68, 80

     for customer retention, 109–114

     direct-response. See direct-response marketing

     maintaining authority and control in, 51–52

     matching style to audience type, 55–65

     need for, 148–149

     niche, 153

     purposes of, 154

     referral rewards programs as, 75–77, 130–135, 248–249

     selling customers to build brand, 28–32

     setup in, 154–156

     successful use of, 153

     target, 63, 153

     word-of-mouth, 88–89, 248–249

mass media, 157–160. See also media


     Business Trifecta and, 155–156

     creating your own, 65

     credibility in, 157–160

     direct media, 158–160

     Disney’s use of, 187

     high-profile, 156

     mass media, 157–160

     melding mass and direct media, 157–160

     need for, 147–149

     Playboy’s use of, 187

     PR and, 151–153, 156

     successful use of, 187, 149–151

message-to-market match, 153

Mexpert, 95

monetizing client lists, 114–115

movement leaders, 199–203


Nanton, Nick, 160, 253

negative publicity, 191–192. See also controversial publicity

neuroscience and storytelling, 173–178

new customer acquisition, 108

newsletters, 57–61, 92–94, 110, 136–139

newspaper ads, 118, 120

newspaper inserts, 142–144

niche marketing, 153. See also marketing

No B.S. brand, 6–8


Obama, Barack, 197

omnipresence, 64, 224–225

online press releases, 151–152, 156

origin stories, 173


paranoia, 205–207

personal brands, 217–229

     advertising, 163–166

     controversy and, 223–224

     defined, 10

     direct-response marketing for, 228–229

     ownership and control in, 220–223

     power of platforms in, 219–220

     prolific output and, 224–225

     protecting, 221–222

     reviving fatigued, 227–228

     success story of, 217–218

     synergy in, 218–219

     time investment in, 225–227

personality-driven brands, 186

philosophy of your business, 185–186

Piancone, Sandro, 94–96

pictures in advertising, 36–37, 40–42, 78

place strategy, 163

places as centerpoints, 186

platforms in personal brands, 219–220

Playboy, 184, 187, 189, 196–197

polarization in personal brands, 223–224

positioning. See also credibility

     as authority, 94–96, 104, 109, 110, 114

     as expert, 95–96, 105, 110, 116–117, 139–141, 149–150, 155–156, 159

     as leader of movements, 199–203

postcards, 43–44, 110, 117–119, 121

post-PR activities, 151

PR (public relations), 148–149, 151–153, 156–157. See also publicity, controversial

pre-PR activities, 151

press releases, 151–152, 156

principles, 11–14

printed newsletters, 57–61, 92–94, 110, 136–139

product as promotion, 186–187

promise/benefit headlines, 164–165

promotional items, 77

prospect attraction, 72–78

prospect segmenting systems, 73

public relations (PR), 148–149, 151–153, 156–157

publicity, controversial, 191–192, 194–198, 223–224


quality issues and brand, 208


reactivating lost clients, 112–114

referral rewards programs, 75–77, 130–135, 248–249

relationship building, 57–61, 65–68, 79–85, 93–94, 109–112, 124, 136–139, 249. See also customers

relevancy in stories, 180–181

response solicitations, 164–165

retention marketing, 79–85, 109–114, 208–210

return on investment (ROI), 30–31, 56

rising tides, 203–204

Romney, Mitt, 197


sales letters, 28–32, 109, 110

sales pitches, 155

sameness of businesses, 18

scarcity, 38–40

search, circumventing, 247–248

secondary reason for response, 164–165

setup, 154–156

showing up alone, 247

simplicity in stories, 179

slogans, 2, 22

social proof, 36

Starbucks, 194–196

Stewart, Martha, 9–10, 15, 188–189

StorySelling, 169–171, 178–181

storytelling, 169–181

     attraction of stories, 173–175

     history of, 171–172

     importance of, 172

     neuroscience behind reaction to, 173–178

     origin stories, 173

     PR and, 152

     relevancy in stories, 180–181

     setup in, 154–156

     simplicity in stories, 179

     Subway success story, 169–171, 180–181

     visibility in stories, 180

strategies, 11–14

Subway success story, 169–171, 180–181

synergy in personal brands, 218–219


tactics, 14–15

taglines, 70–73

target marketing, 63, 153. See also marketing

targeted informational tools, 158

television shows, 62–63

testimonial portals, 73

testimonials, 158

thank-you letters, 111

third-party verification, 158

TribeVibe newsletter, 57–59

TribeVibeTV, 62–63

Trump, Donald, 196

trust, 136, 150, 155. See also credibility

truth-telling, 11–12

TV shows, 62–63


ubiquity, 64, 224–225

Unique Selling Propositions (USP), 92–99

upsell sales letters, 110

urgency, creating, 38–40


Variety, 161–163

visibility in stories, 180

visual presence, 92


Walden, Forrest, 17, 19–20, 26–27, 252

Watson, Al, 96–98

word-or-mouth marketing, 88–89, 248–249

world, creating for your brand, 184


Youbiquity, 64, 224–225