Aeneid (Virgil), 13–14
Against All Flags (film), 215
Alexander the Great, 5
Alfhild (or Awilda) (princess), 30–36
Alien (film), 226
All About Eve (film), 216
American Women’s Suffrage Association (AWSA), 195
Andrews, Charles M., on buccaneers, 89
Annals of Ulster, The, 20
Anthony, Susan B., 195
Appian, on Queen Teuta, 17
Artemisia II (queen of Halicarnassus), 7
Augustine, Saint, 5
Australian penal colonies, 152–53
See also Parramatta Female Factory
Avery, Henry (or Long Ben, John Avery), 105
Badger, Charlotte, 151–57
Ballou, Maturin, 190
Banu Rashid Muslim tribe, 60
Barbary corsairs, 53–59
Barnet, John, 126
Battle of Gravelines, 72–74
Battle of Kinsale, 84
Battle of Salamis, 10–12
Battle of Thermopylae, 8
Battle of Wexford, 158
Bentley, Richard, on Jeanne de Clisson, 46
Bentley, Walter, 51
Bernstein, Iver, on US draft riots, 185
beys, 55–57
Bigelow, Kathryn, 227
Billy the Kid, 184
Bingham, Richard, 82–84
Black Death, 49
Black Fleet, 50–51
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 191
Blue Jasmine (film), 216
Bly, Nellie, 192
Bold in Her Breeches (Stanley):
Boleyn, Anne, 70
Bonnie and Clyde (film), 217
Bonny, James, 123
Book of Pirates (Pyle), on Eric and Maria Cobham, 133
Borgar, 34–35
Boublil and Schönberg, 213
Bound Feet & Western Dress (Chang), on women in China, 207
Bourke, Richard, 82–84
Boxer Rebellion, 198
Bridge Café. See Hole in the Wall pub
Brief Narrative of My Captivity and Treatment Amongst the Ladrones, A (Glasspoole), on Cheng I Sao, 174
Brittany, 40
Buccaneers of America, The (Exquemelin), on buccaneers, 89–93
Buccaneer’s Realm, The: Pirate Life on the Spanish Main, 1674–1688, (Little), on Laurens de Graaf, 93
Buried Treasures of the Atlantic Coast (Jameson), on Mary Ann Townsend and Blackbeard, 139
Burn, Flora, 145–46
Canadian Encyclopedia, on Maria Cobham, 130
Captain Blood (film), 212
Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl (film), 218
Cedrenus, on Viking women, 28
Chambers, Anne, 85
Chamorro, Germán Vázquez, 96
Chang Pao, 176–81
Chang Yu-I, 207
Charis, Juan de, 76
Charlemagne, 37
Charles II (English king), 102
Charles the Bald (Frankish king), 23
Charlevoix, on buccaneers, 94
Charlton Street Gang, 187–88
Chase, Samuel, 155
Cheng Chui Ping (Sister Ping), 205–11
Cheng I, 175–76
Cheng I Sao (Ching Shih or Zheng Yisao), 61, 93, 168–69, 174–81
Chiang Kai-shek, 203
Ching hai-fen-chi (Yuan), 174
Christians, captured by Barbary corsairs, 54
Chronicles (Froissart), on Jeanne de Montfort, 41
Churchill, Winston, on the Royal Navy, 102
City of God (St. Augustine), on piracy, 5
Clayburgh, Jill, 218
Clisson, Olivier de, 47
Cobham, Eric, 130–34
Cock’s Castle, 79
Colonial Williamsburg, and Martha Farley’s story, 139
Cordingly, David, 117
Coruncanius, Gaius and Lucius, 16–17
Cutthroat Island (film), 219–22
Cynisca, 7
Damsholt, Nanna, on Viking women, 21
d’Arc, Jeanne, 41
d’Artois, Robert, 44
Declaration of Sentiments, 194–95
Defoe, Daniel, 112
Demetrius (royal governor under Queen Teuta), 17
Deng Xiaoping, 209
Dido (queen), 13–14
Dillon, Thomas, 124
Douglass, Frederick, 194
Drake, Francis, 73
Early Medieval Europe (journal), on Viking warriors, 21
Ebrey, Patria, on harems, 63
Elissa of Tyre, 13–14
Eskilsdotter, Elise, 22
Exquemelin, Alexander O., 88–93
Fanny Campbell, Female Pirate Captain: A Tale of the Revolution (Ballou), 190
Farley, Thomas, 137
Fates, 27
female infanticide, 206
Ferdinand (Spanish king), 59
flogging, 109
Fólkvangr, 27
Forgotten Queens of Islam, The (Mernissi), on Sayyida al-Hurra, 62
Frey (Swedish king), 28
Freyja, 27
Froissart, Jean, 41
From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies (Haskell), on women’s roles in the 1950s, 216
Frozen (film), 227
Galland, Antoine, 63
Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld (Asbury), on Sadie Farrell, 183–86, 190
Gangs of New York (film), 190
Gathenhielm, Ingela, 22
General History of the Pyrates, A (Johnson), 138
Gesta Danorum (Saxo Grammaticus):
Gilbert and Sullivan, 213
Glasspoole, Richard, 174
“Golden Grace,” 204
Graaf, Anne “Dieu-le-veut” de, 91–97
Graaf, Laurens de, 93–95
Granuaile (Chambers), on Grace O’Malley, 85
Granuaile Heritage Center, 85
Gray, James. See Snell, Hannah
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 206
Groa, 35
Gurid, 35
Hagerty, Catherine, 151–57
Halicarnassus, women’s rights in, 8
Ham, John, 126
Hård, Johanna, 22
harems, 63–65
Harlin, Renny, 221
Haskell, Molly, 216
Hawkins, John, 73–74
Hennebont, siege of, 43
Henry III (French king), 67
Henson, Bill, 165–66
hetaera (courtesans), 6
Hetha, 26–27
Historical Dictionary of Morocco, The, on sultan’s marriage, 63
Histories (Herodotus):
History of Piracy, The (Gosse):
History of the Northern Peoples (Magnus), on Princess Alfhild, 30, 32
History of the Pirates (Lloyd), on Charlotte de Berry, 106–7, 110–11
History of the Pirates Who Infested the China Sea from 1807 to 1810 (Neumann), on Cheng I Sao, 174
Hollywood, gender inequality in, 227–28
Horwendil (or Orvendil), 25
Hours, The (film), 226
Howard, John, 152
Howe, Julia Ward, 195
Huang P’ei Mei, 203–4
Hume, David, on Jeanne de Montfort, 46
Hurt Locker, The (film), 227
I Sailed with Chinese Pirates (Lilius), on Lai Choi San, 199, 201–2
ibn Muhammad, Abu al-Abbas-Amhad (sultan of Morocoo), 60–62
ikbal (lower courtesans), 65
Illyrian pirates, 9
Impress Service (impressment), 103
Inception (film), 216
indentured servitude, 136–37
Isabella of France, 37
Isabella (Spanish queen), 59
Isles of Shoals, 147–48
Jamaica, as base for pirates and buccaneers, 91–92, 116, 126–27
James I (English king), 89
Jameson, W. C., 139
Jefferson, Thomas, 57
Jesch, Judith, on Viking women, 21–22
John II (Duke of Brittany), 40
Johnson, Bob, 162–63
Johnson, Charles, 90, 112–17, 122, 124–25, 130, 138–39, 140, 142
Johnson, Samuel, on life at sea, 114
Jones, Mary Harris “Mother,” 192
Jordan, Edward, 157–61
Jung Chang, on Empress Dowager Cixi, 198
kadin (harem wives), 65
Kelly, Benjamin, 155
Khouri, Callie, 222
Ki Ming, 204
Kidd, William, 105
Kidman, Nicole, 226
Killigrew, Elizabeth, 74
Killigrew, John, IV, 74–75
King’s Pirate, The (film), 215
Koll (or Koller, Kolles) (Norwegian king), 25
Konstam, Angus, 56
on the Golden Age, 86–87
Kootenay Review, and Gunpowder Gertie, 162
Kuo P’o-tai, 179
Ladgerda (or Lagertha), 28–30
See also Thorgerd
Lancashire, 155
L’Anse Aux Meadows (Newfoundland), 20
Latimer, Jon, on Anne “Dieu-le-veut” de Graaf, 92–93
Lawes, Nicholas, 128
Le Long, Pierre, 93
Life of Agis (Plutarch), on Spartan women, 7
Lincoln, Abraham, 192
Lindisfarne monestary, 22–23
Lipsitz, Raina, on Thelma & Louise, 222
Little, Benerson, 93
Lives of the Most Celebrated Pirates, on Maria Cobham, 130, 133
Lockwood, Belva, 191
London, 109–10
Lykos (Artemisia’s ship), 11–12
Mandri, Abu al-Hasan al-, 60
Manny, Walter, 44
Maoris, 156
Matsell, George W., on Sadie Farrell, 189
Maynard, Robert, 143–44
Mays, Dorothy, on women indentures, 137
McTaggart, Carolyn, 162–63
mead halls, 20
Medici, Catherine de, 67
Mediterranean, as birthplace of piracy, 1–4
Mernissi, Fatima, 62
Mháille, Gráinne Ní. See O’Malley, Grace
Middle Ages, life in, 49
Mildred Pierce (film), 216
Mitchell, Maria, 192
Moen, Marianne, on Viking women, 28
Monster (film), 226
Montfort, Jeanne de (or Joanna of Flanders), 40–45
Mott, Lucretia, 194–95
Mujeres Piratas (Chamorro), on Jacquotte Delahaye, 96
Murray, Dian:
Murrough (Grace O’Malley’s son), 82
National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA), 195
National Women’s Party (NWP), 195
National Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA), 195
Neumann, Charles F., 174
New Providence (Bahamas), as base for pirates and buccaneers, 120–21
New York Draft Riots, 185
New York Times, on Cheng Chui Ping, 210
New Zealand, 155–56
Norns, 27
Nurbanu (Cecilia), wife of Selim II, 67
Odin, 27
O’Flaherty, Donal, 79
O’Flaherty, Owen, 82
Olaf (king), 25
O’Malley, Dudara and Margaret, 77
Omund (Danish king), 26
one-child policy, in China, 207–8
Ormond, Mary, 142
Orozo, Philip de, 76
Parramatta Female Factory, 153–54, 156
See also Australian penal colonies
Peirce, Leslie:
P’en Ch’ih Ch’iko, 204
people smuggling, 208–10
Peters, Jean, 213
Philip II (Spanish king), 72–73
Photios, on Queen Artemisia, 13
Piracy: The Complete History (Konstam), on corsairs, 56
Piraeus, as twin city, 15
pirate hunters, 123
Pirate Queen: In Search of Grace O’Malley and Other Legendary Women of the Sea (Sjoholm), on Grace O’Malley, 70
Pirate Queen, The (Broadway musical), 213
Pirates of Penzance (opera), 213
The Curse of the Black Pearl (film), 222–23
Dead Man’s Chest (film), 222–24
On Stranger Tides (film), 222
Pirates Own Book, The (Ellms):
Plutarch, 7
Prevost (Governor), 161
Princess Bride, The (film), 212
privateers, privateering, 39, 50, 55–56, 62, 71–74, 99, 103, 119, 124, 141, 144–46, 193
protection moneys, 23
Protestant Reformation, 71
Providence, Anne, 213–17
Pu Yi (emperor), 199
Pygmalion, 13
Pyle, Howard, 133
Ragnar, 28–29
Ragnarök, 27
Raiders and Rebels: A History of the Golden Age of Piracy (Sherry):
rape, among the buccaneers, 92
Read, Mark. See Read, Mary
Reconquista, 60
Red Guards, Mao’s, 206
Rediker, Marcus:
Reis, Murat, 54
renegados (European corsairs), 57
Ridley, Daisy, 226
Roberts, Bartholomew (Black Bart), 128–29
Roxelana (Hürrem Sultan), 64–65
Ruadh, Ingean (the Red Maiden), 26
Rurik (Viking king), 24
Rusla (or Rusila), 25–26
Salic law, 37
Sao Feng, 224
Seafaring Women (Cordingly):
Sela, 25
Selim II (sultan), 67
She Captains (Druett):
ships, 73–74
Simeon of Durham, on Lindisfarne monastery, 23
Sister Ping. See Cheng Chui Ping
Sjoholm, Barbara, 70
Skytte, Christina Anna, 22
slavery, 54
Snell, Hannah, 105–6
Snyder, Amanda, on Jamaica, 116
Society of United Irishmen, 158
Sommerville, Johann, on England’s funds, 71
Spanish Armada, 72–73
Spanish Main, The (film), 213
Sparrow, Jack, 222–26
Sparta, women’s rights in, 6–7
Spotswood, Alexander, 143
Stairs, John, 159–61
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 194–95
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (film), 226
State of the Prisons, The (Howard), on England’s prisons, 152
Steele, F. O., 175
Stevens, Spitfire, 215
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 140
Stikla, 25
Stone, Lucy, 195
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 192
Stubbs, Gertrude Imogene (Gunpowder Gertie), 162–66
sultanate of women, 67–68
Sunset Boulevard (film), 216
Sutter’s Mill, 188
Swann, Elizabeth, 222–26
Talbot, Mary Ann, 105–6
Tammany Hall political machine, 183–84
Tay Son rebellion, 175
Teach, Edward. See Blackbeard
Terry and the Pirates (television series), 202
Tesondus (or Thrond), 25–26
Thelma & Louise (film), 221–22
Thermistocles, 10–11
Theron, Charlize, 226
Therry, Roger, on Parramatta women prisoners, 153–55
This Day in History (radio program), 162
Thor, 27
Thorgerd, 30
See also Ladgerda (or Lagertha)
Thousand and One Nights, A, on harems, 63
300 (film and graphic novel), 8
Tibbott-ne-long (Grace O’Malley’s son), 82–84
Tonga, 156
Topkaki Palace, 64
transcontinental railroad, 188
Treasure Island (Stevenson), 166, 187
on walking the plank, 140
Tremaine family, 158–61
Tripoli, at war with America, 57
Truth, Sojourner, 192
Tudor, Mary, 70–71
Tweed, William M. “Boss,” 184–85
Twilight (films), 216
twin cities, 15–16
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 192
Under the Black Flag (Cordingly), on pirate life, 117
Unmarried Woman, An (film), 218
US Navy, and corsairs, 57
Valhalla, 27
valide sultan (sultan’s mother), 64–65
Valkyries, 27–28
Vallar, Cindy, on Rachel Wall, 148
Vasseur, Jean La, 98
Vidal, John, 137
Wall, George, 146–49
“War of the Three Jeannes.” See War of Breton Succession
Weaver, Sigourney, 226
Webiorg, 26–27
Wilson, Woodrow, 195
Wisna, 26–27
Wolverston, Philip, 75
Women and English Piracy, 1540–1720: Partners and Victims of Crime (Appleby):
Women of Medieval France (Butler):
Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger (Klausmann, Meinzerin, Kuhn):
Women Pirates (Steele), on Cheng I Sao, 175
women’s suffrage, 194–95
World Conference on Women (1995), 210