Appendix 1

Bonn Embassy Political-Economic Staff Comparison: 1996 to 1997


Personnel list for the British Embassy in Bonn, Germany in September 1996.



Personnel list for the British Embassy in Bonn, Germany in September 1997.

Table: Bonn Embassy Political and Economic Departments Comparison Between 1996 and 1997


The above table relating to political and economic department personnel in the Bonn embassy should be compared to an earlier similar table for the Paris embassy.2101

The Bonn table shows there were 12 staff in the two departments in September 1996 and a year later this had been marginally reduced to 11. In Paris there were 11 in both years – so the overall department numbers are similar between the embassies.

The Paris table showed that of the 11 in 1997, 6 had been newly employed in the preceding 12 months. In Bonn, that figure is 4 out of 11 – so only 36% in Bonn compared to 55%2102 in Paris.

Just focusing on senior staff – first secretary upwards – 6 out of 10, or 60%, were new staff in Paris, whereas in Bonn the figures are 3 out of 9, or just 33%.

In Paris the 4 top positions in the political and economic departments had been filled by new personnel. That is not the case in Bonn – of the top 4 positions, only one is filled by a new employee in September 1997.

The staff who left in Paris in 1996 were all replaced by more senior personnel. In Bonn only one person was directly replaced and that was S.J. Hinds, ranked 12th in the embassy – she was replaced by S.J. Axworthy, who was also ranked 12th.