This chapter should be viewed in the context of the Conclusion sections of the chapters throughout the book.
Primarily carried out in the SAMU ambulance – see Part 2.
The Queen was chairman at the WAG meetings.
Diana could have – in the future – moved on to campaigns to ban other weapons.
President of France from 1995 to 2007.
And the possibility of pregnancy – addressed in Part 7 – which could have produced a Muslim step-sibling to the future King of England.
Conservative Prime Minister, John Major.
There is evidence of royal involvement in the arms industry. The following was published in the Guardian in November 2010: “[Prince] Andrew accepted an invitation to tour the SFO’s [Serious Fraud Office] headquarters in Elm Street, London on 9 December 2008. According to the palace, he … discussed the state of the BAE case, which was still probing secret alleged payments to clinch arms deals in several … countries…. US ambassador Tatiana Gfoeller reported back to Washington on her shocking encounter with the British royal [Prince Andrew] in Kyrgyzstan: ‘… He railed at British anticorruption investigators, who had had the “idiocy” of almost scuttling the al-Yamama deal with Saudi Arabia.’…
“Anti-corruption campaigners called on Andrew to resign as a special UK trade representative. Kaye Stearman of the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, said: ‘It is wrong … that Prince Andrew is seen to be supporting arms sales and accepting corruption. This report shows that the relationship seems to go even deeper, with Prince Andrew speaking out against a government agency attempting to investigate corruption and arms deals.’
“Andrew Feinstein, an anti-corruption campaigner and former South African MP who resigned in protest over BAE bribery allegations, said: ‘I am amazed but not entirely surprised by the prince’s comments. The royal family has actively supported Britain’s arms sales, even when corruption and malfeasance has been suspected. For instance, the royal family was involved in trying to persuade South Africa to buy BAE’s Hawk jets, despite the air force not wanting the planes that cost two and a half times the price of their preferred aircraft. As an ANC [African National Congress] MP at the time, I was told that £116m in bribes had been paid to key decision-makers and the ANC itself. The royal family‘s attitude is part of the reason that BAE will never face justice in the UK for its corrupt practices.’” Rob Evans and David Leigh, Wikileaks Cables: Prince Andrew Demanded Special BAE Briefing, The Guardian, 30 November 2010.
Sherard Cowper-Coles – Head of MI6 France at the time of the Paris crash (see Chapter 1) – has worked at BAE Systems since leaving the FCO in 2010.
Because of Diana’s background of 15 years, 1981 to 1996, in the royal family – and her position as mother of the future King – I believe that world leaders would have felt the need to pass on their concerns primarily to the Queen, as head of the royal family. Since Blair met with her on a weekly basis, I suggest it is natural that concerns would have been passed on through him.
The logistics of prior knowledge of the couple’s movements has already been addressed in Part 1.
There is a common thread that runs through the evidence of the few key players, with links to the perpetrators, who were cross-examined – they carried out excessive distancing. Rosa Monckton over her ignorance of SIS being MI6 and her ignorance of publicity over Philip’s letters; Michael Jay over his ignorance of the missing log sheets; all but two of the embassy staff claimed ignorance of Diana’s presence in Paris before the crash; Fellowes and Hunt-Davis’ claims that the WAG was primarily about scheduling and didn’t discuss major issues.
Based on the Diplomatic List being ordered by seniority, as discussed earlier.
Yes/No. This is the MI6 list on the internet – it is not complete so it is likely that a person could be an MI6 officer but not be included on the list.
Reads as “A. Charton” on the List, but it should be “A. Charlton”.
Collecott and Charlton have switched rank numbers because by 1997 Charlton had been awarded a CMG, so became more senior.
Not a new employee. In 1996 Axworthy was in the Political Department – see below on the table.
See Embassy Tables section.
6 out of 11.
In the 1995 List the positions do not include the word political – i.e. “First Secretary Political” in 1996 reads “First Secretary” in 1995.
Based on the Diplomatic List being ordered by seniority, as discussed earlier in Chapter 1B.
Yes/No. This is the MI6 list on the internet – it is not complete so it is likely that a person could be an MI6 officer but not be included on the list.
In 1995 shows as “Counsellor Financial and European Community”.
First Secretary Economic/Financial in 1995.
Shows as “First Secretary International Finance” in 1995.
Private Secretary to Ambassador in 1995.
See Embassy Tables section.
6 out of 11.
The month following the crash.
See earlier.