abortion, 107, 247, 331

Adolphus Hotel, 19, 147, 148


African Americans, 19–20, 31, 95, 330. See also racism and racial tensions

agrarianism, 151

Agricultural Commission, 60

Alger, Bruce, 65, 147, 229

All My Friends Are Going to be Strangers (McMurtry), 246

All the King’s Men (Warren), 123

Allyson, June, 135

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 243

American Medical Association, 41

Americans for Democratic Action, 99, 125

The Angst Notebook (Brammer), 290–291, 294, 347

anticommunism, 52, 61, 63, 70, 168, 205, 235–236, 237

antiwar sentiment, 264, 277, 284–286, 292–293, 295–298, 323

“Apocalypse Now” (Brammer), 290

Armadillo World Headquarters, 329–330, 335–336

Atlantic, 251–252, 338–339

atomic weapons, 25, 30, 142, 173, 237

Austin, Texas: and Brammer’s celebrity, 209–213, 217–218, 325, 345; and Brammer’s death, 349–350; Brammer’s family life in, 47, 107–108, 110–111, 250; counterculture, 259–260, 298; drug culture, 4, 226, 306–308, 343–344; and founding of Austin Sun, 345; founding of city, 47–48; and founding of Texas Monthly, 327–329; and Joplin’s background, 220; and LBJ’s last days, 322–323, 332; McMurtry’s Atlantic article on, 338–339; music scene, 20, 59–60, 119, 211–212, 220–221, 227, 258–260, 261–267, 329–331, 345; race mixing in, 119, 264–265, 270, 298; and Scholz’s Biergarten, 48–50; as setting of The Gay Place, 54, 92, 337; and Texas political liberalism, 286–287, 292, 298, 331; UT Tower shooting, 270

Austin American-Statesman: and the Austin music scene, 261, 263; on Brammer’s death, 348; Brammer’s employment with, 47, 127–128; and Brammer’s first job in Austin, 66–67; on Brammer’s success, 148; journalism awards, 60; Nadine’s work for, 64; review of Mooney’s LBJ biography, 94

Austin Police Department, 264

Austin Saengerrunde, 49

Austin’s Barbecue, 232

Austin Sun, 330, 345–346

Autry, Gene, 38

Avalon Ballroom, 266

Aviation Cadet Training Program, 42

Babbs, Ken, 254

Baker, Bobby: and civil rights efforts, 112; and LBJ’s heart attack, 84; and LBJ’s last days, 322; and LBJ’s political style, 93; and political scandals, 110, 231, 236, 247; and primary elections, 141; and Rometsch, 175

Baker, Chet, 250

Baker Hotel, 147

Balcones Fault, 47

Baldwin, James, 226

Baltimore Sun, 162

Banks, Jimmy, 50

Barkley, Alben, 116

Barr, Candy, 336

Barrett, Anne, 131, 146

Barrow, Clyde, 10–11, 50, 352

Barthelme, Donald, 263

Barthelme, Frederick, 263

baseball, 17

Bay of Pigs, 170

Beat Generation, 62

The Beatles, 246, 267, 312

Beats, 258

be-bop, 29

Beckman, Bill, 224, 277

Bell, Tony, 264

Bellow, Saul, 91

Benton, Robert: and Austin social scene, 59; and birth of Brammer’s daughters, 57, 61; and Brammer’s connection with Houghton Mifflin, 146; and Brammer’s Europe travels, 205–206; on Brammer’s marriage, 51, 54; and Brammer’s screenplay project, 333; on Brammer’s self-destruction, 211, 216; on Brammer’s writing, 51; in New York, 135, 205; writing credentials, 50

Bentsen, Lloyd, 317

Benzedrine, 39, 41, 59, 128–129

Berger, Marshall, 97, 105–106

Bergman, Ingrid, 36

Berle, Milton, 29

Berlin Wall crisis, 170

Berry, Chuck, 280

Bethesda Naval Hospital, 77

Betty Alden Inn, 108

Big Brother and the Holding Company, 266, 278, 279

“Billy Lee Myth,” 4–6, 248

Binion, Benny “the Cowboy,” 11

Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys, 20

Boissard, Fernand, 258

Bolinas, California, 276–277

Bolinas Hit, 277

“Boll-Weevil” Democrats, 32

Bombardment Group, 24–25

Bond, Julian, 323

Bonnie and Clyde (film), 50

Bonnie and Clyde (Newman and Reinert), 333

Book Week, 248

Boone, Fletcher, 212–213, 271

Booth, John Wilkes, 95, 163–164, 345

bootlegging, 11, 137

bottle trees, 9

Bowling Green State University, 314, 315–317

Brackenridge Hospital, 59

Bradlee, Ben, 167

Brammer, Billy Lee: arrests and probation, 319, 322–323, 333, 336, 341, 342; and the Billy Lee Myth, 4–6, 248; birth, 10–11; births of children, 57, 61, 110; cultural influence of, 5, 212, 259–260, 307; death and memorial, 348–350; divorces, 131–132, 133, 136–137, 149, 161, 298; education, 14, 28–29, 40–41; introduction to first wife, 35–40; and JFK’s assassination, 239–241, 244, 342; last words on LBJ, 323–324; marriages, 40, 42, 245–246 (see also Browne, Dorothy; Eckhardt, Nadine); North Dallas Forty based on, 310–311; and Oak Cliff folklore, 11–12; and the Oswald shooting, 3–5; relationship with children, 292–293

Brammer, Dorothy. See Browne, Dorothy

Brammer, Herbert Leslie, Jr., (“Jim”) 11, 12–17, 21, 25, 30, 42, 228, 341, 344

Brammer, Jim, 24–26, 203

Brammer, Kate, 11, 21, 25, 42

Brammer, Nadine. See Eckhardt, Nadine

Brammer, Rosa, 341

Brammer, Shelby: birth, 61; and Brammer’s affairs, 337; and Brammer’s death, 349–350; and Brammer’s debauchery, 213; and Brammer’s decline, 341; and Brammer’s drug dealing, 344; and Brammer’s last days, 344, 347; and Brammer’s status in sixties counterculture, 5; and Brammer’s time in New York, 334; childhood, 62, 95, 102, 109; and Dorothy Browne, 225, 245; education, 326; and King’s assassination, 297–298; and LBJ’s last days, 322; at LBJ’s parties, 102–103; and Mad Dogs, Inc., 336; and memoir plans, 341–342; move to Washington, D.C., 87, 95; and Nadine’s marriage to Eckhardt, 204; and parents’ relationship, 107–109, 116, 136; relationship with Brammer, 120, 292–293; and tech savvy of Brammer, 63

Brammer, Sidney: and Austin sportswriters, 289; birth, 57–58; and Brammer’s celebrity, 224; Brammer’s correspondence with, 317–318; and Brammer’s death, 348–349; and Brammer’s decline, 305–306, 325, 341; and Brammer’s drug dealing, 344; and Brammer’s interest in youth culture, 216–217, 295; and Brammer’s last days, 347–348; and Brammer’s musical tastes, 18, 29, 250, 261, 267; and Brammer’s parenting style, 275; and Brammer’s personality, 268; and Brammer’s time at SMU, 310; childhood, 62, 95, 102, 109; and Dorothy Browne, 225, 245; and drug use, 343–344; education, 267–268; and King’s assassination, 298, 299; at LBJ’s parties, 102–103; on Mad Dogs, Inc., 336; and memoir plans, 341; move to Washington, D.C., 87, 95; and Nadine’s marriage to Eckhardt, 203–204, 292; on Oswald shooting, 3; and parents’ relationship, 126, 136, 164; on physical appearance of parents, 36; relationship with Brammer, 318–319; on substance abuse among politicians, 138; work for Shrake, 336; work for Yarborough, 317

Brammer, Willie: birth, 110; and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s musical tastes, 292; and Dorothy Browne, 245; and King’s assassination, 297; and magic, 326; and Nadine’s marriage to Eckhardt, 204; and parents’ relationship, 136; on Streit, 327

Brautigan, Richard, 276

bribery scandals, 11, 99, 152, 229, 231

Brinkley, Doc, 19

Brooks, Harvey, 261

Broonzy, Big Bill, 29

Brown, Bob, 287

Brown, George, 102, 118

Brown, Herman, 15, 20

Brown, Joe, 264

Browne, Dorothy: and Arthur Vance, 298, 306–307, 314–315, 324; and Austin counterculture, 259–260, 275, 288; and Bolinas, California, 276–277; and Brammer’s celebrity, 228; and Brammer’s children, 261, 292; and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s decline, 216–217, 347; and Brammer’s drug use, 252, 324, 326; Brammer’s introduction to, 224–225; and Brammer’s last days, 347; and Brammer’s musical tastes, 267; on Brammer’s time in Dallas, 309, 311; on Brammer teaching, 308; and Denver, Colorado, 279; and LBJ’s departure, 296; marital problems, 270–271, 273, 291, 298; marriage to Brammer, 245–246; Mexico trip, 253–254; moves to Austin, 258, 288; on Oswald shooting, 4; on reactions to The Gay Place, 248; and Texas political liberalism, 337; in Washington, D.C., 246–247, 249–250

Brown v. Board of Education, 61, 70, 72, 99

Broyles, William, 158, 327–328, 329, 349

Buchan, Celia. See Morris, Celia

Buck, Louis, 325

Bundy, McGeorge, 166, 171, 173

Burroughs, William, 226

Busby, Horace, 176

Bush, Barbara, 117, 282

Bush, George H. W., 282

Byrd, Robert, 90

Calderon, Abraham Maldonado, 70

Caldwell, Gail, 323, 331–332

Califano, Joseph, 80–81

Campbell, Judith, 235

Campus Chat (North Texas student paper), 28–30

The Candidate (film), 159

Canned Heat, 280

Cannon, Nadine. See Eckhardt, Nadine

Cannon, Noah, 38, 56

The Caperberry Bush (Guinn), 123–124

Captain High (Beckman), 224

Carnegie Library, 21–22

Caro, Robert, 68, 83, 91

Carousel Club, 230, 233, 234, 239, 242–243

Carswell Air Force Base, 42

Cartwright, Gary: and Ann Richards, 331; arrest, 289; and the Billy Lee Myth, 5; and Brammer’s death, 349; on Brammer’s decline, 216, 225, 226; and Dallas politics, 228–230; and drug use, 213, 230, 289; and JFK’s assassination, 239, 242–244; and Mad Dogs, Inc., 335; Philadelphia Inquirer job, 246; and Ruby, 233–235, 238–240, 243; and sports writing, 243–244, 269; on Watts riots, 269–270

“case letters,” 88–89

Cassady, Neal, 254

Castro, Fidel, 235

Caswell House, 275. See also Daniel H. Caswell House

Catch-22 (Heller), 163

The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), 42

Catholicism, 141, 144

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 205, 206, 235

Central Texas, 77

Chase, Hal, 276

Cheever, John, 135

Chicago Sun, 223

A Choice, Not an Echo (Schlafly), 248

Christiansen, Andrea, 154

Christiansen, Neil, 169

Churchill, Winston, 323

Citrus Fiesta, 39

civil rights: and Austin activism, 222; and Barbara Jordan, 246; and Brammer’s decline, 216, 218; and Brammer’s Time responsibilities, 202; in The Gay Place, 145, 169; and LBJ’s political priorities, 99–101, 110, 112–115, 126, 139, 255, 264; and police abuses, 70; and Texas liberalism, 296

Civil Rights Act, 255, 264, 296

Clark, Bob, 258

Clay, John, 212

Clinton, Bill, 246

Coastal Plains, 47

Coffee in the Gourd (Dobie), 22

Cold War, 117, 142, 173, 202–203, 205, 237

Coleman, Claudette (later Lowe), 228, 253

Coleman, Ornette, 29

Collected Stories (Porter), 272

comics, 223, 264, 277

Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (De Quincey), 257–258

Conforto, Janet Adams (“Jada”), 233–234, 239–240, 244

Congressional Record, 89

Connally, John, 99, 241

Connally, Nell, 241

The Conqueroo, 263, 264, 266, 271, 275, 287, 307

Coolidge, Rita, 335

Cooper, Anthony, 52

Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 42–43, 87

Corpus Christie, Texas, 43–44

Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, 15, 80

“Cosmic Cowboys,” 20

Coughlin, Charles, 19

“Country Pleasures” (Brammer), 122, 145, 155, 157

country singers, 33–34

cowboy music, 19–20

cowboys, 16–17

“Cracker Eden,” 24

Creager, Rentfro B., 31

Creeley, Robert, 276

Cronkite, Walter, 333

Crosby, Stills, Nash, 316

Crosley radio, 13–14

Crume, Paul, 71–73

Cullen, Hugh Roy, 61

Cullum, Paul, 226

Cunliffe, Marcus, 322

Curry, Jesse, 1, 2–3, 234, 243

Curtis, Greg, 327–328

Daily Texan, 61, 64, 72, 162, 163

Dallas, Texas, 309–310

Dallas Black Giants, 17

Dallas City Directory, 13

Dallas Committee for Peaceful Integration, 229

Dallas Cowboys, 229–230, 269, 308–309

Dallas Morning News, 50, 66, 162, 228–229, 238–239, 313

Dallas Municipal Building, 5

Dallas Police Department, 2

Dallas Times Herald, 13, 210, 229

Dallek, Robert, 177

Daniel, Price, 109, 144

Daniel H. Caswell House, 259. See also Caswell House

Danko, Rick, 261

Davis, Steven L., 3, 75, 147

Day-Glo, 278

Dead Horse Mountains, 74

Dealey, Ted, 228

Dean, James, 73, 75

Dearly Beloved Beer and Garden Party, 49, 121, 145, 163. See also Scholz’s Biergarten

Death in Venice (Mann), 325

Deep Eddy Pool, 61–62

Deep Ellum blues, 221

“The Deep Ellum Blues,” 20

DeGaulle, Charles, 323

de Kooning, Willem, 105

Democratic Caucus, 116

Democratic National Committee, 73, 100

Democratic National Convention, 6, 101–103, 141–142, 168, 299, 317

Democratic Party, 63, 65, 113, 117, 127, 236, 281, 331

Denton, Texas, 28–29, 36–37, 40–41

Denton Record-Chronicle, 29–30, 40–41

De Quincey, Thomas, 257–258

de Santillana, Dorothy: and Brammer’s Fustian Days, 219; and Brammer’s job with Time, 162; and declining sales of The Gay Place, 166–167; on New York, 134; and publication of The Gay Place, 5, 130–131, 145–146; and reception of The Gay Place, 149

desegregation, 32, 61, 63, 125, 156, 202

Desmond, Paul, 129

Detroit News, 3

de Vegh, Diana: acting jobs, 334; and Brammer’s decline, 334–335; and Brammer’s Europe travels, 207; and Brammer’s parole, 333, 341; Brammer’s relationship with, 166, 203, 219; and Kennedy, 166, 170–174, 175, 214; and Shrake, 269; soap opera role, 334

Dexamyl, 41, 116, 117, 128–129, 253

Dexedrine, 230

Dial Press, 219

Diamond M Ranch, 100

Dickens, Charles, 158

Dickinson, Emily, 316

Didion, Joan, 278

Di Prima, Diane, 258

Dixiecrats, 104

Dobbs House Restaurant, 232

Dobie, J. Frank, 22–23, 26, 158–159, 250

Doblier, Maurice, 162

Dodd, Tom, 140

The Doors, 281

Dos Passos, John, 23–24

Driskill Hotel, 65, 346–347

drug cartels, 343–344

Drummond, Paul, 226, 263

Duchess of Palms (Eckhardt), 36, 122

Dugger, Ronnie: and Brammer joining LBJ’s team, 85–86; Brammer’s correspondence with, 91–92; and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s decline, 216–217; on Brammer’s influence, 5; Brammer’s letters to, 125, 128, 130, 162, 258; on Brammer’s relationship with LBJ, 98; and civil rights politics, 113; and the Daily Texan, 64, 72; and elections of 1956, 99–100; and JFK’s assassination, 237–238, 240–242; and King’s assassination, 297; and LBJ’s heart attack, 78–79; on LBJ’s political campaigning, 31; and LBJ’s recruitment of Brammer, 81–83; Nadine’s correspondence with, 115; opposition to LBJ, 73–74, 76, 89, 93–94, 117, 125, 284–286; and publication of The Gay Place, 148, 163, 165, 288; retirement from Texas Observer, 145; and the San Antonio World’s Fair, 273; and Scholz’s Biergarten, 50; on style of southern politics, 35; and the Texas Observer, 65–69, 72–73; and Texas political liberalism, 337

Dust Bowl Okies, 19–20

Dylan, Bob, 6, 222, 226, 261–262, 295

Earle, Ronnie, 341

East Germany, 170, 175

East Texas Democrat, 65

Eckhardt, Bob: and antiwar sentiment, 296; elected to Congress, 119, 250–251, 281–283; and family tensions, 268, 326–327; first wife, 51; on The Gay Place, 157; and Kennedy’s Texas trip, 237; and King’s assassination, 297; loss of House seat, 298; marital problems, 291–292, 315; Nadine’s marriage to, 203–205; and political cartoons, 23; and the Texas Observer, 65–66

Eckhardt, “Little” Orissa, 204, 293, 337

Eckhardt, Nadine: attraction to power, 293–294; and Austin party scene, 213; and Benton, 146; births of children, 57, 61–62, 110; and Bob Eckhardt’s children, 268–269; and Bob Eckhardt’s election to Congress, 281–283; and Brammer’s decline and death, 325–327, 341–342, 347, 349; and Brammer’s relationship with his children, 250–251, 261, 267, 292–293, 305, 318, 326; and Brammer’s relationship with LBJ, 140–143; and Brammer’s writing of The Gay Place, 121–122, 124–126, 130–131, 157; and the Democratic National Convention, 299; and disputes over The Gay Place, 164, 167, 225, 272; divorces, 131–133, 136–137, 149, 161; and Dorothy Browne, 245; and drug use, 41–42; first years with Brammer, 35–40, 40–44; and JFK’s assassination, 240; joint memoir plans, 341, 351; and Kennedy’s Texas trip, 237; and King’s assassination, 297–298; and LBJ’s funeral, 332; at LBJ’s parties, 102; on LBJ’s personality, 95–98; and LBJ’s reaction to The Gay Place, 201; on LBJ’s team, 79, 81, 86–87; and Marfa film shoot, 74; marriage problems, 57–59, 62–64, 67, 71–72, 86, 105–113, 116–121, 127, 131, 133–137, 214, 291–292, 315, 327, 337–338; marriage to Eckhardt, 203–204; in McAllen, 60; moves to Austin, 47, 115–116; on Oswald shooting, 4; political work, 118–119; pregnancies, 54–56, 106–107, 250; and publication of The Gay Place, 149; and Scholz’s Biergarten, 50–51; Senate job, 88, 90; Shrake on, 210; and Washington, D.C., 87, 91, 95

Eckhardt, Orissa, 119, 204

Eckhardt, Rosalind, 119, 204, 337

Eckhardt, Sarah, 250

Eclectic Medical University, 19

Edwards Plateau, 47

Eighth World Festival of Youth and Students, 205–206

Eisenhower, Dwight, 50, 59, 84, 99–100, 113, 142, 177

Eisenhower Democrats, 50

Eisenhower era, 159

Eisenstadt, Michael, 345

electric music, 261–262

electrification, 12–17

elevated railway, 12

11th Door (club), 264

Ellery Queen, 25

Ellsberg, Daniel, 341–342

environmental protection legislation, 282

Erard, Michael, 346

Erickson, Roky, 263, 287, 329

Erwin, Frank, 286

Esquire, 135, 162, 205, 226

Estes, Billie Sol, 109–110, 231, 236, 248

Evans, Worth, 75

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers (Shelton), 223, 277

Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 242

Falstaff Beer, 49

The Family Dog, 278–281

Farber, Jerry, 311

Faulk, John Henry, 52

Faulkner, William, 158

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 229, 234

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 19, 21, 85

Fensch, Thomas, 43

Fentress, Simmons, 201–202, 202–203

Ferber, Edna, 73–74, 159

Fergurson, Ernest B., 162

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 276

Fey, Barry, 278–279

“Fight Team” (Brammer), 52–53, 71, 146

Fitzgerald, Scott, 22–23, 42, 71, 91, 94, 120–121, 154, 216

Flaubert, Gustave, 128

“The Flea Circus” (Brammer), 145, 150–153, 157, 163

folklore, 9–11, 11–12

folk music, 20, 48

Folliard, Ed, 143

Foreign Relations Committee, 143

Forty Acres Club, 59

For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 22, 36

Fox, Phil, 70

“A Fragile Subject” (Brammer), 71

Frank, Harriet, Jr., 210

Frankfurter, Felix, 90

Franklin, Jim, 265, 330

Free Cuba Committee, 242

Freedom Ride movement, 202

free speech, 23, 286–287

Fritz, Will, 1–2, 11, 242–243

Frogtown, 20

Ft. Worth Press, 43

The Fugs, 279

Fustian Days (unfinished Brammer work), 206, 207, 218–219, 226, 271, 306

Gann, Harvey, 264, 265, 267

Garcia, Jerry, 225

Garner, John Nance, 144

Gautier, Théophile, 258

The Gay Place (Brammer): and American landscape, 150–151; Austin as setting of, 54, 92, 337; and the Billy Lee Myth, 4; and Brammer’s celebrity, 209–210, 331–332; Brammer’s family life depicted in, 102–103, 108; and Brammer’s finances, 161; and Brammer’s legacy, 210; declining sales, 166–167; first drafts of, 91; influences on Brammer’s writing, 124; lasting impact of, 157–159; LBJ depicted in, 69, 101, 121–122, 125–126, 168–169; LBJ’s reaction to, 176, 201, 321–322; legal battles over, 225; Lehmann on, 159–160; manuscript submissions, 129–130; movie deal prospect, 171; paperback release, 248; and plot of “Room Enough to Caper,” 123, 154; and plot of “The Flea Circus,” 151–152; and politics/friendship intersection, 67; reviews of, 220, 288, 337; Scholz’s Biergarten represented in, 49; Texas politics portrayed in, 69–71, 99, 157

gender roles, 54, 87

Gent, Pete, 269, 307–308, 312, 315, 335–336, 349

Gerding, Burt, 222, 264, 265, 267

the Ghetto, 221–223, 226, 265, 273

Giancana, Sam, 234–235

Giant (film), 73–76

Gibson, Hoot, 155

Gillon, Steven M., 2

Ginsberg, Allen, 5, 105, 135–136

Giuffre, Jimmy, 29

Gleason, Jackie, 210

“Glooey” (Brammer), 175–176

Goldwater, Barry, 255

Gollob, Herman, 306

Gonzalez, Henry, 238, 273

Goodbye, Columbus (Roth), 4

Goodbye to a River (Graves), 158

Goodwin, Richard, 255

Gottfried, Linda, 258

Goyen, William, 199

The Graduate (film), 295

Graham, Ben, 259, 266

Graham, Bill, 278

Graham, Don, 158, 159

Grateful Dead, 263, 310

Graves, John, 158

Gray, John, 279, 280

Great Depression, 12, 128–129

Great Society, 255–256, 282, 293, 296, 322–323, 351–352

“The Green Board” (Brammer), 70–71

Greene, A. C., 48

Greene, Graham, 128, 216

Greiner middle school, 24

Grossman, Albert, 262

Guadalupe Street, Austin, 60

Guggenheim Fellowships, 149

Guinn, Ed, 259–260, 262–263, 271, 330–331

Guinn, Jack, 123

Gunnell, Kathy, 341

Gunnell, Rosa, 11, 30, 232, 341, 350

Hagerty, Jim, 84

Haines, William Hester, 17

“haints” (spirits), 9–10

Halberstam, David, 4, 33, 162, 200–201, 203, 272

Haley, J. Evetts, 248

Hall, Clementine, 267

Hall, Tom T., 263, 335

Hamer, Frank, 11, 34

Hamilton, Allen, 222

“happenings,” 277

Harold Matson Company, 111–112

Harper and Row, 249

Harper’s, 51, 246–247, 249, 250

Harper’s Magazine Press, 306

Harris, Dicky, 38

Harrison, George, 316

Hatcher, Andrew, 164–165

Hatfield, Carol, 347

The Hawks, 261

Hayes, Bobby, 307

Headliners Club, 59, 111

The Heart of the Matter (Greene), 128

The Heavy-Honeyed Air (Brammer), 91, 111–112, 114, 116

Heller, Joseph, 163

Helm, Levon, 261

Helms, Chet, 4, 223, 227, 258, 265–266, 277–278, 280, 316

Hemingway, Ernest, 22, 62, 158

HemisFair ’68, 272–275

Henderson, Bruce, 39

Hendricks, W. F., 70

Henry, O., 20, 48, 52

Hersh, Seymour, 165, 170, 241

Hershey, Marge, 345, 349–350

Hester, Sim, 169

Hickey, Dave, 223

hillbilly music, 20, 31, 33

hippie culture: and Austin music scene, 212, 263–264, 266–267, 270, 330; and Bolinas, 276–277; and cultural changes in Austin, 287–288, 345; depicted in The Gay Place, 159; and San Francisco, 4, 278; and SMU, 312, 318; and UT conservatism, 286

Hobby, Oveta Culp, 123–124

Ho Chi Minh, 6, 33

Hoffa, Jimmy, 235

Hoffman, Abbie, 6

Holt, Henry, 112, 114

Holy Ghost experience, 267

Holy Rollers, 40

Hood County, 15

hootenannies, 48

Hoover, Herbert, 136

Hoover, J. Edgar, 229

Hope, Bob, 25

Hopkins, Lightnin’, 262, 264

Horseman, Pass By (McMurtry), 158

Hosty, James B., 1–2

Houghton Mifflin: annual awards, 146; and Brammer’s Europe travels, 206–207; and Brammer’s financial difficulties, 201; Brammer’s manuscript pitched to, 129–131; fellowships, 4, 148; name on cover of The Gay Place, 5; promotion of The Gay Place, 161, 162; and prospects for movie deal, 167; and prospects for second Brammer novel, 166; revisions to The Gay Place, 133

The House of Breath (Goyen), 199

Houston, Sam, 19

Hud (McMurtry), 217

Hudson, Garth, 261

Hudson, Rock, 73

Hudson’s Cactus Gardens, 222

Hughes, Bob, 119–120, 130–132, 137, 157, 203

Humphrey, Hubert, 73, 101, 113, 126, 201, 323

Hunter, Kermit, 307

The Hustler (film), 210

Hutto, Nelson, 26

“If Ever a Beauty” (Brammer), 130–131, 133

I. L. Club, 264

The Improbable Rise of Redneck Rock (Reid), 345–346

The In and Out Book (Benton), 146

Independent Research Service, 205

Inquirer, 246

interracial student gatherings, 60–61

Ivins, Molly, 298, 327, 345

Jackson, Bruce, 251–252

Jackson, Jack, 277, 279

Jacobson, Max, 171

Jada. See Conforto, Janet Adams

James, Jesse, 70

Janeway, Eliot: Brammer’s employment with, 134–135, 161; and economic forecasting, 133, 135, 216; financial conflict with Brammer, 201, 205, 207; and LBJ’s acceptance of vice presidency, 144–145; political clout of, 99

Janeway, Elizabeth, 124, 135–137, 149

Janeway, Michael, 124–125, 133–134, 141–143

Janeway Publishing and Research Corporation, 133

jazz, 25, 29, 36, 48, 95, 159, 168, 267

Jenkins, Dan, 43

Jenkins, Walter, 73, 79, 141, 247, 322

Jennings, Waylon, 329, 335

Jester, Beauford, 23, 34, 124

Jewish voters, 99

Jim Crow, 29

Jockey Club, 171

Johnny Green’s Ice House, 12

Johnson, Claudia Alta “Lady Bird”: and banishment of Brammer, 201, 247; and Brammer’s final article on LBJ, 324; and constituent meetings, 97, 98; and gender roles in Washington, 87; and King’s assassination, 297; and LBJ’s crass behavior, 230; and LBJ’s heart attack, 78–79, 84; and LBJ’s recruitment of Dugger, 82; and LBJ’s temper, 177; Nadine’s admiration for, 105, 204; and Nadine’s marriage to Eckhardt, 283; and political scandals, 231; and social life at the Johnson ranch, 111

Johnson, Luci, 84

Johnson, Lynda, 84, 124–125, 321

Johnson, Lyndon Baines: and the Billy Lee Myth, 4–6; and Brammer’s attempt at military service, 58; and Brammer’s departure, 134; Brammer’s opinion of, 98–99; and Brammer’s politics, 27, 118; Brammer’s work load for, 130–131, 133; campaigning style, 30–34; and “case letters,” 88–89; and civil rights, 99–101, 110, 112–115, 126, 139, 246, 255, 264; conflict with Dugger and the Texas Observer, 31, 64, 66, 72–74, 76, 89, 93–94, 117, 125, 284–286; conflict with Shivers, 27, 34, 50, 99–100, 118; conflict with Yarborough, 50, 104–105, 109, 122–123, 236–238; death, 332; and the Democratic National Convention (1956), 104; depicted in The Gay Place, 69, 101, 121–122, 125–126, 151–152, 156, 163, 167–169; and Eckhardt, 282–283; and Eisenhower’s heart attack, 84; failing health, 321–324; funeral, 332; “half-a-loaf” politics, 152; heart attack, 76, 77–79, 80; interest in Brammer, 81–83; and JFK’s assassination, 240–241; and Kearns’s assistance with memoirs, 284–285, 293–295, 299–300, 321, 339–340; and King’s assassination, 297; Nadine’s opinion of, 95–98; and New Deal politics, 34–35; political background, 31–33; and political liberalism, 50, 86; political skill, 67–68, 99–103, 111; and presidential campaign, 145–149; Presidential Library, 323; and presidential primary, 137–143, 143–145; purchase of media outlets, 20–21, 85; reaction to The Gay Place, 176, 201, 225, 321–322; recruitment of Brammer, 79–84; return to national politics, 84–87; and Roosevelt, 32–33; and rural electrification, 14–15; scandals and indiscretions, 107–111, 230–231, 244, 248; temperament, 91, 93; and Texas conservatism, 23, 229; “The Johnson Treatment,” 83, 109, 285; unpopularity of, 295–296; and vice president role, 165, 170, 176–177; and the Vietnam War, 52, 284–286, 293

Johnson, Sam Houston: and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s Fustian Days, 218; and Brammer’s work in Washington, 97; and LBJ’s heart attack, 79; and LBJ’s political deal-making, 138; and presidential primaries, 139; relationship with Brammer, 83; and rural Texas upbringing, 14

Johnson City, Texas, 78

Jomo Disaster Lightshow, 266

Joplin, Janis: and Austin music scene, 20, 220–222, 261, 265–266, 330; background, 220; and the Billy Lee Myth, 4; and Brammer’s status in counterculture, 212; Jada compared to, 234, 240; and Lewisville pop festival, 310; and LSD, 226, 258–259, 279; overdose death, 316, 319; in San Francisco music scene, 277–278; and Texas conservatism, 227

Jordan, Barbara, 246, 282, 311, 323

Joyce, James, 158

Junior League, 65

KANG radio station, 85

Kansas City Monarchs, 17

Kantor, Seth, 234

Kazin, Alfred, 135

KAZZ radio station, 261

Kearns, Doris, 284–285, 293–295, 299–300, 321, 339–340

Kefauver, Estes, 103

Kelly’s Skating Rink, 24

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 138, 174, 176, 237–238, 241, 244

Kennedy, Joe, 137, 143

Kennedy, John F.: assassination, 239–241, 244, 245; and the Billy Lee Myth, 5, 6; and Brammer’s satire, 175–176; and Dallas conservatism, 228; and de Vegh, 166, 170–174, 175, 203, 214; and LBJ as vice president, 165, 170, 176–177, 200, 219, 231; and LBJ’s political style, 126; overshadowing of LBJ, 167; and Padre Island protection bill, 118; and party atmosphere in White House, 164–166; and political conflicts in Texas, 84; and presidential campaign of 1960, 143–145, 145–148; and presidential primary, 101–102, 103–105, 137–143, 143–145; and press relations, 164, 170–171, 175; Texas trip, 236–238, 238–239; and Walker firing, 203

Kennedy, Robert F.: assassination, 299; and the Billy Lee Myth, 6; and CIA/organized crime connections, 234–235; presidential bid, 296; and presidential campaign of 1960, 146; and presidential primaries, 139, 144; on “private government,” 231; tensions with LBJ, 236, 247

Kenton, Stan, 25, 29

KERA radio station, 19

Kerouac, Jack, 62, 105, 135–136, 264, 276

Kerrville, Texas, 263

Kesey, Ken: and the Billy Lee Myth, 4; Brammer’s visit with, 225–226; documentary on, 318; guest at SMU, 312–313; and Manzanillo, Mexico, 254, 258; and McMurtry, 217; and psychedelic rock, 263; trip to Texas, 275

Khrushchev, Nikita, 142, 237

Kiker, Doug, 241

King, Larry L.: and Brammer’s arrest, 319; and Brammer’s celebrity, 210; and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s decline, 272, 288–289; and Brammer’s work in Washington, 97; support for Brammer, 288–289, 306; and the Texas Observer, 66; and Washington social scene, 249; and writing of The Gay Place, 122; writing successes, 246

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 6, 202, 297

Kleberg, Dick, 32

KLIF radio station, 19, 238

Knopf, 249

KOKE radio station, 330

Kooper, Al, 261

Korty, John, 276

Kramer vs. Kramer (film), 50

Krayola, Red, 263

Kriken, John, 273, 276

Kristofferson, Kris, 335

KTBC radio station, 21, 85

KTRH radio station, 81

Kuchal, Tom, 201

Ku Klux Klan, 10, 19, 23, 112

labor unions, 27

Ladies’ Home Journal, 149, 244, 247

Laguerre, Andrew, 43

Lamar, Mirabeau B., 47–48

Landry, Tom, 307–308

Langdon, Jim, 261, 263

Lansky, Meyer, 234

Lasswell, Mary, 48

LBJ Presidential Library, 323

Leadbelly (Huddie William Ledbetter), 220, 262

Leary, Timothy, 225, 250, 258

Lee, Harper, 6, 163

Lehmann, Christopher, 159–160

Lemp Brewery, 49

Lennon, John, 6

Levi, Mike, 119

Levy, Mike R., 327–328

Lewis, Grover, 10, 21, 24, 28–29, 223, 334, 351–352

Lewisville, Texas, 40, 310

liberal movement, 23, 104

Life, 27, 174, 214, 244

Light Crust Doughboys, 33

Lincoln, Abraham, 95

Lincoln, Amos “Big Train,” 269–270

linemen, 12–17, 59, 335

Lipscomb, Mance, 262, 264

Liston, Sonny, 269

“Livvie” (Welty), 9

Lockett, Sandy, 279, 307

Lomax, John, 22

Long, Huey, 124

Long News Service, 223

Look, 139

Loomis, Robert D., 112

López Mateos, Adolfo, 139

Los Angeles Times, 223

Lovebucket (musical), 219

Lowe, Claudette, 253–254

Lowe, Hugh, 3, 253–254, 272–273, 344

LSD: and Austin’s psychedelic movement, 306–307, 330; and the Billy Lee Myth, 4, 226; and Bolinas Hit, 277; and Brammer’s cultural influence, 259, 260, 263, 328; and Owsley Stanley, 258, 279; and Shrake, 250; and the 13th Floor Elevators, 287

Luce, Henry, 43, 134, 162, 170

Lucy Gallant (film), 75

“Lyndon Comes Home” (Brammer), 79

Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (Goodwin), 339

The Lyndon Johnson Story (Mooney), 94

MacPherson, Myra, 291

Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 128

Mad Dogs, Inc., 335–336

Mailer, Norman, 41–42, 143, 167–168, 307

The Making of the President, 1960 (White), 163

Manhattan, New York, 105

Mann, Thomas, 325

Manuel, Richard, 261

Manzanillo, Mexico, 253–255, 258, 287

Marcello, Carlos, 233, 235

Marfa, Texas, 73–75, 116

Marshall, Thurgood, 323

Marshall Plan, 30

Marxism, 134

mass shootings, 270

Maverick, Maury, Sr., 62–63

May, Robert L., Jr., 234

Mayer’s Garden, 13

McAllen, Texas, 39

McCarthy, Eugene, 149, 295–296

McCarthy, Joe, 29, 61, 62–63, 69

McCarthyism, 29

McCoy, Horace, 10, 26

McGregor, Malcolm, 215

McKee, Elizabeth, 146, 166–167, 201, 206–207, 219, 225, 306

McKowen, Clark, 311

McMurtry, Jo, 217

McMurtry, Larry: Atlantic article on Austin, 338–339; and Austin music scene, 212; Brammer compared to, 289; on Brammer’s celebrity, 209; and Brammer’s decline, 217–218; Brammer’s friendship with, 207; character based on Sullivan, 246; critiques of Texas culture, 338–339; on The Gay Place, 54; Horseman, Pass By published, 158; and the Merry Pranksters, 275; on North Texas State, 29; at Rice University, 224–225

McNamara, Robert, 171, 173

McPherson, Harry: on dynamics of Texas politics, 84; on LBJ’s attraction to Nadine, 96; on LBJ’s regard for Brammer, 100; on LBJ’s vice president role, 144, 176; on LBJ’s work style, 90–91; on presidential primaries, 140; on press relations, 247; on primary elections, 102; on “resident intellectuals,” 299

Mellon, John Bailey (“Shirttail Johnny”), 17

Memphis School Board, 202

Meredith, Don, 229, 308, 334–335

Merman, Ethel, 135

Merry Pranksters, 225, 275, 318

mescaline, 307, 314

methamphetamine production, 343–344

methedrine, 288, 318, 319, 324

Mexican Americans, 34

Meyerson, Abraham, 128–129

military draft, 24, 40

“Milk Missionaries,” 15

Millbrook, 250

Miller, Henry, 226

Miller, Merle, 206, 207

Miller, Warren, 206

Milner, Jay: and Austin music scene, 220–221; and Austin party scene, 213–214, 215; and Brammer’s abodes, 212; and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s decline, 219–220, 314, 315–317; and Brammer’s love of music, 295; and Brammer’s personality, 251; and Brammer’s time at SMU, 307–309, 311–313, 318–319; and Dorothy Browne, 246; and drug use, 41; on The Gay Place, 209–210

minimum wage bills, 100–101

Mink Coat Mob, 147, 148, 235

Modern Jazz Quartet, 119–120

Montage: Investigations in Language (Sparke and McKowen), 311

Monte Carlo Club, 39

Montgomery, Marvin, 20

Mooney, Booth, 89–90, 94, 97, 102, 124

moonlight towers, 48

Moore Field Air Force Base, 39

Moriaty, David, 220, 258, 277

Morris, Celia, 51–52, 148, 246, 337–338, 349

Morris, Willie: and Austin party scene, 213; and the Billy Lee Myth, 4; and Brammer’s celebrity, 210; and Brammer’s satire, 175–176; Brammer’s son named for, 110; and Brammer’s writing skill, 288–289; at Harper’s, 246, 250; and LBJ’s political skill, 91; marriage, 51; and presidential primaries, 145; and publication of The Gay Place, 124; and the Scholz’s Biergarten group, 72

Morrison, Jim, 281

Morse, Wayne, 93–94, 126

Mother Earth, 266

Motion Picture Association of America, 225

The Moviegoer (Percy), 163

Moyers, Bill, 49, 148, 255

Murchison, Clint, Jr., 229

Murrow, Edward R., 25, 64

Muse, Vance, 27

Museum of Modern Art, 135

music, 36, 108, 220–221

Myerson, Abraham, 128

The Naked and the Dead (Mailer), 41–42

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 200, 202

National Cerebral Palsied Association, 143

National Football League (NFL), 229–230, 243, 309, 312

National Mall protests, 297–298

National Security Council, 166, 170

natural gas bills, 99

Neanderthal Awards, 213

Negro Leagues, 17

Nelson, Willie, 266, 329–331, 335, 346

New Deal, 23, 65, 134

New Frontier, 6, 144, 230, 237

The New Journalism (Wolfe), 306

Newman, David, 333

Newman, Paul, 210, 217

Newport Folk Festival, 261

newsreels, 24, 25

Newsweek, 76

New Yorker, 4

New York Herald Tribune, 162, 241, 268–269, 313

New York Post, 216

New York Review of Books, 299–300

New York Times, 26, 223, 291, 300

New York Times Book Review, 135, 149, 162

New York Times Magazine, 306

Nightbyrd, Jeff, 345–346

Nixon, Richard: and Brammer’s Washington office, 90, 97; and Eisenhower’s election, 104; elected president, 298, 299; and Great Society programs, 322–323; and New Frontier ideals, 6; and political scandals, 236, 334; and Texas political dynamics, 50, 144, 146–148; Time cover, 280

Noble, Herbert “the Cat,” 11

Nog (Wurlitzer), 318

None Dare Call It Treason (Stormer), 248

No Pockets in a Shroud (McCoy), 26

Northcott, Kaye, 5

North Dallas Forty (Gent), 310

Northern Democrats, 148

North Texas State Laboratory Jazz Band, 36

North Texas State Teachers College (later University), 28–30, 35–36, 39, 217

Novak, Bob, 249

Novalis, 257

nuclear weapons, 25, 30, 142, 173, 237

Oak Cliff: annexation, 11–12; architecture of, 12, 26; and Brammer’s burial place, 350; and Brammer’s childhood, 5, 18, 24; Brammer’s return to, 231–232, 344–345; decline of, 351–352; development of, 26; folklore of, 9–11; Oswald’s home, 30; Ruby’s apartment, 232

Oak Cliff Broom Factory, 17

Oak Cliff Cemetery, 10

Oat Willie, 265

O’Daniel, W. Lee “Pappy,” 23, 32–33

Officer Candidate School, 42

Oklahoma Publishing Company, 3

Olmstead, Frederick Law, 48

“On Being Asked for a War Poem” (Yeats), 207

The Once and Future King (White), 271

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey), 263

On the Road (Kerouac), 276

Orpheum Circuit, 37

Oslo Pier, 43

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 1–6, 30, 232, 235–236, 240, 242–243

Owens, Tary, 212, 220, 226, 259–260, 266, 287

Pacific Theater Quonset, 25

Padre Island, 118, 237

Paige, Janis, 135

Paige, Satchel, 135

Palace Theater, 39

Paleface Ranch, 119, 161

Pappas, Ike, 243

Parker, Bonnie, 10–11, 50

Parr, George, 34

Pask, Kevin, 20

Pearl Harbor, 24

Pedernales Coop, 14–15

Pedernales River, 77–78, 82

Peery, Allison, 273

Pell, Claiborne, 200

Penn Warren, Robert, 123, 135, 146

Percy, Walker, 163

Perelman, S. J., 36, 69

Perskin, Spencer, 287

Pettit, Tom, 5

pharmaceutical industry, 128–129

The Physician’s Desk Reference, 252, 253

Pig Stand, 24

The Pink Pussycat, 271

Places in the Heart (film), 50

Playboy, 163, 339

Port Arthur, Texas, 220, 258

Porter, Katherine Anne, 52, 199–201, 207

Porterfield, Billy, 228, 335

Porterfield, Steve, 266

“Portrait of Henry Hastings” (Cooper), 52

Powell, Adam Clayton, 142

The Power and the Glory (Greene), 128

The Power Lovers (MacPherson), 291

Powers, Francis Gary, 142

“Pow Wow on the Pedernales” (Brammer), 85

Prine, John, 335

prisoner-of-war camps, 25

Pritchard, Charlie, 262

“A Program with a Heart” (LBJ campaign), 86

Prohibition, 48

Proxmire, William, 201

psychedelic movement, 20, 263, 266, 277, 279, 286–287, 306–307

Publisher’s Weekly, 161

Pulitzer Prize, 272

Queen Theatre, 38

Quorum Club, 175

race records, 220

racism and racial tensions: and Austin music scene, 119–120, 263–264; and Brammer’s Time responsibilities, 202–203; and civil rights bills, 113; and conservatism of UT, 60–61; and Democratic primary of 1956, 104; depicted in The Gay Place, 153; and desegregation, 32, 61, 63, 125, 156, 202; Europe contrasted with the US, 207; and Freedom Ride movement, 202; and interracial student gatherings, 60–61; and Jim Crow, 29; and McAllen, 56; and the NFL, 309; and Oak Cliff, 12, 19; and Port Arthur, 220; and segregation, 12, 21–22, 61; and southern politics, 35; and Texas sports, 228–229; and Watts riots, 269–270

radio: and Austin music scene, 261, 330; border radio station, 19, 20–21, 108, 220, 254, 292; and Brammer’s childhood, 13–14, 18–20, 24–25; and Brammer’s musical tastes, 29, 77, 95, 108, 221–222, 261–262, 292; and JFK’s death, 299; and Joplin’s background, 220–222; and political coverage, 23; and Texas politics, 20–21, 23, 27, 30, 33–35, 52, 59, 81, 85, 99, 109–110, 117, 238; underground radio Washington, 292; and World War II, 24–25

The Rag, 264, 265, 286–288, 330

Rainey, Homer, 23, 70

Ramsey, Ben, 73, 100

Randolph, Frankie, 65, 100

Random House, 112, 244

Raskin, Barbara, 97

Raskin, Marcus, 97, 166, 170

Rather, Dan, 81, 274

Ravetch, Irving, 210

Raw Deal restaurant, 212–213, 345, 350

Rayburn, Sam, 85, 99–100, 103–104, 124, 139, 219

Redford, Robert, 159

Redman, Dewey, 29

Reedy, George: and Brammer’s exclusion from LBJ’s circle, 247; on Brammer’s political acumen, 89; on LBJ’s attraction to Nadine, 96; and LBJ’s heart attack, 78–79; and LBJ’s political style, 90, 101, 117; and the “Pow Wow on the Pedernales,” 85; and primary elections, 101–102

Reid, Jan: on Austin music scene, 221, 262, 330, 345–346; and Brammer’s celebrity, 210; on Brammer’s cultural influence, 307; on characters in The Gay Place, 157; on LBJ’s campaigning, 100; on LBJ’s funeral, 332; on McMurtry’s Atlantic article, 338; and Texas Monthly, 328; on the Willie Nelson Fourth of July Picnic, 335

Reinert, Al: and Brammer’s arrest, 340–341; and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s decline, 318, 345–347; and Brammer’s Europe travels, 206; on Brammer’s literary influences, 22; on The Gay Place, 151, 158; on LBJ’s distrust of intellectuals, 300; and LBJ’s last days, 322; on LBJ’s political campaigning, 30; and LBJ’s recruitment of Brammer, 79–81, 83; novels, 333–334; and Texas Monthly, 328, 333; on Texas politics, 34

Reinhart, Dick, 20

Republican Junior League, 147

Republican National Convention, 136

Republican Party, 31, 104, 112–113, 247, 317

Republic of Texas, 19, 48

“Resurrection City,” 297–298

Reuther, Walter, 142–143

Reynosa, Texas, 39

Rice University, 224, 327

Richards, Ann: and Brammer’s death, 349; and the Dallas political climate, 229, 235; elected county commissioner, 345; and JFK’s assassination, 239; and Mad Dogs, Inc., 336; and publication of The Gay Place, 148; and Scholz’s Biergarten, 49–50; start of political career, 331

Richards, Dave: and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s decline, 325; and Cartwright’s arrest, 289; and conservatism of UT, 23; and the Dallas political climate, 229, 235–236; and JFK’s assassination, 239; and Mad Dogs, Inc., 335; and Oswald, 243; and publication of The Gay Place, 148; and The Rag, 286–287; and Scholz’s Biergarten, 49, 62; and Texas liberalism, 51

right-to-work laws, 27

Ripley, Anthony, 3

Rip-Off Press, 277

Rip-Off Review of Western Culture, 277

Ritt, Martin, 210

Rivers, Travis, 266

Roberts, Juanita, 89, 141

Robertson, Robbie, 261

Robinson, Edward G., 135

Robotypers, 88, 91–92, 97, 99, 102, 117, 128

Roe v. Wade, 331, 332

Rolling Stone, 311, 316, 334–335

Rometsch, Ellen, 175, 231

“Room Enough to Caper” (Brammer), 123, 133, 145, 153–154, 157

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 65, 96, 203

Roosevelt, Franklin, 14, 19, 23–24, 27, 32–33, 124, 127, 134

Roth, Philip, 4

Rowe, Jim, 293

Royal, Darrell, 289

Rubber Soul (The Beatles), 267

Ruby, Jack: and the Billy Lee Myth, 5; and Brammer’s time in Dallas, 230, 232–235, 238–240; and the Carousel Club, 59, 147, 230, 233–234, 242–243; confrontation with Shrake, 238–239; death, 244; and JFK’s assassination, 239–241; and Oswald shooting, 2, 3, 242–244

rural electrification, 12–17, 20, 30, 177

Rural Electrification Act, 30

Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 14–15

Rusk, Dean, 173

Russell, Jan Jarboe, 81

Russell, Leon, 311

Sahl, Mort, 135

Sahm, Doug, 59, 271

Salinger, J. D., 42, 226

Salinger, Pierre, 164–165, 230

Sandburg, Carl, 300

Sanders, Barefoot, 70

San Francisco, 4, 266, 277–278

San Francisco Oracle, 266

San Jacinto Monument, 69

Sargent, Dwight, 313

Saturday Evening Post, 112, 278

Scanlon, Gary, 266

Schlafly, Phyllis, 248

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 205, 236

Scholz, August, 48–49

Scholz’s Biergarten: and Ann Richards, 331, 336; and Austin party scene, 215; and Brammer’s arrest, 289; and Brammer’s social life, 49–51, 59, 64, 66, 71–72, 214, 246; depicted in The Gay Place, 92, 121, 124, 148, 163, 209; and drug sources, 325; and Mad Dogs, Inc., 336; and McMurtry, 207, 217; and Nadine’s promiscuity, 132; origins of, 48–49; and political liberalism, 62–63; the Rag on, 287; and Texas politics, 119, 298; and UT Tower shooting, 270

school desegregation, 61, 70, 72, 99, 203

Secret Service, 170–172, 176, 238, 332

segregation, 12, 21–22, 61

Senate Rules Committee, 231

Sevareid, Eric, 111

Sex Pistols, 262

sexual harassment, 96

Shank, Barry, 60, 211–212

Shattuck, Roger, 162, 163

Shelton, Gilbert, 222–223, 261, 264–265, 277

Shelton Brothers, 20

Sherrill, Bob, 31, 327

Ship of Fools (Porter), 199–200

“shit-house liberals,” 63

Shiva’s Headband, 263, 287

Shivercrats, 34, 68, 84, 125

Shivers, Allan: and Brammer’s politics, 27; conflict with LBJ, 27, 34, 50, 99–100, 118; and Democratic primary of 1956, 104; depicted in The Gay Place, 156; and Jester’s death, 34; movie appearance, 75; and political conservatism, 50; and racial politics in Texas, 63; reelection, 64–65; and school desegregation, 61; and the Texas Observer, 66, 68–70

Shrake, Bud: and Austin music scene, 330; and Austin party scene, 213, 289, 331; and Brammer’s arrest, 319; and Brammer’s celebrity, 210; and Brammer’s death, 349; and Brammer’s decline, 324; and Brammer’s joint memoir plans, 342; and Brammer’s writing prospects, 270, 272, 306; and the Carousel Club, 233–235; confrontation with Ruby, 238–239; and Dallas party scene, 228–230, 307; and de Vegh, 269; and JFK’s assassination, 239, 241; and LSD, 250; and Mad Dogs, Inc., 335, 336; and origin of Sports Illustrated, 43; and Oswald shooting, 242–243; at Sports Illustrated, 246; on women, 271

Sidey, Hugh, 164–166, 175, 241, 299

Silberman, James H., 219, 244, 255, 268–269

Simmons, Bob, 226, 278–281

Sinatra, Frank, 36

Six Flags over Texas, 26

Skillern’s Drugstore, 24

Skyline Club, 59

“Slouching Towards Bethlehem” (Didion), 278

Smathers, George, 140

Smith, Block, 60–61

Smith, Kline and French, 129

Smithum, Jim, 211

Smithwick, Sam, 100

Snyder, Gary, 311

Social Security, 86

Somebody’s Darling (McMurtry), 338

Sons of the Republic, 61

Southern Baptists, 99

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 202

Southern conservatives, 68

Southern Manifesto, 98–99

Southern Methodist University, 307, 310–315, 318

Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 347

Southwest Writers Collection, 218

Sparke, William, 311

Special Services radio, 25

Spectorsky, A. C., 4

Sports Illustrated, 43, 246, 250, 269, 289

Stallard, Marjorie, 14, 16

Standard, James, 3

Stanley, Augustus Owsley, III, 258, 279

Stanton, Frank, 176

Stark Naked (performer), 275

State Observer, 65

State of the Union Addresses, 77

Steer Stadium, 17

Steffan, Truman Guy, 52–54

Stegner, Wallace, 217

Steinem, Gloria, 6, 205, 206

Stendhal, 347

Stevens, George, 74–75

Stevens, Manley, 348

Stevenson, Adlai: Brammer’s critique of, 127; and Brammer’s political reporting, 59; and the Dallas political climate, 235–236; and Democratic primary of 1956, 104; depicted in The Gay Place, 69; and Kennedy’s indiscretions, 173; and the “Pow Wow on the Pedernales,” 85; and presidential primaries, 142; and Randolph’s backing, 65; and Texas political liberalism, 50

Stevenson, Coke, 23, 33–34

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 13

Stewart, Samuel D., 133, 146

St. John, Powell, 221, 262, 263, 266–267

Stone, I. F., 69

Stone, Robert, 254, 257

Stopher, Wali, 223, 259, 262–264

Stormer, John, 248

Street, James, 111–112, 116, 123, 129, 146

Streit, Susan, 326, 327, 330. See also Walker, Susan Streit

St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, 261, 267–268

The Student as Nigger (Snyder and Farber), 311

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 202

Students for a Democratic Society, 286

Styron, William, 135, 207

Sullivan, John, 246

Summer of Love, 264

Sunset High School, 24–26

Sunset Stampede, 25–26

Swados, Harvey, 207

Sweatt, Heman, 61, 64–65

Symington, Stu, 140

talkies, 37

Taylor, Elizabeth, 73, 75

Taylor, Lonn, 273–274

Teague, Wells, 346

Tender is the Night (Fitzgerald), 22, 71, 111, 120–121, 123, 224

Terrell, Roy, 43, 246, 250

Terry, Marshall, 315

A Texan Looks at Lyndon (Haley), 248

Texans, Let’s Talk Texans (WFAA radio program), 13–14

Texas Correspondents, 103

Texas Democratic Party, 23, 31, 100, 236, 255

Texas Folklore Society, 22–23

Texas Longhorns football team, 60

“The Texas Mind” (Brammer), 71–72

Texas Monthly, 5, 148, 158, 323, 327–331, 333, 335, 351

Texas Observer: and Austin social scene, 210; Brammer’s editorials, 83, 85; and Brammer’s loyalty to LBJ, 98; on Brammer’s role in counterculture, 5; Brammer’s satire in, 175–176, 290; and conflict between Dugger and LBJ, 31, 64, 66, 72–74, 76, 89, 93–94, 117, 125–126, 284; and Eckhardt, 119; and Gay Place reviews, 162, 288; and Giant production, 71–74; and Hickey, 223; influence in Texas politics, 65–67, 67–71, 100, 110; and Ivins, 298; and JFK’s assassination, 241–242; and LBJ’s heart attack, 78–79; and LBJ’s interest in Brammer, 80–81; Morris’s move to editor, 145; and Randolph’s backing, 65; Sidney Brammer interview in, 292; and Texas liberalism, 317

Texas Parade, 346

Texas Power and Light Company, 12–17, 35, 75

Texas Ranger, 223, 264

Texas Senate, 73

Texas Star Theatre, 29

Texas State Fair, 19

Texas State Teachers College, 32

Texas State University, 218

Texas Theatre, 24, 232, 242

They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (McCoy), 26

13th Floor Elevators, 263, 265, 266, 267, 287, 329

Thomas, Dylan, 201

Thompson, Bob, 229

Thompson, Nadine Ellen, 37–38

Thompson, Rose, 37–38, 319

Thornberry, Homer, 58

Thornton, Willie Mae, 220

Threadgill, Kenneth, 48, 220–222, 263–264, 316, 329

Threadgill’s, 20, 48, 59, 220–222, 263–264

Tinkle, Lon, 162

“To Hell with the Facts” (Brammer), 69

To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 163

Tokyo Rose, 25

Town Lake, 119

Trafficante, Santo, 234, 235

Trillin, Calvin, 201

Trilling, Lionel, 135

The Troubadour, 316

Truman, Harry, 33, 116, 143–144, 203, 247

Turner, Jimmy, 243

Twain, Mark, 301

Twin Sisters Mountains, 78

U-2 spy plane incident, 142

Underground City Hall, 265

United Auto Workers, 142–143

United Nations, 235–236

University of Mississippi, 203

University of Texas: Board of Regents, 72, 286; Brammer’s application to teach, 289; and Brammer’s education, 28, 52; and Dobie, 22; fraternities, 227; Law School, 61; and LBJ’s political campaigning, 30; and Oat Willie character, 265; and the Scholz’s Biergarten crowd, 50–51; UT Tower shootings, 270

USA, 23

US Air Force, 39

US Capitol, 87

US Congress, 14, 32, 79, 113

US Department of Justice, 156

US Foreign Service, 122

US House of Representatives, 85, 281

US Justice Department, 69

US Senate: and Brammer’s Time pieces, 200; and civil rights bills, 112–113; and LBJ’s political career, 33–34; and LBJ’s political skill, 67–68, 73, 93–94, 167; and LBJ’s role as vice president, 177; and Southern Manifesto, 98–99; and Yarborough, 104–105, 109

USS Sea Star, 24–25

US Supreme Court, 61, 287

Valenti, Jack, 225

Vance, Arthur, 298, 306, 314–315, 324

Vance, Lila, 324

The Vantage Point (Johnson), 321–322

Varsity Theatre, 59

Vaughan, Stevie Ray, 352

Vicious, Sid, 262

Vidal, Gore, 4, 23–24, 162

Vietnam War, 33, 176, 284, 293–296, 300, 332

Villatorro, Madeleine, 259–260

Viva Terlingua (Walker), 330

Von Hoffman, Nicholas, 311

voting rights legislation, 100–101, 113, 264

Vulcan Gas Company, 20, 279, 286–287, 329

Wade, Henry M., 2, 242

Walker, Edwin, 203, 229, 238

Walker, Jerry Jeff, 262, 264, 330, 331, 345

Walker, Stanley, 337

Walker, Susan Streit, 226. See also Streit, Susan

Walker, Tom, 223

Wallace, Henry (Wali Stopher), 223, 259, 262–263

Wallace, Malcolm, 231

Waller Creek Boys, 221, 222

Warner Bros., 74

Warren, Earl, 323

Warren Commission, 1–2, 3, 239

Washington Post, 143, 291

Watergate, 334

Watson, Doc, 264

Watts riots, 269–270

Weddington, Sarah, 331

Wells, Leslie, 37

Welty, Eudora, 9

West, Nathanael, 22

West, Richard, 327

West Germany, 33

WFAA radio station, 13–14, 19–20

White, Houston, 266, 279

White, Terence Hanbury, 217, 271

White, Theodore H., 163

“White Collar Pill Party” (Jackson), 251–252

Whitman, Charles, 270

Whitman, Walt, 320

“Why Americans Can’t Write Political Fiction” (Lehmann), 159–160

Wiggins, Lanny, 221

Wiggins, Ramsey, 222

Wiley, Mary Margaret, 82, 110

Wilkins, Roy, 323

Williams, Hank, 59, 77

Willie Nelson Fourth of July Picnic, 335

Wills, Bob, 108

Wilson, Charlie, 228, 259, 326

Wilson, Eddie, 49, 329–330, 335–336, 345

Wilson, Glen, 91, 95, 122, 162, 246

Wilson, Marie, 95, 162, 246

Wilson, Woodrow, 294–295

WOAI radio station, 108

Wolfe, Tom, 124, 306

Wonder Warthog (Shelton), 223

Woodfin, Max, 311–312

Woodward, Warren, 322

Woolf, Virginia, 22

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 273

World War II, 24–27, 33

Wright, Lawrence, 148

Wright, Zephyr, 79, 82, 111, 113

WRR radio station, 18–19

Wukasch, Anita Howard, 60, 94, 124, 347

Wurlitzer, Rudy, 318

Wyman, Jane, 75

Wynne, Angus, 26, 262, 310, 350

X, Malcolm, 6

Xerox machines, 122

XER radio station, 19

Yarborough, Ralph: conflict with LBJ, 50, 104–105, 109, 122–123, 236–238; and JFK’s assassination, 241; and Kennedy’s Texas trip, 236–238; and Kriken, 273; and Padre Island protective legislation, 118; and political scandals, 231; and “Room Enough to Caper,” 123; Senate races, 104–105, 122–123; Sidney Brammer’s job with, 317; smear campaign against, 70; support of Texas liberals, 50, 63

YMCA, 60–61