Fireworks were first developed by the Chinese. They used small, bright explosives to celebrate special times and to symbolically drive away evil spirits. Today, fireworks are used around the world for special holidays and at happy events, such as Independence Day. This paper firework fountain looks like those you may see in your neighborhood.
1. Transfer the cone pattern on here to white card stock. Transfer the “flash” pattern from here to tissue paper. Using tracing paper and a pencil may be helpful in copying the pattern.
2. Decorate one side of the cone pattern with crayons or markers as you wish. Cut out the patterns.
3. Cut the pipe cleaners into 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch lengths. Make at least three of each length.
4. Make nine to twelve “flashes” from the tissue paper. Tape or glue the tissue “flashes” to one end of the silver pipe cleaners. Use your fingers to gently spread out the flashes.
5. Tape or glue some “flashes” so that they stick out from the small half-circle on the flat side of the pattern. Tape nine or ten silver pipe cleaners to the inside of the cone so that they also stick out from the small half-circle.
6. Use tape to fasten the sides of the pattern together to form a cone.
7. Tape the bottom of the cone to a construction-paper base. Decorate the base as you wish.