The percentages included on the patterns tell you how much to enlarge or shrink the image using a copier or printer. Most copiers and printers have an adjustable size/percentage feature to change the size of an image when you print it.

For this electronic book (EPUB), you may need to capture an image of the screen that you can then send to your printer. Consult your device manufacturer's instructions or search online for how to print an image from an EPUB file. Some devices are able to connect directly to a wireless printer. If yours cannot, you may need to use an e-mail account and a secondary computer.

After you print the patterns to their true sizes, cut them out or use tracing paper to copy them. Ask an adult to help you trace and cut the shapes.

Liberty Crown

“Bombs Bursting in Air”

American Flag Pennant

An American Spectacle

Paper Firework Fountain

Patriotic Place Mats

Stars and Stripes Paper Chain

America’s Uncle Sam