2. Manoeuvring

1 ‘It is thus probably …’: Halder, Halder War Diary, 3/7/1941

2 ‘This will also reduce …’: Trevor-Roper, Hitler’s War Directives, 33a

3 ‘We very soon had to accustom …’: von Luck, Panzer Commander, p. 67

4 ‘help and support of any kind …’: cited in Bellamy, Absolute War, p. 237

5 ‘I did not come from America alone.’: cited in Sherwood, White House Papers of Harry L. Hopkins, Vol. I, p. 321

6 ‘Tell him that Britain has …’: cited in Roll, The Hopkins Touch, p. 122

7 ‘He is excited as a schoolboy …’: Colville, Fringes of Power, Vol. II, 1/8/1941

8 ‘no aggrandisement, territorial or other …’: cited in WSC, Vol. III, pp. 385–6

9 ‘fit and cheerful …’: Hinchliffe, Lent Papers, p. 108

10 ‘Last night my eighth kill …’: ibid

11 ‘cleared for procurement …’: NARA RG 92/1890, Box 551

12 ‘In deciding upon …’: NARA RG92/1890, Box 539

13 ‘Esquire may be an authority …’: ibid

14 ‘Daddy died on 31 July.’: AI with Henry Bowles

15 ‘You’d have planes flying over …’: ibid

16 ‘There was a lot of griping …’: Deane and Schaps, 500 Hundred Days of Front Line Combat, p. 30

17 ‘Oh happy day!’: Deniston, Memoirs of a Combat Fighter Pilot, p. 4

18 ‘I think you just need …’: Gabreski, Gabby: A Fighter Pilot’s Life, p. 18

19 ‘The training brings …’: ibid, p. 35

20 ‘The sacrifices made so far …’: cited in Suchenwirth, Historical Turning Points in the German Air Force War Effort, p. 74

21 ‘The rest of us …’: cited in Irving, Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe, p. 117