List of Illustrations
1.1 Georges Méliès, The One Man Band (L’Homme Orchestre) (1900)
1.2 The principles of traveling mattes
1.3 Rear-projection diagram
1.4 A single-head optical printer
1.5 A multiplane animation stand
1.6 Rotoscoping diagram
1.7 A motion-control rig setup
2.1 The New Hollywood style: Harold and Maude (Ashby, 1971)
2.2 Contact printing
2.3 Linwood Dunn’s climactic effects in Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (Kramer, 1963)
2.4 Robert Abel’s 7UP ad, “Bubbles”
2.5 Anti-illusionistic composite shot from Saugus Series (O’Neill, 1974)
3.1 and 3.2 Laser fight strobes in Star Wars (Lucas, 1977)
3.3 Faux point-of-view shots in The Empire Strikes Back (Kershner, 1980)
4.1 An example of VistaVision “Lazy 8” film stock
4.2 How three-color separation works
5.1 O’Neill’s color-distortion work on Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song (Van Peeples, 1971)
5.2 Frame capture from Heavy Light (Beckett, 1973)
5.3 Larry Cuba’s Death Star simulation in Star Wars
5.4 Adam Beckett’s unused explosions for Star Wars
5.5 Frame capture from Allures (Belson, 1961)
5.6 The Martian terrain and spaceship in Forbidden Planet (Wilcox, 1956)
5.7 Interstitial space shots in Star Wars
5.8 Jump to light speed in Star Wars (Lucas, 1977)
5.9–5.14 Opening flyover sequence (Lucas, Star Wars) 174–75
6.1 Spaceship in Close Encounters of the Third Kind
6.2–6.7 The UFOs’ first flyover in Close Encounters 190–91
7.1 Zoopomorphic Imperial Walkers in The Empire Strikes Back
7.2 A faux helicopter shot on the stop-motion stage in The Empire Strikes Back
7.3 The flat cutout ships of Dune (Lynch, 1984)
7.4 Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Wise, 1979): Apogee’s opening sequence
7.5 Trumbull’s V’Ger sequence, Star Trek: The Motion Picture
7.6 High-contrast matte work for the “wolf-vision” in Wolfen (Wadleigh, 1981)
7.7 Electronic force fields in Ghostbusters (Reitman, 1984)
8.1 Harryhausen’s stop-motion Kraken in Clash of the Titans (Davis, 1981)
8.2 Trumbull’s vision of heaven in Brainstorm (Trumbull, 1983)
C.1 Flying on Banshees in Avatar (Cameron, 2009)