
Four double survivors, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Kenshi Hirata, Kuniyoshi Sato, and Akira Iwanaga, still alive during the writing of this book, were interviewed on multiple occasions between 2008 and 2011.

Chapter 1. The Killing Star

1. On nucleosynthesis ([p2] the stellar origins of uranium, carbon and other heavy elements): F. Hoyle, “The Synthesis of the Elements from Hydrogen,” MNRAS, vol. 106, p 343 (1946); V. Trimble, “The Origin and Abundances of the Chemical Elements,” Review of Modern Physics, vol. 198, p 877, Oct., 1977; Lyden-Bell (ed), The Big Bang and Element Creation, The Royal Society of London, 1982; C. Pellegrino, “Compilation of Nucleosynthesis Pathways,” (in) Time Gate: Hurtling Backward through History, p 241, TAB, PA (1984).

2. On the purity of U-235 in the Hiroshima device (and a rush to production as a possible cause for decreased efficiency of the device) [p2]: Colin, in Report 4.1, Elements of Fission Weapons Design (6/16/2008), noted that the bomb was developed with the use of less than 90% enrichment: “The actual fissile load was only [approximately] 80%. . . . The explosive efficiency of Little Boy was 0.23kt/kg of fissile material (1.3%) compared to 2.8kt/kg (16%) for Fat man. Use of 93% [U-235] would at least have doubled Little Boy’s yield.”

3. The identification of Mrs. Aoyama as one of the people exposed outdoors and nearest the Hiroshima bomb [pp2–6], was conveyed by the nurses of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s mobile rescue team, and by Mrs. Aoyama’s son, Nenkai, during a July 2008 meeting (filmed) [pp2–9]. The effects of the flash on human flesh (primarily by the infrared and visible regions of the spectrum) during the first 0.3–3.0 seconds, including air temperatures at ground level, were determined from studies of “bubbled” roof tiles and other objects in the vicinity of the Aoyama home, as in E. Ishikawa et al, The Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings (Translation: N.Y., Basic Books, 1981), pp 32–36. Prompt effects of thermal shock on Mrs. Aoyama’s blood and bones, at minimum five times the boiling point of water in sea-level air, were informed by on-site analysis (2001–2005) of blood-derived iron deposits on the floor of the Herculaneum Marina, resulting from 500 degrees C effects of the Vesuvius AD 79 surge cloud on more than 200 individuals (aided by personal communication with Haraldur Sigurdsson and Steve Carey, University of Rhode Island, and the staff of the Vesuvius crime lab/observatory). See Sigurdsson, et al, “The Eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79,” National Geographic Research, 1 (1985), pp 332–387. That the Herculaneum phenomena are instructive for understanding Hiroshima was a subject discussed extensively with G. Mastroerenzo and his colleagues at the Vesuvius Observatory (2005). See “Herculaneum Victims of Vesuvius in AD 79,” Nature, Apr. 12, 2001; C. Pellegrino, Ghosts of Vesuvius (Harper, N.Y., 2004), p 169–238. People in Pompeii’s sister city, Herculaneum, were dead in 1/200 of a second, and were disintegrated down to tendon and bone in 1/20th of a second. This was the result of contact with hot air and dust in motion. At (and in the immediate vicinity of) the Hiroshima hypocenter, flash reflective effects on the ground heated the air to significantly higher temperatures for more than 1/3rd of a second before blast, implosion, and other disruptive effects of the atomic shock bubble pulled the hot air away. (Heated air moving over bodies while covering a distance of only 3–5 meters in 1/10th–1/20th of a second, greatly magnified the carbonization effect, in the manner of superheated air in a blast furnace.)

4. Toshihiko Matsuda, the “Marble Boy” of Hiroshima [p6]: Reiko Owa, Sigeko Wasada, and the nurses of Dr. Fujii’s crew, personal communication (2008), p 2. The Matsuda case corroborates the surprisingly high measure of flash protection provided by thin materials (such as paper and leaves). This was further demonstrated during U.S. above-ground atomic tests in which animals (including piglets) were exposed (during tests Met and Gamble) to varying thicknesses of flash protection.

5. The first hundred milliseconds over Hiroshima [pp2–9]: The U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey: The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, internal report, Chairman’s Office, June 30, 1946, pp 1–33; E. Ishikawa, et al, pp 21–79. The next half-second, throughout Hiroshima, was reconstructed in accordance with U.S. high-speed film footage of tests near and below 15 kilotons, on structures and animals. Tests: Hot Shot, How, Sugar, Fizeau, Fox, and Stokes; at Bikini Atoll, Test Able; at Enewatak Atoll, Tests Seminole and Sequoia. Collectively, footage and results covered varying distances from the hypocenters.

6. The experiences of Akiko Takakura and her friend Asami, in the Geibi Bank [pp9–10, 14]: Interview in Hiroshima, BBC (2005); Hiroshima Memorial Museum Archive, Hibakusha Testimonies, Akiko Takakura. The clock tower: in John Toland, The Rising Sun (N.Y., Random House, 1970), p 784. Corroboration of Takakura’s blast-related air-pressure effects on lungs: two nurses interviewed by Toland, p 785.

7. Shigeyoshi Morimoto, shock-cocooned in a Ground Zero mansion [pp10–11, 14]: Robert Trumbull in Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y., Dutton, 1957), pp 38–39.

8. Private Shigeru Shimoyama’s “crucifixion” and survival [pp11–12]: pp 782–788 and in a speech to Jesuits and students, about 1971 (personal communication); Norman Cousins and George Appoldt, 1972–1973 (personal communication).

9. Captain Mitsou Fuchida [pp11–12]: Walter Lord (personal communication) had interviewed Fuchida during the writing of Day of Infamy; Fuchida, unpublished memoir titled, From Pearl Harbor to Golgatha (about 1960).

10. Sumiko Kirahara’s family [pp11–12, 14]: Youth Division of Soka Gakkai, Cries for Peace (The Japan Times, LTD, 1978), pp 178–180.

11. The Sasaki family and Sadako’s recollection of the eye-stinging flash [pp12, 14, 15]: Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication, 2008, 2010.

12. Teruko Kono [p12], Finally I Found Him, But . . . #22, Floating Lantern.

13. Nobuo Tetsutani’s account [pp12–13]: Shin’s Tricycle (Tokyo, London, N.Y., Walker Books, 1995); also, Hiroshima Museum archive/artifact display of the tricycle itself.

14. Schoolchildren Etsuko Kuramoto’s and Hiroshi Mori’s premonitions (and the blue flash seen by Yoshiko Mori) [pp13–14]: Hiroshima “Floating Lantern” Archive; Missing Children, #7; #22; Oh, Missing Etusuko, #23.

15. Schoolteacher Arai’s facial burn, shaped by the calligraphy of a child [pp13–14]: Norman Cousins (personal communication, 1987); George Appoldt (with N. Cousins, 1972–1973). Arai’s paper phenomenon replicated elsewhere in Hiroshima: “Hibakusha Voices,” accessible through Shimbun: Disk #3, Case #116.

16. The castor bush “shadow effect” event (as actually experienced by Arai, personal communication, 1972), 1,300 meters from the Hiroshima hypocenter [pp14, 107]: American Strategic Bombing Survey photos, as in Averill A. Liebow, A Medical Diary of Hiroshima 1945 (N.Y., W.W. Norton, from the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 1965), p 128B.

17. See note 6.

18. See note 14.

19. See note 11.

20. See note 10.

21. The yellow flash witnessed by Hiroko Fukada [p14], and the large pieces of hail that fell with the black rain: Hiroshima Museum Archive, Voices of Hibakusha, Testimony of Hiroko Fukada, p 1.

22. Yosaku Mikami’s interpretation of the same flash as blue [p14]: Testimony of Yosaku Mikami, p 1.

23. Account of the same flash perceived as red [pp14–15]: Dr. Hiroshi Sawachika, p 1.

24. Photographer Siezo Yamada’s perception of a multi-color flash [p14]: Hiroshima Peace Media Center, Jan. 3, 2008.

25. See note 10.

26. See note 11.

27. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, the first seconds [pp15–16]: Personal communication (2008), plus unpublished memoir, I Live to Tell My Story (2009).

28. Military weather forecaster Isao Kita [pp16–18]: Hiroshima Museum Archive, Hiroshima Witness #1–3, pp 5–7; George Appoldt (F.B.I., 1973).

Chapter 2. Gojira’s Egg

1. Akiko Takakura [p19]: Hiroshima Museum Memorial Archive, Hibakusha Testimonies, A. Takakura, p 1; interview (in) Hiroshima (DVD, London, BBC, 2005); interview with G. S. Trujillo, July 30, 1990.

2. Private Shigeru Shimoyama [pp19, 31–32, 35], shock-cocoon, corrected eyesight, a “pale horse” in a landscape from the Revelation of John: John Toland, The Rising Sun (N.Y., Random House, 1970), pp 788–789, 793–794, 789, 794 (realization that the bomb was atomic, p 789); also, personal communication (courtesy of George Appoldt, FBI, and N.Y.C. Jesuits, 1970–1971); Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s rescue team (July 21, 2008, p 1). Shigeru’s “Emperor’s portrait incident” [p31], corroborated in Dr. Michihiko Hachiya’s Hiroshima Diary (University of North Carolina Press, 1955), pp 183–185, and [p229], Aug. 6, 1945 description entries. Dr. Ryokichi Sagane wrote of experience, Japan’s nuclear program, in unpublished memoir “Story of the Atomic Bomb,” as presented by Mika Nakao, University of Tokyo (personal communication, Columbia University conference, 2009). Awareness of “secret” [p20]: physician Michihiko Hachiya (in) Hiroshima Diary, p 57; also Dr. Nagai of Nagasaki: Takashi (Paul) Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki (Tokyo, London, N.Y., 1949, 1984), pp 56–60.

3. Kite-maker Morimoto’s shock cocoon [p19], see Morimoto sources, chapter 1.

4. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, the first day [pp19, 22]: personal communication (2008–2009); Toshiko (Yamaguchi) Yamasaki, 2010, 2011; Robert Trumbull, translation of Tsutomu Yamaguchi’s internal report to the Mitsubishi Corporation, in Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y., Dutton, 1957), pp 29–33. Yamaguchi’s encounter with the boys, whose skin was embedded with glass: p 13 of his memoir, I Live to Tell My Story.

5. The Sasaki and Kirihara neighborhood (all of them initially coughing and made thirsty by yellow and gray dust), Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication, July 2008.

6. The Sasaki and Ito families [pp20–21]: personal communication (2008–2011). Dr. Hachiya, corroboration of the Ito boy’s description of the school’s Olympic swimming pool, Diary, pp 2, 4, 19–20, 54–55, 189; his observation of the “ghost-walker” state of mind (pp 1, 4), and war’s end with “wooden bullets and bamboo spears,” p 188, and his neighbors, the Sasakis (p 185), corroborated by Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (July 2008), as the same Sasaki family.

7. The Misasa Bridge region, Hiroshi Ito and Ryuzo, and Hanako Ito’s trek toward her son near the region [pp20–22, 33, 34]: Personal communication, and memoir provided by the Ito family (written 2008); personal communication with the nurses of Dr. M. Fujii’s rescue crew; Dr. Ryuso Tanaka, interviewed by students of Hiroshima University (for Museum Archive, May 16, 1995). Freezing mist and hail, descending from high altitude: Tsugio Ito, Masahiro Sasaki (personal communication, 2008, 2010), including map annotations, showing the path taken by the Ito boy: “Hiroshi—cold hail near river, icy rain . . . [and] wind-driven debris into child’s mouth.” Hiroko Fukada (interview with G. S. Trujillo, 1986) described cold rain and large, dangerous hail that came with it. (See also Ref 17., Chapter 1.)

8. See note 7.

9. See note 4.

10. See note 7.

11. The horror of “the tap dancer” near the Misasa Bridge [pp22–23]: personal communication, Norman Cousins (1987); oral traditions of the postwar schools told by Endo Tai, personal communication (2008); Masahiro Sasaki (2010); also on Sasaki’s and Kirahara’s wondering if the Earth itself had been instantly shattered. Keiji Nakazawa: people whose limbs were blast-severed: Manga, Barefoot Gen, the Day After (American edition, Philadelphia, New Society Publishers, 1988), pp 158–159. Nakazawa’s neighbor, Tanaka (identified as “Ryuta” in The Day After), family “dissected” by the blast, impaled in trees: K. Nakazawa (personal communication, 2010–2011).

12. Military physician, assigned about June 1945, to teach Hiroshima’s youth suicide attacks with mines, and whose vision was corrected by the blast [pp23–24]: Personal communication arranged by George Appoldt, 1974.

13. Sumako Matsuyanagi [p24]: propulsive flight into an elderly couple’s house, and the fates of her two children: Hiroshima Floating Lantern Archive, #32, “No God, no Buddha” (includes famine food and death of her son: “[He died], saying, ‘I’m sorry I got Kenji hurt.’ I did not know at the time that these were his last words.”); also Hiroshima nurses, Dr. Minoru Fujii’s crew, via personal communication (7/21/08), p 2.

14. Yoshitaka’s escape from a collapsed Ground Zero school, and shielding by bricks [pp24–25]: Hiroshima Museum Archive Testimony of Yoshitaka Kawamoto.

15. See note 13.

16. The boy whose mother wished she had let him eat the tomato [p26], related by poet Shinoe Shoda in “A Poor Student’s Mother,” in Miminari (Tokyo: Heibousha, 1962); also, nurses of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s rescue crew (personal communication, July 2008).

17. Akiko Takakura [pp26–28; see also ref pp9–10 [Chapter 1]], Isao Kita [pp34–35], and Tsutomu Yamaguchi [p34], concluding all damage surrounding them wrought by a single weapon: Hiroshima Museum Archive, Hiroshima Witness #1–3, pp 5–7; also, personal communication with Tsutomu Yamaguchi (located in vicinity of Kita’s weather station).

18. See note 17.

19. The witnessing of “shadow people,” one of them a “charcoal person” [p28] whose corpse continued to sit in a corner, outside a Ground Zero bank building, in front of his shadow—and the carbonized corpse of a person pulling a cart with two children, found the day after: Case #11301, Case #11305, The Asahi Shimbun archive, Messages from Hibakusha (accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and

20. See note 17.

21. See note 17.

22. The watchmaker’s account (and other “ant-walkers” who survived) [p29]: Robert Jay Lifton’s Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima (University of North Carolina Press, 1967, 1991), pp 25–26.

23. Dr. Hachiya among the “ant-walkers,” walking in the realm of dreams: [pp2, 14, 29–30, 54–55], Michihiko Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, U. of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1955.

24. The young military officer who obsessed, like many other people, on seemingly absurd details [pp30–31]: Robert Jay Lifton’s Death in Life, p 28. NOTE on the nesting urge: C. Pellegrino with W. Lord, in Her Name, Titanic, McGraw-Hill, 1988, pp 203–215.

25. Private Shigeru Shimoyama: See chap. 1, note 8. The Emperor’s portrait incident is corroborated by Dr. Hachiya’s Hiroshima Diary, p 185 (see footnote 2.).

26. Misako Katani and her father, embarking on a journey to Nagasaki [p32]: H. Nakamura and H. Inazuka film, Twice Bombed, Twice Survived, Part 1 (Tokyo, 2004). The “fire horse” phenomenon, captured in a series of paintings by a surviving artist (on display at the Nagasaki Museum), oral history from the children of Katani’s and Sasaki’s school (Endo Tai, personal communication).

27. Sumiko Kirihara’s and Sadako Sasaki’s families—fire worms and waterspouts [pp32–33]: Youth Division of Soka Gakki, Cries for Peace (The Japan Times LTD, 1978), p 179; Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (2008, 2010). Hiroko Fukada waterspout: Hiroshima Museum Archive, Hiroshima Witness #2, pp 8–10.

28. See note 7.

29. Flash-burned bodies floating downriver to Tsutomu Yamaguchi’s position [pp34–35], further detailed by witness #11305 in The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (accessible via the C. Pellegrino home page and http://www De-gloving and other “abstract” injuries were described by kite-maker Morimoto, in R. Trumbull (p 39), and by T. Yamaguchi in personal communication (2008), and in Yamaguchi’s Tanka poems, translated by Chad Diehl, in And the River Flowed as a Raft of Corpses (N.Y., Excogiating Over Cups of Coffee Publishing, 2010).

30. See note 2.

Chapter 3. Setsuko

1. On the Hiroshima bomb as a 10–12.5 kiloton “disappointment” (as opposed to 20 kilotons officially announced by President Truman) [p37]: Timeline #2—The 509th (Composite Group), The Hiroshima Mission, page 3: “8/6/45; 8:15:17–8:16AM—Little Boy exploded at an altitude of 1,890 feet above the target. Yield was equivalent to 12,500 tons of TNT.” NOTE: The direction of neutrinos through Setsuko’s body [p37] is determined, not by a straight-line path from the bomb’s detonation point through the Earth’s core, but by an angle dictated by the location of the Hirata house, relative to the bomb (location verified by the Hirata family, 2010). Robert Trumbull, Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y., Dutton, 1957), p 24, referenced Kenshi Hirata’s prior near miss of the Osaka and Kobe fire-bombings of March 13 and 17, 1945 [p38]. Mr. Hirata at Hiroshima, Aug. 6, 1945 [pp38–39, 42–43, 48–49, 54–58, 62–25]: 8/9/55, translation of K. Hirata report for Mitsubishi, Nagasaki, in Trumbull, pp 23–27, 34–35, 64–71, 76; Norman Cousins, personal communication (1987); Henshi Hirata and family, interviews via Hideo Nakamura and Hidetaka Inazuka (2010). Norman Cousins on famine food and flavorings, August 1945; also Hiroko Nakamoto in personal communication (2010) and in her book, My Japan: 1930–1951 (N.Y., McGraw Hill, 1970), pp 50–51.

2. See note 1.

3. Father “Mattias” [pp43–44, 45] described his own, Hirata-like journey through the Hiroshima “hellscape” in personal communication (1974), corroborating people flash-carbonized at the cable cars. NOTE: Because he eventually died by an alcohol-related suicide and was a Catholic, Fr. “Mattias’s” name was changed (as mentioned previously in the endnotes of Dust [N.Y., Avon-Morrow, 1998], p432). The name change was made at the request of his friends and family. A similar, contractual agreement to always quote a Jesuit colleague of “Mattias” accurately but to identify him only by his pen name, “Fr. John MacQuitty,” as noted in the acknowledgements of Return to Sodom and Gomorrah, dates back to the 1980s (reaffirmed specifically for this book, 3/1/09). Such sights as were described by “Mattias” at the trolley (babies and their dead mothers) were horrifyingly common under the atomic bombs, as memorialized in the Hiroshima Museum archive, Voice of the Hibakusha, Testimony of Dr. Hiroshi Sawachika, p1; Japan Society Conference 5/21/10, Testimony of Takehisha Yamamoto, p2 (and personal communication, 2010).

4. Akihiro Takahashi’s encounter at the wrecked trolley, ant-walkers, Tibbets [pp43–44]: Hiroshima Museum Archive, “The Turning Point,” in Hibakusha (Tokyo, Kosei, 1986), pp 191–204; interview in Hiroshima in Memoriam and Today, ed. H. Takayama (Tokyo, N.Y., The Himat Group, 2000), pp 63–66; David Smith, The Guardian, interview with A. Takahashi, “I Don’t Blame Them but I Hope They Mourn the Dead,” Aug. 2005. His Hibakusha editor, Takayama (at Kosei), and Nenkai Aoyama reported (2008, personal communication) some of A. Takahashi’s Aug. 6, 1945, encounters with nurses, soldiers, and priests (in the last group, there was no lasting specification as to whether the “priests” were Buddhist, Catholic, or other). Drawings of the rail car “charcoal people,” made by children who saw them, are on display at the Hiroshima Museum (National Geographic documentary, 24 Hours After Hiroshima, 2010).

5. See note 3.

6. Tsutomu Yamaguchi encountered the same “lantern” phenomenon as Kenshi Hirata and Prefect Nishioka [pp45, 54–55]: Trumbull, pp 29, 49–50, 53.

7. See note 1.

8. Firefighters of Hiroshima: Firefighter Yosaku Mikami [pp46–47]: Hiroshima Museum Archive, Witness #1–2, pp 4–5. NOTE: Firefighter Mitsunori and the “hibakusha piano” [pp47–50]: Arakawa Ryu in The Japan Journal, “Hiroshima Piano Plays Message of Peace,” with additional details provided by the firefighter’s son (and musician) Yagawa Mitsunori, personal communication, Sept. 11, 2010. Dr. Hiroshi Sawachika likened the pervasive smell on that first day to dried seafood (Hiroshima Museum Archive, Witness # 1–1), as did Tsutomu Yamaguchi (personal communication, 2008).

9. See note 1.

10. Morimoto, master kite-maker and double atomic bomb survivor [pp51–52]: Mitsubishi archive, translated for Robert Trumbull’s Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki, pp 16, 35–36, 38–41, 73–74. NOTE: Implosive effects, heavy machinery, air-filled storm drains “vacuumed” up through the pavement, in U.S. Strategic Bombing Surveys, Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Washington D.C., June 30, 1946). Tsutomu Yamaguchi, pulled by collapsing shock bubble (personal communication, 2008 and unpublished report, “I Live to Tell My Story,” translated by Hideo Nakamura, 2009).

11. On the Morimoto mansion [pp51–52], within the same approximately 750-meter radius as the Fukuya Department Store (where people unshielded by a minimum of one layer of concrete flooring received, at up to 1.1 km, a combined potentially lethal gamma ray and neutron dose above 230r essentially instantly [see also, RE Fukuya radius, Yoshiko Kikada, in Asahi Shimbun file # 07220, 2010; Funasaka Yasunori, Asahi Shimbun file # 06626, 2011]): Trumbull (p 38 [possibly relying on a statement from Kenshi Hirata]) overstated the detonation point as “almost directly above” Moromoto (if this description is taken literally, three tiers of wood and tile could never have prevented a lethal indoor dose above 600r); further details and conclusions about the Morimoto house itself, consistent with Morimoto’s temporary illness, arose from discussions with Norman Cousins and George Zebrowski (1987, 1988). Their analysis of the Morimoto “mansion,” filled essentially wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling with books, sheds light on anomalous survival of three people in a region where essentially no one else escaped death or severe injury: a building just large enough to provide adequate shock-cocooning and (just barely) shielding from prompt, cumulatively lethal radiation effects. Kenshi Hirata (in Trumbull, p 62) corroborated that the three were “very close” to the hypocenter. Substantial intervening materials at the Morimoto and Fukuya radius (according to above-ground atomic test results: necessitating up to a meter of wood and 8–10 cm of tiles to attenuate prompt radiation dosage by 50%–75% [S. Glasstone, ed., The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, AEC, Washington D.C., 1962, p 384]). According to Norman Cousins (in a manner consistent with being on the ground floor of a large, book-lined multi-story house no nearer than 750 meters and with an estimated indoor dose in the range of 100r, plus likely black rain exposure), Morimoto did, despite shielding, suffer some shock and/or radiation-induced rapid onset vomiting.

12. The atomic cloud, as seen from Assembly Prefect Takejiro Nishioka’s position [p51]: M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, pp 162–164. Prefect Nishioka, completely shadow-shielded behind a mountain [pp52–56]: R. Trumbull, pp 48–50. On page 51, Nishioka relates an encounter with a schoolboy, consistent with the Ito family’s account of Hiroshi Ito’s travels in Nishioka’s direction, along railroad tracks, before finally being rescued by a neighbor with a bicycle. The path was partly reconstructed on a map by Tsugio Ito and his friend Masahiro Sasaki (personal communication, 2010). Other information RE Nishioka (including mention of the cats that crossed a bridge to Nishioka’s position) was recorded by Nishioka’s wife, as a combination of oral and written tradition related and translated by Endo Tai and Dr. Takashi Nagai’s grandson at the Nyokodo Hermitage, and during tours of key artifact sites throughout Nagasaki, 2008 (personal communication). His encounter with cats eating a horse’s intestines was not unique (as in recordings of the hibakusha accessible through the Shimbun link: Disk #6, case # 235).

13. See note 12.

14. Key details about the Japan nuclear program during WWII [pp53–54] were provided by a mentor (on the 1983 book, Darwin’s Universe): Harold Urey (affirmed during a Columbia University Conference, RE Nishina, Tajima, Nov. 6, 2009). Japanese WWII nuclear programs, additional references: Dr. Nishina, (Toland, The Rising Sun, N.Y., Random House, 1970, pp 794–795); Ryokichi Sagane memoir, Hiroshima Archive, IMTFE#62049 (“Termination of the War”); Eizo Tajima, Nagasaki Archive, “Testimony of Atomic Bomb Survivors #20.”

15. The train that picked up speed, fanning the flames as it raced past Prefect Nishioka’s location [p54] and toward a collision with a truck near Dr. Fujii’s hospital: Nancy (Minami) Cantwell and the Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Fujii’s crew (personal communication, 2008). Their first rescue effort was in fact at the site of this famous train wreck.

16. See note 12.

17. See note 1.

18. Residual radiation effects at the location of Kenshi Hirata’s home in Hiroshima [pp56–57]: E. Ishikawa, et al, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings. Originally published in Japanese, in Tokyo, by Iwanami Shoten Publishers (1979); English translation (N.Y., Basic Books, 1981), pp 73–79.

19. See note 1.

20. Sumiko Kirihara’s and Sadako Sasaki’s families (and the resistance of outlying communities against people escaping Hiroshima), Aug. 6–Aug. 7, 1945 [pp57–58]: Youth Division of Saka Gakkai, Cries for Peace (The Japan Times LTD, 1978), pp 78–80. Masahiro Sasaki on his father’s ability to save them from suburban resistance: personal communication (2008).

21. See note 20.

22. Satoko Matsumoto [pp58–59], and her father, stricken by “atomic bomb disease,” Youth Div. of Saka Gakki, in Cries for Peace, pp 157–161, and famine, p 159. Planes, and “towers of smoke,” 8/6/45: also reported by Kenshi Hirata, in R. Trumbull, pp 64–65. Hiroko Nakamoto, in My Japan, pp 49–50, on the military worsening an oppressive famine.

23. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, on people reduced to ashes and charcoal statues [p59]: in Trumbull, pp 35, 65–66, 75. His crossing on a “raft” or bridge of floating corpses: Tanka poems and personal communication. NOTE: Kenshi Hirata (pp 65–66, of Trumbull) also described the “shadow people” and “statue people” phenomena, detailing these events further in July 2010 (interviews via Hideo Nakamura). Shadows and ash bodies: Yoji Matsumoto, in personal communication and via his daughter Kae Matsumoto (2010). Photographic examples include: Yosuke Yamahata (700 meters S-E of Urakami hypocenter), American Bombing Survey Archive, published in front matter; E. Ishikawa, et al. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, survival [pp61–62], see also chapter 1 and 2 T. Yamaguchi references.

24. See note 1.

25. Double survivor Akira Iwanaga, 8/6–7/45 [pp59–60]: Trumbull, pp 54–56, 75; personal communication via Hideo Nakamura and Hidetaka Inazuka, July 2010 (he died in 2011). NOTE: Akira was most disturbed by a screaming woman with a dead child, and another who lost a child through an abdominal wound (corroborated by Hiroshima boarding house roommate Yamaguchi, personal communication, 2008 [this horror was common: Disk #6, case #262, accessible Shimbun link, hibakusha voices]). Dr. Nagai of Nagasaki also reported this was a frequent horror: The Bells of Nagasaki (Tokyo, N.Y., London, Kodansha International, 1949, 1984), p 64.

26. See note 23.

27. The canister with Luis Alvarez’s monitoring equipment and the letter to Sagane, Nishina, and the other Japanese physicists can be seen on display in the Hiroshima Museum [pp62–63]; the letter is reproduced in Toland, p 800. According to Harold C. Urey (personal communication, 1979) and Charles Sweeney (personal communication 1999), a copy of the Alvarez group’s letter had been placed in each of the monitoring canisters. RE Alvarez and the “nuclear winter effect,” personal communication, Lewis and Walter Alvarez (1980–1981), beginning with W. Alvarez and the New Zealand signal of a global iridium anomaly apparently synchronous with the dinosaur E.L.E.

28. See note 1.

Chapter 4. And the Rest were Neutrinos

1. “Little Boy’s” actual yield, 10–12.5 kilotons [p67]: 509th Composite Group Historic Timelines, Timeline #2: The Hiroshima Mission, p 3; Eizo Tajima, Nagasaki Archive, “Testimony of Atomic Bomb Survivors #20,” p 2.

2. Luis Alvarez’s assessment, to Sweeney, regarding projected yield shortfall [p66]: Charles Sweeney, personal communication (1999). Assessment, 50 kiloton potential for uranium designs [pp67–68]: James Powell (Brookhaven National Laboratory), personal communication.

3. Tinian Island accident ends the debate about arming the Hiroshima bomb prior to takeoff [pp68–69]: William Parsons, BBC interview, Hiroshima (documentary, 2005).

4. “Dutch” van Kirk and Tibbets [pp68, 69]: BBC interview, Hiroshima (2005); interview in White Light, Black Rain (documentary, HBO, 2007). Tibbets and Parsons: Hiroshima (BBC, 2005); 509th, Historic Timeline #2: Hiroshima Mission, p 2; Tibbets, in World at War, Part 24, “The Bomb” (London, BBC, 1973); BBC (2005) [pp70, 74–78]: Tibbets described the cyanide defense, escape maneuver from the bomb, motions of other two planes, strange effects of the detonation on fillings in teeth.

5. Russell Gackensbach’s preparation for flight of Necessary Evil [pp69, 72–77, 79–80]: “Brevard Man Played Pivotal Role in U.S. History,” Hometown News, Brevard County, Dec. 29, 2006; BBC interview, Hiroshima (2005).

6. Charles Sweeney, flight of Great Artiste, Hiroshima mission [pp69, 72–80, 82–83]: Personal communication (1999); Charles Sweeney, War’s End (N.Y., Avon Books, 1977), pp 100, 154–155, 157, 163–170; the Tibbets maneuver, p 106; the inexplicable silence from Japan’s leadership, pp 172-190.

7. Hiroko Nakamoto, 8/6/45 [pp70–71, 79]: Personal communication (2010); H. Nakamoto, My Japan: 1930–1951 (N.Y. McGraw-Hill, 1970), pp 44–53, 57 (specific details, starvation diets: p 50).

8. Keiji Nakazawa, worsening food shortages [p71], personal communication (2010).

9. See note 4.

10. James R. Corliss’s flight of Necessary Evil [pp71–78]: Tinian Island/Corliss documents revealed to the New York Times by Corliss’s widow, Feb. 2010, quoted (personal communication and in article) by science reporter Bill Broad, in “Doubts Raised on Book’s Tale of Atom Bomb,” New York Times, Feb. 21, 2010. (Tinian/Corliss documents subsequently copied to New York Times, 509th Composite Group Archives, and the National Archives, along with statements from Necessary Evil’s navigator, Gackensbach, seated to Corliss’s left.)

11. See note 4.

12. See note 5.

13. See note 4.

14. See note 4.

15. George Marquardt, the Hiroshima mission [pp71–78]: in The Independent, Aug. 23, 2003, and the Los Angeles Times, Aug. 24, 2003; Marquardt interview quoted by Richard Goldstein in, “G.W. Marquardt, War Pilot, Dies at 84,” New York Times, Aug. 25, 2003 (like Tibbets, Marquardt personally experienced, and reported, “a taste like lead in [the] mouth”).

16. See note 10.

17. See note 5.

18. See note 15.

19. See note 10.

20. See note 6.

21. Exposure of protected X-ray plates in a hospital 1 mile from the hypocenter [p76]: Kenji Kitagawa, personal communication (2010).

22. See note 15.

23. See note 10.

24. See note 5.

25. See note 15.

26. See note 4.

27. Capt. Robert Lewis, interview in White Light, Black Rain (HBO, 2007) [pp78–79].

28. Jacob Beser view of the mission [p78], Ari and Eric Beser, personal communication (2013, 2014).

29. See note 5.

30. See note 4.

31. See note 15.

32. See note 28.

33. See note 7.

34. See note 6.

35. Dr. Yoshio Nishina, Anami, 8/6/45 [p80]: Tatsuichiro Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945 (London, Melbourne, N.Y., Quartet Books, 1981), p 70.

36. See note 35.

37. The Marcus McDilda incident [pp80–81]: John Toland, The Rising Sun (N.Y., Random House, 1970), p 795; Jerome T. Hagen, War in the Pacific, Vol. 1 (Hawaii Pacific University, Kenehoe Publications, 1996), p 159; Walter Lord, personal communication (1997).

38. See note 35.

39. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, aboard the second-to-last train from Hiroshima [pp81–82]: personal communication (2008). Prefect Nishioka, aboard the same train [p81], and A. Iwanaga: R. Trumbull, Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y., Dutton, 1957) p 78. (Iwanaga, interview, Hideo Nakamura, 2010.)

40. See note 39.

41. See note 39.

42. Dr. Tsunoo arrives from Hiroshima [p81]: T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, p 106, 115–117.

43. Events on Tinian, late 8/7/45 [pp81–83]: accounts received by Harold Urey, personal communication (1979–1980); Charles Sweeney, War’s End, pp 172–190, and personal communication (1999).

Chapter 5. The Crazy Iris

1. 160 kilometers from Hiroshima to Fukuyama, and the “Crazy Iris” incident [pp85–86]: Masuji Ibuse, in The Crazy Iris (N.Y., Grove Press, 1985), pp 17–36.

2. General Arisue and Dr. Nishina arrive in Hiroshima [pp87–88]: John Toland, The Rising Sun (N.Y., Random House, 1970), pp 794–795. NOTE: Arisue’s and Nishina’s comparison to Tunguska, and discovery that soil, teeth, bones were radioactive: personal communication, researcher George Appoldt (1972–1974). Nishina samples of hypocenter soil (in vials re-examined, 2008, 2010): Eizo Tajima, receiver of Nishina samples flown to Tokyo, Testimonies #20, p 1; “Dr. Yoshio Nishina—Japan Scientist Realized at Once that Weapon Dropped on Hiroshima was A-Bomb,” Kondo News, Aug. 3, 2008; Juni Akechi, “Detection of Uranium [235 fission-generated isotopes, in original Nishina samples] from Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima Soil,” Hiroshima Peace Media Ctr., March 2010.

3. See note 2.

4. Condition of trolleys on the “T” Bridge [p88]: Hiroshi Makino, The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (Case # 40001, accessible via the C. Pellegrino home page and

5. See note 2.

6. In Moscow, Stalin [pp88–89]: “Records of Operations Against Soviet Russia,” (OCMH) Japanese Monograph #155; Tholand, pp 796–797; David McCullogh, Truman (N.Y., Simon and Schuster, 1993), pp 450–451.

7. In Tokyo, response to coded radio message from Dr. Nishina [pp89–90]: Eizo Tajima, in Nagasaki Archive Testimonies, #20; Charles Sweeney, War’s End (N.Y., Avon Books, 1997), pp 192–193. Japan nuclear program, WWII: Maika Nakao, Columbia University Conference, personal communication (November 2009).

8. See note 7.

9. War Minister Anami on “staying the course” [p90]: IMTFE Documents #61338 (Masao Yoshizum), #61883 (Yatsuji Nagai), #61978 (Admiral Zenshiro Hoshina); Walter Lord, personal communication (1997).

10. See note 7.

11. On Tinian, Alvarez, on applying the same rule of capturing the German atomic scientists and if necessary having them killed rather than letting them become captured Russian assets [pp91–92]: Harold Urey, personal communication (1979); Charles Sweeney corroborated this, as heard by him on Tinian Island (personal communication, 1999). Even before the war in Europe ended, Walter Lord (of the OSS) related how baseball great (and OSS agent) Moe Berg was sent to assassinate German physicist Werner Heisenberg at a Switzerland lecture if Heisenberg said anything suggestive of nuclear weapons development (he did not). Lord never quite understood why Berg did not find some way of killing Heisenberg, “just to make sure,” because Heisenberg was “somewhat more than suspect,” in Lord’s opinion (personal communication, 1997).

12. See note 11.

13. “Dutch” van Kirk’s response to use of the phrase, “Nuke them” [p92]: interview, in White Light, Black Rain, (HBO, 2007), in reference to the emerging hatred toward the Russians, Charles Sweeney, personal communication (1999).

14. See note 11.

15. Keiji Nakazawa during the first days [pp93–95]: Interview in White Light, Black Rain (HBO, 2007); Victor Chan, personal communication RE the Buddhist philosophy of “giving and taking” as reflected in Nakazawa’s Barefoot Gen Manga (2010); K. Nakazawa, personal communication (Aug. 2010); K. Nakazawa, I Saw It (San Francisco, Educomics, 1982). An English summary of Nakazawa’s Pelted by Black Rain Manga can be found in Keiji Nakazawa’s Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen, translated by R. H. Minear (U.K.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), pp 152–153. On a fatherless and subsequently “outcast” child (Tanaka called “Ryuta”): The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen (2010), pp 31, 34–36, 38, 40, 48–50, 63, 90, 131; K. Nakazawa and Steve Leeper, personal communication (2011).

16. See note 15.

17. Estimated prompt radiation dosage (not counting microwaves) for Keiji Nakazawa and his mother (according to locations indicated on map by Nakazawa, Aug. 7, 2010), in accordance with table 5.1 (in) E. Ishikawa, et al, Hiroshima and Nagasaki [p95]: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects (N.Y., Basic Books, 1981), p 72. NOTE: The geometric drop-off of gamma and neutron radiation is not merely diffusion over increasing spherical radii; at radius 2 km, gamma rays and neutrons have passed through equivalent two meters of water—which is 2 m of effective shielding material (personal communication, James Powell). Radiant flash penetrates this same shielding, with power to burn flesh beyond the zone of prompt radiation danger, and even to focus radiant burns, as on the shoulder of Hajime, though protected underwater.

18. See note 15.

19. Takashi (Thomas) Tanemori, the first days [pp98–100]: Personal communication, 11/13/10; T. Tanemori and J. Crump, Hiroshima: The Bridge to Forgiveness (CA, TVP Press, 2008), pp 41–42.

20. Eizo Nomura [pp100–101]: memoir, Hiroshima Museum Archive, including drawings by Nomura of waterspouts and the fire worms (1945).

21. Michihiko Hachiya, M.D., the Communications Hospital, 8/8/45 [pp101–104]: Hiroshima Diary (University of North Carolina Press, 1955), pp 8, 15, 20–29; on the number of patients and their condition (including the horse), pp 21–22, 27. Further details: Hiroshima resident (and translator) Endo Tai, personal communication (2008), Hachiya relative Yoji Matsumoto, personal communication (2010), Hachiya neighbor Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (2008–2012), nurses of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s mobile rescue team, personal communication (2008).

22. Hanako Ito and her husband, Akio, searching for their son, Hiroshi [pp104–105]: personal communication, Ito family (2009, 2010).

23. Dr. Tsunoo’s description of Hiroshima, and reactions [pp105–108]: Kohei Koyano in Nagasaki Museum Archive, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors #12, and Dr. Tatsuichiro Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945 (London, Quartet Books, 1981), pp 17–19, and in the Nagai family oral history, as recited by Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008). Dr. Tsunoo’s observations (including the Hiroshima castor bush and other shadow-image events) corroborated in U.S. Bombing Survey photos, as in Averill A. Liebow, A Medical Diary of Hiroshima, 1945 (N.Y., W.W. Norton, 1965, 1970), p 128 insert; T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, pp 19–20, 33–35. Encounters with parents unaware that their children were missing major portions of their bodies: Akizuki, p 33. The fate of Dr. Tsunoo: Tokusaburo Nagai (2008), Tsunoo’s prompt radiation exposure symptoms: Akizuki, p 146; Dr. Takashi Nagai, in The Bells of Nagasaki, p 36.

24. Prefect Takejiro Nishioka’s actions in Nagasaki, 8/8/45, office/house/shelter (investigated archaeologically, 2008) [pp108–111, 113–114]: Robert Trumbull (N.Y., Dutton, 1957), pp 91–94; Nagano file, Nagasaki for Peace Archive, Wakamatsu Nagano, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors #14. Nagano on the Nishioka meeting: Accessible through link, Hibakusha Voices (recorded in Japanese with English translations), Disk #4, Case #133. Nishioka’s wife: personal communication RE the Nagano case, Tokusaburo Nagai and Endo Tai, 2008. Physical effects, nature of vomit, radiation-induced hemorrhage, how and why: Dr. Jesse A. Stoff (and anon. leukemia bone marrow transplant patients), personal communication (1992–1993).

25. Akira Iwanaga, 8/8/45 [p111]: report to Mitsubishi, translated for R. Trumbull, pp 94–95; A. Iwanaga (on self and Nishioka), interview, Hideo Nakamura and Hidetaka Inazuka, 7/2010.

26. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, 8/8/45 [pp111–113]: personal communication (2008); unpublished memoir, I Live to Tell My Story (translated by Hideo Nakamura, 2009). The probability against Nagasaki: Father Cieslik memoir, Day of Destruction, page 3. Mr. Yamaguchi was also a friend of Kuniyoshi Sato (a fellow double survivor); he affirmed (first during interview, 7/19/2008, p 9), that it was indeed Kenshi Hirata seen by Mr. Sato on the train from Hiroshima. K. Sato’s story of survival in Nagasaki recorded and translated by H. Nakamura, 2010; K. Sato’s description of the man on the train, bringing his recent bride’s remains in a helmet-shaped bowl to her parents in Nagasaki, and Sato’s double-survival [p161]: Translations [in] Richard L. Parry, London Times (August 6, 2005).

27. See note 24.

28. Charles Sweeney’s preparations, 8/8/45 [pp114–115]: War’s End, pp 146 (RE Admiral Purnell, photo opposite p 146), 191–193, 195–196, 200; personal communication (1999). The approach of Kenshi Hirata and the kite-makers aboard the last train from Hiroshima [p115]: Trumbull (N.Y., Dutton, 1957).

29. Dr. Minoru Fujii’s arrival with food, Communications Hospital 8/8/45 [pp115–118]: Hiroshima Diary, pp 11, 29, 32–33, 35–36, 97, 101; Nurse Nancy (Minami) Cantwell, personal communication (2008, 2009). Dr. Hachiya identifies soldiers looting his hospital’s supplies (p 33): The loss of food, distressing to donors from Dr. Fujii’s and Nancy (Minami) Cantwell’s team (interview, 7/21/2008, p 1, parag. 2). NOTE: Dr. Hachiya’s speculation about optic nerves still working after the collapsing shock bubble’s vacuum effect, also considered by Dr. Fujii’s crew: personal communication (2008).

30. Setsuko Thurlow [pp118–119], personal communication (2010).

31. Shigeko Sasamori [pp119–121], personal communication (2010).

32. Takehisa Yamamoto [pp121–122], personal communication (2010).

33. The story of Nancy (Minami) Cantwell, a Korean “conscript” who became a nurse at Dr. Minoru Fujii’s hospital [pp122–128]: A Life in Three Motherlands (N.Y., Vantage Press, 2006), pp 18–22, 25–27, and personal communication (2008–2009); Dr. Minoru Fujii’s son, Dr. Hiroshi Fujii, and the nurses of Dr. Fujii’s mobile rescue operation: personal communication (2008); documentary (by Hideo Nakamura and Hidetaka Inazuka), Three Ground Zeros (2009). On fly larvae becoming “medical devices,” a possibility suspected in 1945 by doctors who survived Okinawa, RE Rita Rubin, “Maggots and Leeches: Good Medicine,” USA Today, 7/7/2007; Bill Schutt, Dark Banquet (N.Y., Random House, 2008), pp 151–181.

34. Kenshi Hirata [p128], the Yawata event: Mitsubishi/Trumbull, pp 97–98.

35. Dr. Hachiya, recurring nightmare about the future (and other horrors) [pp128–129], Hiroshima Diary, pp 31–32, 40, 101, 114–115, 145–146; Endo Tai, personal communication (2008); the Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Fujii’s crew, personal communication (2008, 2009).

Chapter 6. Kaiten and the Faithful Elephants

1. Charles Sweeney and BocksCar: On history books misidentifying plane that dropped the Nagasaki bomb, and mishaps almost derailing Charles Sweeney’s mission [pp131–133, 134–135, 140–141, 144–147, 154–156]: War’s End (N.Y., Avon Books, 1997), pp 201–202, 203–205, 209–218; and weather (pp 176–178, 198, 204, 209), personal communication, 1999. Corroboration of Sweeny’s deteriorating weather window: Dr. Hachiya’s Hiroshima Diary (August 9); Nancy (Minami) Cantwell’s 2008 account during her “night of the blue fireflies.”

2. Dr. Paul (Takashi) Nagai, a patient in his own hospital [p133]: Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008). NOTE: Dr. Nagai’s grandson was an especially enlightening source with regard to the often strained yet ultimately brotherly relationship between his grandfather and Dr. Akizuki. Nyokodo documents detail Dr. Nagai’s fight against cancer, his recovery after the bomb, into and out of remission. Additional details: Endo Tai, personal communication (2008) RE the Nagasaki oral history surrounding Dr. Nagai and the origin of the Nyokodo Hermitage.

3. See note 1.

4. Fourteen-year-old Hajime Iwanaga, the Kaiten torpedo crews, and the children’s crusade “lesson” about The Faithful Elephants [pp133–137]: Yukio Tsuchiya, The Faithful Elephants (Japan, Kin-no-Hoshi-Sha Co. LTD, 1951); H. Iwanaga in John Toland, The Rising Sun (N.Y., Random House, 1970), p 803; Endo Tai, Hideo Nakamura, RE the Kaiten “volunteers,” oral history surrounding the story of the Kaiten and the boy, Hajime Iwanaga. NOTE: Animal caregivers subjected to the unusual punishment of starving their elephants to death was a propagandistic example, meant to stand as a lesson to Japan’s youth that they must be willing to sacrifice everything when ordered (a history sanitized for an American version of The Faithful Elephants, published as a children’s novella in New York by Houghton Mifflin, 1988). Frederick Litten (p 2, [and in] in Japan Focus: “Starving the Elephants”) summarizes glaring contradictions between the subsequent public story and actual records from the period. Litton noted that the zookeepers were also required to starve to death “doves and probably other small animals.” The timing of events (summer of 1943) in actual fact precedes any true danger of air raids and the release of killer animals (including doves), by a year and a half. Litton: Governor Shigeo ordered certain of the animals to be killed in this inexplicable way (with their caregivers forced to live with them while they starved) “to use their deaths as propaganda—one especially aimed at children.” Their martyrdom “fit well with the beginning of the gyokusai (‘shattering like a jewel’), or death with honor propaganda celebrating suicidal behavior at the front.”

Those toward whom the lesson was aimed, those who, like Hajime Iwanaga, were spared gyokusai, related later that they did not want to die and actually dreaded the day they would be the next candidates ordered into the plane or the torpedo (interviews by Hideo Nakamura, 2010). Children were told they must be ready to suffer for the Emperor: Yamaoka Michiko, White Flash Black Rain (U.S., Milkweed Editions, 1995), p 71; Sachiko Masaki, “A Message to the Young,” in Hibakusha (Tokyo, Kosei Publishing, 1986), pp 146–152; Keijiro Matsushima [p136], aspired to suicide attacks, age 14, taking every story of sacrifice into his heart: interviewed by David Smith, “I Don’t Blame Them but I Hope They Mourn the Dead,” The Observer, London, 7/24/2005, p 1.

5. On the encounter between the Kaiten-armed submarine I-58 and the Indianapolis [p135] Bob Hackett and Sander Kingsepp (2008), “HIJMS Submarine I-58: Tabular Record of Movement,” from interrogation of Commander Mochitsura Hashimoto, by J. H. Alberti (interpreter R. J. Fox): Submarine/Undersea Warfare Div., Series III, Oper. Archive Branch, Naval History Center: Hashimoto’s I-58 carried four manned [Kaiten] torpedoes. July 28, 1945, Hashimoto fires first two Kaiten at a tanker and the cargo ship Wild Hunter. A third Kaiten [launched] is sighted and sunk by USS Lowry. A last Kaiten suffered engine malfunctions and could not be launched. Indianapolis was targeted [July 29, 1945] by an array of six conventional torpedoes.

6. See note 4.

7. American witnesses to the bombs: Corporal Dale Frantz, Allied Prison Camp Number 17 [pp138–140]: George Weller, First into Nagasaki (N.Y., Crown, 2006), p 60 (additional details, pp 56–67, 85–113). Clarence Graham: self-published memoir, Under the Samurai Sword (1998), summarized by Tom Brokaw in The Greatest Generation Speaks (N.Y., Random House, 2005), chap. 1.

8. See note 1.

9. Prefect Nishioka, 8/8/45, construction and Governor Nagano’s shelter [pp141–142]: Nagasaki Museum Archive, Wakamatsu Nagano, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors #14 (pp 1–2); Nishioka in R. Trumbull, Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y., Dutton, 1957), pp 91–92; Endo Tai (and Hideo Nakamura), personal communication. Subterranean chambers under the charge of Prefect Nishioka’s construction crews (including a partly above-ground command center near the hypocenter), excavated 2008, bring into new relevance, Ichiro Miyato.

10. T. Akizuki, Aug. 9 [pp142–144]: Nagasaki 1945 (London, Quartet Books, 1981), pp 23–24; the precise locations of Drs. Akizuki and Nagai were hand-marked on a U.S. Bombing Survey map by Tokusaburo Nagai, with Endo Tai, 9/19/2008. At Moment Zero, both doctors were in separate but nearby buildings uphill in Urakami, at the main medical complex.

11. See note 1.

12. See note 1.

13. On Charles Sweeney’s concern for larger civilian population of Nagasaki, and resolve to hit purely military target of Kokura [p145]: War’s End (p 195). In 1999 (personal communication), Sweeney affirmed that Paul Tibbets wanted him court-martialed for flying three times over Kokura under heavy fire and risking loss of the bomb.

14. See note 1.

15. Kenshi Hirata, 8/9/45 [pp147–148]: Reaching his parents’ home: Trumbull, pp 117–119; Norman Cousins, personal communication (1987); Shinji Kinoshita (on what radios were announcing at the time), Trumbull, p 105. Nancy (Minami) Cantwell, on how she and others believed they “felt and sometimes saw” the presence of the lost (personal communication, 2008).

16. Ship designer Akira Iwanaga, Masao Komatsu on same train at Moment Zero [pp148–149]: Trumbull, pp 43–46, 95, 98, 101; interview, A. Iwanaga, July 2010.

17. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, 10:30 a.m, 9/9/45 [pp149–150]: personal communication (2008); unpublished chapter from Yamaguchi, Twice Bombed, Twice Survived (May 2009); memoir, I Live to Tell My Story (2009).

18. Prefect Nishioka, witnesses the planes [pp150]: Trumbull, pp 98–99, 111.

19. Ichiro Miyato [pp150–152], a distant radar operator in direct contact with the central Urakami command center—right up to the moment of its destruction. Additional sources on Nagasaki excavations and oral histories related to radar operator Miyato: Michie Hattori Bernstein with William L. Leary, “Nagasaki Eyewitness,” World War II Magazine, Summer 2005; George Appoldt (personal communication, 1970s) and Norman Cousins (personal communication, 1987; according to Cousins, the incident became an inspiration for the “bombing of Moscow scene” in the Cold War thriller, Fail Safe).

20. Michie Hattori Bernstein [p153]: how people had their humanity instantly stripped away by the bomb, and names given by children, to what they thought people had turned into, as in the case of “the alligator man” (personal communication, conference arranged by Jesuits, students, 1973).

21. Emiko Fukahori, saved by a margin of only a few paces [pp152–153]: E. Fukahori, in Nagasaki Museum Archive, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors #29, parts 1 and 2; Hattori and Leary, World War II Magazine (Summer 2005).

22. Hajime Iwanaga, underwater at Moment Zero [pp153–154]: J. Toland, p 803. At the same general radius from the hypocenter (see note 23).

23. Yukiko Kobayashi, his friends, and Yukiko’s five-year-old brother are situated under varying degrees of shadow-shielding [p154]: Yukiko Kobayashi (case #11724), in The Asahi Shimbun archive, Messages from Hibakusha Project (accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and

24. See note 1.

Chapter 7. A Vapor in the Heavens

1. Dr. Hachiya, 8/9/45 [pp157–158]—friend saved by a bee sting [pp157–158]: Hiroshima Diary (University of North Carolina Press, 1955), pp 35–36. The tremble felt in the hospital as a possible reverberation from Nagasaki 300 km away: a distant light cutting up into the south part of the sky at approximately 11:00 a.m., Dr. Fujii’s team, interview, 7/21/2008, p 1, parag. 3. Translator Endo Tai (some oral history of Nagai and Sasaki families, 7/2008): Dr. Hachiya awakened by “ground palpitations,” Yoji Matsumoto, a relative of Dr. Hachiya (8/5/2010). RE visibility from Hiroshima: The flash-desiccation of tree leaves on mountainsides facing Nagasaki, to radius of 80 km (as reported by M. Shiotsuki, p 108).

2. The overloading and “blacking out” of Miyato’s radar screen [p158]: in Michie Hattori Bernstein and William L. Leary’s “Eyewitness to Nagasaki,” World War II Magazine (Summer 2005).

3. Clarence Graham’s story [pp158–159] was reported by Tom Brokaw, The Greatest Generation Speaks (N.Y., Random House, 2005), chapter 1 (see also, C. Graham, self-published memoir, Under the Samurai Sword, ASIN B0006E8124, 1998).

4. Prefect Nishioka’s second atomic bomb [pp159–160]: translated from Mitsubishi archives for Robert Trumbull, Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y., Dutton, 1957), pp 111–112, 114–115; additional scientific details based upon atomic tests showing what happens to air, water, vehicles, and buildings at Nishioka’s distance from 22–30 kiloton air bursts. Tests include, particularly, Able (22kt, Bikini Atoll, 1946). Additionally, Dog (22kt, Nevada, 1951), Easy (31kt, Nevada, 1951), Zucchini (28kt, Nevada, 1955).

5. Kenshi Hirata’s second atomic bomb [pp160–161, 193–195]: R. Trumbull, pp 119. Norman Cousins was quite familiar with the Hirata history up to the point of Hirata’s disappearance about 1955 (personal communication, 1987); Eizo Tajima RE effects in the Hirata neighborhood (including the conclusion that the bomb was more than twice as powerful as the one dropped on Hiroshima), in Nagasaki Museum archive, Testimony of Atomic Bomb Survivors #20, page 2. Sweeney’s perspective: C. Sweeney, War’s End (N.Y., Avon Books, 1997). Interviews with Kenshi Hirata, his daughter Saeko, and Setsuko Hirata’s brother, July 2010 (Hideo Nakamura, Hidetaka Inazuka).

6. Kuniyoshi Sato’s journey from Hiroshima to Nagasaki [p161] aboard the second train (with Kenshi Hirata)—which in fact made him a late arrival at the ferry, for the meeting at which Tsutomu Yamaguchi was being upbraided for having lost track of engineer K. Sato in Hiroshima: Interview, Aug 6, 2005, R.L. Parry, the Times of London (footnote #18, chapter 5). Tsutomu Yamaguchi, personal communication, July 2008, RE the co-worker who, on the train, sat across from a man carrying skull parts of his young bride from Hiroshima to her parents in Nagasaki, said it was K. Sato and K. Hirata who sat briefly together aboard the train. On Sato’s survival at the pier, on the opposite side of the river from Yamaguchi: interview with Hideo Nakamura, 2010. (Sato recalled removing all of the glass from his home but whether this was before or after the second detonation is unclear; many in the suburbs removed all of their windows after the Urakami detonation because almost everyone was expecting a third atomic bomb.)

7. Events at the location of Dr. Nagai’s children [pp162–164]: Takashi (Paul) Nagai, We of Nagasaki (a family memoir, N.Y., Duel, Sloan, and Pearce, 1951), pp 10–12, 31, 42. NOTE: Descriptions of animals and wooden objects exposed to the flash: Nyokodo Hermitage Museum (Tokusaburo Nagai, translated by Endo Tai, including Genshi-un no Shhita ni Ikite, “Survivors under the Atomic Clouds,” edited by Paul Nagai: compositions of the children of the Yamazato Elementary and Junior High schools). The vertical column of smoke effect, first three seconds, corroborated in Nevada tests (Dog, Easy, Zucchini) and in test Able (air burst over Bikini Atoll fleet), including piglets, goats, filmed during exposure to heat and blast, out to 9 km radius, Nagasaki-class detonations.

Some details on the path of heavy debris field materials falling from the atomic cloud, out to a distance of more than 9 km., across the location of the Nagai children: Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication/video interview over map and on location (2008).

8. Takami’s cow bursting into flames before his eyes, and wounds caused by fireballs at radius greater than 8 km [pp164–165]: Takashi (Paul) Nagai, in The Bells of Nagasaki (Tokyo, N.Y., London, Kodanshu International, 1949, 1984), pp 9–10. Mount Kawabira and precise locations of the Nagai family members (including the two Nagai children) were marked on a map annotated by Tokusaburo Nagai (on location and on video, 2008). The protective mountain is named several times in Dr. Nagai’s book, We of Nagasaki (beginning in the front matter, on p xiii). In The Bells of Nagasaki (p 6–8), Nagai’s account of Chimoto-san records severe flash effects along unshielded areas (in direct unshaded line-of-sight to the bomb) near Mt. Kawabira, including the far side of the Nagai children’s stream.

9. Akira Iwanaga and his friend Masao, on an in-bound train during the Nagasaki detonation [pp165–166]: Trumbull, pp 101–102. The stopping of the train near Michinoo Station [pp165–166]: Link to Asahi Shimbun (, “Hibakusha Voices” (audio in Japanese, transcripts in English), Disk #5, Case # 198. Effects [pp165–166]: Nyokodo Hermitage Museum reports (Drs. Nagai and Akizuki) about the deadly reflex of people (including gardeners at the medical complex) to glance in the direction of the flash, directly exposing their faces and eyes (also, Endo Tai translating for Tokusaburo Nagai, 2008). Tsutomu Yamaguchi, on Akira Iwanaga and others exposed on the train (personal communication, 2008). Akira Iwanaga (interview, Hideo Nakamura, 2010) provided location of his and Masao Komatsu’s train, indicating Michinoo Station as last stopping point through which train had passed, when the flash occurred, corroborated by Dr Akizuki in Nagasaki, 1945, p 46. During his July 2010 interview, Akira Iwanaga re-affirmed the chronology of events preceding the flash (corroborating Trumbull, p 101).

10. Further notes related to the first three minutes [pp166–167]: Nagano in Nagasaki Museum Archives, Testimony of Atomic Bomb Survivors #14. Dr. Nagai (on the Urakami firestorm), in The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 28, 32, 41; Nishioka, in Trumbull, p 113. The Nagai children, Dr. Akizuki, and other eyewitnesses described a large variety of objects raining down from the cloud, some being whipped up into the air by cyclones of flame springing from an immense lake of fire, as in Tasuichiro Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945 (London, Quartet Books, 1981), p 27. Tamotsu Eguchi, in “Nagasaki,” in Hiroshima in Memoriam and Today (Hitoshi Takayama, editor; Peace Resource Ctr., U.S., the Hamat Group, Hiroshima, 2000), pp 58–60. Further descriptions, objects falling out of the cloud [p167]: Asahi Shimbun (, “Hibakusha Voices,” Disk #6, Witness #256.

11. Flash effects at the radius of the Kobayashi family [pp167–168]: Yukiko Kobayashi (Case #11724) in The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (archive accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and

12. “Skeletonizing” and “auroral” events witnessed in the tunnels by Emiko and her friend Sumi-Chan [pp168–169]: Emiko Fukahori, Nagasaki Archive, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors #29. A similar effect witnessed by Matsu Moruchi: in We of Nagasaki, p 104. Survival at and near the tunnels [pp169–171]: Michie Hattori Bernstein with William L. Leary, “Eyewitness to Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Blast,” World War II Magazine (Summer 2005). De-gloving (as witnessed by Hattori), corroborated in The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 22–23. Dr. Nagai also reported “strange meteors”—all manner of large debris and “dancing junk, whirling around [in the sky] with strange noises,” continuing to fall for some time (approximately ten minutes or more) after the explosion, and further on de-gloving: We of Nagasaki, pp 136–137.

13. Yose Matsuo’s survival in a deep tunnel near the hypocenter [pp172–174]: Y. Matsuo, in the Nagasaki Museum Archive, Nagasaki for Peace: Testimony of Atomic Bomb Survivors #24. Some criteria for comparison to what happens to people and objects at temperatures reaching or exceeding five times the boiling point of water: G. Mastrolorenzo, et al, “Herculaneum Victims of Vesuvius in AD 79,” Nature, April 12, 2001 (also, personal communication [G. Mastrolorenzo], notes, and video log at the Vesuvius Observatory forensics laboratory, the buried Herculaneum Marina, the buried Oplantus II plantation; and the snake heads effect heat track: Pompeii’s Garden of the Fugitives, House of the Snake Heads Effect, House of Menander, 2005, 2009; J. Tabor, C. Pellegrino, S. Jacobovici: “Vesuvius and the Fear of God,” Episode 2 in Secrets of Christianity, Associated Producers, Discovery Channel/Science, 2011).

The Matsuo account (#24) records the depth and length of the tunnel along with Matsuo’s location, furthest back in this shelter, and includes such key details as the body mass of 52 intervening people, between the witness and the tunnel entrance. Additional background includes personal communication (Tokusaburo Nagai, E. Tai, RE annotations on a copy of #24, 2008) and personal visit to the site of Matsuo’s survival. James Powell (Brookhaven National Laboratory), during discussion of this case, noted that in addition to tunnel depth, Matsuo needed at least two meters of water shielding from the gamma ray sky-shine effect. This protection would likely have been provided by the water that makes up the majority of human body mass, if most of the women in the tunnel were standing between Matsuo and the opening, allowing her to become the closest known survivor to the Urakami hypocenter.

14. Cadet Komatsu, flight into the Nagasaki cloud [pp174–175]: John Toland, The Rising Sun (N.Y., Random House, 1970), pp 805–806; George Appoldt, personal communication (1973).

15. Comparisons of Hiroshima, Nagasaki detonations from B-29s [pp176–177]: C. Sweeney, War’s End (N.Y., Avon Books, 1997), pp 218–219; personal communication (1999); George Marquardt, The Independent, Aug. 23, 2003 (Tibbets’s interview confirms position of Marquardt’s plane at Hiroshima in World at War, Part 24, “The Bomb,” BBC, 1973).

16. Hajime Iwanaga, the world into which he surfaced [pp177–179]: in Toland, p 803; George Appoldt, personal communication (1970–1973), including discussions about Hajime’s unusual observations—among these, similar phenomena that involved rapidly heated, rapidly inflating bodies in the aftermath of the pyroclastic cloud of Mount Pelè, Martinique, in 1902. Hajime Iwanaga’s roving and shooting fireball phenomena were similarly described in Dr. Nagai’s The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 9–10, 63–65. A similar phenomenon, Nishioka’s ominous “flaming ground candles,” was described in Trumbull, pp 49–50.

17. Sachiko Masaki, shock-cocooned inside the torpedo factory [pp179–181], and her brother, now a double-atomic-bomb-survivor: S. Masaki, in Hibakusha (Tokyo, Kosei, 1986), pp 146–152.

18. Michie Hattori, the shock-cocooned student, finds her village completely cocooned behind a tall hill [pp181–182]: M. Hattori, in World War II Magazine (Summer 2005) and personal communication (1973). U.S. Bombing Survey photos: example of such shielding, 6/30/1946 report to the Chairman’s Office, Washington, D.C., p12. The region of destruction through which Hattori passed on her way to the shock-cocooned village was also described by Prefect Nishioka in Trumbull, p 113.

19. Inosuke Hayasaki’s description of what happened at the Mitsubishi naval yard steel works, at a radius of 1,100 meters from the hypocenter [pp182–185]: Interview, August 8, 2014, recorded at the West Park Presbyterian Church, New York, pp 1–6.

20. Governor Nagano, aftermath [pp185–186]: Wakamatsu Nagano, Nagasaki Museum Archive, Nagasaki and Peace, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors #14. Note also, sources RE Nagano’s survival and actions, as referenced for chapter 6. Some observations on travel conditions and routes taken between the governor’s mansion and the medical complex in the Urakami hills, after 11:02 a.m., 8/9/1945: The head of the Urakami council reached Nagano’s office about 4:00 p.m., after initially calling in radio reports from the medical complex. He traveled opposite along essentially the same approximately 4–5 hour path taken by Dr. Akizuki’s father (Nagasaki 1945, p 45). Governor Nagano’s initial shock-state had been bitterly related by Prefect Nishioka’s wife (E. Tai, T. Nagai, Nyokodo conference notes, Nagasaki, 7/19/2008, p 1). Nyokodo conference (p 1) also corroborates the police chief’s son (referenced in Trumbull), saved indirectly by Nishioka’s warnings based on his observations of the Hiroshima effects.

21. The Nagasaki Museum has in its collections, and on display, objects that actually fell out of the cloud at the radius of lower Isahaya [pp186–187], where Prefect Nishioka encountered debris and “fallout.” Artifacts also include radiation-tinted glass, bones enclosed in melted glass, bent steel, shadows cast permanently onto walls at various radii from the hypocenter.

22. See note 20.

23. See note 21.

24. Dr. Akizuki [pp187–190]: Nagasaki 1945, pp 18, 24–36, 40 (p 36 references “the quiet reproach” from one of Akizuki’s nurses). On Dr. Nagai’s thoughts about the lake of fire in the Urakami Valley as a glimpse of an apocalyptic future that he believed might be preventable if humanity turned toward the way the prophets wanted humanity to live [p189]: Nyokodo papers and Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008, with Endo Tai translating). Mrs. Nagai’s family history in the Urakami-Nagasaki Christian underground and its influence on Dr. Nagai: The Bells of Nagasaki (1949), pp xvi–xix and Tokusaburo Nagai (conference, 2008).

25. See note 23.

26. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, 8/9/45 [pp190–193]: Trumbull, pp 109–110; personal communication, July 2008 (On p 2, conference, Tsutomu Yamaguchi noted how Has ko’s detour for a cream to treat his burns had changed her normal routine for that day, and thus, as a result of his Hiroshima burns, she, their child, and the babysitter were saved); unpublished memoir (translated by Hideo Nakamura), Twice Bombed, Twice Survived (May 2009).

27. See note 5.

28. Dr. Takashi (Paul) Nagai at the Urakami Hospital complex, and his children [pp196–198]: We of Nagasaki, pp 6, 17, 35, 50, 57, 92, 181–182, 184–185; Tokusaburo Nagai, noting also how the Noyokodo Hermitage was built downhill of the hospital, over the place where Mrs. Nagai died; personal communication (2008). Radiation doses at this radius from the hypocenter are based on gamma and neutron emissions (minus microwaves and black rain effects), U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, as in summary of results (Alvarez canisters), E. Ishikawa, et al (Tokyo, Iwanami Solen, 1979, N.Y., 1981), p 72. Dr. Nagai’s memoir (We of Nagasaki) is uniquely important, historically, because of its often intensely honest self-reflection. On pages 182 and 183, addressing his own vanity, he wrote: “That is why I kept at it. I was after recognition . . . I wanted to be called a hero. . . . The young students and nurses [many of whom would soon die] knew no such vanity.”

Chapter 8. Threads

1. Charles Sweeney’s flight from Nagasaki to Okinawa [pp199–202]: C. Sweeney, War’s End (N.Y., Avon Books, 1997), pp 220, 222–229; his findings and concerns afterward (personal communication, 1999).

2. On the post-Nagasaki conference at the Imperial Palace [pp202–203]: J. Toland, The Rising Sun (N.Y., Random House, 1970), pp 810–812; Tatsuichio Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945 (London, Quartet Books, 1981), pp 73–74; Charles Sweeney, War’s End (1997), pp 236–237; Walter Lord, personal communication (1997), on post-WWII interviews, Dr. Nishina, Dr. Sagane. Before writing his final, traditional death poems, Anami had expressed (as in Toland, p 826) conflicting loyalties in a military coup.

3. Keiji Nakazawa, on Hiroshima, 8/9–19/45 [pp203–206]: K. Nakazawa, I Saw It: A Survivor’s True Story (San Francisco, Educomics [Manga], 1982); K. Nakazawa, Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen, translated by R. Minear (U.K., Rowman and Littlefield, 2010), p 42, 44, 46, 50; K. Nakazawa, personal communication (2010–2011). NOTE: Concentration of radioactive elements in living systems, involving the approximately 200 varieties of radioactive isotopes (most with very short half-lives) produced by the atomic bombs: as in, The Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, E. Ishikawa, et al (Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 1979; N.Y., Basic Books, 1981), pp 77–86. A soldier who participated in triage, in terms of food delivery: Case 02159, in The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and

4. Takashi Tanemori’s dream [pp206–207]: T. Tanemori and J. Crump, Hiroshima: The Bridge to Forgiveness (CA, TVP Press, 2008), pp 27–30, 46–47; Hiroshima Nagasaki Download (DVD, Shinpei Tadeka, Autopus Studio, 2010); interview, personal communication, 11/13/2010.

5. Children, 1945, Fukushima uranium mines [pp207–208]: Kiwamu Ariga, interview with Martin Fackler, “Fukushima’s Long Link to Dark Nuclear Past,” Ishikawa Journal, 9/6/2011, courtesy of Mark Baraka Strauch and Takashi (Thomas) Tanemori; Frances Kakugawa (also on childhood’s false escape from war), Kapoho: Memoir of a Modern Pompeii (Hawaii, Watermark Publishing, 2011).

6. Conditions at the Communications Hospital, on the day Dr. Hachiya’s horse died [pp208–210]: M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary (University of North Carolina Press, 1955), pp 36, 39–40, 42. Bomb-related medical effects: Glass in the lungs and other organs also noted by Dr. Akizuki (p 91 of Nagasaki 1945) and Dr. Masao Shiotsuki at the Omura Naval Hospital, Doctor at Nagasaki, Kosei Publishers, Tokyo (1987), p 72. Other objects embedded in survivors’ bodies: “Hibakusha Voices” (accessible through, Asahi Shimbun link, Disk 5, Witness 203). Omura autopsies recorded (as in Shiotsuki, p 89) the results of bone marrow death. People reported to have blood emerging through pores in skin and even to have tears of blood: Witness 342 (Disk 8). Omura Naval Hospital and (personal communication), Dr. Fujii’s team: In addition to rapid bone marrow breakdown, lungs and kidneys bled out and bacteria had penetrated even the most minor skull fractures. Protists (relatives of the amoeba) that normally caused dysentery moved from the intestinal tract and dissolved spinal cord and brain tissue.

7. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, kite-maker Morimoto, and Prefect Nishioka in the Nagasaki aftermath [pp210–211]: Robert Trumbull, Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y, Dutton, 1957), pp 108–109, 112, 121. Tsutomu Yamaguchi: personal communication (2008); written memoir, Twice Bombed, Twice Survived (2009, translated by Hideo Nakamura, who earlier made a film under the same title). Additional information on Morimoto: Toland, pp 802–803. Morimoto’s family losses, and his survival, recorded in personal communication by Toland with Mr. and Mrs. Morimoto (Toland, p 888). Distribution of envelopes hoisted from Morimoto’s kite shop is recorded in a brief entry for the Nagasaki Museum, translated by Endo Tai (2008).

8. Morimoto’s assistant, Doi: Trumbull, p 106 [pp211–212]: detailed the survival of Doi’s son on the temple grounds. Some oral history on the Doi case, shadow-shielding and shock-cocooning behind a ridge, related by Endo Tai (2008); some additional material on Doi’s family related by double-survivor researcher George Appoldt (personal communication 1972–1974), RE: the “strange hail” of objects that fell behind the ridge (Doi and Nagai children locations), corroborated at Nyokodo conference (with Tokusaburo Nagai), 7/19/2008, p 1.

9. Akira Iwanaga and Masao Komatsu [pp212–213]: Urakami fire cyclones seen from a ridge: Trumbull, pp 102–104, 125. T. Yamaguchi on his friend Akira (including sudden inclination to abandon path toward Mitsubishi offices and walk away from the war, paths taken after train wreck [mapped by A. Iwanaga, 7/2010]): personal communication, Yamaguchi (2008). The tunnels in the hillside were being excavated and filmed in 2008.

10. Although he was a Buddhist, Akizuki thought he could understand the Jesuit’s call for prayer, before Dr. Yoshioka’s mother arrived [pp213–214]: Tatsuichiro Akizuki, Nagasaki, 1945, pp 26–27, 45–48. Dr. Takashi (Paul) Nagai, and the “cracks in human souls” created by the bomb: Takashi (Paul) Nagai, We of Nagasaki (N.Y., Duel, Sloan, and Pearce, 1951), pp 94–99, 165–166, 176–177; Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008). On the locations of Drs. Akizuki and Nagai and their participation in the medical complex evacuation and long-term rescue effort: Akizuki (Nagasaki, 1945), p 28; Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008). Nagai cousin Tatsue Urata on Dr. Akizuki at the medical complex and St. Francis Hospital burning: We of Nagasaki, p 86–87; Akizuki (p 111–112) credited Nagai’s nutritional methods at the rescue center with saving his life and the lives of many others.

11. See note 10.

12. On Nagai cousin Tatsue at Moment Zero [pp214–218]: The Tatsue chapter in We of Nagasaki. Tatsue reproaches herself for being saved in shadow-shield/shock cocoon while her mother died on other side of hill, p 84. Tatsue records how she started out with the Nagai children (p 72), how family separated into two groups (p 80); one group subsequently dying while other group, on the shadow-side, is saved; flash effects on farmhouses across a ravine, outside the edges of Mt. Kompira’s shadow, in the full “sunlight” of the bomb (p 81). Little Eiko as the adopted daughter of the aunt, variously referred to as “the old lady” (p 95) and as an unnamed “skinny aunt” (Nyokodo conference, July 2008): This aunt who abandoned her child (as in We of Nagasaki) was never to be mentioned by name. The story told at Nyokodo (2008) was that someone else’s parent cared for Eiko until she died on 8/10/45, still awaiting the return of her mother (as in We of Nagasaki, pp 95–96).

13. Dr. Akizuki’s father at Moment Zero [pp218–219]: Nagasaki 1945 (p 45), and what he saw of the firestorm (p 45, parag. 2). Dr. Nagai’s grandson and Endo Tai (and regarding the later life of Dr. Akizuki, Chad Diehl) provided background on how Drs. Nagai and Akizuki, Akizuki’s parents, and other survivors worked together at the ruined hospital complex (July 2008, p 1).

14. The nightmarish scenes at the location of the “death trains” and the guilt Inosuke Hayasaki carried after the dying of the people to whom he gave water [pp219–220]: Interview, August 8, 2014, recorded at N.Y. West Park Presbyterian Church, pp 7–13. (Conclusion on the “water deaths,” derived from personal communication and theorizing with BNL physicist J. Powell, WTC medical and FDNY recovery team members, 9–11 family experiences, 2001–2015.)

15. Emperor Hirohito calls for a final conference [p221]: IMTFEE Doc. 62049, Japanese General Staff, “Record on Termination of the War”; Toland, pp 810–814; T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, pp 73–74: C. Sweeney, pp 236, 238–239. Dr. Akizuki recorded in his memoir what became known, via IMTFEE and other in-Japan sources, of events that began at the Palace between 11:40 and 11:50 p.m., 8/9/1945 (as also in Toland, p 811); description of Hirohito’s voice, preserved in recordings of the Emperor’s surrender “rescript,” composed, in part, from Hirohito’s 8/9–10/45 meeting notes, after “discussions with Togo” (as also in H. P. Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, Harper, N.Y., 2000, p 526, parag. 2; 527; 517–518. RE also Togo to investigators from GHO Historical Section, 5/17/1949, 8/17/1950, U.S. Army Statements of Japanese Army Officials on WWII, Vol. 4, digitalized archive from microfilm [Shelf 51256]): In Toland (p 814), it is Togo who had the Emperor’s words to him (them) “burned into his mind,” and who then dictated the words to his brother-in-law. H. P. Bix (p 502) made specific reference to Hirohito, at war’s end, ordering the keeper of his Privy Seal to defend at all costs, and to bring the Empire’s descendant of the Sun the sacred objects, including the “curved jewel,” much in the manner that ancient Rome’s living-god Augustales and Egypt’s ancient rulers carried such jewled symbols.

16. 8/10/45, Tinian Island [pp222–223]: C. Sweeney, War’s End, pp 143, 233–235, 241–243, 276. Additional sources on threatening messages dropped from planes on the reverse sides of counterfeit monetary bills, some translated by Hideo Nakamura: James Michener (who with James Clavell, wrote some of the threats), lecture in New York City, personal communication (1975). Joshua Stoff, Cradle of Aviation Museum: RE failures in the Japanese rocket program; also (RE Ugaki’s final attack), Toland, pp 853–854; Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, p 103.

17. Togo (RE Toland, pp 836–837) was party to the Aug. 14 shutting down of arms factories and party to actually writing the Emperor’s rescript [pp223–224]: “His Majesty . . . to issue his commands to all the military . . . authorities of Japan . . . wherever located to cease active operations.” Togo and Anami discussed this as the Palace rebellion loomed and the Emperor became isolated (imprisoned, in fact). This was a point at which Akizuki (p 95) reported that 40% of factory workers (arms were then the only things being manufactured) had already left their jobs. The shut-down orders had been sent out by the Emperor’s allies, including Togo and Kido (the latter interviewed by Toland), in accepting the Emperor’s “war’s end” decision of four days before.

18. Further notes on the medical rescue efforts in the ruins of the Urakami Hospital complex [pp224–226]: Takashi (Paul) Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 45, 49; T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, pp 55–58, 61–62; T. Akizuki in Nagasaki Museum Archive, Nagasaki and Peace, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors 11, Part 2. Akizuki’s friend Noguchi (pp 55–56) was a theology student in Nagasaki, and also a medical complex carpenter/plumber—in fact, he was fixing a water pump in one of the hospital buildings when the bomb exploded (as noted by J. Wintz, “Nagasaki: A Peace Church Rises from the Ashes,” American Catholic, Aug. 2005). A case of prompt dosing (absorbed by Akizuki and deeper indoors by Nagai): Nyokodo Conference, 7/19/2008, Tokusaburo Nagai, p 1.

Chapter 9. Testament

1. Keiji Nakazawa, on Hiroshima, 8/10/1945 [pp229–231], in I Saw It: A Survivor’s True Story (San Francisco, Educomics, 1982); personal communication, 2010–2012: Manga, Barefoot Gen: The Day After (Philadelphia, New Society Publishers, 1988), pp iv, 130–137; personal communication on Tanaka/“Ryuta” portions of film, Barefoot Gen (Japan, Arisa Films, DVD, 2006); interview in White Light, Black Rain, HBO documentary, 2007; in Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen, translated by R. H. Minear (U.K. Rowman and Littlefield, 2010), p49, 51, 60; on the atomic orphans, K. Nakazawa and Steve Leeper, personal communication (2010, 2011).

2. 8/10/1945, atomic orphan Takashi (Thomas) Tanemori [pp231–232]: Hiroshima: The Bridge to Forgiveness (CA, TVP Press, 2008), pp 51–52, 56, 63.

3. See note 2.

4. The “cave boy,” Saburo Kobayashi, Hiroshima orphan [pp232–233]: Case 11187, The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and

5. Shoso Kawamoto, a Hiroshima orphan drawn to the Yakuza [p233]: Deathbed testimony via Steve Leeper, Hiroshima Peace Foundation, 12/20/2010.

6. 8/10/1945, Communications Hospital, ruins of the military training ground, Hiroshima Castle [pp233–234]: Michihiko Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, pp 36, 38, 40, 46, 49, 120–125; Shinoe Shoda, in White Flash, Black Rain (U.S.A., Milkweed Editions, 1995), p 28; Kae Matsumoto, Yoji Matsumoto, personal communication (2010). NOTE: Yoji Matsumoto entered Hiroshima’s military training ground near the castle ruins, four days after the bombing, leaving after maximum of two hours. A month afterward, he suffered mild to moderate symptoms of radiation exposure, including nausea and temporary loss of hair. Dr. Hachiya, on similar cases: Hiroshima Diary, p 120.

7. See note 6.

8. The poet, Shinoe Shoda [pp234–235]: apparently the same “girl poet Shinoe” identified in oral and written traditions of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s mobile medical team, and by Dr. Hachiya’s wife’s relatives (including Yoji Matsumoto, 8/5/2010, p 1). Also:—RE, Shoda’s poems, 1947 (in defiance of occupation censorship laws), by Tsdao Nakamura, at Hiroshima’s prison print shop: The Meaning of Survival; See “Reiko,” trans. by K. and M. Selden, The Atomic Bomb: Voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki (M. E. Sharpe, N.Y., 1989), p 233, 234, 241. Shinoe Shoda describes her own ill health during the first week after the bomb, and a friend who became an atomic orphan in late August 1945. Oral history (via Y. Matsumoto and Dr. Fujii’s nurses) places the poet briefly at a field hospital—the “Comm. Hosp.,” during the week after Aug. 6.

9. 8/10/45, Tsutomu Yamaguchi and his family [pp236–237]: personal communication (2008); Yamaguchi unpublished memoir, Twice Bombed, Twice Survived (translated by Hideo Nakamura, 2009); Yamaguchi memoir, I Live to Tell My Story (2009).

10. Prefect Nishioka’s arrival at Nagano’s office [pp237–238]: Robert Trumbull, Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N.Y., Dutton, 1957), p 115; Nagasaki Museum Archive, Wakamatsu Nagano, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors 14; Nyokodo conference, 2008.

11. Dr. Nagai’s expedition down from the St. Francis medical outpost [pp238–239]: Nagai, We of Nagasaki (N.Y., Duel, Sloan, and Pearce, 1951), pp 100–109, 118–120, 122; Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008). Dr. Akizuki, RE the Shimohira family: T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945 (London, Quartet Books, 1981), pp 66–67; S. Shimohira interview with HBO, White Light, Black Rain (2007).Tsutomu Yamaguchi, on Dr. Nagai team remedies that saved his life [pp235–236]: Personal communication, 7/19/2008; in The Bells of Nagasaki (starting p 71–83, 8/13/1945); Dr. Nagai’s (and Prof. Kageura’s, and Shirabe’s) “strange” prescriptions recorded by Akizuki (Nagasaki 1945, p 111); Nagai’s concept of immune support remedies, and Nagai as basketball team friend of Yamaguchi in school: Nyokodo Hermitage conference, Tokusaburo Nagai (2008), personal communication, T. and Y. Yamaguchi, 2008. Other Dr. Nagai relationships [pp236–237]: Matsu Moriuchi was aunt of Hatsue, We of Nagasaki (pp 65, 66). Fujie Urata (p 66) referred to Matsu as “old Auntie Matsu”; and (at the top of p 100) she was identified as “Auntie Matsu.” The strange self-righteous “God-loved” girl and her death: Auntie Matsu, pp 119–120; Dr. Nagai’s grandson, Tokusaburo Nagai, RE the strange girl’s death: Nyokodo Hermitage conference, July 2008, p 2.

12. See note 11.

13. See note 11.

14. 8/11/1945, Miyuki Broadwater, Nagasaki [pp239–240]: in Hiroshima Nagasaki Download (DVD, Shinpei Tadeka, Autopus Studios, 2010). RE Sakue on the crumbling of her mother’s carbonized remains: HBO interview for White Light, Black Rain (2007).

15. 8/11/1945, Dr. Hachiya’s journey to Ground Zero [pp240–241]: Hiroshima Diary, p 47–55. 8/13/45 expedition (p 64–65). Exploring regions he had viewed from “atop” the hospital’s ruins (p 30–32, 47, 53–54). The military supply barge and Chief Kitajima (p 44, 50). Aug. 20, the microscopes and medical supplies from Tokyo (p 99). Observations RE secrecy about Hiroshima after surrender (p 67, 87).

16. See note 15.

17. A child’s description of the music teacher’s mansion [pp241–242]: Seki Chieko, in White Flash, Black Rain (U.S.A., Milkweed Editions, 1995); Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Fujii’s rescue crew, personal communication (2008).

18. See note 15.

19. Conditions under increasing exposure to radiation from the Urakami valley [pp242–243]: M. Hattori and W. Leary, “Eyewitness to Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Blast,” World War II Magazine (Summer 2005); Matsu Matsumoto, in Nagai, We of Nagasaki, pp 30–70, 166, 173, 188–189; Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (July 2008); Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, p 66, 75–79, 80, 83, 86, 88–90.

20. Of the unwelcome soldiers who arrived at the Urakami medical complex [p244], Dr. Akizuki (p 67, 78–80). Dr. Akizuki’s long-term working relationship with Dr. Nagai (p 110).

21. See note 19.

22. See note 19.

23. Food at the ruined Urakami complex [pp244–246]: “Apples” (ripe or not; apples proper or a wild fruit merely called “apples”) and bits of pumpkin in miso soup were mentioned at Nyokodo (July 2008), among the ingredients added by nurses and students, as materials scavenged for soups after the bombing. On nontraditional ingredients during severe food shortages: Akizuki (p 42), “the pieces of pumpkin in miso soup,” in addition to rice and pickled plums, and Dr. Nagai’s sap from persimmon leaves (Akizuki, p 111). In We of Nagasaki (p 73), Tatsue Urata wrote, “With food scarce, we were all using wild plants and pine needles and things like that in our cooking—we had learned how from Midori [Nagai].”

24. 8/13/1945, Tinian Island [pp246–247]: C. Sweeney, War’s End (N.Y., Avon Books, 1997), p 239–241; Sweeney, personal communication (1999).

25. 8/14/45, Hiroshima [pp247–248]: M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, pp 71–72; Keiji Nakazawa, personal communication (8/7/2010); Sadako Kurihara, “The Flag of Blood and Bones,” in White Flash, Black Rain (U.S.A., Milkweed Editions, 1995), p 77.

26. 8/14–15/1945, Tokyo [p248]: J. Toland, The Rising Sun (Random House, N.Y., 1970), pp 829–849; T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, pp 96–97. Charles Sweeney reported having actually over-flown and observed the approaching fleet, in War’s End, pp 241–243.

27. The Palace revolt [p248]: War Minister Anami was called to participate in the revolt as early as Aug. 12; he vacillated, and all the way through his death on the night of Aug. 14–15, Anami kept the secret of the developing military coup until after Hatanaka’s actions failed (as in Akizuki, p 74, 96; Toland, p 808, 810, 826, 830–32; D. McCullough, Truman (Simon and Schuster, N.Y., 1992), p 459; H. P. Bix, Hirohito (Harper, N.Y., 2000), p 516–19. On the killing of Mori and his aide: Toland (p 841); and the deaths of Hatanaka and Lt. Colonel Jiro Shizaki on the Palace lawn (Toland, p 850) along with at least one other conspirator (Akizuki, p 97), and General Tanaka withdrawing his support from the rebellion at this time. Death of Anami (Akizuki, pp 96–97). Tanaka then moves unilaterally to end rebellion—which finally “petered out at dawn.” In one of his death poems (Toland, p 847), Anami wrote, “With my death I apologize to the Emperor for my great crime.”

28. See note 26.

29. See note 27.

30. Kazushige Ito and his family’s Hiroshima history [pp249–250]: Ito family, personal communication (including unpublished family memoir translated by Hideo Nakamura, 2009).

31. Dr. Hachiya (medical barge, microscopes, pp 250–251, see footnote 11); his neighbor, Mr. Sasaki (Sadako and Masahiro’s father) [pp250–251]: M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, pp 56–58, 63, 72–73; Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (2008, 2010, 2011). Dr Hachiya vividly described the collapse of the Sasaki house, and the firestorm developing, on pp 2–3, 6–7, and 72 of his Hiroshima Diary. Masahiro Sasaki commented on the sadness of Dr. Hachiya never understanding that nothing could have been done to save his (Sasaki’s) grandmother (interview, 7/18/2008, pp 4–5). Masahiro also noted that his father had very good government connections and was able to bring food south to Dr. Hachiya’s hospital, just as Hachiya had written in his diary, of his friend and neighbor, Mr. Sasaki (p 72).

32. See note 15.

33. See note 29.

34. On Dr. Hachiya’s knowledge of Japan’s nuclear science [pp251–252]: p 57, Hachiya’s Aug. 12 diary entry.

35. See note 15.

36. Takashi (Thomas) Tanemori, on the deaths of family members [pp253, 259–260]: Personal communication and Hiroshima: The Bridge to Forgiveness (CA TVP Press, 2008), pp 63, 67, 69; Tanemori in Hiroshima Nagasaki Download (2010), interview and discussion, 11/13/2010; letter, 8/9/2011.

37. Keiji Nakazawa’s family, 8/15/1945 [pp253–254, 254–259]: Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen, translated by R. H. Minear, p 63; K. Nakazawa and S. Leeper, personal communication, 2011. K. Nakazawa, interview with HBO, in White Light, Black Rain (2007). On the development of Koji’s problems (and Tanaka, called “Ryuta” in the “Gen” Manga): K. Nakazawa, in The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen, pp 16, 38; Keiji Nakazawa and Steve Leeper, Letters, 3/3/2011, 9/3/2011, 10/4/2011.

38. See note 15.

39. See note 15.

40. See note 34.

41. Dr. Hachiya at the Communications Hospital and Dr. Shiotsuki at Omura Naval Hospital, addressing increasing incidence of radiation effects [pp260–264]: M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, pp 86, 90–93, 97–100, 102, 123–124; Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Fujii’s crew, personal communication (2008); Masao Shiotsuki, Doctor at Nagasaki, pp 79–102, 108–109; Takashi (Paul) Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki, p 56. NOTE: Dr. Nagai appears to have been the first person to suspect that wavelengths longer than the infrared had caused some of the injuries, and that people were microwaved as well as flash-burned and gamma-rayed. The final act of General Tanaka: Dr. Akizuki, in Nagasaki 1945, p 126.

42. After 8/15/1945, Dr. Hachiya, Mr. Sasaki, and the Communications Hospital [pp264–265]: Hiroshima Diary, pp 118, 133, 157. On preparing his scientific report (p 170): Dr. Masao Shiotsuki (pp 79–102, 108–109 of his memoir). Dr. Nagai’s scientific record-keeping (as noted in The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 55–56). On the name, Urakami’s red-brick “St Francis Hospital,” Dr. Akizuki, p 18 of his foreword to Dr. Masao Shiotsuki’s book.

43. Hiroshima and the Fukuya Department Store (field hospital) events [pp265–268]: M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, pp 51–53; Yasunori Funasaka, Case 00626, The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and; Yashiko Hidaka, Case 07229, The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project.

44. After-effects, Hiroshima [pp268–269]: Emiko Nakasako, personal communication, 8/7/2010.

45. Kenji Kitakawa [pp269–270], personal communication, 8/7/2010.

46. Masahiro Kunishige [pp270–272], personal communication, 8/7/2010.

47. How the death rate was accelerating in the Urakami hills, when the typhoon struck both Hiroshima and Nagasaki and wildflowers began blooming in its aftermath, and Shinoe Shoda finds blue chrysanthemums among a schoolyard’s skulls [pp272–274]: T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, pp 117–123, 125, 130–137, 139, 250–251. Takashi (Paul) Nagai: The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 61, 68, 82. In Hiroshima, Dr. Hachiya also recorded the use of the term “mines of the city” (on page 188 of his Hiroshima Diary); Shinoe Shoda, in White Flash, Black Rain (U.S., Milkweed Editions, 1995). NOTE: Tsutomu Yamaguchi spoke about the Nagasaki rainbows that followed the storm (personal communication, 2008), and Endo Tai said that (in addition to such accounts as Akizuki, RE the storm’s aftermath), there were many stories about the plant life that returned after the storm had passed, personal communication (2008).

48. Hiroko Nakamoto’s survival, in the Hiroshima suburb of Kaitachi [pp274–275]: in, My Japan: 1939–1951 (N.Y., McGraw-Hill, 1970), pp 73–74, 79; personal communication (2010).

49. Americans arrive at the upper Urakami medical complex [pp275–276]: Nyokodo Hermitage oral history, as translated by Tokusaburo Nagai and E. Tai (2008). Dr. Akizuki had in fact been expecting an American resembling Dracula (or something similarly monstrous) but was surprised by a very tall figure resembling a romantic comedy movie star (as Vincent Price had been known, 1938–1940). This description is consistent with Akizuki, p 131. On the needed but denied medical supplies [p279]: Akizuki, p 133–134.

50. A committee of American and British scientific investigators met in Japan on September 11, 1945 (marking the beginning of MacArthur’s censorship protocols) [p276–277]: Weller, First into Nagasaki (N.Y., Crown, 2006), p 45; Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, pp 138–139, 234, 147–148; Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 89–94, 111–113; M. Shiotsuki, Doctor at Nagasaki, pp 173–174; E. Ishikawa, et al, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects (Tokyo, Iwanami Publishers, 1979; translated from Japanese, N.Y., Basic Books, 1981), pp 80–83.

51. Americans visit the Urakami hypocenter [pp277–278]: Charles Sweeney, War’s End, pp 255–258, 285–289; personal communication, 1999; Akizuki’s memoir, (p 145); Father George Zabelka (Sweeney’s priest at Tinian), in M. Moore, Here Comes Trouble (N.Y., Grand Central Publishing, 2011), pp 339–347.

52. Hiroshima carbonization, shadow people, melted marbles, a lunch box: Mrs. Matsuda, the “marble boy” of Hiroshima, and Shigeru Orimen’s lunch box [pp279–283]: The Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s mobile rescue crew, personal communication (7/21/2008), p 2; Nenkai Aoyama, personal communication (2008). Radiation-tinted glass and other atomic artifacts described here: Hiroshima Memorial and Nagasaki Museums and at the Minoru Fujii Memorial Retirement Home for nurses and physicians. The story of young Shigeru: Shigoko Orimen, Hiroshima Museum archive, The Lunch Box.

Chapter 10. Legacy: To Fold a Thousand Paper Cranes

1. Dr. Nagai’s self-regrets, and observations on how quickly people were changed by the bomb [pp285–286]: Takashi (Paul) Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki (Tokyo, 1949; N.Y., London, Kodanshu International, 1984), p 34; We of Nagasaki (N.Y., Duel, Sloan, and Pearce, 1951), pp 180–181, 188–189; Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008).

2. The Sasakis’ “lifeboat” near the Misasa Bridge [pp286–292]: Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (including July 2008; May, Aug. 2010 [N.Y. and Hiroshima], filmed, with annotations on U.S. bombing survey photo-mosaic, maps); M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary (University of North Carolina Press, 1955), pp, 2–3, 72, 153–155, 262–265, 173. Black rain densities and pathways, Hiroshima: E. Ishikawa, et al, “Meterological Conditions in Hiroshima,” in report by The Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects (Tokyo, Shoten, 1979; N.Y., Basic Books, 1981), pp 89–91, 93, 101.

3. On a cremated body full of broken glass, and the people Junichi found in a bank near the hypocenter [pp292–293]: The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and; Junichi Kaneshige, Case 20003, 2010.

4. Dr. Nagai, studying “Disease X,” devising treatments [pp293–298]: Takashi (Paul) Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 60–61, 73–83, 96–97; Takashi (Paul) Nagai essay, “From the Ashes,” in Leaving These Children Behind, Nyokodo papers (Nagasaki, approx 1949); Endo Tai, translation and personal communication RE the Nagai history (2008); Kayano Nagai, in We of Nagasaki, pp 16–17; Tsutomu Yamaguchi, personal communication, 2008.

5. See note 4.

6. On plants, animals, near Nagasaki hypocenter: Tokusaburo Nagai [pp295–298]: personal communication (2008); T. (Paul) Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 83–85, 91–93, 111–112; Nyokodo papers, The Life of Dr. Nagai (Nagasaki, 2001); Tatsuichiro Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945 (London, Quartet Books, 1981), p 126.

7. Drs. Nagai and Akizuki, their debates at the Nyokodo shack [pp298–300]: The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 91–93, 116; We of Nagasaki, pp 188–189; Nyokodo papers, The Life of Dr. Nagai (Nagasaki, 2001); Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008); T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, p 144; George Weller, with notes from his son, Anthony Weller, First into Nagasaki (N.Y., Crown, 2006), pp 44–45. Takashi (Paul) Nagai, “Peace Tower,” Nyokodo papers; discussions with Father Mervyn Fernando (Subhodi Institute, Sri Lanka), about what Dr. Nagai was trying to teach Dr. Akizuki (2007). Dr. Nagai on “left behind” and the “entrance exam”: Tokusaburo Nagai (personal communication, 2008); The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 109–110. On artifacts beneath Nyokodo Hermitage: T. (Paul) Nagai, “The Rosary Chain,” Nyokodo papers (undated); several, including the melted rosary chain, are on display at the Nyokodo Hermitage Museum.

8. Tsutomu Yamaguchi’s faith in the example of father Maximilian (“Simcho”) Kolbe [pp300–303]: Personal communication (2008, 2009); two unpublished Yamaguchi memoirs—(1) I Live to Tell My Story, (2) Twice Bombed, Twice Survived (Inazuka Productions, Tokyo, 2006, 2010); clarification of Fr. “Simcho’s” identity highlighted in a letter by Brian Taylor, dated 3/2/2010.

9. On the further tribulations of Masako Katani [pp303–304]: Twice Bombed, Twice Survived, Part 1 (documentary film, Hideo Nakamura, Hidetaka Inazuka, 2006): T. Akizuki, Nagasaki 1945, pp 143–144; Endo Tai and the Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s rescue crew, personal communication (2008).

10. On the greater part of Inosuke Hayasaki’s radiation exposure coming from consumption of crops from the fallout-contaminated soil near Mt. Unzen, and the secret he kept from his wife [pp304–306]: Interview, 8/8/2014, recorded at West Park Presbyterian Church, New York, N.Y., pp 13–16.

11. The mother whose unborn son was fiercely irradiated in the womb, and the incomparable tragedy that followed [pp306–307]: This is only one episode in Nagasaki memorialist Hayashi Kyoko’s essay, “Masks of Whatchamacallit,” translated by Kyoko Selden for a memorial issue of Asia Pacific’s Japan Focus (in press, 2015, pp 32–33).

12. Dr. Nagai and the “hypocenter pioneers” [pp307–308]: The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 94, 99–100, 104; T. (Paul) Nagai, in Noyokodo papers, Leaving These Children Behind; Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008).

13. Dr. Hachiya and Hiroshima’s “Ground Zero pioneers” [pp308–309]: Hiroshima Diary, pp 200–206; Hiroko Nakamoto, My Japan: 1939–1951 (N.Y., McGraw-Hill, 1970), pp 117–118.

14. On the early reconstruction period of Hiroshima’s schools [pp309, 322]: Keiji (“Gen”) Nakazawa, I Saw It: A Survivor’s True Story (San Francisco, Educomics, 1982). Personal communication, Endo Tai and Masahiro Sasaki. Descriptions of mutagenic effects on plants [p313]: E. Ishikawa, et al, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects, pp 83–86; in Nagasaki, Dr. Nagai’s Nyokodo outpost notes and drawings (1945–1946).

15. Keiji Nakazawa and his mother, at the “T” Bridge shantytown [pp309–312]: K. Nakazawa, Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen, translated by R. H. Minear (U.K., Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), pp 89, 98–101, 127; personal communication, Aug. 2010, Sept. 2011, letter, 3/5/2011, pp 4–5.

16. The orphaning of Takashi (Thomas) Tanemori and how the atomic orphans became prey [pp312–313]: T. Tanemori, Hiroshima: The Bridge to Forgiveness, pp 70–72, 75–76, 87, 224–228, 231; discussion and interview 11/13/2010; letter, 8/9/2011, pp 5–7; K. Nakazawa (on the orphans): personal communication (interview recorded 8/7/2010).

17. See note 14.

18. Dr. Nagai at the Nyokodo Hermitage, 1946–1951 [pp313–316]: The Bells of Nagasaki, pp 113–114, 116; Noyokodo Hermitage essays, “Peace Tower” and “My Beloved Children” (Nagasaki, Noyokodo Publications, undated, still in print with English translations); Tokusaburu Nagai, personal communication, 2008 (RE Dr. Akizuki, IRS visit and life in Dr. Nagai’s Nyokodo research outpost).

19. See note 18.

20. Emiko Nakazako, atomic orphans [pp317–320]: Personal communication (interview recorded 8/7/2010).

21. See note 16.

22. The Sasaki family, 1954–1955 [pp320–332]: Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (2008, 2010); letters written by Masahiro’s and Sadako’s mother, Hiroshima Museum Archive.

23. “Shadow people,” Shizuko Ohara at the Misasa Bridge [p322]: Nancy Cantwell and the Hiroshima nurses of Dr. Minoru Fujii’s mobile rescue crew, personal communication (2008).

24. See note 22.

25. See note 14.

26. See note 22.

27. Sadako’s handwritten copies of her own blood values [p328] are on permanent display at the Hiroshima Memorial museum, along with her medical files and copies of letters, including a letter by her roommate, Kiyo. Details of bone marrow death in the stages of leukemia: Dr. Jesse A. Stoff (and anon. leukemia patients), 1992–1993; samples illustrating the process can be seen in the biomedical display section of the Hiroshima Museum. Sadako’s “plan,” and the question of whether she saw what the Omoiyari principle and her paper crane project might become: Masahiro Sasaki (video log, C. Pellegrino), May 2010.

28. See note 22.

29. Kenshi Hirata, his daughter Saeko, and what happened after Kenshi disappeared (about 1955) to protect his family from anti-hibakusha discrimination [pp333–334]: Interviews with Kenshi Hirata, Saeko Hirata, and Setsuko’s brother, by Hideo Nakamura and Hidetaka Inazuka, March, July 2010.

30. Arai, the Hiroshima schoolteacher who decided against surgery to remove a scar (which was the very last thing a little girl had written) [p334]: personal communication; George Appoldt (1971–1973), Norman Cousins (1987).

31. “In great Hiroshima,” poem by Tsutomu Yamaguchi, personal communication (2008) [pp335–341]: transcript of speech to high school students and United Nations (2006). His daughter’s trepidation about him telling his story: personal communication, filmed in, The Legacy of Tsutomu Yamaguchi (Hideo Nakamura, Inazuka Productions, 2012).

32. Kayano and Makoto Nagai and their August 9 location in radioactive fallout path [p338]: Tokusaburo Nagai and T. Yamaguchi, personal communication (2008), combined with radiation pathway conclusions, E. Ishikawa, et al, pp 89–100; Father Mervyn Fernando, personal communication (2007, 2008).

33. See note 32.

34. See note 31.

35. See note 32.

36. Shigeo Sasaki’s friend and neighbor, Dr. Hachiya, burdens himself with undeserved guilt, while in Nagasaki, Dr. Nagai’s friend, Akizuki, carries on for him [pp341–343]: M. Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary, p 72; Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (2008); Tokusaburo Nagai and Chad Deihl on the last days of Dr. Akizuki, personal communication (2008, 2009).

37. See note 36.

38. Inoue Kazue—a case of anti-hibakusha discrimination and long-term radiation effects [p344]: case 5729, in The Asahi Shimbun Messages from Hibakusha Project (accessible via C. Pellegrino home page and

39. Keiji Nakazawa, toward, and into, the 21st century [pp344–345]: I Saw It; Nakazawa HBO interview, White Light, Black Rain (2007); letter with Steve Leeper, 3/3/2011.

40. Takashi (Thomas) Tanemori, into the 21st century [pp345–347]: Video discussion, 11/13/2010; letter, 12/2/2011; personal communication, 2012–2014.

41. On the fates of Mr. Yamaguchi and fellow double survivors [pp347, 348, 353]: Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Hideo Nakamura, personal communication (2008, 2009); Toshiko (Yamaguchi) Yamasaki and family, personal communication (2010– ).

42. See note 41.

43. Notes RE fates of key people: Dr. Yoshioka from Tokusaburo Nagai, Endo Tai, personal communication (2008). On the burial of “Fr. Mattias” [p348]: Fr. “MacQuitty” personal communication (both priests’ names were changed by request). Hiroko Nakamoto [p349], personal communication (2010); Prefect Nishioka [p350], R. Trumbull, p 127; Emiko Fukahori [p350], Nagasaki Museum, Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors 29; Dr. Masao Shiotsuki [p350], Doctor at Nagasaki, pp 84–85; Sumiko Kirihara [p350], Cries for Peace (The Japan Times, LTD, 1978), p 180; Michie Hattori and Ichiro Miyato [p351], as in Hattori and Leary, World War II Magazine (Summer 2005).

44. See note 43.

45. Masahiro Kunishige, into the 21st century [pp348–349]: personal communication (8/7/2010).

46. See note 43.

47. See note 43.

48. See note 43.

49. See note 43.

50. See note 43.

51. See note 43.

52. On Marcus McDilda [pp350–351]: Toland, The Rising Sun, p 795, and marine Brig. Gen. Jerome Hagen (ret.), War in the Pacific, Vol. 1, Hawaii Pacific University, Kenehoe Publications (1996), pp 159–162, and Walter Lord, personal communication (1997). NOTE: There are varying accounts on McDilda’s design and how far his lie went, in fooling an increasingly scientifically specialized list of new interrogators as he was transferred from one prison to another. Accounts range from his story bringing about a delay of only one to as many as three days in his execution; in any case, the delay was enough and inventiveness at short notice doubtless saved his life, because fifty prisoners of war at McDilda’s first holding area were beheaded almost immediately after he was transferred.

53. Information RE Harold Urey on reports to and from Tinian (and his heartbreakingly wrong belief, “When humanity sees what science has done, they will see immediately that here is the end of war.”) [pp351–353], personal communication (1978–1980). RE Luis Alvarez on nuclear winter effects and the hoped-for abolition of nuclear weapons [pp351–353], personal communication (1980–81). Astrobiologists Harold C. Urey, Luis Alvarez, Francis Crick, and Claire E. Folsome were key advisors on Darwin’s Universe (Pellegrino and Stoff, Van Nostrand Reinhold, N.Y., 1983) and Time Gate (Tab, PA, 1985)—two books that became a subject of extreme contention in the author’s former home, New Zealand, where, in the judgment of a small rogue element, calling itself an “ad hoc committee” (which between 1982 and 1984 included “scientific creationists”), judged the opinions of Urey, Alvarez, Crick, Folsome, Sir Charles Fleming, and other forward-looking scientists “irrelevant,” notwithstanding defenders Alvarez’s, Urey’s, and Crick’s Nobels, and Fleming’s knighthood for contributions to science.

54. Masao Shiotsuki, Setsuko Thurlow, and MacArthur-esque censorship [p351]: Shiotsuki, Doctor at Nagasaki, pp 137–139; Thurlo, personal communication (2010).

55. See note 53.

56. See note 54.

57. On the lost grave of Eiko and the “going mad” of Eiko’s mother [pp352, 353], Tokusaburo Nagai, personal communication (2008). Dr. Minoru Fujii and his rescue crew [p352]: personal communication, N. (Minami) Cantwell, Reiko Owa, Fujita Misako, Hiroshi Takamoya, Saito Kaneko, Kouno Kazuko (2008). The Ito family [pp352–353]: personal communication (2005, 2009). Kuniyoshi Sato [p353], personal communication via Hideo Nakamura.

58. See note 57.

59. See note 57.

60. See note 57.

61. See note 57.

62. See note 57.

63. Minami (Nancy) Cantwell [p353] as she faced 9/11’s developing Ground Zero: personal communication (2008, 2009). Cantwell published the English edition of her 2006 memoir, A Life in Three Motherlands (Japan, Korea, USA), as a print-on-demand book, available through Her friends, including Nenkai Aoyama, Hitoshi Takayama, and the nurses who took care of Toshihiko Matsuda “the Marble Boy of Hiroshima,” assembled essays and survivors’ accounts for her book, and for Hiroshima in Memoriam and Today: A Testament of Peace in the World (Asheville, N.C.: Baltimore Press, 2000).

64. James Cameron’s Dec. 22, 2009, visit to Tsutomu Yamaguchi in a Nagasaki hospital [pp354–357]: Audio and video log of the hospital conference, J. Cameron (and C. Pellegrino), filmed by Hideo Nakamura, Hidetaka Inazuka.

65. The last warning to futurity from double-survivor Kenshi Hirata [pp357–358]: Interview, August 2010.

66. “Come back to Hiroshima,” on a 1,000 paper cranes in the 9/11 Family Room [pp358–360]: Tsugio Ito, personal communication (2002–2003, 2010); Masahiro Sasaki, personal communication (2008, 2010– ).