This chapter includes significant contributions from Mika Nikolopoulou.

This chapter examines the best practices associated with governing the large amounts of smart meter data generated by utilities. First, let’s begin with a primer on smart meters.

Smart meters can be used to measure the consumption of electricity, gas, and water. These meters are often coupled with wireless capabilities to enable automated meter reading (AMR). In addition, smart meters are enabled with real-time sensors to monitor power outages and power quality.

Traditional electricity and gas meters are only read on a monthly or quarterly basis. These meters measure only gross consumption and give no insights into when the energy was actually consumed.

Several utilities either have rolled out, or are in the process of rolling out, smart meters. These smart meters typically capture usage data every 15 to 60 minutes for residential and commercial customers and communicate that information on a daily basis to the utility for billing and analytics.

Smart meters offer a number of advantages to consumers, including these:

Smart meters also offer a number of advantages to utilities, including these:

Case Study 19.1 discusses a large water utility that was rolling out a smart meter program. This case study has been disguised.

Case Study 19.1: The governance of smart meter data at a large water utility

A water utility serving a large metropolitan area was in the process of rolling out a wireless meter program across more than a million customers. The objective of the program was to reduce peak water usage through tiered pricing. As shown in Figure 19.1, the solution architecture for the smart meter program consisted of five tiers:

  1. Meter Transmission Units (MTUs)

    The utility company had 800,000 MTUs in its operating area. There was one MTU per building. These units made wireless transmissions of very simple information every six hours. This information consisted of the location identifi er that was embedded in the MTU fi rmware, the timestamp, and the actual meter reading. The system generated more than three million unique meter readings per day. Each MTU could hold up to three days’ worth of meter data if the readings could not be sent upstream.

  2. Collection MTUs

    The MTUs sent their readings to 380 collection MTUs. The system had built-in redundancy, with each MTU sending their readings to three or four collection units to ensure that no reading was ever lost.

  3. Data collection center

    Each collection MTU sent files containing 10, 50, or 300 readings to the data collection center for collection and further processing. The data collection center consisted of eight servers that received the files from the collection MTUs. The servers parsed the files, read the MTU identifier, and used lookup tables to insert the reading into the corresponding account number in the table. Over the course of 24 hours, the data center processed upwards of one million raw data files.

  4. Data analysis center

    Data was then propagated to the analytics environment in nightly batch mode from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

  5. Legacy billing application

    The billing application was on the mainframe and contained the customer master data for account number, name, and address. Address data on the mainframe was validated against an online address standardization system. The data in the analysis center was augmented with additional attributes from the mainframe, including account number, name, address, and additional information for commercial customers. This information was presented to residential and commercial customers via the web and call center.


Figure 19.1: The solution architecture for the smart meter program.

The smart meter program had to deal with a number of big data governance challenges, which are described below.

19.1 Duplicate Meter Readings

19.2 Referential Integrity of the Primary Key

19.3 Anomalous Meter Readings

19.4 Data Quality for Customer Addresses

19.5 Information Lifecycle Management

19.6 Database Monitoring

19.7 Technical Architecture

The proposed technical architecture for the smart meter project is shown in Figure 19.2. Key components of this technical architecture are described in the following pages.


Figure 19.2: The to be technical architecture for a utility smart meter program.

Real-Time Data Processing

It was more efficient to process the meter readings in-flight between the collection units and the data collection center. The utility deployed IBM InfoSphere® Streams to process millions of semi-structured meter readings in flight and to do the following:

Data Warehousing for Analytical Data and Reporting

After the data was cleansed and de-duplicated, the historical and aggregated data had to be stored in the right data model for reporting and analytical purposes. The utility selected IBM Netezza® for its analytical warehouse to support audit activities, respond to advocacy groups regarding water shortages, analyze consumption patterns, conduct financial analyses, and report on customer consumption patterns.

Data Archiving

The utility in the case study deployed archiving technology to lower storage, hardware, and maintenance costs and improve system performance by ensuring that queries would run against smaller datasets. The utility selected IBM InfoSphere Optim™ Data Growth as its archiving platform. The applications could still access current and archived data using reports, ODBC/JDBC connectors, relational databases, and even Microsoft Excel®. The applications team had to treat the data as complete business objects. For example, it had to archive not only a set of rows, but also the entire database structure related to those rows that had business relevance. So, a set of meter readings might be archived together with the billing information, historical trends and patterns, and other relevant customer data.

As part of its roadmap, the utility wanted to establish multiple archiving tiers. For example, a set of data that was three to five years old could be on faster storage, data that was five to ten years old could be on less expensive storage, and older data could be archived to tape, compact disc, or optical storage devices. Native application access was generally most useful in the first two to three years of the information management lifecycle, while archived data was being used mainly for historical trends. Older data was necessary for legal discovery requests.


This chapter reviews the case study of a water utility that governed M2M data relating to smart meters. The utility had to address big data governance issues pertaining to data quality, privacy, and information lifecycle management.


1. “Smart Meters Raise Privacy Concerns.” Smart Money Magazine, June 3, 2010.