- 21st Century Cities Initiative at Johns Hopkins University, 40
- 911 calls, 25
, 81
, 88
, 209
, 253
- Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy, 46
- administrative data, 28–29
, 37
, 52–53
, 57
, 71
, 102
, 214
, 241
, 243
- American Community Survey, 81
, 106
, 141
, 211
, 315
- Baldwin-Phillipi, Jessica, 110
, 155
- Baltimore, MD, 25
, 40
, 45
, 177
- Barber, Benjamin, 156
- Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London (CASA), 30
, 32
- Batty, Michael, 30
- behavioral composition, 126–128
, 132
, 140
, 142
, 146
- Berry, Frances Stokes and William D., 217
- Bettencourt, Luis, 50
- Bhargava, Rahul, 236
- big data, 5
, 10
, 20
, 55
, 57
, 89
, 103
, 110
, 204
, 232
- community group perspectives on, 240–247
- features of, 58–60
- hubris, 62
- measurement with, 60–64
- Booth, Charles, 66
- BOS:311 (or Citizens Connect), 1
, 12
, 21
, 28
, 43
, 44
, 178
, 198–199
, 204–205
, 209–210
- closure messages through, 194–198
- comparison with Commonwealth Connect, 213–214
- evaluation of, 184–194
- Boston About Results, 43
, 56
- Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI), 5
, 11
, 12
, 19
, 20
, 26
, 27
, 47
, 52
, 56
, 65
, 68
, 87
, 88
, 203
, 210
, 220
, 232
, 237
, 239
, 241
, 246–247
, 250–251
, 260
, 267
- areas of activity, 41
- founding of, 40–41
- as a model for urban informatics, 39–43
- Boston Civic Media Consortium, 42
, 248
- Boston Common, 93–94
- Boston Neighborhood Survey, 81
- broken windows theory (BWT), 66–67
, 90
, 98
, 176–177
- Buell, Ryan, 194–195
- Burgess, Ernest W., 50
Cambridge, MA, 3
, 4
, 42
, 233
, 247
- Carnegie Mellon University, 40
, 47
, 203
- Center for the Study of Social Policy, 231
- Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University (CUSP), 39–40
, 47
, 203
- Chicago School of Sociology, 49
, 66
- Chinchilla, Melissa, 185
, 332
- CitiStat, 45
- Citizens Connect. See
- CityScore, 45
, 241
- city-university partnerships, 47
, 203–204
, 208
, 232
, 249
, 263–265
- civic data ecosystem, 21
, 26
, 54
, 239
, 248
, 249
, 252
, 260
, 261
, 264
, 266
- Boston’s, 40–43
- definition, 38–39
- civic disposition, 159–163
, 165
, 168–175
, 178
, 186–187
, 193–195
, 199
- definition, 17–18
, 154–155
- civic engagement, 7
, 12
, 18
, 154
, 161
, 177
, 185
- civic impacts (via coproduction), 174
, 199
- civic response rate (via the 311 system), 82
, 83
, 86
, 87
, 90
- definition, 74
- measurement of, 74–81
- civic tech / civic technology, 6
, 16
, 17
, 19
, 21
, 53
, 90
, 154–160
, 170–171
, 174
, 178
, 185–187
, 192–194
, 198–200
, 252–253
, 257
- definition, 13
, 48
- collective efficacy, 14–16
, 19
, 21
, 66–67
, 81–82
, 94
, 120
, 122
, 123
, 146
, 148–149
, 177
, 254
- definition, 14
, 66
- and the maintenance of the urban commons, 98–99
, 124–134
, 139–140
, 144
- Commonwealth Connect, 21
, 205
, 242
, 248
- evaluation of, 209–228
- CompStat, 45
- coproduction, 4
, 13
, 17–19
, 21
, 48
, 154–162
, 170–174
, 178
, 186
, 192
, 197
, 199–200
, 214–215
, 219
, 227
, 251
, 253
- as bridge to citizenship, 17–18
, 159
, 174
, 178
, 194
, 197–199
, 253
- definition, 4
, 17
, 154
- history of, 154–157
- as a lever, 174
- public-as-citizen model of, 17
, 21
, 156
, 159–162
, 169–170
- public-as-partner model of, 18–19
, 156
, 160–162
, 169–170
, 172
, 174
, 177–179
- Crawford, Susan, 7
, 44
, 155
, 224
- custodianship, 2–3
, 10
, 13
, 15
, 19
, 20
, 33
, 59
, 61
, 77–87
, 90
, 93–104
, 108–113
, 116
, 120–125
, 128
, 131
, 134
, 136
, 139
, 141
, 146
, 149
, 154
, 162–163
, 165
, 168–169
, 172
, 175
, 179–184
, 187
, 192–194
, 198–199
, 211
, 214
, 216
, 227
, 251–253
- definition, 2
- exemplar custodians, 21
, 78–79
, 84
, 87
, 123
, 128–149
, 212
, 252
, 254
- as expression of territoriality, 100–102
- measuring for individuals, 104–106
- measuring for neighborhoods, 77–87
- typical custodians, 78–79
, 87
, 123
, 128–149
, 212
, 252
, 254
- Data USA, 235
- democracy, strong, 156
- Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT), 42–43
- digital divide, 6
, 21
, 58
, 178
, 185
, 193
, 200
, 210
, 215
, 227–229
, 238
, 245
- across cities, 207–209
- with community groups, 231–235
, 248–249
- history of, 204–207
- disorder, 63
, 66
, 70
, 88
, 97–98
, 147
, 176
- disorder, neighborhood. See
broken windows theory (BWT
- disorder, physical, 10
, 20
, 53
, 57
, 64–66
, 74
, 76
, 77
, 84
, 86
, 93
, 97
, 110
, 140
, 144
- measuring, 67–73
, 80–83
division of labor, 16
, 120–130
, 137–139
, 146–149
, 216
, 252–254
- in the civic data ecosystem, 261
- definition, 122
- Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University, 41
- ecometrics, 63–64
, 67
, 71
, 85
, 237
- definition, 57
- generalized ecometric approach, 87–89
- Emerson College, 42–43
, 110
, 155
, 248
- Envision Charlotte, 40
, 267
- factor analysis, 69
, 70
, 85
- Freedom of Information Act, 36
, 195
, 233
- Goldsmith, Stephen, 7
, 44
, 155
, 224
- Gurstein, Michael, 246
- Hardin, Garrett, 14
, 96
- Hargittai, Eszter, 207
- Harvard Business School, 194
- Harvard University, 1
, 4
, 12
, 40
, 43
- infomediaries, 232
, 235–236
, 238
, 244
, 245
, 266
- Initiative on Cities at Boston University, 42
- item-response model, 67–68
, 70
, 85
- Jacobs, Jane, 66
- Jakobsen, Morten, 179
- Jani, Sandeep, 247
- Johnson, Michael, 238
, 239
, 243
, 247
- knowledge gap hypothesis (of the digital divide), 206
- Langen, Tom, 153
- Lazer, David, 31
, 52
, 62
, 87
, 90
- Lobo, José
, 50
- Luberoff, David, 40
- Lynch, Kevin, 236
- Marschall, Melissa, 172
- Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics in New York City (MODA), 39
- Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics in Boston (MONUM), 12
, 42
, 43
, 220
- McDowell, Ceasar, 185
- Memphis, TN, 47
, 203–204
- Menino, Mayor Thomas M., 11
, 42
- MetroLab Network (MetroLab), 47
, 203–204
, 208
, 227
, 232
, 259
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council, 42
, 210
, 220
- Mettler, Suzanne, 194
- Microsoft, 11
, 265
- Office of Technology and Civic Engagement, 42
, 238
- Miller Foundation, Herman & Frieda L., 237
- MIT Media Lab, 236
- modularity, 18
, 160
- Morozov, Evgeny, 186
, 333
- multilevel models, 84
, 112
, 136–137
, 163
, 165
, 187
, 189
, 191
- naturally occurring data, 59
, 62
, 73
, 85
- new urban science, 9
, 43
, 55
- New York City, 3
, 6
, 10
, 25
, 30
, 32–33
, 36
, 44–47
, 66
, 88
, 176
, 256
, 263
- Northeastern University, 43
, 88
, 155
, 210
, 237
- Norton, Michael, 194
, 195
, 303
, 309
, 317
, 334
, 346
- NU Crossing, 238
- open data, 36
, 234
- ordinances, 36
- Opheim, Cynthia, 217
- Osborne, Stephen, 158
- Park, Robert E., 50
- participatory budgeting, 156
- Pattillo-McCoy, Mary, 147
- Pittsburgh, PA, 40
, 44
, 46–47
- PolicyLink, 231
- Porter, Ethan, 194–195
private corporations, 5
, 204
, 233
, 263–267
- private foundations, 265
- privatization (as a solution to the tragedy of the commons), 15
, 96–97
- Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, 63
- Promise Neighborhoods, 230–231
, 239
, 245
, 258
- Public Works Department, 43
, 75
- pulse of the city, 9
, 29–35
, 54
, 73
- Racial Dot Map, 235
- Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston at Harvard University, 40
- Ratti, Carlo, 30
- Raudenbush, Stephen, 28
, 63
, 64
, 66–68
, 82
, 177
- regulation (as a solution to the tragedy of the commons), 15
, 96–97
- reliability, 64
, 86
, 89
, 131
- in ecometric data, analysis of, 83–85
- research-policy collaborations, 4
, 8–9
, 11–12
, 19–20
, 37
, 41
, 47
, 56
- Sampson, Robert J., 28
, 40
, 63
, 64
, 66–68
, 82
, 98
, 177
- Santa Fe Institute, 50–51
- Sarason, Seymour, 126
- School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Northeastern University, 41
- SeeClickFix, 209–212
, 217–218
, 220
, 265
- Senseable Cities Lab at MIT, 30
- sensors, 9
, 44–45
, 59
, 63
, 232
, 252
, 255
, 264
- and the future of the urban commons, 257–260
- and the pulse of the city, 28–32
- social media data, 27
, 73
, 88
- social organization, 88
, 97
, 129
- as a paradigm of urban science, 49–51
- social regularities, 126–127
, 146
- Socrata, 36
- Somerville, MA, 42
, 233
- South Bend, IN, 45
, 47
, 203
, 208
- structural equation modeling, 78
- Sunlight Foundation, 195
, 233
- systematic social observation (SSO), 63
- Szanton, Peter, 8
- Taylor, Alex, 247
- territoriality, 101
, 119–120
, 123
, 149
, 154
, 161–186
, 189
, 192
, 194
, 198–199
, 252–253
- definition, 16
, 101
- and the division of labor, 136–139
- and exemplar and typical custodians, 114–118
- thesis, 18–20
, 95
, 102–109
, 113
, 118
, 180
, 184
, 186
- thesis, testing the, 104–114
- Thomas, John Clayton, 11
, 42
, 49
- Tolbert, Caroline J., 217
- tragedy of the commons, 14
, 96
, 100
- transparency, 35
- operational, 195–198
- UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, 247
- University of Chicago, 50
, 88
, 194
. See also
Urban Center for Computation and Data at University of Chicago
- University of Massachusetts Boston, 42
, 223
, 247
. See also
URBAN.Boston at University of Massachusetts Boston
- University of Memphis, 47
- URBAN.Boston at University of Massachusetts Boston, 42
, 238
- Urban Center for Computation and Data at University of Chicago (Urban CCD), 28
, 39
, 40
, 47
, 203
- urban informatics, 5–6
, 19–21
, 25–32
, 37–61
, 89–90
, 95
, 154
, 176
, 178
, 200
, 250
- and cross-sector collaborations, 7–8
, 11–12
definition, 4
- digital divides in (see
digital divide
- five themes of, 26
- future of, 252
, 260–267
- Northeastern University’s program in, 88
- validity, 53
, 64
, 73
, 109
- construct validity, 75
, 81–83
, 103
- van Deursen, Alexander, 206
- van Dijk, Jan, 206
- Vision Zero, 255
, 258
- Walsh, Mayor Martin J., 11
- West, Geoffrey, 50
- White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), 203
- Wilson, 129
- WindyGrid, 45
- Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University, 157