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MJ denotes Michael Johnson.


100 metres:

1936 Olympics 45

1984 Olympics 45–6

1988 Olympics 87–8

1992 Olympics 181

1993 World Championships 18

1996 Olympics 33, 249, 251 2008

Olympics 175

Bolt and 84, 85, 86, 96, 121, 175, 256, 283

drugs and 194, 195, 198

height of sprinters in 85, 86, 95–6

MJ and 95

‘putting on a show’ 256

weight and 208–9

world record 87–8, 120, 175, 181, 208, 209, 215–16, 220, 237, 249, 250

150-metre race, 1997 249–53

200 metres

1936 Olympics 45

1984 Olympics 226

1987 World Championships 158

1988 US Olympic trials 70

1991 World Championships 189

1992 Olympics 3, 5, 6, 11, 151, 181

1996 Olympics 12, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26–38, 161, 167, 249, 251, 255, 256, 259, 285, 286, 287

2003 World Junior

Championships 283

2008 Olympics 84, 86, 97, 121, 163, 175

drugs and 198

great competitors in 208–9, 210, 215, 216, 217, 218–19

MJ in conference championship, 1988 206

MJ ranked number one in 118

MJ sets American record for, 1988 104

MJ in state championships 61

physique and 93

protection for UK athletes in 177–8

training/strategy for 140, 159–60, 166

world record 3, 13, 37, 120, 151–2, 160, 161, 163, 167, 181, 237, 285

400 metres 20, 21

1988 US Olympic trials 70, 71

1993 World Championships 18

1996 Olympics 11, 15–17, 23–5, 27, 28, 30, 285

Bolt in 86, 120, 121, 283

doping and 189, 199

fatigue in 37, 79

great competitors in 210–11, 212–13, 215, 216

MJ 1988 season 104, 105

MJ aims to break world record in 150

MJ number one in the world 1, 118

MJ’s times for 151–2, 161

protection of UK athletes in 177–8

start in 22

strategy for 159, 160–3, 166

World record 17, 24, 53, 150, 158, 161, 162, 163, 212, 237, 270

4 x 400 relay 63, 189–90


Adlington, Rebecca:

coach and 277–8

fame and 240–3, 282

mental strength and study 155, 169–71, 217

technical success 98–9, 100

work ethic 110

Akabusi, Kriss 189

Ali, Muhammad 246, 257–60

Arco Jesse Owens Games 43

arm strength in sprinting 92–3

Arsenal Football Club 89, 146

Ashford, Evelyn 67

attitude, all about 179–86


Bailey, Donovan 181, 249–54

Balco drug scandal 190, 193, 194, 195, 199

Banks, Tyra 238

baseball 76, 199, 203

Baylor University 11, 12, 61–4, 132–3, 157, 158, 159, 270–1, 277

BBC 84, 222, 243, 247

beeper, MJ uses in training 12, 13, 14, 132–3

belief 43, 89, 118, 154–6, 175, 204, 283, 286

Benson, Matt 185

biomechanics 73, 90

Black, Roger 16, 23, 24, 25, 177

Boldon, Ato 28, 31, 33, 36, 37, 251

Bolt, Usain:

2003 World Junior Championships 282–3

2008 Olympics 84, 86–7, 88, 163

attitude to training 88, 120–1

can he go faster? 96–7

drug questions 202

inspires young sprinters 89

introvert 49, 236

pressure and 48, 175–6, 220, 221

putting on a show 256

self-belief 156, 283

star power 195, 236, 237

start 96

technique, physicality and 84–5, 86, 96–8

weaknesses 97

Bolt, Wellesley 86, 96

Borzov, Valeri 48

Boyle, Frankie 243

Brabham, Danny 80

British Olympic Association (BOA) 196, 198–9

Britain see UK

Bubka, Sergei 104, 271

Burrell, Leroy 208–10, 219, 220


‘call room’ 16–17, 144, 165, 222

Campbell, Veronica 198

celebrity 231–60, 282

Chambers, Dwayne 194, 197

cheating 187–204

Christie, Linford 85, 181, 251

Clarke, Davian 15, 23, 24

coaches, heroes and mentors 60, 261–79

blaming coaches 274

‘celebrity coaches’ 273

lack of parental support 274–5

team effort 275–9

thankless job 273

training partners 275–7

travelling with coaches 272–3

Coe, Peter 56–7

Coe, Sebastian xiv on ability to stay the course/dedication 164, 171

coach 266

criticism and 131–2

on expectations 171

on fallout from drive to win at all costs 219–20

on getting ahead of yourself 56–7

parental support 263–5

setbacks 152–3, 154

on special nature of Olympics 288

Comaneci, Nadia:

coach 266–7

devotion to training 123–4

fame and 243–4

inspires other athletes 64, 67

on special nature of Olympics 284

superstitions 147

technique 99–100

youthful energy 85–6

committing 100% 124–9

Commonwealth Games, 1990 49

competitive advantage of home

Olympics xii competitor, being a/competitive attitude 205–30

studying competitors 206–13

thinking too much about your rivals 205–7

Court for Arbitration in Sport (CAS) 197, 198

Cracknell, James 139

criticism/questioning, self-131–2, 137–8, 156–61

Crockett, Darryl 74

Crockett, Ray 74

crowd xii, 30, 31–2, 168


Dallas Cowboys 146

Dangelo 28

dedication 113–16

DeLoach, Joe 206, 207, 208

desire to succeed 101–41

details, difference in the 133–4

distractions, dealing with 145

DNA and technique 73–100

balance between 79–86

perfecting performance 89–98

physical gifts 76–8

super-size ability 83–6

technical success 98–100 World records and 86–9

doing what it takes to win 101–42

committing 100% 124–9

dedication 113–16

difference in the details 133–4

getting it done 129–33

hunger 117–20

injuries and 106–10

pushing hard 120–4

recognising one’s weaknesses 134–9

training smart 139–41

work ethic 110–13

downforce, sprinting and 94–5

drive phase, sprinting 32, 85, 95

drugs, performance-enhancing 190–204

confusing rules concerning 196–8

future of 199–204

governing bodies and 196–8

Olympic athletes held to a higher standard 202–4

questions over any standout performances 202–3

testing 193–9

see also under individual competitor name



earnings from 237

fall in form and 10

given too early 56

MJ and 10, 237

politically correctness and 246

restrictions in contracts 75, 116, 117, 118, 177

European Championships:

1978 171

1980 171

2010 247–8

expectation 58, 113, 179–86, 273

Adlington and 169, 170, 171

Bolt and 176

Comaneci and 244

Freeman and 172

from home crowd xii, 168

Gunnell and 182

Hoy and 168

managing 175

Olympic, special nature of 203

Redgrave and 184–5, 186

Spitz and 182–3

Thorpe and 173, 174

your own 48

explosive power 6, 55, 77, 95, 96, 138

Ezar, Joel 60


fame, coping with 235–60

Farmer-Patrick, Sandra 166, 217

fatigue 30, 79, 160, 162

fear of losing 176–86

Federal Drug Administration (FDA) 200

Felix, Allison 198

fever, catching Olympic 39–72

financial gain as motivation 116

Florence, Derrick 61


celebrity and 231–60

maintaining 32–3, 34, 35, 104, 107–8, 113–16, 117, 214–20, 222–5

formula, winning 147–8

Foster, Greg 271

Foster, Tim 139

fraternising with competitors 217–20

Fredericks, Frankie:

150-metre race, May, 1997 251

1992 Olympics 181

1996 Olympics 28, 31, 33, 36, 37, 165, 167

as a competitor 210

level of success 181

MJ loses race to, 1996 215–16

MJ races, Rome, 1992 218, 219

MJ’s respect for 210

Freeman, Anne-Marie 114–15

Freeman, Cathy xiv attitude 179–80

fame and 235–6

focus 114–15

pressure, dealing with 171–3

questions own readiness 178–9

sense of relief and joy at winning Olympic gold 286–7

shyness 49

Freeman, Cecilia 114

Furniss, Bill 98, 99


Garcia, Ivan 28, 36

Gatlin, Justin 194, 198

Gay, Tyson 83–4, 198

gene doping 201

George Mason University 277

getting beyond yourself 56–8

Greene, Maurice 88, 256

Grey-Thompson, Tanni 46, 85, 102–3, 182

Gunnell, Sally 64, 105

on competitors 214–15, 216–17

‘confidence runner’ 147

dedication 113–14

fame and 244–5

fear of losing 182

parents 263

on success and the mind 164–5

visualisation 166


Haines, George 119

Harrison, Alvin 15

Harry, Armin 87

Hart, Clyde (‘Coach’):

1992 Olympics 5, 8, 10

1996 Olympics 11, 12, 13, 14–15, 17, 27

Baylor University and 11

MJ and 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14–15, 17, 27, 28–9, 80, 90, 93–4, 105, 133, 140, 160, 265–6, 270–1, 272, 277, 278

MJ’s running style and 90, 93–4

performance-enhancing drugs and 192, 231

positivity of 8

video analysis and 80, 93

Wariner and 162

Hatfield, Tobie 21

Haughton, Greg 277

Heard, Floyd 62

heat of battle 205–10

competitive attitude 217–22

know your rivals 207–13

preparing for battle 222–5

razor-sharp focus 214–17

retaining perspective 225–9

unlikely motivator 230

height of sprinters 85–6, 95–6

Henry, Gary 60

Hines, Jim 87

Hoy, Chris 77–8, 83

kilo 126–7

lack of coaching/self-made athlete 275

pressure and 168, 169

racing strategy 125–6, 128–9

sacrifice 130

team sprint 128–9

work ethic 110–11, 124–9

human growth hormone 201

hunger 117–20

Hunt, Brad 3, 11, 218, 233, 259


injuries 37, 38, 106–10, 252–3, 282

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) 11, 196, 197, 198, 254, 289

IOC (International Olympic Committee) 81, 127, 198, 199, 282


Jackson, Colin 222

Jamaica 86, 175–6, 220–2

Johnson, Ben 87, 88, 191–2, 196, 252

Johnson, Deidre (sister) 41, 43

Johnson, Michael:

1984 Olympics xiii

1988 Olympics xiii, 47, 70, 104

1992 Olympics xiii, 2–10, 15, 32–3

1996 Olympics xii, 11–38, 148, 165, 167, 171, 181, 186, 231, 237, 238, 239, 247, 249, 250, 259, 270, 285, 287

1997 season 253

100 metres, running style not suited to 95

150-metre race, 1997 249–53

200 metres 1–2, 5–10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26–38, 70,

151, 159–60, 166, 181, 189, 208–9, 215, 218–19, 285, 286

4 x 400 relay 189–90

400 metres 1–2, 11, 15–17, 18, 21, 22, 23–5, 30, 70, 71, 150, 151–2, 158, 159, 160–1, 189, 210–11, 212–13, 215, 216, 249, 254, 285, 286

ambition for Olympic gold 1–2

attention to detail 133–4

change in motivation 148–50

charity work 258, 259–60

childhood bullying 39–40

childhood talent 40–2

district champion 57, 61

eating habits/alcohol and 130

fame 231–4, 237–40, 246–7, 249–60

focus 32–3, 104, 107, 214–17, 222–5

food poisoning and weight loss, pre-1992 Olympics 3–10, 152

injuries 37, 38, 252–3

knowing and understanding yourself 156–61

media icon 257–60

Men’s Track & Field Athlete of the Year, 1990 2

natural athleticism 74

NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) university championships 62–3, 70, 104

Nike gold shoes 18–22

parents 42–3, 261–2, 263

perfectionism 131–2

performance-enhancing drugs and 190–204

pride in winning/hatred of losing 42, 43, 58–9, 61, 176–9

proving himself 253–7

quest for Olympic gold 1–38

race preparation 26–31

race strategy 159–61

regional champion 57, 61

retirement 88–9, 136–7, 150, 190

returns 4 x 400 relay gold medal 190–1

running style 90–5

sacrifice 130

schooldays 57

seriousness 257

setbacks 70–1, 249–53

shyness 39, 44

sport, talent/lack of 41, 74–5

state champion 57–8, 61

tears 71

track scholarship/university 61–4, 104

tune-up race, Salamanca, Spain, 1992 3–4

US Olympic trials 3, 5, 37, 151–2, 160

visualisation, default focus response 31, 33, 165–6

weaknesses 136

weight/strength training 92, 105, 136

winning formula 148

World Championships, 1993 18, 158, 211

world record, 200

metres 37, 160, 161, 163

world record, 400

metres 24, 150, 161, 162, 163, 212

Jones, Marion 194–5, 199

Joyner-Kersee, Jackie 66, 67–9, 104, 225–9, 271, 289


Károlyi, Béla 100, 266–7, 270

Károlyi, Marta 100

King, Emmit 180

Kingdom, Roger 104

knowing and understanding yourself 156–61

Korbut, Olga 64


Lattany, Mel 181

Lewis, Carl 271

150-metre race, 1997 251

1984 Olympics 45–6

1988 Olympics 191–2, 208

1992 Olympics 181

height 85

MJ watches race 104

training partners 207

US Olympic Sports Festival,

Houston, 1986 62

US Olympic trials 219

limelight, living and competing in: coping with fame 235–41

living in the public glare 241–6

media management 246–9

MJ and 231–4, 237–40, 246–7, 249–60

MJ’s media icon 257–60

proving yourself 253–7

targeted 249–53

Lippincott, Donald 88


managing energy 161

Marsh, Mike 219

Martin, Roxbert 15, 24

Martin, Roy 60

McLean, Craig 126

media management 246–9

Mennea, Pietro 160

mental games 143–86

attitude 179–86

finding that winning edge 147–51

individual 161–3

losing hurts but it doesn’t kill you 176–9

mental strength and study 154–61

pressure of success 167–76

setbacks 151–3

strategic thinking 163–6

Michael Johnson Performance 54–5, 59, 82–3, 89–90, 140, 150, 157–8, 268

Miller, Tony 158–9

Mills, Billy 49

Minor, Deon 158–9, 162, 276, 277


correcting 160–1, 166

getting over 36

Mizuno 18

Mock the Week 243

Montgomery, Tim 194, 199

motivation, change in 148–50

Muftah, Ibrahim Ismail 23, 24

Muhammad Ali Parkinson Foundation 260

muscle and sprinting 92–3

music as motivation 28


National Lottery, UK 111

natural athletic ability, leap between 12 and 15 59, 82–3

natural talent/gifts/physicality/athleticism 53–6, 73–100

as a drawback 78

physical gifts 76–8

right body for right sport 77–8

NBC 231, 232

NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) university championships 62–3, 70, 104

NFL 89, 203

Nike 18–22, 63–4, 181, 237

Norman, Andy 177–8

Nunn, Glynis 226–7


Olympians who are not athletes 81–2

Olympic fever, catching 39–71

Olympic Games:

1936, Berlin 45, 87

1960, Rome 87, 259

1964, Tokyo 49

1968, Mexico 87, 119

1972, Munich 48, 183

1976, Montreal 46, 67, 99

1980, Moscow 45, 57, 64, 152–3

1984, Los Angeles xiii, 19, 45–7, 49, 57, 139, 214, 225–9, 265

1988, Seoul xiii, 47, 87, 104, 191, 196, 206, 208, 252

1992, Barcelona xiii, 2–10, 32, 33, 49, 64, 147, 152, 181, 182, 184, 210, 216, 217, 240

1996, Atlanta xii, 11–38, 71, 144–7, 148, 165, 167, 168, 171, 181, 184, 186, 231–4, 237–40, 247, 249, 250, 259, 285, 286, 287

2000, Sydney 78, 107, 126, 145, 150, 156, 168, 171–5, 240

2004, Athens 53, 112–13, 126, 168, 195, 282, 285

2008, Beijing xi, 76, 84, 86–7, 88, 127, 163, 169, 175, 240, 241

2012, London xi, xiii, xv, 52, 77, 131–2, 168, 175, 176, 290

feeling of winning 285–8

motto 73

organisation of 288

popularity of 290

special nature of 284–91

Olympic Order 244

Owens, Jesse 45, 87


Pan Pacific Championships 53

parents 10, 49, 56–7, 86, 96, 114, 121, 133–4, 156, 157, 180, 188, 261–5, 270, 274–5

perfecting performance 89–98

perfectionism 131–3, 135

Pettigrew, Antonio 189–90, 191

Phelps, Michael 76, 169

physical gifts see natural ability

Pierre, Raymond 62–3

Pinsent, Matthew 139

positive thinking 143–4

Powell, Asafa 88, 220

preparation 144–5, 222–5


as a motivator 230

sense of 29–30, 48, 58

of success 167–76

pride in winning/hatred of losing 42, 43, 58–9, 61, 176–86, 285

protection of UK athletes 177–8


Queally, Jason 126

questioning readiness 178–9


race strategy 159–61, 166

Radcliffe, Paula 89, 90

random testing of athletes 193, 195

Ray-Ban 237

Redgrave, Sir Steven 54

dealing with expectations 184–6

discovers rowing 44–5

endurance abilities 138–9

on magical nature of Olympic Games 290

Olympic fever 65

shyness 44

weaknesses 138–9

Regis, John 178

rehabilitation exercises 106–7

relaxed attitude towards competing, Jamaican 220–2

responsibility, athlete 271–5

Reynolds, Butch 158, 212–13


fraternising with 217–20

know your 206–13

thinking too much about your 205–7

Rooney, Martyn 247–8

Ryun, Jim 153


sacrifice 129–30

‘safety net’ 122

Santa Monica track club 208

scholarships 61–2, 117, 270

selfishness 220

setbacks 70–1, 152–3, 155

shortcuts, no 187–204

future of performance-enhancing drugs use 199–204

how using drugs happens 192–9

taking a stand against drugs 190–2

shyness 39, 44, 49, 66

Slaying the Dragon (Johnson) 259–60

Smith, Calvin 62, 158, 180–1, 215

spanner in the works 151–3

specialising in sports 55

speed endurance 162–3

Spitz, Mark:

approach to training 119–20, 284

pathway to Olympics 50–3

recognises weaknesses 134–5

thrives on expectation 182–4

sponsorship 116, 117, 118, 170, 194, 195, 204, 237, 257

Sports Illustrated 231–2

Sports Illustrated for Women 66, 69

Spracklen, Mike 138, 139


arms and 92–3

downforce and 94–5

drive phase 32, 85, 95

drugs and 201–2

height and 85–6, 95–6

muscle and 92–3

‘putting on a show’ 256

start 32, 34–5

strength and power 79–80

weight and 208–9

Stanozolol 87

Stephens, Patrick 6, 7

steroids 87, 192, 196, 199, 201

strategic thinking 163–6

Strong, Shirley 214–15

student of your event, being a 153, 154–5

success, pressure of 167–76

superstitions 147


‘taper’ 8


and athleticism, balance between 79–83 and DNA 73–100

technical success 98–100

Tellez, Tom 189

testing, drug 193–9

Thanou, Ekaterina 195

‘the clear’ 199

‘the cream’ 199

THG 197

Thompson, Daley:

1984 Games 45, 46

attempts to encourage Coe at 1980 Olympics 152–3

catches Olympic fever 47–8

confidence 45, 245–6

fame and 245–6

on importance of Olympic Games 287

lack of parental support 274–5, 282

physicality 76–7

sacrifice 129–30

self-belief 154–5

student of event 154

work ethic 77

Thompson, Todd 157

Thorpe, Ian 52, 53, 76, 83

comeback from broken ankle 107–9, 168, 282

physical attributes 78

pressure and 173–5, 202–4

Time 231

Title IX 68


beeper, using 12, 13, 14, 132–3

committing to 101–41

environment 157, 282

impossibility of developing superior athleticism through 97–8

making adjustments in 14, 15, 160

MJ’s love of/dedication to 62, 232, 234, 247, 251

partners 151, 158–9, 162, 275–7

smart 139–41

technical versus physical 82

Twitter 247–8

2 Pac ‘Me Against the World’ 28, 29


UK athletes:

2012 and xi–xii

doping and 196, 197–8

funding of 111

protection of 177–8

system of developing athletes and xii

UK Athletics 196

UK Bobsleigh team 89

University of Houston 207, 208

University of Texas 270

University of West Indies 221

upper body strength 79–80, 151

US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) 197, 199

US Championships: 1989 189

1990 159

1993 211

1997 254

1998 256

US national team 63

US Olympic Committee (USOC) 93–4, 196, 198

US Olympic Sports Festival 62

USA Track and Field 196


video analysis 80, 157–9

visualisation 16, 31, 33, 165–6, 222


Wariner, Jeremy 161–2, 198–9

Washington, Tyree 254–5

watching other athletes 158–9

Watts, Quincy 18, 210–11

weaknesses, recognising 97, 119, 130, 131–2, 134–9, 207

‘whereabouts’ form 194


edge, finding that 147–51

pride in/hatred of losing 42, 43, 58–9, 61, 176–86, 285

win at all costs, fallout from 219–20

Woods, Tiger 74

work ethic 77, 110–13, 119, 155, 214

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 197, 199, 201, 202

World Championships:

1983 65, 158

1987 63, 158

1991 189

1993 18, 166, 182, 211, 216

1995 277

1997 254

1999 161

2003 282–3

2009 84, 169, 170

world records:

100–metre 87–8, 120, 175, 181, 208, 209, 215–16, 219, 220, 237, 249, 250

110 metres hurdles 104

200–metre 3, 13, 37, 120, 151–2, 160, 161, 163, 167, 181, 237, 285

400–metre 17, 24, 53, 150, 158, 161, 162, 163, 212, 237, 270

1,000–metre time trial 112–13

marathon 89