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abstraction, 184–85, 186

Ace Hardware, 78–80

Ackerman, Diane, 364–65

active sorting, 33–35

Adams, James L., 111

addiction, 101–2, 170, 209

ad hoc organizational structures, 318–19

advertising, 21, 366

affordances, 35–36, 83, 84

age and aging, 164, 190–91, 194, 196, 211, 216–17

Age of Paperwork, 269

alcohol, 167, 187–88

alert system, 37, 406n45, 342, 476n342

Allen, David, 68–69, 71, 88

alternative medicine, 251, 256–57, 260

altruism, 158–59

Alzheimer’s disease, 19, 107–8, 217, 306

Amber Alert system, 113–14, 159

American Heart Association, 350–51, 352

American Library Association, 365

anger, 52–53

angioplasty, 239, 259

antibiotics, 264, 264

Apple, 284, 377

approximation, 352–55, 355–64

Area 47, 287

Argentina, 156

Ariely, Dan, 311

Aristotle, 58, 340

Armstrong, Louis, 283

arousal system, 170

assimilation, 184, 186

associational networks, 55, 299

At Home (Bryson), 121

attention, 37–74

and the alert system, 406n45

attentional filters, 7–11, 16–18, 39, 41, 45, 46–47, 81, 113, 304

attentional network, 43–44

attentional switching, 16, 41–42, 45, 98, 171–72, 174–75, 206, 281–83, 320, 405n42

attention deficit disorder (ADD), 167–68, 171, 195, 304

attention-saving devices, 218

and brain physiology, 37–45

capacity for, 87, 368

and emotion, 405n42

and memory, 48–54

neurochemistry of, 45–48

and “productivity hours,” 102

and remembering names, 374–75

and sleep, 188

Avogadro, Amedeo, 252–53


Babylonians, 163

base rates of occurrence, 227–33, 235–36, 249–50, 261

Bayesian reasoning, 229–30, 230–48, 248–50, 254, 261, 267, 385–96

Beall, Jeffrey, 341

The Beatles, 287

behavioral economics, 129–30, 132, 262

belief perseverance, 151

Bell Laboratories, 311, 313, 314

Benchley, Robert, 209

Berlin, Brent, 30


cognitive biases, 20–22, 21

in-group/out-group bias, 152–56, 159

intrinsic bias, 331

latent bias, 344

novelty bias, 96, 126–27, 170, 209, 215

partisan bias, 339–40

positivity bias, 217

status quo bias, 331

Big Five personality dimensions, 305

bimodal sleep patterns, 189–90

binomial theorem, 245–47

biological classification, 24–25, 28, 32–33

biopsies, 243–48, 257, 259

blind spots, cognitive, 11–12, 48

Bloomberg, Michael, 280

Booz Allen Hamilton, 273–74, 318

boundary conditions, 352–53, 355, 360–62

Boutin, Paul, 322

brain damage and trauma, 64, 160–62, 187

brain extenders, 67–74

brain physiology

and aging, 217

and attention, 16–18, 37, 39, 41–43, 45–48, 171–72, 405n42

and categorization, 62–63

and creativity, 201–3, 206

and electronic communication, 101

and home organization, 82

and information overload, 7–8, 10

and memory, 49–50

and multitasking, 98

and neuronal clusters, xvi–xvii, xvii

and organizational decision-making, 276–77, 282

and procrastination, 198

and sleep, 188, 192, 194

and social relations, 126, 129, 142–43, 152

and time organization, 161, 168, 173, 176–77

See also central executive function; hippocampus; prefrontal cortex

browsing, 377–78

Bryson, Bill, 121

Buffett, Warren, 5, 292–93

Burd, Steven, 307

Bush, George W., 52–53

business world, 268–326

and data organization, 293–306

and decision-making, 276–82

and information theory, 308–19

and leadership, 283–93

and locus of control, 287–92

and multitasking, 306–8

and organizational causes of failures, 268–70

and organizational structures, 270–76

and planning for failure, 319–26

Byrne, David, 15


caffeine, 192

calendars, 213–14

Callimachus, 14

Camus, Albert, 288

cancer, 240–42, 244–48, 250, 257–58, 349, 351–52

cannabis, 97, 143

capacity limits, 11, 16, 78–79

cardiac bypass surgery, 239

Carlsen, Magnus, 84

Carr, Nicholas, 377

Carter, Jimmy, 9


appearance-based categories, 61

and brain extenders, 67–74

and brain physiology, 32–36

and contact files, 123

and filing systems, 94

fuzzy and hard boundaries, 64–67, 370–71

historical perspective, 22–32

and home organization, 87

and junk drawers, 87–91

liquor organization at bars, 88–89

and memory, 13, 56–67, 370–71

and neuronal networks, xvii, xviii

and retail store organization, 79–80

scheduling task types, 175–76

and social relations, 122–24, 158–59

and temporal resolution, 180–81

typical and defining features, 65–66

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 176–77

causation, 346–51

cell phones, 19, 96–97, 312

central executive function

and attention, 39, 41–42, 44–46

and categorization, 57, 62

and creativity, 202, 210, 375–76

and externalizing memory, 74

and flow state, 207

and home organization, 87

and information overload, 310

and memory, 48, 68–69

and multitasking, 98

and online dating, 132

and organizational systems, 304

and reading, 169

and time organization, 166, 174

Chabris, Christopher, 12

chain of command, 275, 277–79

Challenger space shuttle accident, 191

change detection, 9–11, 84, 209

childhood education, xxi, 336, 365

children’s television, 368

Chivers, C. J., 339

Church, Alexander Hamilton, 270

Cialdini, Robert, 429n153

Cicero, 340

circadian rhythms, 193–94

Citizendium, 472n335

Claiborne, Liz, 274

“clearing the mind,” 68

cloud storage, 322–23

cognitive blind spots, 11–12

cognitive efficiency, 56–57, 110

cognitive flexibility, 307

cognitive illusions

and gambling, 226

illusory correlation, 253–56

and multitasking, 96, 306, 319

and procrastination, 200

and social relations, 144–49, 152

and time perception, 162

and visual illusions, 21, 21–22

cognitive overload. See information overload

cognitive processing, 183–95

cognitive science, 22–32, 228

collaborative filtering, 117

color perception, 30–31, 162

command structures, 272–76

Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA), 118

complexity, 120–35, 209, 220–32, 315

concentration, 41, 293–94. See also attention

conformity, 157–59

consumer decision-making, 20, 310, 311

Consumer Reports, 20, 116

contact files, 122–23

contingencies, 231, 232, 286, 319–26

controlled experimentation, 345–47, 348

Cook, Perry R., 323, 324–25

cooperative behavior, 135–36

coronary bypass surgery, 259

corporate structures, 271–76, 464n283

correlation, 60, 347–51, 348

cost-benefits analysis, 5, 212–13

Coulter, Ann, 340

covariation, 347–48, 348


and aging, 217–18

and attention, 38

and central executive function, 202, 210, 375–76

and flow state, 203–8, 209

and focus, 171

and organizational systems, 304

and serendipity, 376, 378, 380–81

and time management, 170–71, 202–15

critical thinking, 336, 341, 343, 352, 478n352

crowdsourcing, 114–17, 133, 333

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 203, 206, 400n7

Cuban, Mark, 292

Cuban Missile Crisis, 155, 366

Curie, Marie, 283


Dali, Salvador, 375

Darley, John, 157–58, 159

data compression, 311–12, 314

data losses, 321–26

Dawkins, Richard, 26–27

daydreaming mode

and attention, 38–39

and creativity, 202, 217, 375–76, 380

and free association, 364–65

and online dating, 132

and organizational systems, 304

and reading fiction, 367

and social relations, 152

and time organization, 169, 170

decisions, 73, 98, 100, 132, 218, 220–32, 276–83, 310–11, 423n132

Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster, 134

defining features, 65–66

delayed gratification, 166, 197

De Morgan, Augustus, 377

Dennett, Daniel, 45

denominator neglect, 255–56

Descartes, René, 14–15

designated places, 83, 83–86, 88

De Waal, Frans, 282–83

Dewey Decimal System, 296, 378

dietary supplements, 253–54, 255, 258, 260

diffusion of responsibility, 157–59

digital storage, 91–106

diphtheria, 250

disciplined initiative, 286

disk failures, 321

dispositional explanations, 145–46

distraction, 198, 209–10

distributed processing, xxi, 303

division of labor, 269

divorce rates, 133, 261–62

document organization, 293–306, 413n95. See also filing systems

double-blind, randomized studies, 255

dreaming, 187

Drew, Richard G., 291

Dupin, Amantine (George Sand), 283

dysexecutive syndrome, 166–67


Ebbinghaus illusion, 21, 22

Eberts, Jake, 195, 337

echinacea, 253–55

The Economist, 251

Edison, Thomas, 201, 292

Einstein, Albert, 375, 380

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 371

e-mail, 98–102, 214, 303–4, 306–7

empathy, 119, 158, 368–69

Empire State Building weight question, 356–57, 360–64

engagement in tasks, 205–6

epidemiological studies, 350

Epley, Nicholas, 135, 151

Erasmus, 14–15

Eratosthenes, 163

Ernst, Edzard, 253

estimation, 352–55, 355–64, 449n224. See also statistics

ethics, 280–83


and attention, 41

and the attentional system, 7–8, 16

and brain architecture, xix

and categorization, 64

and expansion of physical possessions, 78

and kinship models, 26

and preference for order, 31–32

and probability, 222

and social relations, 120, 125–26

executive assistants, 124–25, 196, 210, 213–14, 299–301

executive attention system, 196–97, 368–69. See also central executive function

exemplar object, 60–61

exercise, 211, 242

expected value, 236–37, 243–44, 396

expertise, 57, 138–39, 177–78, 205–7, 329–37

externalizing memory

and airplane controls, 373

and brain extenders, 67–74

and brain physiology, 48–49, 50

and creativity, 375–76

and fuzzy categories, 370–71

and memory aids, 109–10

and neuronal clusters, xviii

and organizational efficiency, 270

and social relations, 124–25

and tickler files, 124–25

and writing, xiii–xv

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 191

Eysenck, Hans, 349


Facebook, 100–102, 126, 338

failure, planning for, 319–26

false positives and negatives, 232, 232, 233, 386, 386, 388

fear, 52–53, 418n126

Feinberg School of Medicine, 56

Ferguson, Jim, 178

Fermi problems, 357–58

file formats, 93, 321

filing systems, 93–94, 294–305, 376

Finkel, Eli, 131

fish oil supplements, 350–51

five-minute rule, 211–12

Fleming, Sandford, 163–64

flow state, 203–8, 209

focus, 9, 102, 170–71, 208. See also attention

foreign policy, 134, 155–56

forgetting, xx, 14, 49, 77

foundational concepts and habits of mind, 337

fourfold tables, 230–36, 245, 253–55, 260–61, 267, 351, 385–96

framing, 262–63

free association, 364–65

Fremont General Motors plant, 291–92

functional categories, 29–30, 61–64, 80

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 40

functional specialization, 270

fundamental attribution error, 146–48, 151, 176, 200, 228, 427n148


Gall, Joseph, 203

Gallucci, Robert, 449n224

gambling, 226, 288, 395–96

Gardner, Howard, 283, 284

Gates, Bill, 284

Geertz, Clifford, 31–32

General Motors, 291–92

genetics, 26–27, 46, 164–65, 171, 201

Getting Things Done (Allen), 68–69

Gibsonian affordances, 35–36, 83

Gilbert, Daniel, 144–45, 148

The Glass Castle (Walls), 207

Gleick, James, 296, 377–78

Goetz, Thomas, 381–82

Gold, David, 122–23

Goldberg, Lew, 305

Goodman, Steven, 341

Google, 15, 84, 95, 117–19, 308, 336, 341, 356–62

Gopnik, Adam, 120

Grafton, Scott, 249

Graham, Bill, 334

Graham, Martha, 283

Greek culture, xvii–xviii, 48–49, 83, 288

Gricean maxims, 135–41, 153–54, 181, 347

Groopman, Jerome, 260–61


Harbor Freight Tools, 111–12

Hartzband, Pamela, 260–61

Harvard University, 343–44, 347

Haydn, Joseph, 376

Hayflick limit, 165

heart disease, 191, 351, 442n193

herbal medicine, 257, 259

Herodotus, 340

Herrera, Christopher, 258

heuristics, 22, 396

hierarchical structure and categorization, 79, 95, 180–81, 271–72, 274–76, 276–83

highly successful persons (HSPs), 9, 33–34, 200, 218, 295, 297, 300–304

Hipparchus, 163


and attentional systems, 45

and categorization, 62

and ethical decision-making, 282

and memory, 48, 82, 91–92, 106, 294

and temporal ordering, 172, 173

and written language, xiv–xv

Hitler, Adolf, 134

homeopathic medicine, 251–53

home organization, 77–112

homeostasis, 188–89, 206, 405n42

homosexuality, 26–27

Honda, Larry, 108–9

hostile media effect, 339–40

House M.D., 202

Howe, Elias, 375

How to Solve It (Polya), 357

Huffington Post, 308

hunter-gatherer societies, 7, 12, 23–24, 227

Hurricane Agnes, 289

Hussein, Saddam, 134

Hyman, Mark, 351


Iaconesi, Salvatore, 118

ideology, 152, 339–40

illogical thinking, 226–27, 288

illusions. See cognitive illusions

immersion learning, 186

immunization, 248, 250

implicatures, 135–40

implicit learning, 367

impulse control, 166, 167

inattentional blind spots, 12

index cards, 67–72, 74, 295–96, 305, 410n72

indirect speech acts, 136–37, 139, 141–42

industrialization, 15, 269, 348

inference, 135, 141, 148–49, 154, 182, 185. See also Bayesian reasoning

The Information (Gleick), 377–78

information acquisition, 335–36

information consolidation, 184–86

information literacy, 337–55

information overload, 3–36

and attention, 7–13

and brain extenders, 67–74

and categorization, 22–32, 32–36

and decision overload, 5–6

historical view of, 13–22

infomania, 97

and multitasking, 97–98

and online dating, 132

and optimal complexity, 308–12

and satisficing, 4–5

and sleep, 188

information theory, 311–18, 470n315

informed consent, 251–60, 257

insomnia, 192, 195

intelligence-gathering, 115

Internet, 130–31, 340–43, 366, 369

intimacy, 127–29, 129–30

intuition, 354, 450n227

invisibility problem, 144

Iraq War, 250, 279


Jackson, Michael, 86, 338

Jagust, William, 217

Janata, Petr, 168

Jane, Patrick, 49

Jefferson, Thomas, 74, 282

jet lag, 194

Jobs, Steve, 259, 284

Joel, Billy, 375

Jonas, Frank D., 93–94, 296–97

Josephus, 340

journalistic standards, 338–39

Julius Caesar, 282

junk drawers, xxii–xxiv, 23, 73, 87–91, 300–301, 381–82

juries, 149, 337


Kafka, Franz, 288

Kahneman, Daniel, xxii, 73, 106, 256, 262–63, 311, 366

Kallman, Craig, 123, 124, 299, 302

Kant, Immanuel, 12

Kay, Paul, 30

Keele, Steve, 305

Kelleher, Herb, 282, 303, 464n283

Keller, Bill, 339, 365

Kenet, Barney, 241

Kennedy, John F., 155, 366

Khruschev, Nikita, 155, 366

Kickstarter, 116, 133

Kimball, Jeffrey, 84

kinship models, 25–27, 27

kitchen organization, 78, 82, 86–90

Kolmogorov complexity, 314–15, 317

Kosslyn, Stephen, 215, 337


Labov, William, 65–66

language, 23, 25, 28, 40, 186. See also writing

Latané, Bibb, 157–58, 159

Lavin, David, 213

leadership, 283–93, 464n283

Lean In (Sandberg), 68

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 14, 70

leisure time, 6, 18–19, 92, 127, 195, 307–8

Lennon, John, 86, 375

Leonardo da Vinci, 292

Lepper, Mark, 339–40

Lessig, Lawrence, 102–3, 303

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 31–32

lexical hypothesis, 23, 28

libraries, xviii, 325, 369, 377, 378–79

Library of Congress, 15, 377, 378

life expectancy, 164, 215–18, 239, 250

Lila: An Inquiry into Morals (Pirsig), 70

Lillard, Angeline, 368

lists, 67–69, 73, 167, 211–13, 408n56

Littlefield, Edmund W., 33–34, 70, 301, 303

locus of control, 287–92, 311, 326

Loftus, Elizabeth, 55–56

London taxi drivers, 82

losing items, xx–xxi, 77, 82, 106–12

LSD, 143

Lucas, George, 74

Lucky, Robert, 400n7

lung cancer, 240, 348–50

Luria, A. R., 59

lying, 132–35, 138–39, 346

Maddow, Rachel, 340

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 248

magnetoencephalography (MEG), 40

Major League Baseball, 194

malpractice lawsuits, 134–35

management style, 279–80, 289–92

marijuana, 97, 143

Mark, Gloria, 170

Maslow, Abraham, 203

matchmaking, 130–31

mathematics, xxv, 266–67, 382–83. See also Bayesian reasoning; statistics

Mazur, Eric, 367

McCallum, Daniel, 270

McCartney, Paul, 174, 375

McChrystal, Stanley, 279

McEnroe, John, 207

McGill University, 285

measles, 250

Mechanical Turk, 119

medical diagnosis and decision-making

and imaging technology, 39–40, 63–64

and information theory, 316

and medical expertise, 332

number needed to treat metric, 236, 240, 247, 264, 264

and recovery times, 241, 242, 245

and statistical reasoning, xxii, 220–38, 238–48, 248–50, 254, 261–62, 267, 385–96, 452n238, 454n247

and treatment decisions, 260–66

medical records, 107, 415n107

MegaUpload, 323


and attention, 48–54

and categorization, 13, 56–67, 370–71

and Concentration game, 293–94

distortion of, 50–56

and early humans, 24

encoding of, xx, 7, 48–49, 82, 179, 183, 368, 374–75

fallibility of, 50–55

methods for augmenting, xvii–xviii, 83, 373–75, 480n374

neuroscience of, 48–56

retrieval of memories, xx, 50–52, 56, 98, 179, 183, 193, 299

and sleep, 183–84, 187–88, 190, 193

unreliability of, xiv

and writing, xiii–xv

See also externalizing memory

Menon, Vinod, 39, 42, 47–48, 287

The Mentalist, 49

Merrill, Douglas, 95, 320, 370

metaphysics, 70, 72

methodical thinking, 355–62

method of loci, xvii–xviii, 83

Microsoft, 284, 321

military organizations, 272, 277–79, 308

Miller, Earl, 96, 97–98, 169–70

Miller, George, 400n7

Milner, Peter, 101

mind-clearing exercises, 68, 210

mind-wandering mode, 38–39, 41–42, 45–48, 68–69

Mindwise (Epley), 135

Mission Command (U.S. Army manual), 285

Mitchell, Joni, 86, 174, 412n83

mnemonic systems, 83

Mogil, Jeff, 98–99, 304

Moore’s Law, 381

morality, 281–82

Moreno, Jacob, 271

mortality rates, 239–40, 250

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 287, 292, 375

multitasking, 16, 96–98, 170, 174–75, 306–12, 319

music, 174, 312, 400n7


names, 32–33, 373–75, 480n372

napping, 192–93, 307–8, 442n193. See also sleep

Nass, Clifford, 306

National Cancer Institute (NCI), 380

natural selection, xix, 31, 164

network diagrams, 271–72


and attention, 16–17, 45–48

and categorization, 62

and creativity, 206, 217

and electronic communication, 101

and home organization, 78

and memory, 52

and multitasking, 96–97, 306

and procrastination, 198

and sleep, 186–88, 192, 195

and social relations, 142–43, 158

and time organization, 167–69, 171

See also brain physiology

neuroimaging, 39–40, 63–64

neurons and neuronal networks. See brain physiology

news media, 338–40

Newton, Isaac, 162

New Yorker, 120, 336

New York Times, 6, 339, 365

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 375

Nixon, Richard, 201

NMDA receptor, 167

nonlinear thinking and perception, 38, 215, 217–18, 262, 380

Norman, Don, 35

number needed to treat metric, 236, 240, 247, 264, 264


Obama, Barack, 219, 303

object permanence, 24

Office of Presidential Correspondence, 303

Olds, James, 101

Old Testament, 151

O’Neal, Shaquille, 352–53

One Hundred Names for Love (Ackerman), 364–65

online dating, 130–34, 422n130, 423n132

optical character recognition (OCR), 93, 119, 119

optimal information, 308–10

orders of magnitude, 354–55, 358–59, 361, 363, 400n7

organizational structure, 271–76, 315–18, 470n315, 471n317

Otellini, Paul, 380–81

Overbye, Dennis, 6, 19

Oxford English Dictionary, 114

Oxford Filing Supply Company, 93–94

Page, Jimmy, 174

pair-bonding, 128, 142

paperwork, 293–306

Pareto optimality, 269

parking tickets, 237, 451n237

Parkinson’s disease, 167–68

passwords, xx, 103–5

Patel, Shreena, 258

paternalism, medical, 245, 257

pattern recognition, 28, 249

Patton, George S., 73–74

peak performance, 167, 189, 191–92, 203, 206

Peer Instruction (Mazur), 367

perfectionism, 174, 199–200

periodic table of elements, 372–73, 373, 480n372

Perry, Bruce, 56

Peterson, Jennifer, 368

pharmaceuticals, 256–57, 343, 345–46

Picasso, Pablo, 283

Pierce, John R., 73

Pirsig, Robert, 69–73, 89, 295–97, 300

placebo effect, 253, 255

place memory, 82–83, 106, 293–94

planning, 43, 161, 174–75, 319–26

Plato, 14, 58, 65–66

plausibility, 350, 352, 478n352

Plimpton, George, 200

Plutarch, 340

Poldrack, Russ, 97

Polya, George, 357

Ponzo illusion, 21, 22

positron emission tomography (PET), 40

prediction, 344–45

prefrontal cortex, 161

Area 47, 287

and attention, 16–17, 43, 45–46

and changing behaviors, 176

and children’s television, 368

and creative time, 202, 210

and decision-making, 277, 282

and flow state, 203, 207

and information overload, 8

and literary fiction, 367

and manager/worker distinction, 176

and multitasking, 96, 98, 307

and procrastination, 197, 198, 200–201

and sleep, 187

and task switching, 171–72

and time organization, 161, 165–66, 174, 180

See also brain physiology

preselection effect, 331, 343

Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, 365

primacy effect, 55, 408n56

primates, 17–18, 125–26, 135

Prince, 174

Princeton Theological Seminary, 145–46

prior distributions, 249

prioritization, 5–7, 33–35, 379–80

probability. See statistics

procrastination, 195–201, 209, 336–37, 444n298

prospect theory, 262

prostate cancer, 240–42, 244–48, 250, 258, 351–52

pseudo logic and pseudoscience, 225–26, 252

psychic powers, 346–47

psychology, 39, 262, 278


quality of life, 239–40, 241


racism, 153–54

radiation treatments, 257, 263

Raichle, Marcus, 38–39

railroads, 163–64, 269–70, 273, 460n269

Randall, David K., 191–92

Randi, James, 253, 346

randomization, 349

random sequences, 226–27

rare events, 256, 385–96

RBC Royal Bank, 274

reCAPTCHAs, 118–19

recency effect, 55, 408n56

regret, 264–66

rehearsal, 68–69, 374–75, 408n56

Reithofer, Norbert, 284

reminders, 124–25, 213, 301

Rentfrow, Jason, 196, 305, 376

representativeness heuristic, 228–29

research ethics, 348–49

resource limitations, 11, 19–20

risk assessment, 216, 221–22, 238–48, 264–66

Ritalin, 168, 171

Robinson, Marilynne, 375–76

Roman culture, 288

Rosch, Eleanor, 32, 56–57

Ross, Lee, xxii, 146–48, 339–40, 347

Rothbart, Mick, 154, 429n153

Rubik’s Cube, 185

rule of the designated place, 83, 83–86, 342


Sacks, Oliver, 92

Sand, George (Amantine Dupin), 283

Sandberg, Sheryl, 68

Sanger, Lawrence, 331, 333, 472n335

satisficing, 4–5, 276, 312

scheduling, 195–96, 211–14

Shultz, George, 156

Searle, John, 137–39, 141

selective focus, 18, 52, 177

selective migration, 196

selective windowing, 345

self-confidence, 200, 201, 429n153, 444n198

self-discipline, 208

self-presentation advantage, 148

Seneca the Younger, 14

sensory limitations, 165

September 11 terrorist attacks, 52–53, 456n256

serendipity, 377–78

shadow work, 19, 103, 341

Shakespeare, William, 292

Shannon, Claude, 311, 313–14, 316–18

Shapiro, Robert, 122, 124, 299

Shepard, Roger, 22, 58, 294, 304–5

Shinohara, Katsuto, 351

side effects, 231, 234, 239–41, 245–47, 265, 385, 391, 395

Simon, Herbert, 4

Simon, Paul, 73

Simons, Daniel, 12

Simons, Jonathan, 241

situational categories, 62

situational explanations, 145–46

Skinner, B. F., 84, 110

Slaney, Malcolm, 92–93, 305, 376

sleep, 46, 183–95

Slovic, Paul, 255

smartphones, 84, 96–97

Smith, Adam, 269

Smithsonian American Art Museum, 335

smoking, 97, 126, 348–50, 405n42

social psychology, 145

social relations, 25–27, 113, 120–35, 142–43, 151–54, 158–59, 209, 217, 339

socioeconomic status, 347, 350

sorting, 129–30, 336. See also categorization

specialization, 13, 57, 273

Spector, Paul, 290

speech acts, 135–37

SpongeBob SquarePants (cartoon), 368

spreading activation, 55

spurious correlation, 347–48, 348

Standard Time Act, 164

Star Princess grounding, 191

STARS (Science Talks About Research for Staff), 285–86

statistics, xxii, 20, 22, 220–32, 266–67, 449n224, 450n227, 454n243. See also Bayesian reasoning

Steel, Piers, 197–98, 200, 444n198

Steely Dan, 174

stereotypes, 154

Stickgold, Robert, 184

Stills, Stephen, 86

Sting, 208–9

storehouses, 111–12

stories and storytelling, xiv, 20–21, 178, 258, 333–34

subjectivity, 215, 224

Sumerians, 13, 162

sunlight, 188, 192

surgery, 240, 241–42, 263

synchronizing devices, 322


Talking Heads, 15

taxonomic classification, 63

telecommunications, 312–13

testimonial advertising, 21

Tetris, 185

text messaging, 100–101, 214

Thamus, 14

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 262–63

three-ring binders, 296, 300

Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 375

tickler files, 124–25, 213, 301

time and temporal perception, 168–69, 171–73, 178–81, 184, 187, 197

time management, 160–218

and biological time, 162–69

and brain trauma, 160–62

calendars, 213–14

and creative time, 202–15

and filing systems, 94–95

and life time, 215–18

and multitasking, 169–83

and procrastination, 195–201

and sleep, 183–95

timesaving devices, 218

time-zone ordering, 298

To Do lists, 68–69, 73, 167, 211–13

Toga, Arthur, 217

Tombrello, Tom, 115

tool organization, 110–12

Toyoda, Akio, 284

Toyota, 284, 290–92, 308

transactive memory, 125, 273

traumatic events, 52–53. See also brain damage and trauma

travel, 106, 194–95, 208–9, 325–26

treatment decisions, 260–66

tribal societies, 29–30, 31. See also hunter-gatherer societies

Trump, Donald, 201

trust, 142, 278

Tversky, Amos

and decision-making research, 73, 262, 264–65, 311

and fourfold tables, 234

and organizational systems, 305

and Russian roulette dilemma, 458n262

scholarly influence of, xxii

Volvo story, 20

Twain, Mark, 74, 195

Twitter, 102, 308, 338

two-poison problem, 234–35, 236, 249

typical features, 65–66


ultrasound imaging, 248

unitization, 184, 186

Urology, 245

Uruk, 13

U.S. Army, 277–79, 281, 284–88

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 191, 250, 350

U.S. Congress, 164

U.S. Department of Defense, 114–16

U.S. Department of Justice, 323

U.S. Department of Transportation, 265

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 257

U.S. Interstate Highway System, 371–72, 372

U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, 189–90

U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), 260

U.S. National Weather Service, 225

Utah Construction (Utah International), 33–34, 301


Valins, Stuart, 149–50

Vallone, Robert, 339–40

value maximization, 269

Vance, Walter, 157

Venhuizen, John, 78–79

vigilance, 17, 47, 406n45

vision, 17–18, 21, 21–23

vitamin supplements, 253–55, 260


Wales, Jimmy, 331

Walker, Matthew, 184

Walls, Jeannette, 207

warfare, 172–73, 281–82

Watson, James, 375

The Wayback Machine, 474n341

The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 269

Wegner, Dan, 49

Wehr, Thomas, 189–90

Weisbord, Marvin, 286

Welch, Jack, 282, 464n283

Where’s Waldo? (children’s books), 17–18, 115

White House, 302–3

Whole Foods, 337–38

Wikipedia, 116, 120, 133, 330–36, 342, 378

willpower, 17, 37, 195–96

Wilson, Glenn, 97

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 176–77

witness testimony, 55–56

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 65

Wonder, Stevie, 174, 208

Wooton Desk, 294

Wordsworth, William, 12, 375

work flow, 214–15, 319, 319

World War II, 155–56, 173, 250

World Wide Web, 114, 341–43, 474n341

writing, xiii–xv, 13–15

Wynn, Steve, 107, 219–20, 226–27, 279–80, 395


Yates, JoAnne, 295

Young, Neil, 207–8

Your Medical Mind (Groopman and Hartzband), 260–61


Zander, Benjamin, 365

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirsig), 69–70