1 . Paul Stamets, Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Save the World (Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press, 2005).
2 . R. Gordon Wasson, Soma: The Divine Mushroom of Immortality (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968).
3 . Ibid.
4 . Ibid.
5 . William Delisle Hay, An Elementary Textbook of British Fungi (London: S. Sonnenschein, Lowrey, 1887).
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
1 . Katherine Mansfield, “Love and Mushrooms,” 1917 journal entry, More Extracts from a Journal, ed. J. Middleton Murry, in The Adelphi (1923), p. 1068.
2 . William D. Hay, An Elementary Textbook on British Fungi (London: S. Sonnenschein, 1887).
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4 . Antoin Kiely, advertisement for walk dated October 16, 2005, The Ballyhoura Country News,, accessed October 8, 2008.
5 . Michael W. Beug, Marilyn Shaw, Kenneth W. Cochran, “Thirty Plus Years of Mushroom Poisoning: Summary of Approximately 2,000 Reports in the NAMA Case Registry,” McIlvainea 16, no. 2 (2006), pp. 47–68.
6 . C. L. Fergus, Common Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northeast (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 2003).
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8 . Eric Boa, “Wild Edible Fungi, A Global Overview of Their Use and Importance to People,” FAO Non-Wood Forest Products Report #14, from #TopOfPage, accessed March 2, 2004.
Part II Introduction
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Chapter 3
1 . Clyde M. Christensen, Common Edible Mushrooms (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1943).
2 . Gary Alan Fine, Morel Tales: The Culture of Mushrooming (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003).
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Chapter 4
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4 . D. Pilz, L. Norvell, E. Danell, and R. Molina, “Ecology and Management of Commercially Harvested Chanterelle Mushrooms.” Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-576, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon (2003), 83 pp.
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Chapter 5
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2 . Ernst Both, Boletes of North America: A Compendium (Buffalo, N.Y.: Buffalo Society of Natural History, 1993).
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4 . Jack Czarnecki, Joe’s Book of Mushroom Cookery (New York: Macmillan, 1998).
Chapter 6
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Part III Introduction
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2 . Michael W. Beug, M. Shaw, and K.W. Cochran, “Thirty Plus Years of Mushroom Poisoning: Summary of the Approximately 2,000 Reports in the NAMA Case Registry,” McIlvania 16, no. 2 (2006), pp. 47–68.
3 . Michael W. Beug, “NAMA Toxicology Committee Report for 2009; North American Mushroom Poisonings,” McIlvania 20 (unpublished manuscript).
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Chapter 7
1 . Michael W. Beug, M. Shaw, and K.W. Cochran, “Thirty Plus Years of Mushroom Poisoning: Summary of the Approximately 2,000 Reports in the NAMA Case Registry,” McIlvania 16, no. 2 (2006), pp. 47–68.
2 . Michael W. Beug, “NAMA Toxicology Committee Report for 2006: Recent Mushroom Poisonings in North America,” McIlvainea 17, no. 1 (2007) pp. 63–72.
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9 . Denis R. Benjamin, Mushrooms: Poisons and Panaceas (New York: WH Freeman, 1995).
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11 . Paul Stamets, Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World (Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press, 1996).
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Chapter 9
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