In life, there’s probably nothing you make more of than decisions (except maybe your bed). Decisions come in all shapes and sizes, and you probably make most of them without skipping a beat—you’re driven by your experience, your values, your expertise, and your wisdom. Some of them are relatively simple (why yes, I will delete that email), and some of them are more complex (what project do I need to work on next?). Then, there’s that whole category of decision making that is, well, life changing.
There’s a good chance that many of these tough decisions are tied to work—things like changing jobs, changing career paths, finances, and more. (Of course, there are plenty of major life decisions that have nothing to do with work, but the same principles are still in play for any decision you make.)
We don’t want to imply that decisions you make are hanging in the balance because you ate a stick of beef jerky instead of a banana. A lot of factors are at play. Still, it is worth noting that because food influences everything—mood, clarity of thought, brain function, and so on—it can play a supporting role in how you handle both everyday and major life choices.
It’s not for us to say what you decide and what you’re grappling with. But as you manage the many complexities of life, it’s worth thinking about how you can use food in your favor to help steer your mind in the direction that will pay you whatever dividends you’re after.
SLEEP: Getting quality sleep will help you make decisions with a clear mind to sort out pros and cons. |
Eating the When Way will naturally help as you shift meals to earlier in the day (meaning you’ll likely have fewer sleep disruptions caused by a full belly). Dr. R’s favorite sleep-inducing meal (a few hours before bed) is a salad with one half slice of whole grain toast; his favorite pre-decision meal is a small portion of salmon, walnuts, and some whole grain toast and a glass of water. |
CLARITY OF THOUGHT: Impulses can be destructive if you make decisions based on emotions, rather than critically thinking through consequences. |
Avoid alcohol while trying to come up with answers. Same goes for making a decision on an empty stomach. After all, an empty stomach is an empty brain. |
BRAINPOWER: You want your mind at its sharpest. |
Eat brain-friendly foods that are loaded with healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon and ocean trout. |
OPTIMAL TIMING: Studies show that the best time to make a big decision is early in the morning, a few hours after you wake.5 That’s when you’re most alert. |
Moderate coffee or tea is great to help with alertness because of the caffeine boost. Too much may make you jump to conclusions in a fidgety state—so stick to one or two cups, max. |