| CHAPTER 31 |


When You Need to Shrink Your Prostate

“Bigger is better” may apply to paychecks, TV screens, and bear hugs. But it doesn’t always apply to the body. Not bellies. Not swollen ankles. Not open wounds. (In these cases, bigger is, uh, badder.) Same is true for the prostate, the walnut-shaped gland in men that controls the speed, strength, and frequency of urination and ejaculation.

It may seem like a bigger prostate means a stronger one as well. But the opposite is true: Docs do rectal exams to actually feel if the prostate has grown, especially with nodules that may indicate cancer. Even when it grows uniformly, it squeezes down on your urethra, slowing the flow of urine and semen.

This noncancerous enlargement is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and affects about 10 percent of men by the age of 30 and up to 90 percent of men as they get older.24 Men who have this condition may first notice it when they have trouble at the toilet or in bed. That can mean feeling pain or just having trouble moving fluid from inside the body to out. As it worsens, you can find yourself getting up frequently during the night, and it may feel like you’re never able to get it all out. Worst case: The squeeze on the urethra is so bad, it’s like clamping a hose. This can cause fluid to back up into the kidneys and result in infection, or kidney dysfunction.

Symptoms related to the function of the prostate can also be a sign of prostate cancer (a common disease that will affect nearly every man who lives long enough). Its aggressiveness is related to age; slower-growing cancers tend to occur in older men, whereas aggressive forms are more frequently found in younger generations. The point: If you experience any irregularity in the function of your penis, you need to see a doctor to get a clear diagnosis.

Certain medications can decrease the swelling of the prostate and relax the muscle that clamps the urethra. There are also very minor interventions and a more invasive surgery that can remove parts of the prostate (this comes with risks, as it’s close to the nerves that help control erections and urine, too).

In addition, you can—and should—use food to help control the swelling as much as you can. You want to maintain a healthy When Way diet, have at least four servings of vegetables a day, and maintain a regular level of physical activity. But here’s how your plate should look if you want to keep stepping up to bat:

MVP: Though there’s no evidence (thank goodness) to suggest that Popeye’s prostate was as strong as his biceps, it’s not a bad theory. Zinc is an important vitamin for normal prostate function. In a study of Swedish men diagnosed with prostate cancer, those who ate foods with the most zinc were the least likely to die from the cancer.25 But a recent lab-based study found that high levels of zinc can make prostate cancer cells resistant to treatment.26 This suggests you should get your zinc from food instead of supplements, so make spinach a regular part of your diet. Eat it raw in salads, sneak it into smoothies, or sauté it.

Key Players: Nuts, seeds, legumes, and beans have been shown to have pro-prostate effects.27,28 Specifically, kidney and lima beans, chickpeas, peanuts, and pumpkin and sesame seeds are all good choices. In addition, cooked tomatoes contain lycopene, a known prostate fortifier.29

Cut From the Team: You’ll want to reduce saturated fats—especially ones that are associated with red meat. One study linked diets high in saturated fats to aggressive prostate cancer, and found that men who ate more polyunsaturated fats like those found in fish and nuts had a lower risk of aggressive prostate cancer.30 In addition, experiment with cutting down on your caffeine, which can make the symptoms of BPH worse.

The Sub Shop: Grub for Your Gland

Coffee Green tea. In one study, men who drank green and black tea had improved urine flow and decreased inflammation.31 Teas also have less caffeine than coffee, which can help lessen BPH symptoms.
Corn Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and Brussels sprouts contain the compound sulforaphane, which has been shown to help play a role in lowering the risk of cancer.32
Orange juice Pomegranate juice, according to some research, may help to slow the progression of prostate cancer.33