



Yucky Words


Feeling croaky

Something on your mind?

What’s cooking?

How are you feeling?

What’s for pudding?

Dog eat dog?

Anyone for haggis?


A sticky ending


Wet and Windy Words


That little squirt!

Kisses are sweet (or are they…?)

Partridge surprise!

A potty idea for supper!

It’s all pants!


Weird Words


The amazing ventriloquist!

That’s odd (and a little bit rude…)!

Muscle madness!

How big a fan are you?

It’s hairy stuff!

Are you ready for this?


How catchy!

Hairy scary!

Ooh, that’s sinister!


Spooky, Scary Words


How ggg-ghoulish!


Give me a clue!

There be dragons!

Grotty grottoes

What a nightmare!

Tyrannosaurus terror!

Don’t go crazy!


Grisly and Gory Words


How to be a geek!

Thumbs up!

‘What a shambles!’

Time for a trim

Grenade alert!

What a thrill!


Totally toxic!

Hands up who likes algebra?

Who’s for the chop?

What a thug!

The final word…
