Jane Was Lucky

I went over to Jane’s house alot. Her mother never threw me out. Mrs. Huffman didn’t care how much I ate. She always had Cokes in the ice box and some kind of good treats. She always asked me if I’d had enough. One winter Jane had an ice skating party. They owned a bunch of land that had a pond on it. Some parents volunteered to drive all the kids out there. I rode with Jane and her mom. It wasn’t too far. Everybody started pullin’ up and gettin’ outta their cars. They all ran down to the pond and put on their ice skates. One of the dads made a big fire. I stayed up there and hung around with all the the grown ups. Mrs. Huffman put milk and sugar and cocoa in a big pot and started heatin’ it up. I looked down there at the popular rich kids laughin’ and havin’ fun. Somebody’s mom said, “Why don’t you go ice skate?” I said, “I forgot my skates.” They looked back and forth at each other. Then Mrs. Huffman laughed and said, “Oh isn’t that the way it always works . . . I almost forgot mine too.”