As a drug chemist, I used to fear going to work in the lab. I risked numerous health hazards—like being exposed to cancer-causing reagents. I naively assumed that these were necessary risks for making so-called lifesaving drugs. I was wrong.
Outside of emergency medicine, prescription drugs can be just as deadly as the reagents used to make them. Commonly used antibiotics and vaccines are a perfect example. Some argue that this arsenal of antiinfectious agents is a cure. This is almost true. They make us feel better and can even save us from the perils of death in an emergency. But using them outside of an emergency puts us at risk for severe side effects while enabling stronger and deadlier infectious agents—superbugs like flesh-eating, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Drugs aren’t your first line of defense against illness. In this chapter, you’ll learn that the innate genius of your immune system is your first line of defense. Your body is blessed with a fire wall that protects you from infection around the clock. And if that fails, nature provides potent weapons against biological nasties.
Greeting her mom with her usual morning kisses, eight-year-old Jennifer insisted that her ear felt like it was “going to explode.” Worried, her mom rushed her to the family doctor. Impatiently listening to the symptoms, he instantly prescribed an antibiotic for Jennifer’s ear infection. Out the door they went.
Ten days after her prescription was filled, Jennifer asked, “Why are my eyes yellow, Mommy?” A few weeks later, Jennifer lost liver function and then her life to antibiotic use. Rather than the usual morning kisses, Jennifer’s mom wakes up to depressing silence and a burning question: “Did my daughter even need that antibiotic?”
Natural ways of protecting ourselves from infection have been lost in today’s prescribing frenzy. The advent of man-made antibiotics has given rise to a host of prescription drugs hailed as miracle cures. First came the sulfa drugs and then the beta-lactams, to which penicillin belongs. Today, a stockpile of more than a hundred types of drugs exist. For a brief moment, it appeared as though we would never be at risk again for infection. In the beginning, the use of antibiotics saved us from deadly infections.
Today, antibiotics are being prescribed for any discomfort imaginable, including the occasional sniffle, cough, or earache. In 1954, two million pounds of antibiotics were produced in the United States. That production now exceeds 50 million pounds.80 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that more than 30 percent of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary, which equates to more than 50 million overdoses.80 And like Jennifer, many sufferers are wrongly prescribed antibiotics after diagnostic testing to confirm bacterial infection is bypassed. A grim reality has emerged: antibiotics aren’t miracle cures.
Antibiotics also put 142,000 people into the hospital each year. Those between the ages of fifteen and forty-five are most at risk. Kidney and liver failure—along with allergic reactions, intestinal discomfort, and psychological disturbances—are common outcomes.82
Eventually, the event that scientists fear most arises: antibiotic resistance occurs. Antibiotic resistance happens when bacteria that are supposed to be wiped out by the synthetic weaponry simply aren’t. The flagrant use of antibiotics breeds superbugs that are resistant to all antibiotics. The resistance is the outcome of “survival of the strongest.” Any population of bacteria naturally has variants with unusual traits—like the ability to resist the attack of a particular antibiotic. When you follow a doctor’s order and swallow any commonly used antibiotic, you are enabling those with the resistant trait, the strongest.
This is the biggest downfall of antibiotics. While antibiotics kill less resistant bacteria, the renegade bacteria multiply, increasing their numbers by a million-fold in a day. Passing the point of no return, resistant bacteria become the predominant biological nasty in your body.
This frightening outcome has become all too common. In a ground-breaking report in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers sounded the superbug alarm. In 1994, they identified bacteria in patients that resisted all currently available antibiotic drugs. Pneumonia is quickly learning to outwit antibiotics. Between 1979 and 1987, only 0.02 percent of pneumonia strains were penicillin resistant. In 1994, that percentage shot to a walloping 6.6 percent.83 In 2009, the scientists writing for the New England Journal of Medicine, insisted that “we have come almost full circle and arrived at a point as frightening as the pre-antibiotic era: for patients infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria, there is no magic bullet.”84
Jennifer and her family learned these horrific facts the hard way. Antibiotics are not the wonder drugs they were initially hailed to be. Patients need to be keenly aware of this to prevent accidental death and antibiotic resistance.
Parents of lost children don’t cope. They survive. Jennifer’s parents feel that if others can learn of the risks associated with antibiotics from her tragedy, then not all is lost. They want others to know that antibiotics are a last resort and that, as they have discovered, safer ways exist to ward off infection.
What about vaccines? Are they a preventive jab or risky stab?
Vaccines are purported to work by triggering immunity. Experts think that exposing our immune system to weak or dead infectious agents, such as measles or a flu virus, creates the appropriate immune defense. This is true. The only problem is that the immune system only responds weakly to stabs and jabs.
At best, vaccines only temporarily boost our defenses. Our immune system was programmed to recognize foreign invaders coming through our biological front door—our nose, mouth, and eyes—not via our back door, which is through our skin with a needle. Therefore, most vaccines fly below our immunity radar, rendering many of them ineffective. Vaccine history proves this in shocking detail.
Polio is the most feared childhood illness. It has caused paralysis and death for much of human history. The world experienced a dramatic increase in polio cases beginning in 1910. Frequent epidemics became regular events. They were the impetus for a great race toward the development of a polio vaccine. It was developed in 1953 and an oral version soon after.
But the vaccines came too late. Polio infection plummeted before the vaccines were introduced, thanks to better sanitation and nutrition. Good thing, because both forms of vaccine were a total failure. They caused the same infection they were supposed to prevent—polio. Medical journals around the world were discussing “the relation of prophylactic inoculations [polio vaccines] to the onset of poliomyelitis” as far back as 1951.85 The trend continued.
In a 2007 article entitled “Nigeria Fights Rare Vaccine-Derived Polio Outbreak,” Reuters News showed how polio vaccine programs ignited outbreaks among children in Nigeria, Chad, Angola, and Niger. Vaccine programs continued, thanks to hype from Bruce Aylward, MD, MPH, director of World Health Organization’s polio-eradication campaign. He insisted that “recent advances against polio in some of its most stubborn strongholds mean it may be possible to wipe it out worldwide by the end of 2009.”86
The polio virus still exists today. But few of us suffer from it. Our protection resides in the same things that were responsible for its decline: a healthy immune system, courtesy of proper sanitation and nutrition. That highlights what third-world countries really need—food and sanitation.
This same scenario was repeated in the case of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine. Between 1900 and 1935, mortality rates due to whooping cough dropped by 79 percent in the United States. Yet, the vaccine (DTP and DTaP) wasn’t introduced until 1940. Today, those most susceptible to whooping cough are the “immunized.”
In 2002, researchers with the CDC publicly stated that “the number of infants dying from whooping cough, once a major killer of children in the United States, is rising despite record high vaccination levels in the nation.”87 In 2009, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution recognized the trend, too. In the article “Whooping Cough Vaccine Not as Powerful as Thought,” the publication highlighted a recent cluster of eighteen whooping cough–infected students. Seventeen were properly immunized with five doses of DTaP vaccine.”88
The measles vaccine is no different. In 1957, the MMR vaccine became widely used in an effort to eradicate measles, mumps, and rubella. Rather than preventing measles, it elicited a widespread epidemic. Between 1983 and 1990, there was a 423 percent increase in measles cases among those vaccinated. Today, the World Health Organization actually warns that vaccinated individuals are fourteen times more likely to contract this disease than the unvaccinated.89 “The importance of vaccine failure has become increasingly apparent,”90 stated the Mayo Clinic in response to findings on the immune response to measles vaccination.
The CDC insisted that the MMR vaccine would also eliminate mumps in the United States by the year 2010. Then in 2006, the largest mumps outbreak in twenty years occurred. Among those who suffered from mumps, 63 percent were “immunized.”91
From its inception to now, the flu vaccine has proven just as worthless. In 2007, the CDC reported that the vaccine had “no or low effectiveness” against influenza or influenza-like illnesses. The analysis of data showed that the flu vaccine protected no more than 14 percent of vaccine participants.92 This is a repeat of all previous and future years. “The influenza vaccine, which has been strongly recommended for people over sixty-five for more than four decades, is losing its reputation as an effective way to ward off the virus in the elderly,”93 insisted the New York Times in 2008.
Considering the overt failure of vaccination, the idea of mainlining an ineffective and dangerous vaccine into ourselves and our vulnerable children is chilling. Regardless, Big Pharma is hell-bent on pushing more—usually with the regurgitated quote, “Vaccine benefits outweigh the risk.” Be forewarned: each and every vaccine will follow the same ineffective trend because the stab works against our immune system, not with it. The raging controversy surrounding vaccines will continue. Stay up to date by visiting this website:
Missing this inherent vaccine flaw, pro-vaccine health officials and major media will continue to assert they grant us “powerful immune sentries to ward off uninvited invasions.” This logic has been used to defend the use of all vaccines to date, but it has proven to be nothing more than mental masturbation for nerdy scientists. It sounds good and feels better, but it’s not the real thing. Many people have been stained by the resulting intellectual ejaculate. In most cases, it’s not too late to wash it off. Cleanliness and immunity go hand in hand.
Vaccine talk is riddled with shoddy science, emotional arguments, and allout quackery from most health experts. Some of the arguments are so convoluted that I feel like I’m listening to a political speech when I hear them. Very little common sense shines through the murky vaccine debate.
Pro-vaccine statements like, “Nonvaccinated children are putting immunity at risk,” “Vaccination is required for public schooling,” “Parents who don’t vaccinate are risking their children’s lives,” and “Parents who don’t vaccinate are parasites,” as stated by Hollywood actress Amanda Peet, 94 have become routine. All of them get first prize for being the most wishy-washy sentences in modern vaccine discussion. Not one is based on a single scientific study or current law. And they make it very difficult for parents to learn about vaccines so that they can make educated decisions.
If “immunization” worked as insisted by vaccine lovers, they should rest easy knowing that they are protected from those who are not vaccinated and presumably germ infested. Further, all states have a vaccine waiver, by law. And parents who take careful note of their children’s sanitation and nutrition habits aren’t risking anything by not vaccinating. Some basic history teaches this well.
The major element in eradicating disease from society has been changing our lifestyle habits. Glaring examples exist. Medical doctors who learned to wash their hands (circa 1850) with soap and water before each examination of a new mother caused disease rates among newborn babies to decrease drastically.
The Black Plague, which killed two million people, was not eradicated with vaccination, but rather by the meticulous act of ridding living quarters of black rats, which carried infected fleas.
With respect to children, our early ancestors were not privy to lifestyle habits such as nutrition, regular bathing, and modern sewage disposal. But these have proven more beneficial than vaccination in warding off deadly diseases such as measles, rubella, and diphtheria.
And finally, since when are caring, educated parents who spend hundreds of hours doing their vaccination homework—and who use science to justify their antivaccine stance—parasites? Referring to these parents as parasites is stupidity in surging momentum. And if Amanda Peet were here right now, I’d spank her with a rolled-up wad of medical journals for her derelict behavior.
Vaccine propaganda is a looming monster. Its shadow shields parents from the fact that better sanitation and nutrition are among the biggest factors in immune boosting. We’ve been living under this shadow for so long that it’s hard to see the light, which shows that immunity is rarely granted by stabs and jabs. Fortunately, as long as we aren’t living in our own filth and starving to death, our immune system can ward off biological threats. And in the rare case that it doesn’t, emergency medicine can tackle the infection. But to truly understand and trust our natural defenses, we have to know the basics of how they work.
Our natural immunity is genius.
We live in an ocean of infectious particles. There are billions of biological invaders surrounding us right now. The world is teeming with these potential health threats, but the natural intelligence of our immune system can protect us from them.
Your body is a fire wall. It works around the clock to ward off intruders like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Bacteria are the smallest living organisms that can eat, grow, and multiply on their own. Viruses are not self-sufficient and must invade and occupy living cells for their survival and reproduction. Fungi are a group of life forms that are slightly more advanced than bacteria but not as developed as plants. The group includes molds, rusts, mildews, and yeast. Parasites are organisms that feed, grow, and take shelter in other organisms that act as hosts.
The wonder of the immune system is that it innately understands the difference between self and nonself. Anything that doesn’t belong gets ousted. Protection arises from innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity “guards” against foreign invaders. Adaptive immunity “attacks” them when the guard fails. Let’s look at how this happens.
The innate immune system uses skin and stomach to ward off invaders. The top layers of skin cells are dry and densely packed. The dryness and close quarters make these layers inhospitable to many bacteria. They simply fall off before they can begin to “nest.” Salty secretions from sweat glands also discourage the growth of bacteria by dehydrating them. Most lethally, our skin produces an acidic environment. Many bacteria can only survive in a narrow pH range near neutral (pH 7). Skin has a slightly acidic pH (4–6) that deters colonization by foreign bacteria and pathogens. If your skin fails to protect you, the stomach is ready to join the fight. When intruders make it to the stomach, they are greeted by a lethal, acidic environment.
Some infectious agents survive the environment of the stomach and reach the large bowel. Once there, the infection has to compete with the many millions of fecal bacteria that normally live there. The chances of infection surviving this second barrier are small, unless you have weak stomach acid or lack healthy gut bacteria. If these fail, you get sick…but you don’t stay sick, thanks to “adaptive immunity.”
The second and much more complex part of the immune system is adaptive immunity. When innate immunity fails, adaptive immunity takes over. Adaptive immunity is aptly named because it adapts to whatever biological threat you are exposed to. Once an intruder infiltrates innate immunity, adaptive immunity custom-builds a biological military—like building a custom chopper based on the size and weight of a rider. Lymphocytes compose a major portion of the military unit. The more you have, the better because they secrete antibodies, which are a nuclear attack against those things that don’t belong.
Adaptive immunity has a photographic memory. For your entire life, it remembers every foreign invader it has encountered and keeps a custom army on standby. You may forget your wedding anniversary, but adaptive immunity remembers biological threats. This explains why it’s almost impossible to have chicken pox twice. Adaptive immunity remembers the virus and forever protects you from it. This is also why you may carry a virus without suffering from its detrimental outcome. Adaptive immunity keeps it at bay.
Together, innate and adaptive immunity exist as an intricate dance involving multiple functions, organs, and specialized cells. Nutrient logic is the single most important ally in maintaining this dance. Without it, biological nasties effortlessly breach our fire wall. Or worse, in the case of autoimmune disorders, the immune system forgets how to identify self and nonself and begins to attack itself.
The best nutrition is simple nutrition. Adhering to some basic principles of eating will boot up your immunity fire wall. Essentially, you need four basics to thrive: purified water, carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Your daily intake should average about 25 percent carbohydrates, 50 percent healthy fats, and 25 percent protein. All of these should come from natural sources. If food is served out of a box or a window, don’t eat it. If it tastes sweet—other than the occasional fruit, spit it out. Grass-fed beef, chicken, whole eggs, fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and coconut and cod-liver oil should make up most of your diet.
These macronutrient percentages can change based on age, physical activity, and health. But the generalized portions ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to bolster your fire wall. Without them, you lack the fuel that drives innate and adaptive immunity.
Nothing in life is guaranteed, right? The immune system is no exception. Even the strongest can fail to protect us.
The best immunity is simply a direct reflection of our environment—it’s adaptive. When we travel or come into contact with new people, our immune system is exposed to new biological terrain. Historically, some plagues were the result of such occurrences. Two populations with vastly different immune systems would come into contact, and illness would strike. That’s because the immune system has a hard time navigating new terrain. It’s only adaptive to what it’s familiar with. In such instances, you’ll want to start using Mother Nature’s total immune-boosting breakthroughs.
When I think of natural immune boosters, I think of my wife. As a young, pregnant mom, she was bedridden with strep throat. She suffered from a thousand and one symptoms, each one making it hard to think, swallow, or even sleep. Fever kept her thoughts cloudy. Swollen tonsils made speaking dreadful. Achy joints made it hard to get some shut-eye. She yearned for prescription antibiotics, but she didn’t want to risk the health of her baby. I insisted on heavy garlic (Allium sativum). I tried to comfort her by insisting that if the strep got worse, we would get her a prescription. I knew we wouldn’t have to go that far.
Thank the Egyptians for the medicinal use of garlic. One of the earliest medical texts, the Codex Ebers, dating to 1500 BC, mentions garlic as a remedy for skin diseases, poisoning, heart problems, and tumors. Intact cloves were found preserved in Tutankhamen’s tomb.
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, prescribed garlic for protecting the skin. Garlic even made it into history books as the first sport supplement. Greek athletes ate it during the first Olympic Games, probably to increase oxygen distribution.95 It’s been used worldwide to provide energy, lift depression, and most importantly, boost the immune system. Allegedly, the first evidence of its immune-boosting properties was discovered in France. During a plague in Marseilles in 1721, four men were employed to remove dead, infected bodies. None of the body removers suffered from infection. Their secret was a macerated garlic-and-wine tincture known as “viniagre des quatre voleurs.”
At my prompting, my wife began eating crushed garlic cloves three times per day. As a side note, if you’re not pregnant and want to make this more palatable, you can add the garlic to red wine. This can help extract the active ingredients while lessening pain.
I reassured my wife that taking garlic was perfectly safe. “It’s the smart person’s antibiotic,” I told her:
In a day or two, you’ll start feeling better—and you won’t risk your pregnancy or become a breeding ground for superbugs. Unlike prescription antibiotics, garlic has been used for thousands of years to wipe out annoying infections without detriment. Vampires, the common cold, strep throat, influenza, and even tuberculosis have gone toe-to-toe against garlic and lost.
She was sold. Garlic can fight a lot more than that, but I was hesitant to explain that due to the bio-babble it would require.
In our house, I’m not allowed to use infectious bio-babble commonly used by physicians and drug reps. That’s why I didn’t tell my wife that garlic has been shown to fight off potent infections like Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphyloccus aureas, Methicillin Resistant Staphyloccus aureas, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Mycobacteriu, Helicobacter, and many more. Garlic’s far-reaching success at warding off an array of biological nasties with hard-to-pronounce names reflects its potency. But I wasn’t going there, at least not around my daughter.
Most bio-babble sounds so scary that people instantly line up at the pharmaceutical trough when they hear it. The verbal camouflage successfully tugs at people’s emotions, pulling them closer to a corporate drug sale—antibiotic or vaccine. It’s a bad habit, and the medical community is addicted to it.
Since we don’t want our kids using medical-speak to hoodwink the masses into prescription drug addiction, bio-babble isn’t allowed. Occasional cursing is fine though. Other parents should follow our lead: mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be drug reps.
As the hours passed, my wife’s infection began to subside. Her immune system was being revved almost instantly by garlic.
An effective immune booster works by revving up your immunity or working directly as an antibiotic or antiviral. Garlic does both. Remember adaptive immunity? It’s your internal fire wall that works by employing an army of lymphocytes. I told you the more you have, the better. Thanks to garlic, you can have a lot. Plus, the stinky molecules act as direct germ killers, but unlike prescription antibiotics, they won’t destroy healthy bacteria.
Only in the last decade or so has modern medicine begun testing garlic’s immune-boosting properties. This is usually done by studying the time garlic users need to recover from infection and comparing that to recovery time for nongarlic users. Garlic use has been shown to shorten recovery times by half. Also, studies monitoring the production of lymphocytes in response to garlic show that it greatly enhances production. “Currently, available data strongly suggest that garlic may be a promising candidate as an immune modifier that maintains the homeostasis of immune function,” researchers commented in a study published in the Journal of Nutrition.96
Prescription antibiotics don’t rev your immune system. They work against it. Taking the shotgun approach, they destroy healthy bacteria in your gut that play an integral role in innate immunity by disarming foreign invaders. Without the healthy bacteria, you become an infectious stomping ground.
After two days of downing various concoctions of crushed garlic, “The Phenom Mom” was on her feet. Pregnant, and mother of our four-year-old daughter, the successful beauty salon owner, athlete, wife, and organic chef to the entire family was back in action. And a few weeks later, she gave birth to our son at home. But she admitted that garlic cloves sucked.
As a tincture, in food, or simply chewed, garlic cloves can be hard to choke down. So I took her to our local organic grocery store to buy a garlic supplement. It’s not easy to find the right one. You might be wasting your money—or worse, missing out on the health benefits of garlic if you’re not keen on how to pick the right supplement.
Chemists started playing with garlic in 1944. The first ingredient isolated was allicin. They found it to be stinky and unstable. Instability intrigues chemists because it teaches us that other medicinal compounds might be at work. Rigid chemical analyses followed. They showed that allicin was the product of alliin. This is the active ingredient you want to remember in choosing the right supplement. Garlic doesn’t technically contain any allicin, and neither do supplements. It’s all about alliin, which has to be chopped or chewed to obtain the immune-boosting ingredient allicin.
As garlic research continued, it became apparent that allicin wasn’t the only player. Chopping, chewing, cooking, and stomach acid give rise to many other garlic- and allicin-derived molecules. Whether garlic is studied for immune boosting, anticlotting, or even cancer fighting, these chemical discoveries boil down to what the ancient Egyptians knew: eating whole garlic cloves is damn healthy.
A dizzying array of garlic supplements are available. Scanning the Great Wall of garlic Supplements, you might see “odorless,” “aged garlic,” “allicin-rich,” “standardized,” “allicin potential,” or “allicin-amount” listed on the labels. Confusing, right? Keep it simple. You want something that best mimics chopped garlic cloves. You don’t want heated extracts. You don’t want gobs of unnecessary ingredients or coloring.
You want a garlic supplement to be powdered or dehydrated. Powdered garlic supplements are sliced and dried at low temperatures (less than 65 degrees Fahrenheit) to preserve garlic’s natural state. This allows them to have the highest quantity of the medicinal precursor alliin. “Aged garlic” products have very little alliin, although they can have other benefits besides immune boosting. I found the commercial brand Solaray from The Vitamin Shoppe to fit the criteria. Using this product daily would cost you about $4.00 per month!
Solaray Garlic is manufactured under FDA-approved good manufacturing practices, and my independent lab analysis showed it to be active for alliin—the precursor to the immune-boosting compound allicin—and have no fillers or adulterants. This can be verified with the certificate of analysis found at my website,
Don’t worry about toxicity. Nobody ever died from garlic over-dose. But if you take too much, you will get a stomach ache and diarrhea. Your spouse may try to avoid the stench of your breath, too. If you’re taking a blood thinner like Coumadin (warfarin), garlic may increase its activity, causing your blood to become too thin really fast. Otherwise, garlic protects from the toxicity associated with most other medications.
Most of us are too busy to get sick. The best way to a speedy recovery is to combine garlic with andrographis. While not required, this combination puts the immune system into overdrive. Busy professionals won’t miss a single minute at the office or talking on their cell phones. Parents can use it to help their children recover quickly, too.
Andrographis was first known for its success in treating snakebites and overcoming malaria and dysentery. It’s considered to be especially effective in clearing heat from the body and blood and is commonly used in treating heart conditions that include infection in the lungs, urinary tract, and throat—think strep throat.
Within the halls of Big Pharma, modern research has proven andrographis to be beneficial at removing blood clots, stopping the spread of multiple types of cancer, and increasing the number of immune-enhancing white blood cells. Its active ingredients have been identified as andrographolides. The Journal of Ethnopharmacology recently showed andrographis to be more effective than well-known astragalus and echinacea for warding off the flu. When used to fight off respiratory tract infections and acute diarrhea, andrographis has been shown to be effective 75 percent of the time. Its direct antibiotic activity was shown to be effective at beating whooping cough and fever-inducing legionellosis, which produces pneumonia.97
Andrographis is readily available at most health-food stores. Look for it as its Chinese name Chuan xin lian or a 4 percent to 6 percent standardized extract. It’s fairly inexpensive, costing around $10.00 per bottle. A general dose is about 500 to 100 milligrams after each meal. Taking it on an empty stomach can cause cramping, so be sure to take it on a full stomach. Women should not use it if pregnant or attempting to become pregnant.
I recently got sick two weeks before being featured in a documentary titled Cut, Poison, and Burn. I freaked out. Being on camera in front of an entire film crew and speaking about complex matters is nerve-racking for me. Being sick wasn’t an option. It could have totally ruined my chances of making it past editing.
To overcome the infection fast, I quickly began putting all of the above teachings into practice. Today, I call my approach The People’s Chemist Six Action Steps for Getting Better Fast. Adhering to it, I was better in a matter of days.
Don’t let the simplicity fool you. Remember, innate and adaptive immunity involves an intricate dance of multiple cellular functions, organs, and specialized cells. All of the complicated inner workings will be finely tuned with these six action steps.
Surprisingly, the interviewer for the documentary was ill. After my shoot, we walked two blocks to a local health-food store and I found him the right garlic supplement, as well as andrographis. He followed the action steps and was blown away at how fast he recovered. “Shane, I’m feeling great. I’ve never been able to recover so fast. Thanks so much,” he wrote to me in an email.
A few weeks later, the producer contacted me. His son suffered from the Epstein-Barr virus, commonly referred to as “mono.” Lethargic, depressed, and unable to compete in sports, his son was missing school. “What did you give Louis? Would it help my son beat mono?” the producer asked. I insisted that the six action steps were his son’s first line of defense and that if we could boost his immune system, the viral symptoms could be eradicated faster than by doing nothing or playing prescription-drug roulette. I got a thank-you note shortly thereafter stating that his son was back to normal in no time, thanks to The People’s Chemist’s Six Action Steps for Getting Better Fast.
With the rise of prescription drugs and the ease with which they are prescribed, most of us face a quandary that modern man epitomizes. Should we rely on Mother Nature’s immune immune-boosting breakthroughs? Or should we rely on the stockpile of prescription drugs? Such a choice could be the difference between life and death. The answer is neither.
You should rely on your immune system and do everything in your power to preserve it and boost it naturally. The wonders of this fire wall have been all but forgotten, but it’s real, and it’s your first line of defense. If it fails, and illness becomes life threatening, prescription drugs can be a savior. But outside of this, their toxic risks and ability to enable deadly bacteria outweigh the benefits. This has been a hard lesson for people like Jennifer’s family to learn. Hopefully, it will be an easy one for you.