When you reach the end of what you should know,
you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.
—kahlil gibran, sand and foam
“How can you possibly sell it if you don’t advertise that you’re selling it?” my employee Cara asked, with incredulity and frustration. “It really doesn’t make any sense!”
We were standing at the counter of my children’s store, talking about the possibility of selling it.
“I hear you, but I feel like I have to trust my intuition,” I responded.
I had opened the store years ago, and in fact this was my second location. I had followed my intuition when I decided to switch careers and create this new business. Now, I was considering selling it. We were moving and I felt like I needed to have a fresh start and give my psychic career a real chance to blossom. It was time for the next phase of my life. But I had to sell the store first.
“I just don’t get it. You’re talking about trying to sell the store, but how are people going to know you are even offering it? It’s impossible,” Cara told me.
“I understand. It doesn’t seem like it would make sense, but I feel it in my gut—it will work out!”
I thought about my intentions. I wanted to sell my store and had very particular ideas of what I needed. Though I wasn’t sure how it would happen specifically, I intuitively knew it would. I wanted it to go to someone who would appreciate it like I did. After all, I had started the business from scratch and put a lot of love into it. I also needed to get a fair price, fair to both of us, and it needed to happen smoothly. I saw it happening in my mind like a handshake deal—smooth, honest, and easy. And, finally, it had to sell within four months. Again, I was moving and did not want to commute to work every day.
Cara continued looking at me like I’d lost my mind.
“Okay, but don’t forget—I already have a new job lined up,” she reminded me.
“Fine. I will put a sign up in the window.” I capitulated, wondering like Cara how the heck would I reach an agreement with someone otherwise.
My logical mind was stepping in, trying to take over, so I listened to it, briefly, and made a sign for the window:
Soon after, I received a few inquiries in person and on the telephone. I talked to the potential buyers, and immediately we discovered they would not be the ones to buy it. During the week, I had a couple more calls asking for details. I knew, intuitively, without even calling them back, that these parties also would not be the one to buy it. They wouldn’t love it or nurture it and it would fail.
“Listen, Melanie. This just doesn’t make sense. How can you possibly be sure that you’re not losing a sale by not returning their calls?” Cara questioned.
“I can’t explain it to you. But I know, deep down, the right person is coming. And more than that, it will all work out exactly how it’s supposed to,” I told her.
I believed this so strongly that I actually took down the sign I had put up, while Cara shook her head laughing in disbelief. I was done explaining, though, because intuitively I knew it would be proven soon enough that the perfect situation was revving up to occur.
A few days later, someone came into the store. While they were shopping, they asked if I was still selling the store. I asked them how they knew it was for sale and if they were interested.
“At your previous location I remember you saying you might possibly want to sell it in the future at some point. My mother has always talked about wanting to open a children’s consignment store like yours. This would be perfect. So, is this the future? Are you selling? My mom just retired from her job, and I’m pretty sure she is ready!”
It all happened so quickly after that. I wrote up a sales contract, and they purchased it within a month. We agreed on a fair price, and they loved it and nurtured it as I had. It was an ideal transaction and one that made me really happy.
I probably would have sold it eventually had I put an ad in the paper, but my intuition was telling me that wasn’t the way to go. I felt strongly that I would manifest the right buyer with all the right details, and I’m so pleased with the way it all happened. Listening to my intuition contributed to my bottom line and my happiness, allowing everything to go smoothly. We won’t always know the outcome if we don’t follow our gut instincts in our business or personal lives, but we will always reap the benefits when we do, and more often than not, our intuition will steer us in a positive direction.
Leveraging Your Intuition
If you could make your life easier, why wouldn’t you? Everyone utilizes tools for a variety of life challenges and jobs, so why not use a tool that you have naturally? You have an intuitive ability, an innate gift available to tap into that can help you be your badass self, with absolutely no apologies. No more waiting. You don’t need an engraved invitation, and you certainly don’t need to wait until you screw something up. That would be self-sabotaging at its finest. Well, that’s not happening—not this time. You’ve picked up this book, so you’re obviously curious. There’s no turning back. You’re ready. You are going to be more successful than you can imagine—not just in business but in your entire life! It’s time to leverage your intuition.
What exactly does it mean to leverage your intuition? Good question. When you leverage something, you are exerting some sort of influence or power over something else in order to make something better or to benefit in some way. When you leverage your intuition to increase your business acumen, you are simply using your gut instincts to help you get ahead. It doesn’t matter if the business skills you are trying to enhance are corporate, public, private, communal, or even personal; this is your life, so it’s time to rock it. When you use your natural gifts, you’ll discover how to get ahead without having to manipulate or step on others, creating mutually beneficial relationships. And when you utilize the (possibly) greatest tool you have, it increases the odds that you will succeed.
But how can we leverage something we don’t fully understand? First, you need to know what intuition is. Intuition is instinctive. It’s an intrinsic capacity to know things, through our extrasensory perception, without any concrete or conscious reason. Intuition flows through us and is already part of our lives. Sherrie Dillard, author and professional psychic, knows that “everyone is intuitive and can further develop the ability to access their most natural and innate wisdom.” 1 It’s not so much whether we are intuitive or not; rather, it’s how we acknowledge it. It can show up as a gentle murmur, or it can be persistent and almost annoying, like it’s shouting at you to listen.
Intuition has many names. Sometimes we refer to it as a parent’s intuition and describe it as the almost telepathic connection a mother or father has with their child at times. We’ve heard of a cop’s hunch. They may not call it intuition, but they will say it is good, crime-solving instinct. And, of course, there is the word psychic, which for some can conjure up images of crystal balls, flowy scarves, and giant hoop earrings but in reality is actually a more highly developed sense of intuition.
I often use the word psychic interchangeably with intuitive. While this is not totally incorrect, the two words don’t mean exactly the same thing. Intuition is something we are all born with. It is part of our natural birthright. It is something we can count on to help guide us and keep us going on the right path toward success. Psychic ability is the same thing and then some. It is a more advanced sense that goes beyond the normal intuitive gifts. Possessed by some, it is a natural propensity to have a next-level talent with extrasensory perception. Think of it this way: Whether or not we’re on key doesn’t matter. For the most part we can all sing a note. However, it doesn’t mean we will be Andrea Bocelli or Beyoncé.
I am a professional psychic and use my gifts to help people all around the world by tuning in to their lives. You too may aspire to be a professional psychic, or, more likely, you might be tuning in to your gifts to use them in business or in your personal life. Whichever way you are inclined, learning when and where to tap into your potential can get you started.
When to Use Intuition
When should you use your intuition? Always! There really is never a reason to shut it down and turn it off. Laura Day, author, intuitive, and business coach, writes, “Intuition can empower you to be productive and active in any situation.” 2 When you meet a new person and need to know who they are at their core, tune in to it. When you need to lessen risk while taking chances, you know it—tune in to your vibes. And, of course, tune in to manifest what you want! Tap into it during any type of life changes, from relationships in your personal life and business to moving around the world. How could you make such significant and meaningful changes without utilizing your metaphysical senses? When you are trying to get ahead in business, it can provide you with a leg up. Intuition helps you make better choices and directs you to make better decisions. The real question should be, when wouldn’t you use your intuition? It is powerful beyond measure.
You know how it feels if you’ve ignored that feeling down deep in your gut—when you’ve disregarded that whisper inside telling you something would not work out. You know you’ve messed up. You can feel it in your bones, and you tell yourself, “Why didn’t I pay attention? I knew this wouldn’t be a good situation!” Yup, that’s regret. It’s the abysmal knowing that you missed an opportunity. It’s what happens when you don’t listen to your intuition, and you feel like you obliterated every chance you have to succeed. I agree with Lisa Earle McLeod, author, leadership consultant, and keynote speaker, when she writes, “When you ignore your instincts, and go forward despite a slightly uncomfortable feeling in your gut, you almost always regret it.” 3 This is why, instead, you need to use your intuition—always!
Intuition doesn’t care about preference. It doesn’t care what you like or even what you want. Intuition is true north. It’s the feeling that’s backed with centuries of ancestral knowledge. Intuition doesn’t care about what’s popular or what’s trendy. Intuition calls you out on all your BS by making you feel off or uncomfortable when you are not doing the right thing. It tries to gently guide you toward your power without hitting too many potholes along the way. Intuition says, “Pay attention to me!” because if you don’t, the ripples you create will have consequences in your future.
Intuition is nonlinear. It doesn’t have a step-by-step guide that you have to follow before you can tap into it. Once you’ve absorbed and become relatively comfortable with the basics of how intuition works, you can move on to the practicalities of discovering the myriad of ways it can help you grow. Unlike taking classes at school, there are no prerequisites needed to move from one subject to another. Instead, you can think of it as kind of making lateral moves as you develop your gifts.
Maybe you’ve noticed your intuition at work already. Possibly, you’ve had an intuitive wake-up call and been surprised when your gifts showed up, or you’ve gradually noticed your instincts kicking in. It’s possible you haven’t felt it appear in your life so far but you’ve gathered that intuition could provide an advantage to help you get ahead. You can be confident all the above are fantastic. There’s no wrong time to follow your curiosity and dig in, and you certainly don’t need a huge, life-altering event to change your trajectory—unless, of course, that’s what brought you here.
Who Am I to Tell You?
I am a professional psychic, via the life-altering moment. I am one of those people who needed to be hit over the head, almost literally. I scoffed at the self-helpers, the ones who believed in the woo-woo part of life. I’ve always been intuitive, and I “read” people even before I knew I was doing at. However, I was never comfortable with being one of the sheep, one of the group of followers who believed in something just because someone told me to believe it. I was too controlling, and I knew it. I was the one who went into a reading with a psychic, whether it was a boardwalk, $10 palm reading or a $200 in-person session with someone others loved and gushed about, and wouldn’t say a word. I sat there with my arms crossed, doubting everything that came out of their mouths. I would (much later, of course) process what they said and determine whether it was specific enough to fit into what I wanted for my life, because God forbid, they told me something I didn’t like.
Before I found my true calling as a professional psychic, life coach, hypnotist, and energy healer, I was an accountant, the controller of a company, and the owner/operator of a boutique store, in that order. I am, you see, quite balanced. I am left and right brained at the same time, meaning I am part logic and part woo-woo—or more specifically, intuitive and creative. I always believed in intuition; I just never realized how often I used it in business because, after all, it was natural for me and I didn’t really analyze it that much.
Over twenty years ago, I was standing in my dining room, waiting for my sister to return to talk about the psychic reading she’d just had. Tammy had left her one-year-old with me and my newborn to go have a session with someone who wanted to teach a workshop at her healing center, and she wanted to see if the psychic was legit. The plan was that she’d go first, and if she was good, then Tammy would make an appointment for me to go see her next. Well, before that happened, I had a life-changing moment.
I had just put down my daughter and felt like I was literally hit over the head, and I heard the words, “You need to do this work now.” It was not a loud voice, but rather it was quiet and gentle. At the same time, it was very authoritative, and it instantly gave me the impression that I had to listen. With just those words, the message could have meant anything, but I knew, in the bottom of my soul, what it meant. I just didn’t believe it. I couldn’t contemplate being told to become a professional psychic.
How was that possible? I couldn’t just hang a shingle outside my door that said PSYCHIC. No way was I going to do that—or so I thought. I had always been somewhat intuitive. I’d read people, thinking that’s what everyone did, but I didn’t know that what I did was beyond the norm. Well, that was really my first big wake-up call with my intuition. I realized almost immediately that I was drawn to the possibility, in a huge way, so I set out to learn everything I possibly could about tapping into my intuition, and for me, that also meant remembering intuitive hits I had previously disregarded. And there were a lot.
When I was young, in my early teens, I had a vision in which I saw myself owning a boutique. It was a smallish, brightly colored boutique that I felt I had created from scratch. I figured it was a mistake because I was not into fashion, nor could I see myself going into the city to be a buyer. Fast-
forward to the days after that vision and prior to the revelation that I should do psychic work, and I found myself standing in the middle of my new store, a children’s consignment boutique, and it hit me—I owned a brightly colored boutique! It didn’t occur to me before that moment that it was exactly what I saw in my vision. I wasn’t in denial, per se. I just hadn’t recognized it yet for what it was. It took a while to set in. This memory helped convince me of the importance of using my intuition in business.
Trusting my intuition had come into play with actually opening my new boutique as well, though, again, I didn’t think much of it at the time. Before I quit my job as the controller of a company, I began thinking of what I could do to enable myself to be with my soon-to-be daughter and got the idea of opening the store, but I couldn’t decide. I tried to tap into my intuition, knowing I’d always had some kind of awareness, but I had no trust in my abilities. I thought my gut was telling me to quit and go for it, but I needed confirmation to actually trust that I really had tapped into my intuition. So I asked for a sign. I essentially said, “Show me something that will let me believe my vibes are real.”
A couple of days went by and I was in my office with my coworker. She was pregnant as well, due the next day. As she was walking by, I saw a little person walking next to her against the wall. The person I saw beside her had my coworker’s blonde hair and blue eyes but her husband’s features—same nose and face shape. I was taken aback for a second until I realized I was seeing the child who was to come. Sure enough, the next day the baby was born exactly as I had seen her. I realized that was my rapid confirmation my intuition was working, and soon after, I gave my notice and left to open my store.
I had it for a few years and then followed my intuition to sell it, incredible as it was, and became a professional psychic and healer. Now, with a couple of decades and numerous books under my belt, I am convinced that although I was surprised by the way it happened, I am on the right path to consistently opening myself to my ever-increasing abilities, and I am doing the work I was directed to do. I am confident that having listened to my gut instincts, I made the smart decision.
I proceeded to follow my gut instincts and signed up for classes and workshops to get me started on my journey. I realized that I had a propensity for the work and offered free readings for years until I felt comfortable enough with my gifts to become a professional.
So who am I to tell you how to leverage your intuition? To make this worthwhile, I’d better have something to offer you. And I do. I know what it means to use your intuitive abilities to help you attain your goals, and I teach people all over the world how to do just that.
Are You Full?
Do you have the wisdom to take the chance and change your life? Are you full of desire to reach your next business goal? Are you full of hope that what you’re doing could actually help you this time? Are you ready to finally trust that you’re an instinctive being who may also be powerful enough to sway the business minds of others by combining your learned, professional knowledge with your natural, inherent gifts? Are you full of enough want to give yourself the opportunity to actually thrive in business? If you’ve answered yes to all of these, you are definitely full of it, and in a great way! If not, let’s be honest: you’re lying to yourself.
We all want to succeed. We all want to live a prosperous and happy life, and—let’s face it—we want to be triumphant. We lie to ourselves about what we want because of the fear we may have that we can’t succeed or make it to the top because we are not good enough, not smart enough, not funny enough, not good-looking enough, not strong enough, not liked enough, not connected enough, or most importantly, just not deserving enough. I am here to tell you that voice that holds you back, that rope that is pulling you back into the bowels of your own life, is bullshit. You can control it, quiet it down, cut yourself free from the boundaries, and soar. You are full of everything you need to achieve it all.
We can have whatever we wish for. Really, it can happen! When we believe in the possibility enough, we can manifest it all. Though manifestation is not the same as intuition, it is like anything else—you can miss out on the opportunity to create what you want if you ignore your own abilities. So for no other reason, maybe, than for your own sake, put aside any negativity and open your mind to what can be an amazing gift. Manifesting is an important aspect of believing in the powerful connections we have to each other and to life, and we can take advantage of this to a greater degree when we better comprehend our extrasensory gifts. Our intentions can absolutely direct what we create, but first we must believe we are worthy.
Why do so many of us believe we actually can’t be enough? Why is it we feel we have to apologize when we achieve something maybe above or beyond what our friends may have accomplished? Possibly because we’ve been programmed to slow our roll; we don’t want to get too full of ourselves. But why not? Why not be successful, and more importantly, why not use every tool, including intuitive tools, in our arsenal to do it? Your intuition is one of your strengths. It is something everyone has access to but not everyone utilizes. Why? Sometimes it’s as simple as the disbelief that it can actually work or that intuition is real. Here’s the deal: intuition is like your superpower. Would you apologize for that? I don’t think so. You better be sure you’re not apologizing for taking advantage of your natural intuitive gifts!
What You Have to Look Forward To
We are in an age when developing one’s intuition has become more common. This is partly because people are opening up naturally and partly because people realize the benefits of tuning in. There is an increase in the quest for knowledge—people want to know how to tune in for themselves and are reading more books on the topic and investing in workshops and teachers. You can pick out the right methods for you from those provided within these pages. From practicing using your intuitive senses to protecting yourself energetically, you’ll find everything you need.
One main reason to jump in and develop your intuitive senses is so you can learn how to naturally read people, understanding where they are coming from and what motivates them. This will increase your leverage in business as well as your personal life. Knowing who you can trust can help you create and build relationships and partnerships. This gift will help strengthen and increase your power. It can also teach you the best way to win people over, in a good way, and even influence them, as well as alternatively listening to others when your intuition tells you that their ideas may be better. This knowledge, this ability, will also give you wisdom to know when to walk away from something or someone so you can welcome in better energy.
We’ve all heard of energy—the energy that runs our electricity or fuels our hot water (thank goodness for warm showers!) and the fuel that burns as energy to heat our homes and enable us to drive our cars. There’s also the physical energy that we use to exercise or play sports. Some of us have so much energy we can run marathons. There is other energy, though: the metaphysical kind that can be manipulated and adapted to help you help yourself and others. It can sway you to finish projects and stop self-sabotaging and even persuade others. And, yes, it connects you to all living things, and these associations bring benefits. This energy connects us to our spiritual realm, filled with the messengers that bring you metaphysical knowledge. We need only be open enough to receive it and learn to interpret it.
We don’t always recognize or understand our intuitive nudges. That’s okay. Intuition will continue coming through any way it can, often using symbols to represent things that are familiar to you. To further your intuitive wisdom, you can create your own symbols journal to give you ongoing access to interpreting psychic messages. If you’re still unaware of the extrasensory messages that are coming to you, go take a nap, literally. Your intuition often comes through in dreams and sometimes, unfortunately, as nightmares. Your subconscious provides an opening for symbolic messages, which may not be accessible while awake, to come in, though there are other ways to utilize your symbolic imagery during your conscious states as well.
During the cognizant moments, we recognize symbols through signs and synchronistic events. These are more tangible, easier ways to substantiate messages. Often, for people who have never experienced psychic phenomena, this will be their first introduction. This method seems to alleviate some of the doubt that it’s imagination because they are external messages. Signs and synchronicities can be easier to recognize and seemingly less invasive when we are trying to tune in to situations or people, even if we have a hard time discerning the information otherwise. They can help validate our intuitive nudges.
We are all unique—we will all experience growth and the opportunity to see beyond our everyday existence in our own way, in our own time. But when we consciously acknowledge the universe sending us messages, we begin to let go of our self-imposed limitations. Instead, we broaden our scope of wisdom, and the challenges we face become alleviated. We have our superpower, our intuition, for illumination to light our way through self-discovery.
Part of that journey involves stepping out of our comfort zone and tapping into our intuition to heighten our judgment of which chances to take. Tuning in minimizes risks by removing fear of failure and instead increases your potential of success. Leveraging your intuition can influence your decision-making by giving you more information than you would have had with just your physical senses. Your intuitive vibes initiate a stronger platform for you to move forward in the right direction. But, of course, it’s not just about you. It’s also about how you work with others.
Tapping into others’ energy, using your intuition, is one of the best ways to show people they and their opinions matter. But what do they want? What do your customers, bosses, spouses, peers, and even friends want from you? Sometimes, more importantly, how can you get them to want what you’re selling? This presents you with a great opportunity to consider using your intuition. You need to draw out their desires by perceiving exactly what would make them want to spend their money, their time, and even their energy on what you have to offer. You have to make them feel like they need what you suggest. This is how marketing works: in essence, understanding what they want, often before they do, so you can give it to them and lead you both to success. When you market your stuff, it’s essential they are interested. Tapping into what turns them on is the only way to make it a win-win situation.
First, though, land that job or that partner. Figuring out what the new prospective boss wants will give you a leg up over the other guy who is interviewing for the same position or contract. On the flip side, when you trust the vibes you are picking up off your employees, it makes it easier to understand where they are coming from and what will make them productive for you. And, remember, and I mean this in the best possible way, if you make them happy, you’re happy. Plainly stated, tap into your intuition and you’ll both be pleased.
It’s easy to say using your intuition for yourself is a key component to being successful in business and life. But, to what extent should you use your intuition? Go all in! Celebrate your successes and even your failures—there is nothing better than learning from where you went wrong and stepping it up the next time to change the outcome. Nobody is ever 100 percent accurate when utilizing their natural intuitive gifts, but you will be 0 percent if you never use your innate abilities.
You need to practice using those gifts, and within these pages you’ll have plenty of opportunities. Here’s the thing about the exercises: these are only examples to use. They may or may not relate to you and your life. The circumstances are general and can be altered to fit what works for you. Feel free to adjust them so they make sense in your life. They are suggestions on how to access your gifts and will help you understand what type of method you can use in a particular situation to gain insight. Each person will resonate differently with each exercise as well as each type of intuitive ability. You’ll discover this as you work your way through.
What it all comes down to is this: Do you want to be a badass in business and life? Do you want to be unapologetic for employing every faculty you can? Do you want to be successful in every area of your life? If you said yes, then you are ready to put your intuition to work.
1. Sherrie Dillard, You Are Psychic: Develop Your Natural Intuition through Your Psychic Type (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2018), 16.
2. Laura Day, Practical Intuition: How to Harness the Power of Your Instinct and Make It Work for You (New York: Broadway Books, 1997), 12.
3. Lisa Earle McLeod, “How to Leverage Intuition in Decision-Making,” HuffPost, last modified November 24, 2014, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-leverage-intuition_b_5868488.