Acemoglu, Daron 100
adaptation, in markets 60 61
Agamben, Giorgio 2
aggregation, logic of 107 110
AGIL concept (Parsons) 62
altruism, social justice 33
American Dream 98 99 , 114 , 120 121 , 125
Anglo-Saxon liberals 6
anomie concept 84 , 103 104 , 107
anthropology, Polanyi's analysis 18 19 , 20 , 22 , 29
Aquinas, Thomas 2
Aristotle 2 , 32 , 61
Arrow, Kenneth 3 4
Artadi, Elsa 100
Assmann, Jan 63
automation 122
autonomy, individuals 43 45 , 67
axial age 64
axial civilisations 116 117 , 118
balanced reciprocity 45
Barber, Benjamin 41 , 87 , 118
Beck, Ulrich 111 112
Beckert, Jens 41 , 47 48
Bellah, Robert 118
Benjamin, Walter 2
Berger, Peter 68 , 79
Block, Fred 19 , 20 , 21
Blumenberg, Hans 9
Böhm, Franz 5
Braudel, Fernand 46
Bretton Woods system 21 22 , 38 39 , 54
Bright, Charles 87
Burckhardt, Jacob 8
capital form of money 77
capitalism: credit 110 ; crises 21 22 ; disembedding of markets 1 2 , 12 13 ; double movement 19 21 , 22 , 25 ; economic theology 6 8 ; functional equivalence with religion 80 89 , 116 117 ; future of 120 126 ; globalisation 39 41 ; growth 97 ; innovation 84 85 , 90 91 , 92 ; logic of action 105 107 ; logic of aggregation 107 110 ; logic of the situation 97 104 ; mobilities 111 112 , 114 ; modernity and religion 67 70 ; Polanyi 19 22 , 28 29 ; self-representation 77 78 , 79 ; social class 49 51 ; social disembedding 45 ; trust and belief 77 78 ; uncertainty management 89 92 ; universality of markets 83 85
capitalist creative destruction 13 , 26 , 80 , 94 , 119
Casanova, José 68
Castells, Manuel 39 , 41
Chamberlin, Edward 106
change, perception of 57 58
Christian eschatology 6 , 7
civil religion 62 , 67
civil rights, free markets 32
civilizations, globalisation 41 42 , 116 117
C-M-C 47
collective bargaining 6
collective identity, capitalism 79 80
collective identity, religion 64 , 67 , 73 74
commodity forms 23 24 , 77
common good 13
communitarian approaches 126
competition in markets 106 107
consumerism, religion 69
contingency: capitalism 80 , 110 ; religion 14 , 80
cooperative models 125
core, world system theory 39
cosmopolitanism 44 , 86 89
creative destruction 13 , 26 , 80 , 94 , 119
creativity: capitalism 97 , 105 ; labour theory of value 72 73 ; material disembedding 47 50 ; pureness 51 52 ; as term 86
credit: capitalism 110 ; material disembedding 52 53 ; temporal disembedding 57 58
crises: capitalism 21 22 ; financialisation 113 114 ; self-regulation 53 54
critical theory 22 , 30 31 , 81
cultural context: globalisation 41 42 , 87 , 116 117 ; religion 64 65 ; religious pluralism 68 69
cultural framings, capitalism 102 104
cultural value system 62
culturalist bias 11
Debreu, Gerard 3 4
demonic, conceptions of 91
denationalised money 53 54
developing world 121
Dewey, John 47 48 , 105 , 107
digital technologies 122
disembedding of markets 1 2 ; expansion of options 12 13 ; historical context 35 37 ; material disembedding 46 54 ; self-representation 71 78 ; social disembedding 42 46 ; temporal disembedding 55 58 ; as term 11 12 , 37 ; territorial disembedding 38 42
disruptive innovation 51 52
double movement of capitalism 19 21 , 22 , 25
double-bind dilemma 84 , 98 , 102
Durkheim, Emile: character of religious representations 73 ; organic solidarity 61 62 ; primitive societies 63 ; religion as sociality 14 , 15 , 61 62 ; self-representation, role of religion 69
Durkheimian institutions 81 , 85 , 118
dynamic multi-level analysis (DMA) 96
ecological degradation 119 ; see also sustainability
economic growth see growth
economic man 18 , 19 , 21
economic prophets 55 56
economic sociology 45 , 83 , 116
economic theology 1 11
economy, as term 2
ego, collective identity 73 74
elevator effect 111 112
Elster, Jon 61
embeddedness: Polanyi 18 29 ; as term 11 ; see also disembedding of markets
embourgeoisement 104
empowerment, as term 86
entrepreneurship: future of 119 120 , 122 123 ; industrial revolution 48 49 ; innovation 48 49 , 96 , 97 , 103 104 , 107 111 ; logic of action 105 107 ; logic of aggregation 107 110 ; logic of the situation 97 104 ; multi-level analysis 96 ; social class 98 99 , 103 104 , 111 114 ; as term 86
environmental impacts of capitalism 118 119 ; see also sustainability
equilibrium theory 3 5
Esser, Hartmut 102
Eucken, Walter 5
exchange of use values 47
exclusive humanism 10
factors of production 46
family structures 101 102
Ferguson, Adam 31
fictitious commodities: land 52 , 54 , 124 ; material disembedding 52 , 54 ; Polanyi 19 20 , 24 26 ; temporal disembedding 57
financial crises see crises
financial markets: investment opportunities 113 , 123 125 ; self-regulation 53 54
financialisation 110 114 , 119
Foucault, Michel 86
free markets: civil rights 32 33 ; equilibrium theory 4 5 ; financial markets 124 ; laissez faire 36 ; social class 81 82
free work contract 47 , 49
Freeman, Christopher 109 , 110
functional differentiation approach 60 62 , 71 72 , 75 76
gender roles 101 102
general equilibrium 3 4
generalised reciprocity 45 , 50
Geyer, Michael 87
Giddens, Anthony 71
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 99 , 113
globalisation: capitalism 39 41 ; disembedding of markets 12 13 ; liberalism 22 ; money 37 ; sceptics of 87 89 ; transnational class 86 87 ; world system theory 39 ; world-society 116 117
globalization-trilemma 41
gold standard 26 27 , 53
government intervention: Anglo-Saxon liberals 6 ; land 54 ; ordoliberalism 5 6
Grampp, William 35 36
Granovetter, Mark 83 , 116
Great Depression 27
Great Transformation: capitalism 22 ; civil society 36 ; embeddedness and fictitious commodities 19 ; growth 26 ; labour market 53 ; markets 29 ; material disembedding 47
green economy 56 , 91 92
Grotius, Hugo 10
growth: credit 57 ; financial assets and investment opportunities 113 ; future of 121 ; Great Transformation 26 ; historical context 95 ; innovation 94 , 95 96 ; institutional theories 100 ; and social mobility 111 , 114 ; sustainable economy 91 92
Habermas, Jürgen: collective identity 73 74 ; lifeworld 30 , 85 86 ; secularisation 9
Hayek, Friedrich: denationalised money 53 54 ; disembedded markets 80 ; equilibrium theory 4 5 ; growth 96 ; markets as a process of discovery 73 , 80 ; social norms 84
Hegel, Georg Wilhlem Friedrich 72
hegemony of religion 64 65
historical context: ambiguities in Polanyi's analysis 18 29 ; disembedding of markets 35 37 ; growth 95 ; material disembedding 46 54 ; social disembedding 42 46 ; social system, markets as 30 33 ; temporal disembedding 55 58 ; territorial disembedding 38 42
historical materialism 72
Hochschild, Arlie 114 , 120 121
homo economicus 18 , 19 , 21
household economy 2
household work 42 43
humanism 10 11
Huntington, Samuel 41
immanent frame 10
individual autonomy 43 45 , 67
individualism: equilibrium theory 5 ; secularisation 10
individuality 43 , 125
industrial revolution: capitalism 89 90 ; entrepreneurship 48 49 ; markets 35 ; material disembedding 53 ; social class 50
inequalities: disembedding of markets 81 ; entrepreneurship 104 ; financialisation 123 ; market liberalism 33 ; social class 98 99 , 114
information economy 39
innovation: capitalism 84 85 , 90 91 , 92 ; entrepreneurship 48 49 , 96 , 97 , 103 104 , 107 111 ; growth 94 , 95 96 ; material disembedding 48 49 , 51 52 ; profit 97 ; temporal dimension 56
institutional economics 6 7
institutional theories of growth 100
institutionalisation, entrepreneurship 109
institutionalised value system 62
institutionally specialised religion 64 66 , 67 , 70 , 79
intellectualisation of religious belief 64
interest rates 113 114 , 124
intrapreneurship 104 , 122
investment opportunities 113 , 123 125
invisible hand 3 4 , 33
Jihad 87 , 118
Joas, Hans 47 48
justice, and liberalism 32 33
Knafo, Samuel 27 , 53
Knight, Frank 96
Konings, Martijn 37
Kontratieff, Nikolai 109 110
Koselleck, Reinhart 57 58
Krippner, Greta 116
Kuhn, Thomas 108
labour market: capitalism 84 , 122 123 ; Great Transformation 53 ; institutional regulation 101 ; material disembedding 47 ; outsourcing of household work 42 43 ; Polanyi 24 , 25 26 ; property rights 122 ; social class 49 51
labour theory of value 72 73
laissez faire 20 , 22
land: investment opportunities 123 124 ; material disembedding 46 47 , 52 , 54
land-value tax 54
Lester, Richard 106
liberalism: markets 21 , 32 33 , 35 ; ordoliberalism 5 6 ; self-regulation 20 22 ; social system, markets as 30 33
lifeworld 30 , 85 86
Locke, John 10
lock-in, entrepreneurship 109
logic of action 105 107
logic of aggregation 107 110
logic of the situation 97 104
Louca, Francisco 110
love, universality of markets 45
Löwith, Karl 8 9
Luckmann, Thomas 70 , 79
Luhmann, Niklas: collective identity 64 ; disembedding 71 72 ; epistemological paradox 72 , 74 76 ; functional differentiation approach 61 , 62 63 , 65
Lukács, Georg 72
Malthus, Thomas 89
managerial revolution 123
Manow, Philip 6
market exchange 23 , 31 , 37 , 83
market liberalism 21 , 32 33 , 35
market paradox 7
markets: equilibrium theory 4 5 ; Polanyi 18 19 ; in religion 69 70 ; as sub-system of society 13 , 37 , 60 66 ; see also disembedding of markets ; social system, markets as
Marxism: C-M-C and M-C-M 47 , 55 ; historical materialism 72 ; money 37 ; Polanyi's analysis 19 , 22 , 29 ; property rights 126 ; universal individuality 125
material dimension, markets 22 23 , 24 26
material disembedding 46 54 , 121 122
materialism 2
M-C-M 47 , 55
McWorld 87 , 118
Mead, George Herbert 31 , 73 74 , 82
media: contemporary market environment 86 ; social lifeworld 30
mercantilism 22 , 23
Merton, Robert: anomie concept 84 , 103 104 , 107 ; entrepreneurship 87 ; functional analysis 61 , 63
meta-paradigms 109 110
Meyer, John 41
migration, and social mobility 112 113
miracles 90
mobilities: and growth 111 ; social class 98 99 , 111 112 , 120 121 ; social disembedding 42 , 45 46 ; temporal disembedding 55 56 ; territorial disembedding 38
modernity, capitalism and religion 67 70
money: functional differentiation approach 61 ; individual autonomy 44 45 ; material disembedding 46 47 , 51 , 52 53 ; as medium 36 37 ; self-regulation 75 ; social disembedding 43 45 ; as socially integrating device 81 82 ; temporal disembedding 57 58 ; trust and belief 75
monopolistic competition 106
monotheistic religions 64 65
moral minimalism of markets 33 , 45 , 83
Müller-Armack, Alfred 5 , 6
multi-level analysis 96
mutual adaptation, entrepreneurship 105 106
nation state: globalisation 87 ; and territorial disembedding 40 41
nationalist political movements 87 88
natural order of markets 33
necessity-based entrepreneurship 99
Nelson, Benjamin 117
Nelson, Robert 6 7 , 8 , 13 , 78
neoliberalism 36 , 86
network approach 41
niches, entrepreneurship 106 107
North, Douglass 100
oikonomia 2 , 7 8 , 13
opportunity-based entrepreneurship 99
ordoliberalism 5 6
organic solidarity 61 62
otherhood 117 118
paleo-liberalism 5
Pareto optimality 4
Parsons, Talcott 61 , 62 , 118
path consolidation, entrepreneurship 109
path creation, entrepreneurship 109
Perelman, Michael 42
Perez, Carlota 109
periphery, world system theory 39
Piketty, Thomas 112
Piore, Michael 106
pluralism, religious 68 69
Polanyi, Karl: ambiguities in analysis 18 29 ; as disembedding theorist 15 , 18 ; embeddedness 11 ; liberalism as militant creed 36 ; social system, markets as 18 , 21 , 22 , 28 29 , 30 ; socially embedded economic action 116 ; stark utopia 45 ; Taylor's analysis 10 ; technocratic system 81
Polanyi-Levitt, Kari 19
political theology 1
price signals 4 5
Priddat, Birger 7 , 8
primitive accumulation 42
private property rights: future of 126 ; growth 121 122 ; individualism 85 ; institutional structures 100 ; money 36 ; Polanyi 22 , 28 ; social system 31 , 32
private sector, social disembedding 43
productivity growth 95 ; see also growth
profit 97
property, material disembedding 46 47
property rights see private property rights
prophecy effects 55 56
‘prosperity gospel’ 69
Prussia 49
public sector, social disembedding 43
quantitative easing 113 114 , 124
racist stereotyping 120
radical system functionalism 61
rational choice (RC) theories 47 48 , 96 , 105 106
rational knowledge 67
reciprocity 45 , 50
religion: economic theology 1 3 ; functional equivalence with capitalism 80 89 , 116 117 ; institutionally specialised 64 66 , 67 , 70 , 79 ; modernity and capitalism 67 70 ; self-representation 60 66 , 72 ; social character 14 ; sociology of 14 15 ; vs. theology 7 ; trust and belief 77 78
religious pluralism 68 69
religious values 62 63
Ricardo, David 72 73
Riesebrodt, Martin 14
Robinson, James 100
Rodrik, Dani 126
Röpke, Wilhelm 5
Rosa, Hartmut 56 57
Rüstow, Alexander 5 , 36
Sahlins, Marshall 45
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier 100
salvation 9 , 86 , 91
scarcity, in markets 60 61
Schmitt, Carl 1
Schumpeter, Joseph: creative destruction 13 ; creativity 97 , 105 ; entrepreneurship 120 ; gender roles 101 ; growth 96 ; innovation 48 , 97 ; social norms 84
Schütz, Alfred 55 , 102 103
secular rationalisation 63
secularisation: capitalism 6 , 7 ; contemporary context 8 11 ; criticism of theory 68 ; intellectualisation of religious belief 64 ; role of economic science 8 9
self-descriptions 74 75 , 76 77
self-fulfilment, as term 86
self-interest 5 , 7 , 31 32 , 33
self-regulation: financial markets 53 54 ; money 75 76 ; Polanyi 19 22 , 24 , 25 , 26
self-representation: dilemma of society 71 78 ; disembedded markets as 79 92 ; role of religion 60 66 , 72
Simmel, Georg: money 44 45 , 61 , 81 82 ; religious imagination 14
Sisyphean task 91 , 97
slavery 24 , 47
Smith, Adam: free markets 33 ; historical context 35 ; innovation 49 ; technical system, markets as 31 , 32 ; theology in economics 3 4 , 7 8
social class: capital and labour 49 51 ; entrepreneurship 98 99 , 103 104 ; historical context 35 ; mobilities 98 99 , 111 112 , 120 121 ; money 81 82 ; structural conditions 98 99 ; transnational class 86 87
social cohesion 62
social dimension, markets 22 27
social disembedding 42 46
social division of labor 42 , 55
social justice 33
social lifeworld 30 , 85 86
social norms 84
social policy interventions 6
social system, markets as: liberal narrative 30 33 ; Polanyi 18 , 21 , 22 , 28 29 , 30
social theory 11 , 60 66 , 72
social value spheres 62
socially embedded economic action 116
socially necessary labour 73
societal boundary management 70 , 80 89
society, markets as sub-system 13 , 37 , 60 66
society, universality of 116 117
sociology of religion 14 15
Sombart, Werner 97
spatial disembedding see territorial disembedding
spirit beliefs 63
Stark, David 106
stark utopia 21 , 45 , 60 , 118
state see government intervention ; nation state
stereotyping 120
Streeck, Wolfgang 21 , 85 , 118 , 121
structural background, financialisation 110 114
structural conditions, logic of the situation 97 104
structural-functionalist approach 61
subjective framings, capitalism 102 104
subtraction stories 10 11
sustainability 56 , 91 92
sustainable capitalism 113 114 ; see also environmental impacts of capitalism
symbolic self-representation 64 65
symbolic universe 79
symbolically generalised media 76
system theory 61 , 71 72
systemic autopoiesis 61
Tawney, Richard 10
taxation, land-value 54
Taylor, Charles 9 11 , 12
technical system, markets as 23 , 28 , 30 32
technological automation 122
technological paradigm 107 110
temporal dimension, markets 23 , 27 28
temporal disembedding 55 58
territorial dimension, markets 22 27
territorial disembedding 38 42
theology: economic theology 1 11 ; in economics 3 4 , 11 ; ordoliberalism 5 ; political theology 1 ; vs. religion 7 ; see also religion
Tillich, Paul 91
totemism 61
trade, territorial disembedding 38 40
transnational class 86 87
transnational trade 38 40
Turner, Bryan 69
universal individuality 125
universality in religion 64 65
universality of markets 22 24 , 37 , 45 , 80 89 , 116 , 125 126
universality of society 116 117
usury 117
utilitarianism 2
Viner, Jacob 6 7
vision, entrepreneurship 108 109
Vogl, Joseph 13 , 30
Weber, Max: capitalist system 2 ; contingency 14 ; institutionally specialised religion 67 ; money, role of 81 82 ; secular rationalisation 63 ; secularisation 10 ; social value spheres 62 ; sociology of religion 15
William of Auxerre 2
Williamsonian institutions 85 , 118
work contracts 47 , 49
world system theory 39
world-society 116 117